Reborn as a Bombshell In MHA

Chapter 14: Going Home and Weird Kid.

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Sayo and her uncle talked with Joseph and Serah until their jet hovered down to pick them up. When it landed in the middle of the wrecked base Sayo, her uncle and her pets got up. Sayo turned to Joseph and Serah. 

"Joseph Serah, good luck out there."

Joseph looked at Sayo and chuckled. 

"Talk like that and I think you're raising a death flag. Take care little lady, if I am alive in the future I owe you a drink." 

Serah smacked him on the head. 

"Boss, she is 10."

Tony laughed as he ruffled Sayo's hair. He was 6'5 while she was 5'8. 

"I don't think any normal liquor will even tickle her liver." 

Joseph changed his mind. 

"I take that back, liquor that can effect people like you cost a shit ton." 

Sayo just smiled. 

"It's fine, just take care." 

Tony, Sayo and her pets walked into the open jet as they had to leave anyway. Boris was already waiting and the moment they were on board he began the flight back to Japan. Just when Sayo relaxed a bit she stumbled a bit and fell on one knee. She exhaled deeply so Tony offered her a hand up.

"I am ok, just tired."

She took his hand while he gave her some encouraging words.

"Even the best of the best get overwhelmed in these situations not to mention a kid. Just take it easy as this was the first time you pushed your vital energy this far. Here." 

He handed her a energy bar which she took. 

"That is super condensed super food. Really useful when you have quirks that need a lot of energy." 

Sayo took the bar and opened it to eat. Turned out it was peanut butter and chocolate flavor.

"These would be super useful to have." 

Tony decided to give her some more. 

"I will get you some as your quirk is a energy sink. A couple of these will keep you going and fighting for a while. Will you be alright though?" 

She nodded. 

"Yeah I am fine. Not the first time I took a life." 

Tony sat down as she was fine. Sayo was curious of something. 

"Hey, does aunty know about us? The Black Hand I mean."

Tony nodded. 

"Yeah, she never liked heroes as one of them caused the death of her family during a fight. Her home collapsed on her family and was the only survivor. I told her at the start of our relationship when I was sure I could trust her. As for our kids, they are barely older than you."

"And unlike me, they are normal kids right?"

"Yup, I have not lied to them and told them what I do. They understand the gist of it,  and are coming around to the idea. Maybe you can help me convince your cousins to join."

"I can try."

Boris watched how his master and his niece seemed more like two adults than one kid. Sayo was just too mature and the way she spoke was like a young adult.  Well, Sayo was 29 mentally and her brain and body were matching up to it. However she was still 10 so there was her growth spurt to wait.

When they arrived in Japan they once again got into one of Tony's many sports cars, but Boris stayed behind. He had some work to do on the Jet and he did not even say goodbye to either of them. Sayo with her pets on her lap turned to her uncle. 

"Is Boris like that all the time?" 

He nodded. 

"Yeah, that is normal. Can you end a debate between my father and me Sayo?" 


"SUVs, or sport cars?" 

She preferred SUVs. 

"SUVs, grandpa's choice in vehicles is cooler."

Tony slumped but Sayo merely hugged Nyx, and Koba as they were shrunk down.  As for Maximus, he was in the backseat with his head sticking out the window. Tony silently sulked all the drive to Sayo's house. When he arrived the gate opened up so he parked his car. Sayo and her pets got out of the car to go back inside.

Once they were out of the car Nyx and Koba returned to their full size. They only did that for transport so they would not be doing that. Maximus was still big enough to get in vehicles so he was fine. Sayo looked at her uncle who seemed ready to leave. 

"Uncle you coming inside?"

"Nope, I am not dealing with your mother. See you Sayo, my father is planning to introduce you too a brand new team. There are solo members, but they are the minority. That fine with you?"

"As long as they strong." 

"That is without a doubt. Be seeing you." 

He waved and drove off to avoid her mother.  Sayo sighed and walked toward the large door of the house. She had replaced them all with large sliding doors so that Koba could fit. The door opened up when it scanned them all and identified them. They slid wide open with enough space for even Koba to fit through. 

She looked at her pets with a smile. 

"Here is to hoping no one questions where I was." 

Maximus, Koba and Nyx all  nodded. While they could not talk they were smarter than any animal so they cold understand her. When they walked the first thing she saw was her mom was passing back and forth. When Akinari got back and found Sayo and her pets gone she had called, but got no answer. She asked Bryan and Sayo's personal security detail who said that she had gone out on her own. 

She knew how strong her daughter was, but she was still her mother. It had been hours and now it was 2 in the morning and just now she arrived. When Akinari saw Sayo she rushed toward her and got her in a tight hug. As Sayo was taller than her mother she had to look down. 

"Mom? What is wrong?" 

"Where were you? You left with out telling anyone and even Bryan or Sebes did not know where you were. Do you know how worried I was?" 

Sayo did not expect that reaction. 

"I took Koba, Maximus, and Nyx with me and I was with Uncle Tony. Why are you worried?" 

"You and Tony never answered your phones. Why?"

Sayo frowned a bit as this was weird. 

"We turned them off because he took me to a restaurant back in New York. He took me to visit grandpa so we went to a restaurant."

Akinari sighed.

"I would appreciate a notice." 


Akinari knew that Sayo did not think like a kind, but that was still her daughter. 

"I am your mother and I get worried." 

Sayo sighed. 

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"I will let you know when I leave?" 

Akinari smiled. 

"That is all I ask?" 


