Reborn as a Bombshell In MHA

Chapter 16: New Team and Guard Mission.

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Sayo kept her word to her sister and kept her tattoo hidden from view. This turned out to be kind of annoying as the tattoo had become permanent. She could however wear long sleeve shirts and hoodies with the sleeves not removed. This had gotten her mother's attention as Sayo usual attire consisted of hoodies with the sleeves removed. 

However, Nejire, and Michal both helped her hide the tattoo from her mother. She even managed to rope in her dad and Akimitsu into her little plan which left both of them shocked. Her entire right arm was covered in a tattoo and she did it all without letting anyone know. Safe to say that even her dad was not exactly happy that his 10-year-old daughter had gotten such a large tattoo. 

That conversation did not go exactly as planned as she had gotten severely scolded by her dad. That was a first, but she accepted his words as she kind of had to think of her real age. Not just her physical and mental age, but she did manage to convince him either way. That was yesterday and she was currently going out with her full family to a restaurant. 

They were all celebrating Akimitsu's acceptance into U.A and Nejire would go next year. Sayo was dressed in a hoodie as usual as she currently had to hide her tattoo from her mother. Her father had reserved the whole restaurant as they all ate a lot and it would be inconvenient for the other guests to compete with their massive appetites. 

Akio looked at his first child with a look of pure pride. 

"Well done son. Now you are on your way to achieving your dream of being a hero." 

Akimitsu smiled. 

"Thanks, dad. I won't let you down." 

Nejire gave him a big hug. 

"I knew you could do it." 

As for Sayo she was quite while Michael was sitting on her lap. Michael merely gave him a thumbs up. 

"Good work." 

Akimitsu looked at Sayo who was stuffing her face alongside her pets, but she had not said anything. 

"You ok Sayo?" 

She glanced up and nodded. 

"Yeah, I am happy for you." 

Michael knew Sayo very well as she was like a second mother, a friend, a sibling, and someone he trusted. 

"Sis, are you ok?" 

Sayo nodded. 

"Yeah, I am fine. I think celebrating his achievement is good, but it was guaranteed for him to pass anyway." 

Akinari cleared her voice. 


She just raised her hands. 

"I am not saying his efforts were for nothing, but my brother is strong and dad is one of the top 10 heroes. That is just a guarantee so I see it as less exciting." 

Akimitsu chuckled. 

"That is just like you, she is right though." 

Akio nodded. 

"Yeah, she means nothing bad by it, honey. Sayo is just a realist at times."

Akinari just felt it was not the time to say that. 


Just that Sayo's phone rang so she pulled it out and looked at who was calling her. 

'Uncle Uyehara?'

"Excuse me, Uncle Uyehara is calling." 

She picked up Michael from her lap and placed him in her seat. She left the room to take the call which made Akinari squint her eyes. 

"She has been talking a lot with your brothers and your parents Akio. She gets a call so often I think it is weird." 

Akio himself had noticed it as well. 

"I asked my brothers and parents about it, but they just say they want to keep in touch with their niece and granddaughter." 

Nejire had a theory. 

"What is there to doubt, she is their favorite." 

Akinari frowned. 

"They are showing favoritism then." 

Akio shrugged. 

"She is my father's heir so that probibly has something to do with it." 

As for Sayo she picked up and answered. 

"Uncle Uyehara, good to hear from you after so long. Normally it is Uncle Tony or grandfather." 

Uyehara was the youngest of the three sons that John and Kioko and he was considered the smartest of the three. 

"Well, I have been busy with things. Here is the thing father wants you in D.C today. You are being added to a brand new team that got formed recently with new members. Plus you also have a mission to go with it as a field test." 

"I see. I was currently at a celebration for Akimitsu's admittance to U.A. I would have to ditch though." 

Uyehara went silent. 

"No, go back and spend some time with him. The team is not going anywhere, but family is still important." 

"Alright, see you in a bit." 

She hung up and returned to her family. They were all curious about what her uncle wanted with her so her father asked. 

"What did m brother want?" 

"Grandpa wants me in D.C today and he prepared a flight for me. However, when I told him about this he told me to just stick around until the end." 

Akinari sighed. 

"Do you have to go?" 

Sayo nodded. 

"Yup. I like spending time with grandpa and grandma so I plan to go." 

Akimitsu understood. 

"I get it, but they always just ask for you." 

Sayo rubbed the back of her head as she did not have a good excuse for that. She was doing her job kind of, but it was true that they were keeping things from the rest of the family. It was only obvious with Sayo as she was always being called out. Either way, Sayo finished the dinner and just enjoyed the time with her family. 

