Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 100: 100

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The Ward

Lui Heng and Qiao An stayed in the ward the whole day, as if they had said they would come as bodyguards and really didn't want to back on their word. Jian Shiwu didn’t mind as he was bored lying alone in the hospital bed, but it was a great deal better when they were on the sidelines.

Finally, when he was lying bored, the door outside opened.

In the evening of the setting sun, Shen Cheng stood by the door with a kawaii bag in his hand, which was a far cry from the image of a mature business man in a suit, but because of this, there seemed to be a bit more of a human touch.

Jian Shiwu looked up at him and smiled: "Got off work?"

Qiao An and Lui Heng who were sitting on the sofa also raised their heads to say hello, especially Qiao An, who looked at the time on his wrist and said with emotion, "It's different when you have a man, how could I have seen you anywhere other than the office before it got dark?"

Shen Cheng gave him a cool look.

Qiao Ann stretched out his hands as if in surrender, and continued to indulge in his own game. Lui Heng next to him quietly looked took a quiet look at the two men in front of him with interest and cleared his throat, saying, "Brother Shi, you haven't eaten yet, I'll go out with Qiao An to buy some food."

Jian Shiwu said to them, "No need to buy, my mother told me she’ll send some over later."

Lui Heng smiled awkwardly and said, "Then I will go out to pick up Auntie. "

The two of them had been waiting until now just to have a meal, and now they were going out to wait for Zhen Meili and save themselves the trouble of being light bulbs here.

Before Jian Shiwu could stop him, Lui Heng took Qiao An away. He regained his senses and looked at the man standing next to him again, his eyes falling on Shen Cheng's hand, with curiousity: "What did you buy? "

“ Sugar."

Shen Cheng put the pink candy box that was seriously inconsistent with his image on the table, and then said, "Did you take the medicine at night?"

Jian Shiwu's medicine is supposed to be swallowed before meals. But according to his dislike of taking medicine, he tried to avoid it as much as he could.

Being watched by Shen Cheng's insightful eyes, Jian Shiwu felt guilty: "Not yet."

Shen Cheng easily took out the proportional medicine from the cupboard, poured out water and handed it to Jian Shiwu, silently urging him to take it. He hesitantly took it, his eyes dripping, as if he was planning some kind of trick.

"I haven't eaten yet."

Shen Cheng looked at his slow movements, and opened his lips expressionlessly: "Waiting for me to feed you?"

Jian Shiwu choked, remembering that his mother and friends were coming back anytime, and didn't delay anymore. He threw the medicine into his mouth and drank water, because his throat was thin and the tablet was flat and big this time, he still couldn't finish the medicine after swallowing, the bitter taste spread in his mouth, and he wrinkled face and drank water again.

When he finished the medicine, before he could anguish over the bitterness, there was a wide palm infront of his face with unopened sweets on it.

Shen Cheng said: "Take one."

Jian Shiwu didn't hesitate, just opened one and put it in his mouth. It tasted like peach, sour and sweet, and it neutralized the medicinal taste. With that in mind, his thoughts drifted farther and farther inexplicably.

He vaguely remember that in the past life, there were often such candies at home. At that time, his health was not as good as he had been in his life, he lacked exercise, and was lazy all year round. In addition to being intemperate, he often caught colds and fever.

At that time, he and Shen Cheng respected each other like guests, and he did not dare to complain about not wanting to take medicine. When he grimaced with bitterness, he could always find candy at home.

Occasionally he would ask Shen Cheng, "Where did you get the candy?"

"A client gave it to me." Shen Cheng would reply.

At that time he didn't think much about it. He couldn’t be narcissistic to think it was specially bought for him and as to why it was an unsolved mystery that clients would insist on sending sugar with the latest production data.

Looking at the candy box on the cabinet, Jian Shiwu looked sideways at the man sitting beside the hospital bed. He took courage and asked, "Did you buy this, where did it come from?"

Shen Cheng didn't change his face: "Secretary Wang gave it."


Jian Shiwu looked at the candy wrapper and suddenly couldn't help laughing: "Secretary Wang is so nice, and he even knows what flavours I like to eat."

Shen Cheng heard him praise other men and his face stank, as soon as he raised his eyes, they met Jian Shiwu's smiling eyes, reflecting his own figure clearly. The atmosphere in the room was ambiguous and warm, making people feel comfortable all over, two people approached unconsciously, and the affectionate intimacy between lovers was driven by physical instinct.

However, just as their lips were about to be pressed together, Jian Shiwu hurriedly covered his lips and moved back: "No!"

Shen Cheng's eyes went dark. Men whose courtship is rejected are usually very difficult to convince , for example, Mr. Shen, who looked at Jian Shiwu so mournfully, as if he wouldn't give up today if a good reason was not given.

Jian Shiwu hurriedly cleared: "I have a fever, don't want to infect you."

Shen Cheng: "I have a good resistance."

