Reborn as A Core Master? Lets make an Inn!

Chapter 3: Conversation.

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[Mixed POV(Old mans thoughts.)...]

The old man Stared at me... A look of surprise on his face.

(A child this young, a Dungeon Master? She seems helpless...)

"So, old guy, Tell me what you know about dungeons?"

"Eh? Well... okay. But only if you promise not to hurt the children."

"Do I look like a monster? I wouldn't Ever harm the defenseless. Not intentionally, anyway."

"Very well..."(she seems to be sincere... but dungeon masters are...) "so you are the master of this dungeon... Such a cute look for the enemy of humanity."

"What? Enemy of Humanity? Whaddya mean?"

"You really don't know, do you? The dungeon masters are evil. They wish to enslave the world. So adventurers Set out to conquer those masters and put the dungeon under Royal Control. They exist to antagonize Humanity."

"What? That's wrong, old man! GEEZE, Goddess, what kinda Core Masters Did you put in the other Dungeons?... Let me set the record straight, according to the knowledge I was given... The goddess Eina created the Dungeons, and scores, to filter and purify Mana, preventing the return of Miasma forever, and balancing the world... the Dungeon itself is meant to be a TRIAL to help Adventurers reach their full potential... and keep things from becoming stagnant... We are ALLIES to humanity, even if some must be confrontational... Also... As long as the Core remains, The Core Master Will Eventually Respawn... as will most monsters slain in the dungeon... it's a living thing."

"Interesting. The mother goddess, eh? I know a few scholars who would LOVE this information."(so much detail... And it sounds Authentic... She truly believes what she said, and even mentioned HER... meaning That Asshole in Labra Might come back... I need to warn them somehow.)

"So... What are you going to do with us?"

"Well... I COULD kill you... but I won't. You see, Dungeons require Goddess Ponts, GP is earned by Killing enemies inside the dungeon... but ALSO by HAVING enemies in the dungeon... the longer the stay, the more GP is earned... and you three are injured, and weak... so I'll keep you here until you are ready to go... you get to heal in relative safety, and I get GP. It's a Win-Win situation."

"Then we are to be guests? Can you untie us then?"

"Oh! Sorry... I wasn't sure you could be trusted at first... but you seem harmless, so I will... but please... When you Un-Gag the girl, make her stop screeching..."

"Very well, Miss Sei, was it? But could you do me one more, tiny favor? Please put some clothing on. I am not a fan of nudity."

"Oh? Is my childs body Distracting to you, old man? Quite a Sleaze, Aren't you? Is that young lady safe in your company?"

"I won't confirm or deny anything, Miss... just kidding... Its nothing to do with Me, and everything to do with them... My name is Siegfried. I am a retired Knight of The Linsburg Kingdom. Almost 100 years ago, I knew the young lady who became The goddess, Eina. And now, I serve as personal bodyguard to the Royal Twins. And I cannot Abide Nudity before Royalty."

"Ah... I understand. Royalty Eh? Heheheheh! Oh, I have a VERY Wicked idea... heheheheheh!"

(Well... that's ominous... I wish I had my sword... just in case.)

[Single POV: Sei]

I checked my dungeon menu.

[Special reward: first Assault cleared! Guaranteed high-Rank Random Free Spin. 

Ameneties: Clothing 5GP, Cheap. Lighting 10 GP per Room. Crafting Essentials 45 GP. Camping gear 25 gp.] I decided to first get some lighting in the room... after getting clothes... a brown Robe Appeared on my body, With rough Brown Pants, shirt, and cloth wraps on my feet. Then some luminous Crystaks sprouted from the Walls, lighting the room with a bright Glow... I could change their colors at will... While I did this, the now freed old man, Seigfried, Was untying his companions... but stopped at my next words.

"Now let's see what this Reward Summon Gets me..." 

A magic Circle Appeared on the floor, As one part of Sorbet, Abd Sebastian, Gathered to greet their new co-worker... and a voice Came before the creature completely Formed.