However, when they left the restaurant Bryan was waiting outside for her. He was sitting in one of the usual SUVs along wiht the rest of the guard detail. When he saw Sayo, her pets, and her family he rolled down his window. 

"Young miss, I am here to take you to your flight." 

"Thanks, Bryan." 

Koba and Nyx used their special collars to shrink down while Maximus could still fit in without them. She got passenger seat and looked at her family. 

"I should be back soon, but I will tell grandma and grandpa to stop playing favorites." 

Akio nodded. 

"I will tell them the same as well. I mean they have been only flying you out all this time that it is getting way too obvious they favor you." 

Akimitsu, Nejire, and Michael nodded as they realized that Sayo had been the favorite. It sucked, but their was not much they could do about it. 

"I should be back soon." 

Bryan rolled up the window and drove off to take her to the airport. She rolled up her sleeves and leaned back in her seat. 

"Grandpa is getting sloppy. They need a better way to do this without drawing attention." 

Bryan nodded. 

"I can see what you mean young miss. I will let Sir John know as well as this is getting far too noticeable." 

Bryan glanced at her tattoo and felt it was quite nice. 

"Did you get that for your first mission?" 

She looked at her arm and nodded. 

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"Yeah, kind of a reward for myself." 

She reached down and pet Koba and Nyx who had shrunk down. Maximus was in the back with his head sticking out to enjoy the wind. When they arrived at the airport John's private plane was waiting there. John was not present himself as he was currently in D.C. They bored the jet and took off as this whole airfield was owned by John. 

Sayo spoke a bit with her uncle as she did not get many chances to do so. He gave her some advice on being a member of the Black Hand and even told her to get a cover profession like being a hero. She planned on doing just that, but when they arrived in D.C John was waiting with Tony. 

They were waiting for the two of them so Sayo gave them both a big hug. 

"Grandpa, Uncle. Good to see you too."

John smiled as he gave her a tight hug. 

"There you are. I heard it all from Tony about how you handled your big job. I am impressed, you made good use of Chi You and even made it your own. Keep going, but now it is time for you to join a new team.  They are a big case of nutjobs, like you. Most of them are battle junkies, with their own powerful quirks. Interested." 

"As long as they are disciplined and will not go off the rails when they need to be focused."

Uyehara nodded.

"That is expected, girl. We are muscle for hire, so that means we need to be able to take orders when needed. Now, let's get going." 

Tony just patted her on the head. 

"You get used to it." 

Sayo and her pets went into the truck as they drove toward the meeting place. They had chosen one of the Blackhand safehouses here in D.C. As the U.S was one of the biggest customers of Blackhand so they gave a lot of support. Sayo looked around D.C and had to say it was not much different than she remembered. The monuments were still there, but heroes patroled here in there. Seeing then made Sayo realize how much of a good cover it would be in the future. 

John was curious of something. 

"So you going to U.A?"

Sayo nodded. 

"It will be a good cover for my real profession." 

Tony felt that was a good idea. 

"Not a bad idea. People will trust you less and less suspicious of things." 

Just then  John parked in front of a hotel he owned and a Valet came to John and bowed.

"Welcome back sir. Shall I park the vehicle for you?"

"Of course." 

Once they left the car and entered the car they took one of the elevators to the top floor. Sayo was followed by her three now fully sized pets. That got a lot of eyes, but as she was with John they just made way. They did not speak on the way up for some reason that Sayo did not understand. 

Once they got to the top floor which was reserved for the VVIP and John they went to a large dining room where a few interesting people were all sitting around.  One was a white-haired girl who looked about 14 with a sword at her side. She looked quiet, but the others drew attention to themselves. One was a humanoid lion with a huge minigun on his back while devouring dish after dish. 

He was massive as he stood shoulder to shoulder with Koba.  In the back was a man with a visor around his eyes and a pair of mechanical gloves and he drank in silence. Another one was a short child-like girl who had cat ears and a tail who was sleeping.  The next one was a woman who had her eyes closed. She looked to be American at around 23 years old. 

The last one was a man smoking a cigar with an open vest. This was the first time they had met each other so they were a little warry of each other, but John gathered them all. He did let them know that his granddaughter was going to be joining along wiht her pets so they looked over. They did not know how old she was, but she looked to be around 16.

Sayo was tall and had a rather serious air about her. Plus her pets just breathed danger so they were more interested in having her in the team. 

John whistled and got them all to focus on him. 

"Welcome all of you. You all are here as you are being considered to join this new team. All of your quirks are powerful and trained, but what sets you apart is your bloodlust and love for battle. I grouped you together for that reason. This is my granddaughter Sayo."

The first to speak was the lion. He spoke with a heavy Russian accent and Sayo thought he should have been a bear, not a lion.