"Then, since your resistance is so good, you can't restrain yourself."

He didn't get a response to his words. There was a slight gasp, the shadow that fell on the ground was pulled a little longer, and even the last trace of the bitter taste of the medicine was eliminated by this somewhat warm kiss. Shen Cheng hugged him gently, cautiously. Avoiding his wound, the man's movements were sober and restrained. When Jian Shiwu's breath was unstable, his low and hoarse voice was still in his ears: "No."

The following day

With Fang Tingyu's intentionally vague answer, public opinion on the internet began to ferment, with some of Fang Tingyu's fans starting to fabricate rumours with unfounded evidence, and even saying that Jian Shiwu relied on his backer to steal the role, and that the guzheng was a post-production soundtrack and not played by himself.

In the wake of such public opinion, many fans have become resentful of the game, and have been constantly scrolling underneath many of the topics and microblogs about the game demanding justice for Fang Tingyu and boycotting Jian Shiwu with comments:

"I liked this game very much, but I uninstalled it. It's disappointing."

"I won't play Zuoqiu's character again."

"Jian Shiwu, a man pretending to be a woman is really an insult to Master."

"Why let a man play the role, do you look down on women?"

Under the malicious guidance of people with a heart, the direction of the developments became more and more strange, maybe because some people knew that even if most companies cancel the contract, they will not reveal the reason for the cancellation. So they made a big fuss about this aspect and guided some small fans who don't know the truth to spread rumours. This was not a big deal at first, but unexpectedly, some fans didn’t know what to think, and went to some Ji's employees' Weibo to make trouble.

Especially because Jian Shiwu waz Gu Duan's subordinate in "Go Workers", a small number of fans dug up Gu Duan's Weibo and left a message below:

"It's really right that Duan dislikes him on the show. "

“ Only knows how to grab other people's resources."

"He doesn't deserve to be your assistant, so hurry up and deduct his points."

"Not working properly and going to bully our sister Yu, Master Duan hurry up and fire him."

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In fact, this part of the comment was really small, but what was unexpected was that this batch of messages only appeared under Jian Shiwu's Weibo at noon that day, and was replied to by Gu Duan himself that afternoon.

A man with a very bad temper before figuring out the ins and outs of the matter, went to them directly and replied very arrogantly:

"How old are you?"

Those fans who asked Gu Duan to target Jian Shiwu were stupid. However, what they didn't expect was that Gu Duan was not targeting any one, he was attacking everyone in the room indiscriminately:

"Whether I dislike him or not it's your turn to judge?"

"Who's stealing resources, where's the proof?"

"Deduct your fucking points, I'm the one who told him to go to the west of the city."

"Stop bullshitting me and get out."

Compared with some people who still care about the idol burden of being cultured people, Gu Duan did not care. Some of the fans, who had no idea how hard it was for Jian Shiwu to work under him, actually experienced what it was like to be personally disliked. The fans who wanted to splash Jian Shiwu with dirty water were directly showered with a pot of acid by Gu Duan.

Such simple and rude replies went directly to the top of the hot search:

#Gu Duan vs who are you#

It directly become a popular reply quote in the summer of that year, which caused a lot of heated discussions among netizens over the direct protection.

Just when everyone thought this was the end of the matter, the official "Coming Out", a company that has gone through fire for many years and has never sent out a tweet for such a small matter as a spokesperson's termination, unexpectedly updated its Weibo account at just after three o'clock. With a long tweet directly and generously releasing the termination contract, with sharp language that left no room for error, and when naming the reason for the termination, it was even more straightforward, it stated. "The cooperation could not be carried out smoothly due to Ms Fang Tingyu's personal reasons."

A simple line, like hitting a lot of fans in the face.

The obvious calf-protecting behavior of "Coming Out" has also caused a lot of comments from netizens, but most of the players and netizens are supportive. There is no other reason. Because these two days, Fang Tingyu's fans are really annoying. .

"One thing to say, Jian Shiwu's Zuoqiu is the best recreation cos I've ever seen."

"Why can't boys cosplay female characters, haven't you been to a comic exhibition?"

"Still threatening not to play, go ahead and uninstall, there's no shortage of players."

Soon after, the official response from “Coming Out” also quickly topped the hot search, which also caused panic on Fang Tingyu's side, it's not that they didn't notice the behaviour of some fans before, but they just thought it was just some comments and there was no need to specifically restrain them, but what they didn't expect was that just an oversight and carelessness had made this a big deal!

Fang Tingyu’ whole body trembles in panic.

Especially since just this afternoon, hot off the press, they received a termination contract from Ji, which wasn't a single termination contract, there was also a notice of breach of contract to be paid, and even the endorsement she was talking about before, regarding another app from Ji, was cancelled across the board.

