Reborn As Dark Matter: Ruling The Forces

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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“Huff huff” 

There was a heavy crowd surrounding the premises of Sunrise Highschool. A person was standing atop the terrace, looking down at everyone with a disgraced and irritable look.

For all these years no one had ever noticed him, and yet here they were when he was about to abandon the world. What for? The harm was already done and nothing could interrupt him. No one could. 

The person was a second-year high schooler at sunrise high. An average student with average academic and athletic performance. 

Much more like a side character of his own life story. Yet, he had an elegant and alluring face. 

The silky blonde hair swept from his eyelids reflecting a pair of shiny ocean blue eyes. A small mole under his lower lip. His skin was soft, clean and fair. 

The boy had looks that could cause an uprising in the modelling industry. 

But what made him take a step to give up on life and bid farewell to this vicious world?

“Dream! Open this damn door!!” The entry door of the terrace was locked and supported by a metal rod, to make sure no one could breakthrough. He didn’t want anyone to stop him. 

But as expected no one cared. This voice was his professors who for all these years had never cared about him or his complaints. All this was just so the school's name won’t be bewildered by his death. But he could care less.

Dream Wilson.

Orphaned from a young age, Dream had to live a life at an orphanage that never treated the kids well. The same food every day, working for themselves. 

Getting hit by the workers for not listening to their orders. It was hell for kids. But most escaped from it after getting adopted, to enter the heaven called family. Where they would be adored and cared for. 

While departing an adopted kid, the others mostly cried because they weren’t adopted.

Even while living at an orphanage, Dream could never get along with anyone. Mostly because of his shy personality and partly because of him being a wimp. 

Dream never dared to stand up for himself which always got him troubled by others. But all this was going to end when his foster parents would come to take him. At Least that's what he thought. 

Gary Wilson and Michelle Wilson were a couple who had been married for over a year. Due to work pressure and other difficulties, they decided not to have a child but adopt one. After all, a child is a child no?

Since Michelle was so fixated on having a child, Gary decided to accept her wish of adopting one. And he couldn’t deny that he wanted to be a father too. 

For all these times at the orphanage, the couple who came to adopt kids would select Dream, but seeing his behaviour they decided to have second thoughts. 

But for Michelle, Dream was like a god-given gift. She not only loved his looks but how he would look at her with those eyes asking for love. Who doesn’t want an adorable child?

Dream now had parents. He was happy for the first time in his life. He didn’t know who his parents were since they had died in a car accident the month he was born. He had no relatives or he did, but they didn’t want to burden themselves with him.

But now all this hell would crumble and he could live happily. He would be an obedient and loving son to his parents, And oh, he did. 

But life is a bitch and Dream couldn’t agree more. 

Gary and Michelle were so stressed by work and operating finances that they couldn’t properly give attention to Dream. Though they took care of everything for him, the attention and conversations he needed could never come to life.

The days were lonely without them and at nights all he got was a good night's kiss. That too wasn’t possible later when both his parents started overtime at the office. 

But at least it was good from that hell hole called orphanage right? 

Now again, life is truly a bitch, right?

Middle school got him to be a loser. Dream wouldn’t stammer to shoot down the people who say good looks get you everything.

Good looks don’t get you respect or confidence. And he was a living example. 

The bullies in his class would gang up on him, tormenting him every day. And the audiences never did anything living up to their certificates of ‘Audience’.

The bullying in middle school was still a part of his daily life, to the day. He didn’t dare tell his parents about it, who were already under lots of work pressure. He was already worried they weren’t paying attention to their health. Troubling them with his problems would only make it worse.

Today when he left home, he knew that the day was going to be the same. 

Get to school - get bullied - study - get bullied - work as bread shuttle - study - get bullied - return home. 

And also, as usual, there was no one at home to say ‘Good day to him. 

