Reborn as a parasite???

Chapter 12: The death of the hero

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(Sarah's side)

After leaving the lion head beastman's house, I found a town. The town has a high wall to keep out enemies.

As I got closer to the wall, I saw a line of people. They were being checked before entering the village.

'This is a big trouble' I thought.

I went to the end of the line and waited. In the meantime, I asked the people why are they going to the city.

'This city is the most secure city in the entire continent.' Said one.

'Its lord is the famous Walther. He did many great things!' Said the other.

This city is more and more enjoyable! I can't wait to get inside to see what's so great.

After some minutes, it was my turn.

'Status, miss.' The guard said.

'Is it obligated?' I asked.

'Yes, everyone coming to our city must state why they are coming and their status to keep the city safe.' He said proudly.

'Show status' I said.

[Name: Sarah | Lv: 1-> NULL

HP: 10/10 | MP: 10/10

Strength: 14 | Defense: 10 | Magic: 15 | Speed: 12

High skills: Learner, world's knowledge 5, high magic detection, appraisal]

The blue screen appeared.

The guard looked at the screen curiously. Then he said: 'All good, please state why you came to this city.'

'I want to become an adventurer and walk past this city. Since it's a big city, I want to sign up for the adventurer guild. I lived in a small village far away and didn't know much.' I lied. Please work! I begged.

'Hmm... It's fine! our city has everything. You can even live here if you wish to.' He answered.

'Thanks, have a nice day!' I said as I entered. Yes! everything ran smoothly.

'Don't forget to demand a card to enter and go out of the city at will, but it will take 2 silver coins!' The guard said.

As I entered the city, I saw a lot of mixed races in the city. There were beastman, humans, intelligent aquatic beasts, and even monsters.

I saw a big building's board written in the big letter: <Adventure guild>.

It's just like an everyday MMORPG world. It even has an adventure guild like in the games. I hope there is magic and stuff. As I walked into the guild, many eyes turned to me. It gives me chills. I walked up to the front and the gentle guild woman talked.

'Welcome to our adventure guild, how may I help you?'

'I want to sign up to be an adventurer' I said.

'You are new are you?'

'Yes,' I replied.

'Let's see your stats first... Put your hand on this plate, please.'

Suddenly, the plate shone with blue light and showed the status bar in the air.

[Name: Sarah | Lv: 1-> NULL

HP: 10/10 | MP: 10/10

Strength: 14 | Defense: 10 | Magic: 15 | Speed: 12]

'Oh my!' She said. 'I don't think you can handle adventure!' She laughed.

Everyone in the building starts laughing.

'Are you sure that you want to be an adventurer?' She said again.


'Well, you will be classed to rank F for failure. Whoops, sorry, I didn't mean to make such a rude joke.' She laughed again so did everyone.

'You will be collecting medicine herbs today.' She said again. 'If you find any slimes or monsters, run away. Don't fight because you can't. 'Don't forget your card! you can now enter and go out of the city at will!' She reminded.

I took the card and thanked the girl. I shouldn't be strong, but exposing it to everyone is just too much... I didn't think people in this world would be so intimidating.

I went outside and began to search for the mountain the girl mentioned. I ended up borrowing the map of a guard who was nice enough to let me borrow his. 

I walked for about 30 minutes and finally arrived in front of the forest entrance. That was long! I thought. I even gained stamina!... Wait, how did I gain energy? I thought you must exercise every day for a month to gain power and strength. What is happening?

Nevermind... I choose the adventurer class to try to find my partner. This was a fantastic idea. I began to collect the herbs she asked for.

After so much time, I didn't even find one! Why it's so difficult???

'Status!' I said.

[Name: Sarah | Lv: 1-> NULL

HP: 10/10 | MP: 10/10

Strength: 14+6 | Defense: 10 | Magic: 15 | Speed: 12+3

High skills: Learner, world's knowledge 5, high magic detection, appraisal]

I forgot that I had the skill of appraisal. Let's try it out!

I pointed my finger to the grass and said 'Appraisal!'.

[Bright grass, also known as a medicinal herb.

+10 HP | +15 MP]

That must be it. I picked it up and began to search for more.

(Louis' side)

"Human rules don't apply to me anymore..."

['k%E' has been activated...

Automatic evolution is progressing...

This evolution will likely take 12 hours... Begin]

"Wait, what?" I suddenly feel sleepy

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After sleeping, I found myself deeper into the dungeon.

"Oh no! I forgot that when I sleep, I lose control of my 'taking over' skill will disable. That means Robert is doing it all by himself!"

Robert was still walking deeper into the dungeon. 

"Taking over!" I said to the system.

[Taking over... failed. A determined living thing cannot be taken control.]

He finally reached floor 50.

"Dam he went deep!" I thought. Even the texture of the cave wasn't the same as before.

Robert opened the door which wrote 50 on it and entered. It must be a boss room.

I guessed right! When he entered the cave, the door closed behind him.

The thing I didn't expect was that the boss wasn't anything expected for a small dungeon boss like in video games as a troll golem or a goblin king, but a dragon. Its height reached 26 meters and its length was more than 40 meters.

From what I understood about dragons' stages. There is a hatchling, very young, young, young adult, adult, old, and very old. This one seems to be an adult dragon. I didn't think a small dungeon boss could contain an adult dragon.

'Who dares interrupt my sleep?!' The adult dragon asked angrily.