"Oh, Honey, that will not do AT ALL! Let Mama Make you some PROPER Garments, befitting a Ruler!"

 The light faded, and standing before me, and a bit above, Was a tall woman with Spider Legs on her back And Sides... 

"Give me a name, Cutie! Then I'll take care of EVERYTHING."

"Umm..." she was VERY well developed... And had I still been male, or had Sexual Urges at all, I would have looked very similar the three behind her. I looked at her status. [Greater Arachne. Having evolved into a more humanoid shape, they make excellent hunters and Assassins... as well as Weavers, tailors, and other Clothiers... due to a unique skill, and their instincts, They tend to be Very Motherly. A creature blessed by the mother goddess. Rank:B, Skills: Poison touch, poison kiss, Master Seamstress, Trapmaker, Nutritional Milk Production. Titles: Wannabe Mama, Wet-nurse, Seamstress, Assassin, ambush predator, Triple Ds of Death.]

Okay... very, um, unique... 

You are reading story Reborn as A Core Master? Lets make an Inn! at

"Arachne... hmm... How about Alice?"

"Very well, master! This one is alice... now come here and let Mama Measure you!"

She moved... fast... and I was suddenly held like a baby, as her shoulder legs stretched a piece of spider silk along my body... and around it... 

"Measurements Noted. Play nice, my cute master... And I'll be done in a jiffy!"

It took literal seconds... and instead of rough Clothes I was now clad in a frilly Silk Dress, with leggings and long gloves... Gothic Lolita Style... 

"So CUUUTE! I really lucked out! Such an Adorable Master!"

"Okay, can you put me down now? Please? Im getting dizzy."

She had spun in a circle while Squealing... And still holding me...

"Yes, master."

Finally on the ground again, I turned to the three in the corner... 

"Back to buisness. As stated before, I am Sei, Core Master of this dungeon."

Seigfried bowed properly.

"Greetings, Lady Sei. I am Seigfried, And these are Crown Prince Elgar and Princess Ardwynn of Linsburg." Both formally bowed to me.

""Its nice to meet you, miss.""

"No need to bow... On to buisness... you guys need an escort home, yes? And I need help keeping Adventurers away until my idea for this dungeon is ready..."

"Indeed. What have you got planned?"

"Why make my dungeon a place of combat? Why not an Inn instead? That way, everyone wins. But to do that..."

"You need time and GP, yes?"

"Yes... so... If you three will play Ambassador for me... Whaddya say we pretend to be those bandits? How do you feel about sending a Ransom note?"

"Hahaha! Clever!"

"Ransom OURSELVES? Sounds like fun!"

"Seigfried! Elgar! Sigh... Fine. I agree. On one condition... umm... but I don't know how to ask..."

The princess was fidgeting... and looking sheepish... then blushed and tried to hide her face as her brother spoke up...

"She wants your Spider-lady to make her a dress like that too."


"DID SOMEONE SAY DRESSMAKING!" The princess was suddenly grabbed by a gob of webbing! "OH SWEETIE! Such Hidden CURVES! Just leave this to ALICE! YES... MUAHAHAHAHA! OH THE DRESS I WILL MAKE! EYES WILL TURN! TONGUES WILL ROLL! YOU'LL BE GORGEOUS!"

Then, just as suddenly, she was put back, her clothing changed into a white silk Gown that VERY MUCH screamed Princess... and accentuated her natural curves without being pervy... face red with shock, mild terror, and embarrassment... a sinister shadow loomed over us... "now... For the Men..."

The screams echoed... And the prince and Seigfried were subjected to Alice's Mad Crafting... silk suits and dead eyes... And Seigfried Chuckling at the prince... "she... she saw everything... and... and..." he whispered to Seigfried, and he laughed. HARD... I overheard and tried to keep my face Expressionless, but failed... "she called IT cute. I feel demasculated." Apparently, the princess also overheard... Suddenly, Everyone was laughing... except the prince, who made it worse. "I should have you all tried for treason."

I nearly Wet myself laughing...

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