While on his way, Truck-Kun almost crashed onto him. But the driver steered strongly, stopping the stereotype. The people around Dream were broken to bits when they saw Truck-kun slip just by a few inches from Dream. But what scared them most was that kid. Not an ounce of emotion was on his face.

Dream wondered if he was even bothered by this tormenting life. He simply continued his routine. 

When he got to school, a knee landed on his stomach crashing to the ground. 

“Urgh…” Dream collapsed from the stinging pain. Becky was the school bully who had an eye on Dream since middle school. They were like a predator and prey. Just that, he would be the prey every damn time. 

“That's a score again!” Becky roared in triumph. “How many times is that again Dreamy?” he asked Dream in a kind tone. 

Dream trembled from the pain. “1003..” he replied in a hushed voice filled with groans.

“I couldn’t hear you bitch!” Another kick sent Dream sliding across the hall. Seriously, how couldn’t the professors see this? Was being the nephew of the chairman this helpful?

“1003” Dream said this time a bit louder. Becky had a smirk on his face, showing how he enjoyed torturing Dream. 

“I don’t like the number somehow. Why don’t we turn it to 1010?” But before Becky could proceed with hitting him, someone interfered between the small uproar. 

It was the president of the second year, Lisa Hilton. Top academic scores, elegant looks and warming aura, A role model for many students and crush of most boys.

What was such a girl doing when the infamous Becky was,...having fun with a loser? 

“President, What might be the reason for your appearance?” Becky asked with a taunting tone. It could be said that Becky had a little something for her. Or her body precisely.

“I would like it if you stopped this stupidity of bullying your classmates or else I will be forced to take strict actions about all this.” her voice reflected her seriousness. 

“Hm? Are you worried for everyone or just this…rat?” Becky was infuriated when he asked her. Her talking about wrongs to him, while defending others was the last thing he would want. The most pathetic loser like Dream, at that.

“For everyone, but currently only Dream. Now please leave before I call the council.” She waved her hand showing him away to the classroom. Becky went away as he gritted his teeth and gave a death glare to Dream. 

But none mattered to the happiest soul of Dream currently. He was on cloud nine. For the first time in his life, someone had stood up for him, no less the school beauty.

“Th..thank you.” He looked at her with a tint of red on his cheeks. The school president gave him a warm smile and helped him get up. 

“Sh..should I buy you something as a thank you? A lunch?” he couldn’t help but ask her. He was too grateful to suppress his excitement.

“No need for that. I have to help my classmates. And I couldn’t see you getting hurt.” She told him as she turned her face around hiding the obvious shyness. 

A sudden wave of fresh air swooped over Dream, freshening every emotion in him.

But before he had a chance to say anything the bell rang indicating students to get to their classes. 

Dream couldn’t help but keep thinking about it. As soon as the break started, he ran to the canteen and got lunch for two. 

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Even though she had refused, it wouldn’t hurt trying. 

‘M...Maybe she likes me?’ for a moment the thought swept through his mind before colliding with the wall of reaLisation. 

He knew that she had only helped as a friend. Maybe she was shy because he had asked for lunch? It was surely everything else but love.

Still, he was amazingly happy and so he started running back to the class. 

When he had just come across their class, he heard the president talk with her friends. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but couldn’t help it when his name was mentioned.

“Why would you help that loser Dream? Didn’t you like Becky?” one of her asked, confusion sparkling in her voice.

“You don’t think I would go and confess to Becky just because I like him right? I can always make HIM confess. And helping a loser like Dream in front of Becky is always the best plan, I bet. And people like that loser are always easy to manipulate. Also, I get a personal servant don’t I?”

"Haha, Lisa, you bitch! You sure know how to use people huh" Her friends started chattering. 

Each word was clear and sharp, with no hesitance in her voice. She wasn’t ashamed of saying all that.

The lunch in his hand fell, which alerted the girls. Lisa came out of the class running to only see Dream crying silently holding his shirt around his chest. 

