Reborn as a Bombshell In MHA

Chapter 15: Special Tatoo.

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Her meeting with the quirkless kid went to the back of Sayo's mind as that did not seem to be an entirely big event. She saw a rarity in the human race as the amount of quirkless people was falling with each generation. That was because quirkless people were discriminated against heavily, looked down upon, and often than not treated the same as everyone. Sayo saw that as a result of people admiring the power full and looking down on the weak. 

Either way, as she already had her appointment scheduled for her tattoo and as she offered to pay more she got moved up the list. That was today, but when she got up, she did not tell her family of what she had planned. It might get her a scolding from her mother, but that was all. Plus she was technically treated as an adult by her father. She changed into something she usually wore: a black tank top, a red hoodie with the sleeves removed, a pair of black and blue shorts, and her usual pair of shoes. 

She did stop by at breakfast as she was the only one of her siblings who did not go to school anymore. That made Michael jealous as he did not like school at all. He sat right next to her as she and her three pets dug into their food. He glanced over at his sister with squinted eyes. Sayo glanced down at him with a smile. 

"Why are you staring? Do I look that good?" 

He pointed at her chest. 

"Your boobs got bigger. I think you need a bigger bra." 

Akinari scolded him and grabbed his ear. 

"Michael, don't say that." 

"OW! But it's true." 

Sayo realized that was why her bra felt tighter than usual. 

"I see. Thank for the heads up." 

Akio and Akimitsu rolled their eyes. Michael had zero filters on his mouth and he had gotten in trouble at school because he called teachers out on things. He had zero respect for authority, but he did have Sayo as a sister so that was expected. Akio looked at his youngest son with a sigh. 

"I should wash your mouth with soap." 

Michael rushed to Sayo and hugged her waist. Sayo glanced down at him and patted his head. 

"I have spoiled you, Michael." 

He stuck his tongue out which made her smile. He was just like her with less maturity so he said things he should not have. Sayo got up as she had finished eating. Akinari looked at Sayo who seemed to want to leave.

"You have somewhere to go today?" 

Sayo nodded. 

"Yeah, I plan to go on another walk." 

Michael raised his hand. 

"Can I go?" 

Akio shook his head." 

"You got  school to go to so no." 


Sayo shrugged as skipping school once would not do him any wrong. 

"Michael did you finish all your homework?" 

"Yeah, you helped me." 

"How are your grades?" 


Sayo looked at her parents as she picked up Michael. 

"How about you let me take him with me just for today? I promise to help him with his school work and I will even stop by to pick up his homework. I will just say he got sick." 

Akinari was going to say noway, but Akio waved his hand. 

"Take him, being around you will do him some good. Plus he has never missed school so once won't kill his grades." 


Michael was super excited, but Akinari gave him a warning. 

"This only time so don't get used to it. Sayo try to not spoil him too much." 


Nejire squinted her eyes. 

"Must be nice to be spoiled by your big sis Michael." 

Akimitsu nodded. 

"We never got that from Sayo and she is the strongest of us." 

Sayo just placed Michael on Koba's broad back as she began to leave. Her pets already had their vests as she walked of the manor with her little brother in tow. Michael jumped down from Koba's back onto her shoulders. She reached up and held his legs so he would not fall. 

"So you choose me over Koba?" 

He nodded. 

"Yeah, I like it up here."

Sayo just walked toward the tattoo parlor while she talked with Michael a bit. When they arrived at the place she took Michael off her shoulders and looked at her pets. 

"You three wait out here alright?" 

Koba, Nyx and Maximus did not mind as they would not fit anyway. Shrinking down was an option, but they did not really like doing it so they just stuck around out here. However, Michael was confused about why they were at a tattoo parlor. 

"Sis, why are we here?" 

"I am getting a tattoo, why else?" 

That worried him as their mother would get really mad. 

"What about mom? She will be livid when she sees it." 

"Too late, now shush." 

She put him down as she talked to the receptionist she scheduled with. She smiled when she saw Sayo. 

"Miss Hado, Mr. Katashi is waiting for you." 

When she saw Michael next to Sayo she thought it was cute she brought her little brother along. 

"Thank you, Masako." 

Sayo and Michael entered where Katashi was waiting. He was a young man in his early 20s with long black hair reaching his waist. Almost his whole body was covered in tattoos which made him look quite cool. He smiled when he saw Sayo. 

"There you are, I have been waiting for you." 

She just smiled. 

"Same, this is my first tattoo so I wanted the best of the best. Here." 

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a stack of 10,000 dollars. 

"I know it is in dollars and not Yen-" 

"It's fine, I can just exchange it later. You don't need to pay so much you know. It's 500 the hour and from the tattoo, you showed me it will take me at best 8 with how your quirk works. I won't need to worry about healing time as you will heal instantly. 

She just handed him the money anyway. 

"Consider this my tab I guess. I will be coming back and I will be tipping more." 

"Now we are talking. Just sit and I can start." 