She  walked upstairs followed by her three pets. Akinari sighed as Sayo was always a handful. She wanted to think of her daughter as a child, but she was dealing with an adult. It made raising her both easy and troublesome, but she would not change Sayo even if she could. When Sayo entered her room the sliding door opened for her and her pets.

Once they were in she set it to locked mode behind them. She sighed and got out of her clothes before she entered her shower. She turned on the cold water as she did not want to leave even a trace amount of blood smell.  Maximus, Koba and Nyx got on the bed waiting for her, but as Sayo showered she remembered a tradition of Akira's family. 

They always got a tattoo after a successful job so she needed to find a place to get it. When she got out of the shower she dried off and put on a tank top and a pair of shorts. Once she was done she jumped in bed with her three loyal pets. She reached out and ran her hand down Koba's back feeling the hump of muscle on his shoulders. 

"Truly a magnificent animal." 

Maximus and Nyx felt ignored and nudged her with their snouts. 

"Sorry, Not my intention to ignore two." 

She scratched Nyx's chin which the tigress loved. As for Maximus he loved it when she scratched right behind his right leg. It was his tickle spot and it made him kick. She did this for a couple of minutes before she laid down and looked at the ceiling of her room. 

"All in a good day." 

She closed her eyes and fell to sleep. Her pets snuggled up with her which looked quite funny. They were giant creatures and yet they were so gentle when around their master. The next morning she sat up and got out of bed. Her pets followed her as she changed out of her clothes and put on a black bra. She had started to wear them as it was getting kind of annoying being without one. After that she put on her usual t shirt, and a black hoodie over that. She wore a pair of jeans and her shoes. 

"Who wants to go for a walk?" 

Koba, Nyx and Maximus would not say no to a walk. They liked walking through the city and causing a quick stir as seeing a two ton bear, a giant tiger and a giant dog walking around was so fun. 

"Nyx, could you sneak us out."

Nyx turned into shadows and took Maximus, Koba and Sayo with her to leave the estate. When they were outside the main gate she reformed them all again. Sayo had grabbed their vests and put them on each of them to show they were licensed. Otherwise cops and heroes would bug her. They would do it regardless, but it was better to have some legal identity for her pets. 

"Let's go." 

Sayo had no real destination in mind a she just walked through the city with out a goal in mind. She was pretty much going on a giant tour on foot. She went into restaurants, clothes stores, and even a tattoo parlor she found online. Apparently the guy who worked there  had a quirk specialized just for tattooing so she went in and talked with the guy. 

Her pets waited outside for her while she got to know who was doing the tattoos and how much he charged around 400 dollars an hour. She scheduled her appointment for next month and she had a tattoo in mind. One that Akira had. Once that was done she left the place in a good mood.

Just as she was going to leave she saw a hero walk toward her. He was no one famous so she decided to just hear him out. 

"Can I help you?" 

He crossed his arms as he looked at Maximus, Koba and Nyx. 

"Young lady, why are you bringing around these animals around?" 

She looked at her pets who treated the man as air. 

"Because I am in my legal right to do so. See the vests? They are service animals, my body guards if you will." 

The hero could tell it was legit so he decided to back off. 

"Alright, I was just coming to confirm. People reported three giant animals walking around with a girl so I just needed to know. What would you need body guards though?" 

"I am rich." 

"Oh, carry on." 

She motioned with her hand and got her pets to follow behind her leaving the hero behind. She was already quite far from her house and now in the suburbs. 

"Wow, haven't been here in years." 

Even as Akira, they were wealthy and never had to live here. So she kind of saw it as a sight to see for her being so rich all her life. Just then she heard someone running toward her. Her pets turned in that direction and she saw a green haired kid. He was really short, scrawny, had freckles and honestly just kid like. 

"WOW, how big? Do your pets have quirks?" 

Sayo nodded.

"Uh, yeah."

"Wow, what are their quirks?" 

Sayo rubbed the back of her head as she told him. It was not a secret anyway. 

"This is Maximus, his quirk is called Rage Conversion . He turns rage into power making stronger, larger and faster. This is Nyx, she can control, manipulate and use shadows. Now this is Koba who can control, turn into, and make use of massive amounts of magma." 


She saw his eyes shine which meant he either liked quirks or animals. If he was the latter she would see him in a better light. 

"Do you also like animals?" 

Midoriya paused. 

"I like them the same as anyone else. I wanted to know about quirks as I don't have one. I am quirkless and I want to be a hero." 

Sayo had never met a quirkless in her life.

"Wow, your kind are rare these days?" 


Sayo shrugged.

"Quirks make people evolve, you are quirkless and normal. So you are a regular unevolved human. So I think those with quirks are evolved or chaged.  My calling your kind rare. Just plain human. Nothing wrong with that though." 

Midoriya sighed that she did not consider him a inferior species. He had heard those comments too much. 

"Can I ask you a question miss?" 

"Sure, what is it?" 

"Can I also be a hero?" 

Sayo shrugged. 

"I don't know, that is for you to figure out. If you want it just do your best to acquire it. Like if you wanted money you should do what you can to make money. In this case just do what you can. I got to get going, but see you around." 

She began to walk away, but Midoria called out to her. 

"Excuse me, what is your name?" 

"Sayo H. Mackenzee. If you do want to be a hero that bad, join U.A. Or try at least. Efforts usually pay off so do what you can." 

That seemed to have set off a mental change in Midoriya as he looked at Sayo walking away with her pets. He clenched his hand and looked to the sky. 

'I can do this.' 

She met him by chance, but she did not even know she helped him greatly. She did not even know who he was so that was her good deed for the day. That was all. 

(MY Hero did not exist in Akira's Earth.)

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