As an agent, Gu Cancan broke into a cold sweat in the summer. She said: "This is more than this. There are several big-production movies this year, that have Ji's investment. They have terminated the contract with us now, and they even posted on Weibo to express their disapproval. If those producers see it, no one will want to touch us to not anger the investors. Who will cooperate with us again?!”

This was an indirect ban.

Even if Fang Tingyu was normally arrogant, she finally panicked a little at this moment: "How can that's just an interaction session, where's the need for this?"

After all, Gu Cancan is a senior agent, she said, "I am afraid you provoked someone?"

Fang Tingyu said, "Is Licheng Technology trying to deal with me?"


Gu Cancan looked at the termination of the contract and shook her head slowly: "If it's just the Jian family, they don't have the ability to shake Ji's decision, let alone have such an indirect blocking influence. Behind Jian Shiwu, there must be someone, someone you and I can't afford to offend."

It was summer but Fang Tingyu felt cold all over: "I'll call Young Master Wang.”

"Call for what! I think that Jian Shiwu is not really a ruthless person, the person behind him is and we really shouldn't mess with him. However if Jian Shiwu can forgive us in a moment of weakness, that's also a chance of survival. "

Fang Tingyu was a little reluctant to hear it: "Going to apologize to him? Or did he steal my role..."

Gu Cancan glared at her viciously: "If we don't go, we will really die!"

She now hated herself for bringing such a foolish person with her, and also hated herself for not finding out what kind of big person was behind Jian Shiwu when she did her research, but now that it had come to this point, the milk had already spilled, and even if she regretted it, it was too late.

Half an hour later, the city's First People's Hospital.

The entrance and exit of the entire floor on the 20th floor was guarded by bodyguards. Since the incident of the "interaction meeting" and the attack by fans, everyone has paid attention to Jian Shiwu's personal safety. Although the person on the hospital bed didn't know it yet, the entire floor of the hospital was strictly guarded by Ji's bodyguards.

Therefore, when Gu Cancan and Fang Tingyu were stopped at the elevator entrance, they were furious.

Gu Cancan finally persuaded the bodyguard, "Please help us to send a message, really, we really don't mean any harm, we just want to say a few words, we are here to sincerely apologise."

The bodyguard was not in a position to make a decision on his own, and after thinking about it, he made a phone call to Secretary Wang.

When Secretary Wang found out that it was Fang Tingyu's group, he finally asked Shen Cheng's opinion and forwarded the communication to Shen Cheng. He was glad that the boss had been brooding about the injury to his sweetheart, and now here was the culprit. The culprit actually dared to send themselves to his door for him ti vent his anger, which was simply too good.

Unfortunately, Fang Tingyu and Gu Cancan obviously did not know the inside story, but instead they also ran into the gun. The moment she learned that the phone was dialled to the president's office, Gu Cancan finally understood who the big master behind Jia Shiwu was. Before she came she was thinking that if Jian Shiwu did not forgive, perhaps Fang Tingyu could go to Wang Gongzi for help, but upon learning that the other party was Shen Cheng, all that was left in Gu Cancan's heart was in complete bleakness.

“Mr. Shen, it really is our fault that such a thing happened, our Ting Yu is now also very regretful, she especially regrets not being able to officially attend the interaction meeting and also very much wants to continue to fulfil the contract, we will definitely pay for the breach of contract but after that, we are willing to come over to help at Ji’s any time."

This was an indirect attempt to beg Ji to give them a chance, to let them live, and for them to attend subsequent events for no money at all.

However, the man on the other end of the phone said in a cold voice, "That's all you have to say?"

Gu Cancan groaned in her heart, knowing that this is not over. At the same time, she also understood that Ji's targeting of them was not because of the interaction meeting, but because of Jian Shiwu!

Gu Cancan glared at Fang Tingyu. The woman also knew that she had made a big disaster. She leaned over and faced the phone, having lost her previous arrogance, her voice was soft and charming: "Mr. Shen, I'm sorry, it was indeed an accident at the time, but it was also a coincidence. Mr. Jian get this role, and many people fell in love with him because of him. Later backstage, I heard that my fans did something irrational, and I also felt very sorry. Originally, I wanted to come to the hospital to see him earlier, but it was delayed because I had so many events to attend. It was only after I came here today that I realized that Jian Shiwu is your lover, I have offended you a lot before, I'm really sorry."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

For Fang Tingyu and Gu Cancan, every second of such silence was anxiety and torment. After all, Shen Cheng's next words may be related to their future.

Then, while waiting anxiously, a man's low voice came from the other end of the phone: "Miss Fang, I think you misunderstood something."

Fang Tingyu was stunned.

Shen Cheng said slowly: "Jian Shiwu is not my lover."

At these words, Fang Tingyu and Gu Cancan both had joy on their faces, after all, if Jane Shiwu really did not have this intimate relationship with Shen Cheng, then their situation would be much better, or at least not as difficult!

Then the man on the other end of the phone spoke at a leisurely pace, but with a 12-point solemnity: "He is my boyfriend."

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