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She sat down and took off her hoodie. As she was in a tank top she did not have to push up her sleeves or anything. So She just sat down on the chair and waited for Katashi to start. Michael looked the whole time as he was curious about what getting a tattoo was like. Katashi's walked up to Sayo and placed his hand on her shoulder. 

"So you want this exact tattoo?" 

The last time she was here she had drawn the same tattoo Akira had for him. He pulled up the paper which had an eastern dragon coiling around a skull. 

"Yup, you got this?" 

"Of course. Just relax." 

She exhaled as she relaxed her muscles as she was very tough. She pulled away vital energy from the skin of her right arm to weaken it just in case. Katashi finger needles pierced her skin in a rapid motion as he began to place the ink. Sayo sighed when the familiar feeling of a tattoo gun, but better. His quirk was made just for this so he knew what he was doing. 

Michael watched the whole time as the tattoo took form on his sister's right arm. This was so fascinating to work and she did not even twitch and Katashi carefully did his job. He had been doing this for years and he had a feeling about this because of his quirk. He did not rush anything, but he was working at a good speed. 

After 3 hours the dragon's head was finished so Katashi went on to the body. Of course, he gave attention to the scales, horns, and details as well.

"So, how long have you been wanting a tattoo?" 

As he worked he sometimes liked to talk to his customers when they got bored. 

"Since I was a kid. This tattoo has special meaning to me." 

"Care to share?" 

Sayo thought about it. 

"Well, you can say that this tattoo belonged to someone very close to me so I wanted to get it in his honor." 

Michel thought it was weird as she was not close to anyone. 

"Who? You are a hardcore loner." 

Sayo frowned as she let Katashi work. 

"Just because I am a loner does not mean I never met a friend. He died so here I am getting this tattoo to remember him by." 

Katashi felt it was a good story. 

"As long as you remember him he will live on." 

Sayo looked to the ceiling as he worked. 

'I guess you could say I have changed a lot.'

She closed her eyes and just relaxed as her tattoo took form. She entered a calm state of mind where she was close to sleeping, but still awake. Katashi took to talking with Michael a bit, but luckily for Sayo, he did not let slip her real age. Either way when she felt the needles stop she opened her eyes. 

She glanced at her arm where her brand new tattoo was. 

'Just like I remember.' 

She stopped holding back her vital energy from her arm which caused it to flood it. The tattoo began to glow as her body began to assimilate the ink. Katashi looked on as the tattoo looked honestly more detailed than he did it. 

"Now that is wild. What happened?" 

Sayo got up and looked at her tattoo in the mirror. 

"My body just made it permanent I guess. Thanks, I will be back when I want my other arm done." 

He nodded. 

"As long as you keep paying as you do I am willing to book you up." 

Sayo on her hoodie and considering she did not have to look after her tattoo as it had healed as it was done. Now she could just treat it as a part of her which it was. She glanced at Michael who was snoring as he fell asleep during the 8 hours that she was getting it done. She walked up to him and picked him up in her arms. 

"Be seeing you Sayo." 

She nodded. 

"Bye Katashi." 

She left the tattoo parlor and saw that her pets were also asleep. 

"Hey, wake up you three." 

They awoke when they heard the voice of their master. They rose up as they looked at the new tattoo on her arm. They were super curious about what it was, but it was not the time for it yet. 

"Nyx, can you take us home?" 

Nyx controlled the shadows and shadow warped them to the mansion. Koba, Maximus, Nyx, Sayo, and Michael appeared at the front door. She walked toward the sliding door that opened wide open for them and entered inside. Sayo glanced in both directions when she could not see her mother. 

"Were clear." 

She tried to sneak up into her room, but instead of running into her mother, she ran into Nejire. Her sister looked at Sayo's right arm where she now had a giant tattoo. 

"What did you do Sayo?" 

Sayo looked at her arm with a smile. 

"Just some body art I guess." 

Nejire walked toward her and touched her arm. 

"Is it real?" 

"Yeah, real as can be. The needle did and all so it is real." 

 Nejire faced palmed. 

"This is bad, mom is going to have a panic attack when she sees it. Sayo, you have to keep this from her for as long as you can." 


Nejire sighed. 

"You know mom better than anyone. You are practically an adult in mind, but she still sees you as her little girl. What do you think will happen when she sees her 10-year-old daughter with a tattoo this big?" 

Sayo looked at her arm and sighed. 

"Fine, I will keep it hidden until my birthday or try at least." 

Nejire did not mind. 

"Go to your room already. Shadow travel there but leave Michael with me. I got to keep him quiet somehow." 

Sayo handed her brother over while Nyx did just as Nejire said directly into her room. Nejire sighed as she walked up to Michael's room. 

"That girl will be the end of me." 

 Nyx dropped Koba, Maximus, Sayo, and herself on the bed where Sayo lay down. She looked at her tattoo with a big smile. 

'What should I get next?' 

She did not plan to get covered in them, but a few more would not hurt. Right?





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