Smoke began to raise from its nose and the terrifying dragon aura began to leak everywhere.

Dragons enter dungeons in their adulthood when they want to turn from a young adult to adults. They need a long nap. The jail will provide space, security, and energy to let the dragon sleep for a century. This one seems it has just entered its adult stage. Its power is at its peak.

Robert didn't care about anything and just attacked. The adult dragon looked at him with a surprised expression and became angry.

'You arrogant weakling should perish in flames!' It yelled and spitfire all around the room.

Robert had already fought a dragon knows its attack pattern sprinted and hid under the dragon. Without noticing what the dragon wanted he was in its trap.

As soon as he hid under the dragon, it stepped on the man with its front paw.

'Ugh!...' Robert tried to retain the pain but the dragon pressed almost all its weight on him.

'Arrrg!' Robert yelled. Blood was everywhere. Its internal organs and bones are all crushed. He was breathing heavily.

[Warning! The host is in a critical situation... it will likely die in less than 15 minutes. Please find a new host as soon as possible.]

The system warned me, but I ignored it.

'I didn't think you will be this weak and pathetic' It judged again. 'I'm quite hungry after this fight. You should be food' It said in an arrogant tone.

After saying that, it lifted its paw and put the entire body in its mouth. Robert is 2 meters high, but he's more like a shrimp in front of a dragon. Its entire body only covered 1/3 of its mouth. Then the dragon lifted its head and Robert slipped down his throat. After some seconds, he reached the stomach.

'Ha, ha, ha!' He laughed while being digested alive.

What? Did I break its brain somehow? Why he is still laughing while dying?

PSH! acid fell on me and I felt pain.

How acid is damaging me? I thought I can survive in the stomach.

Yeah. I forgot that a dragon's stomach could melt anything, from organic substances to inorganic ones. I'm in trouble!

I quickly got out of the body and try to find the wall of the stomach. I can't see anything because of the darkness, but I still manage to grip one of the walls.

Suddenly, the dragon moved a lot causing acid to splash everywhere. I need to get somewhere safe. I am sure that I can't pierce the dragon's stomach so easily because of its acid. It can even swallow magical swords and not cause any damage inside, but I still need to try or I'll end up like Robert.


It went smoother than I expected. I wriggled inside its body until I reached its brain.

"Taking over"

I don't care how strong you are. If you have a weak stomach, I'm the winner.

(Robert's side)

After losing consciousness, I woke up in a dungeon. Nothing was wrong with it until I saw my friends being slaughtered. Everyone was dead.

I didn't know what happened nor who did it. I began inspecting the corpses and found my lover's head is cut from the body. I was feeling pain, agony, maybe rage, but mostly despair. I fell on the floor, crying while hugging my lover's head.

"Crying can't fix anything" Are some wise words my master told me and since then, I never cried again. Until today. I felt like I needed it. It flowed out naturally and I can't control it. Anger followed up after all the mix of emotions overflowing my head. I wanted to find the murderer.

Next was determination. I want to vent my frustration to the dungeon because it was the only explanation for why my friends and lover died. I want to finish the dungeon the fastest possible and destroy the core so it can never function again.

I killed and killed until I reached room 50. Suddenly, I sensed something waking up in me but I didn't care. I quickly entered the room and began the battle. It was a big dragon, probably in the adult stage. I already slayed many dragons now, so I know how to do it.

Without listening to its angry words, I charged in. Usually, dragons would kill their prey with one shot but this one is an adult one. It will likely toy with its prey and kill it at the end.

I hit its leg and my sword bounced off.

'What? I thought my sword was the sharpest in the world.' I thought.

I carefully looked at the sword and found a purple aura around it. 'Dam dragon. He cursed it!'

Dragons don't usually move a lot in a battle so sometimes, the best hiding place while fighting a dragon it's hiding under their feet. I quickly dashed throughout the room and slid under its belly.

A giant paw suddenly appeared on my head crushing me to the ground.

'Ugh...!' I tried to retain the unbearable pain going through my body.

The dragon looked at my pathetic position and chuckle while putting more weight on its paw. This caused my bones to be completely crushed into pieces.

'Arrg!' I cried.

'I didn't think you will be this weak and pathetic' It judged again. 'I'm quite hungry after this fight. You should be food' It declared.

It took me with its paw and put me in its mouth. My blood flowed out of my body and my strength is leaving me. Its mouth doesn't smell good because of the rotten flesh parts stuck between its teeth. Its tongue is hot and everything is burning. Finally, being in the mouth of a dragon isn't the best experience you can have.

It played with me with its tongue a little bit and lift its mouth. Since I could not grab onto anything, I slipped down its throat and ended up in its stomach. Well, it's the end for me.

The stomach acid burned a lot and in the dark, I sensed something digging up in the and surfaced. It was a little black transparent parasite. It was this who killed my friends! It controlled me!

I'm quite happy that my death was worth something. My friend's killer will die with me.

'Ha, ha, ha!' I died pathetically in the stomach of a dragon while I avenged my friends.


Author: Hey why the ending is somehow different? Because I stop being lazy and write a new ending!

Thank you guys again for reading, it helps a lot with my confidence. If you see any errors, please comment.

fun fact: I was sick and didn't write any... I'm better now so yeah, new chapter!

Anyways I wish you guys enjoyed this chapter and see you in chapter 13!

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