Reborn as an immortal shapeshifter

Chapter 3: Day of Arrival

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On Talon's twentieth spring, while lying in bed, Talon's body starts to shake like he is having a seizer... because he is. After a few seconds the seizers stop and Talon sits up with a start, as all the memories of Talon's previous life rush to the surface and awaken the dormant consciousness within him.


Waking up with a slight headache and my whole body feeling a little weak, I review the memories that I just got/awakened, and I'm pretty happy where I am at, the only things that are slightly concerning is that a lot of tribe members have some type of ability/power, not all of them are powerful, like sloth's ability to enhance one of the five senses, but the powerful ones like how the chieftain has the ability to heal by eating, now this ability doesn't look or sound powerful straight away but think on it. He can fight and get injured as much as he wants and as long as he doesn't die straight away and has the ability to eat, then he can heal which also is the reason we are a tribe of cannibals, because fighting and killing other tribes and just other groups of people is extremely profitable, it also doesn't help that he can also temporarily grant this ability to people, but the more people that have it at once the less effective it is.

The other slightly concerning thing is that we are a tribe of CANNIBALS, I mean, I'm honestly not that affected by it cause one, I am still Talon I didn't just get his/my memories we merged back into one being, and secondly, even back in my past life I was kind of curious what human meat tasted like. I mean I wasn't going to go out and kill someone for it but having read posts and watching some movies with cannibals in them, I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious if human meat really did taste like salty pork, and if there were better places to eat/tasted better... ummm promise I was just a normal guy in my past life.


Also, of note is the fact that the forest that the tribe's village is in is absolutely filled with all kinds of flora and fauna, and that there are three other tribes inside the forest, all tribes being on one side of the forest in the cardinal directions, with our tribe the 'Forest Skull Tribe' being in the east, the 'Forest Bear Tribe' in the north, the 'Forest Cat Tribe' in the west and lastly the 'Forest Wolf Tribe, in the south, and if you didn't notice, our tribe is named differently to the other three tribes of the forest, and that is because we are a tribe that had to migrate from out previous place of stay, as according to stories that the elders told, the place was slowly but surely dying from the 'scorching sands and the winds of death' or from my understanding of it, the desert to the far east is expanding, causing hot winds to blow onto the surrounding areas carrying sand with it. Luckily for us the previous tribe the 'Forest Boar Tribe' acted exactly like their tribe's name and would go around and take whatever they wanted and more from the forest and some tribes, causing their own hunting grounds population and resources to start to dwindle while at the same time causing growing hostilities with all other tribes in the area as they started looking at their hunting grounds. So, when our tribe moved into the area and started killing off members of the 'Forest Boar Tribe' the other tribes didn't stand still, they started to harass the hunting parties of the 'Forst Boar Tribe' weakening the whole tribe and allowing our own tribe to wipe them out.


Because of our involvement with getting rid of the tribe, we were offered the lands that the previous 'Forest Boar Tribe' had and was in turn tasked with protecting the forest from outsiders and having to help the other three tribes encase they had a need for it, in exchange for the 'Forest Alliance' they would turn a blind eye to us being outsiders, sadly that did not make the three other tribes show their dislike for our people wearing human skulls on our faces, but luckily in the era that we are in cannibalism is not that uncommon.

Anyway, getting out of my rambling thoughts/monologue I put on my winter gear and head out into the forest to try and train my abilities of shapeshifting.

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