"Three young girls in a team? What has the world come to? Dimitri will agree if they prove their might."

The catgirl out of nowhere vanished and appeared on his shoulder with her claws on his throat. However, what made Sayo impressed was in that time he had grabbed his gun and it was pointed at the girl's head. The cat girl had her claws aimed right at his throat while Dimitri had his gun aimed and primed at her head. 

The catgirl smiled and laughed.

"Did I win, nya." 

'She is stupidly fast and quick, but the big guy still managed to react. Both are skilled.'

"Dimitri thinks tie."

She jumped off and she ran up to Syao and ran around her. 

"You are so pretty. What is your quirk?'

"I inherited my family's main quirk Refinement and my mother's Vital Energy. To explain in simple terms I can endlessly refine myself and control my vital energy."

The girl with the sword looked over and asked about it. She also had a Russian accent, but not as deep as Dimitri

"So, your quirk improves your body as long as you use it and you can control your own vitality? How does that work?" 

Sayo smiled as her vital energy surged from her body in waves. The whole room was full of it which made all of them feel just how strong she was. Sayo cut the flow as they all had a even better view of her. They respected the strong and she showed that in her quick show of force. The sword weilding girl introduced her self. 

"I am Anastacia."

 The smoking guy took a puff of his cigar and introduced himself as he banged on his chest with his fist. 

"I am Stefen. I can make smoke in massive quantities, turn into it and force it solid.  As for how much I can pretty much do it without stopping with all the training and serums they used on me.  For my strength, I would say I could lift a bus at my best day." 

Sayo nodded. 

"Nice to meet you." 

The quite woman from before opened her eyes which were silver. 

"I am Jenny, I can form, create and control diamonds for weapons, armor, or to just attack." 

The cat girl stoped and appeared in front of Sayo. 

"I am Sophi, I have super speed and the powers of a cat. High five." 

Sayo tried to give her a high five, but Sophi vanished. 

"Too slow." 

Sayo squinted her eyes as she planed to catch her off guard. Dimitri already said his name, but he repeated it anyway. The last one was the guy with the visor, but a robatoic voice came from his throat.

"Greetings, I am Baek Yoon Ho. I can fire high energy beams from my eyes and my whole body. I am mute by birth, but this machine in my throat fixed that." 

Sayo nodded. 

"Good to meet you all. Behind me are my pets. The bear is named Koba, and he can manipulate, become and control magma. The tigress is Nyx who can do the same, but with shadows. The last is Maximus who uses rage as a means to grow larger, tougher and stronger." 

They all talked more to get to know each other and their quirks. After an hour of debating how this would work they in the end decided to join up. However, Anastacia had a request. 

"I agree to this team up, but I have to have the option to leave if I feel the others drag me down." 

The rest of the team felt that was fair as they also had the same idea. Now, John spoke up.

"Alright then, if you are all going to join up you need to decide on a name. Or I can just decide for you." 

Sayo and the rest of the team looked at each other without an idea. They had just met so having them all agree on something might be hard. No one said anything so John rolled his eyes. 

"Fine, I will designate the Executioners. As for your team leader that can be decided later. Your trial by fire as it is called will not be an attack mission. It will be a guard mission."

That made all of them go quiet as they were not very good at guarding missions. They were all battle-crazed battle junkies so asking them to guard someone was hard.  So they looked at John with questions.

Stefen asked straight up what they wanted to know.

"Who and Why? Plus you think it is a good idea to put us in charge of guarding someone? We and you know you put us in this team as we are all battle-crazed."

John shrugged. 

"You better learn quickly as we owe a favor to the royal family of Britain for a while. They have been one of our backers so we owe them and the American government quite a few favors. Now, the king of Britain wants you to guard his daughter as recently he had heard of a possible threat. 

Sayo thought it was odd.

"The royal family has a very strong family quirk, Dragon Force so why would they need us? Plus, don't they have their own guards for the princess?"

Tony had a reason for this. 

"Here is the thing, she is 7 and her quirk is still weak. Usually, they do not need our help, but at the moment they are stretched to the limit as potential war is brewing with Germany. They will still have their own guards, but they want you as a buffer. Remember, if you fail the punishment will be your head. No exception. 

They all agreed, but that meant Sayo would be leaving Japan for at least a few weeks. She was interested in how strong their quirk would be. Uyehara gave them all a quick word of encouragement. 

"I wish you luck to all of you."

They all prepared for their first team mission as they would be leaving tomorrow. So they would be staying in the hotel for the night as they would be leaving tomorrow. Sayo knew she had to call her parents but decided to do it later. She never said she would be back so soon. 

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