It hurt him more this time. Why? Becky had always considered Dream a loser and pathetic. And nothing was different from others. But this was the first time someone had cared for him. At Least that's what he thought. 

But to think he was wrong and was about to get caught in another act of manipulation, he couldn’t bear how pathetic he was right now.

“Ah, it seems I got caught.” to top off his misery, Lisa even started laughing. 

“How pathetic of you to think Lisa cared for you huh!?” Lisa's sidekicks poked fun at him. 

“Hey now, don’t say that. Or else he will die just from embarrassment.”

Countless words and a single motive, berating him. 

Dream couldn’t help but run away from there.

‘Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why? Why!? Why!? Why!? Why!?’

His mind was filled with all the times he had been berated and tortured. “I can’t take it anymore.” He smashed his head on the wall when he reached the terrace.

His hand moved to this pocket, taking out his cell and soon calling his mom. 

He needed some comforting right now. And the only people to care for him were his parents. 

He kept it calm till she picked up. “Mom, it's me.” Michelle had a habit of picking up calls without checking them, so he always introduced himself whenever he called.

“Hey dear, what happened?” She asked him. The hurry was visible in her voice. 

“Uh….” he didn’t know what to say. How he should start and from where.

“Mom, I want to meet you. And dad…” He couldn’t stop the tears. He wanted to see them so badly.

But Michelle failed to notice her beloved son's voice cracking and the tense words, soon saying something that she would regret later. 

“Honey, I don’t have time for your little plays all day ok? I have more important things to take care of.” And the cell beeped before shutting off.

‘I...I guess she is a lot busy. I’ll,..just call dad.’ He felt more empty inside but tried to hold it off. 

“Dream, I don’t have time to have chats with you right now.” An irate voice almost scolded him from the other side. 

It didn’t take more than a second for the kids' thoughts to change. It felt like all the world was against him. 

(“Hey now, don’t say that. Or else he will die…”) 

The words clouded his brain, soon invading his heart and becoming a decision. 

‘No one cares. Not even my parents. And if I go back now, Becky will be sure to kill me. No less there's Lisa to manipulate me more.’ Tears dripped down his eyes in a steady flow. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And here he was, staring blankly at the crowd. It seemed like the school had called his parents. 

Almost 100+ calls over a minute. Had they attended him this much sooner, the situation would’ve been a tad different.

“Hey mom, dad…” there was no life in his voice. His parents were on a conference call with him.

“Hon, don’t do this. Please step down from there okay? I know you’ll listen to me. I know you love mom so you won’t disobey me right? Hon? Honey?”

“Hey son, this isn’t the best choice. Pls, listen to us. W..we are sorry about anything we did wrong. Really. Just step down…”

Countless questions and comforts. The sobs from his mom only got more audible with time.

“Dad, mom…Where are you right now?” Dream asked with the last hope he had left in him.

A muffled voice from Michelle's side and dead silence from Gary was received by Dream. 

The voice of the printer functioning and people murmuring was crystal clear. 

“Thanks for everything, I mean it.” For that single moment, Dream's voice was the most calming in the world with the most beautiful smile. 

He dropped down from the terrace. Gary and Michelle could hear screams from the crowd below Dream. 

And soon they heard a crash, followed by grunts from Dream and squeals of girls. Some splashes of blood had landed on the phone which soon deactivated. 

Gary and Michelle fell screaming their throats out. They had just heard their son fall to death. 

How could they ever themselves? 

There at the school, Dream lay down motionless. Half of his head was bloodied and a pool of thick blood surrounded him. 

One of his eyes had almost popped out and his nose seemed cracked. 

The flesh on his head had been scratched off, revealing a tiny part of the bones.

He closed his eyes with the last grunt, his soul soon being drawn out and living the misery and hopeless world behind. 

‘May your soul rest in peace.’ This line was presumed to apply to him, right? But what the fuck was this?

= = = = = = = = = = = 


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