Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 99: 99

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The ward suddenly fell into silence.

Only the breath of the man sitting by the bed gradually became chaotic. His dark eyes were astonishingly bright. He grasped the slender and white wrists of the youth on the bed. Shen Cheng lowered his body, looking down at the beautiful and clear person. He asked him in a low voice: "What did you call me?"

Jian Shiwu’s big eyes reflected Shen Cheng’s somewhat misty figure, his brain chaotic. He was so thirsty, and his voice was hoarse when he spoke. Seeing that Shen Cheng was still, he poked at him a little aggrieved: "I want to drink water."

Shen Cheng said stubbornly, "What did you call me?

" Husband...?"

Jian Shiwu slowly called out subconsciously, with a touch of uncertainty.

The man's eyes darkened as he got up and poured a glass of warm water from the kettle on the coffee table next to him, personally bringing it to the youth lying on the bed, first gently stroking him to sit up, then feeding him the water one mouthful at a time.

Jian Shiwu was so thirsty that he finished his glass and then looked at him again, "More."

It was like asking a servant, no one would have dared to ask Shen Cheng to do such trivial things on a normal day, but the man sitting on the edge of the bed was willing to pour the water, and even tried it himself before bringing it to him because he was afraid it might not be the right temperature.

It wasn't until he had drunk the whole three glasses of water that Jian felt a little better, and the whole time he was drinking he was being good, showing a stickiness to Shen Cheng that he had never had before, like a doddering flower that had been kept in the house clinging to and attached to him.

Shen Cheng opened his lips and asked him, "Do you still want to drink?"

Jian Shi Wu obediently shook his head: "I'm not thirsty anymore."

Maybe it was because after drinking the water, the temperature in his body had dropped and he was much more awake from the daze he had just woken up in. The youth was slowly coming around, he raised his face to look at Shen Cheng sitting beside him. Because he was feeding him water, Jian Shiwu was leaning a little closer and he was presenting a look of being nestled in the man's arms, very intimate. He awakened and thought about his current relationship with Shen Cheng, and with some shyness as an afterthought, pushed him, "You, you go and sit on the chair next to him."


Shen Cheng looked down with a pair of dark eyes. The man raised his eyebrows, seemingly with a bit of mischief: "Mr. Jian after finishing to drink the water, you now chase me to sit away?"

The word "used and thrown" was almost pasted on Jian Shiwu.

Jian Shi Wu was a little annoyed, but his voice was soft and coquettish: "Stop it."

Shen Cheng put his arms around his waist, no longer giving him a hard time, just said in a low voice: "Then call me again. "

“ Call what?"

Shen Cheng's face was exceptionally handsome in the light, the man's suit had the appearance of a gentleman, but the words he said were a bit coaxing, his voice was low and husky: "Just call me what you called me just now."


Jian Shi Wu suddenly got stuck.

His somewhat sluggish brain simply could not recall what he had chanted when he was feverish, he remembered that he seemed to have called out to Shen Cheng, but exactly what he had called out was somewhat difficult to remember, and he was caught in a dilemma, he hesitated: "What did I call you just now?"

And his answer made Shen Cheng's face gradually sink.

A long time ago, Shen Cheng was keenly aware that sometimes, when Jian Shiwu looked at him, there would occasionally be something strange, like... looking through him and seeing someone else. Last time when he had a fever and was dreaming, he kept whispered some things he didn't understand. Even if the other party's name was the same as his own, he could be sure, Jian Shiwu was not calling him, it must be someone else, someone he didn't know.

It wasn't as if he hadn't had peopls look into it, even during the four years he had gone, he had secretly had someone look out for anyone who came into contact with Jian Shiwu, only to find nothing, as if that person really only lived in Jian’s mind, not in this world.

But even so, he was still jealous.

Shen Cheng raised the face of the person in his arms, and the man leaned over with a bit of force: "Look at me."


Jian Shiwu looked at him with some astonishment.

Shen Cheng lowered his voice: "Who am I."

Jian Shiwu didn't think that he would ask this question, but Shen Cheng's expression told him that this matter was very important, so the young man didn’t make trouble, and obediently answered: "Shen Cheng."

Shen Cheng was not very satisfied. The man's slender fingers rubbed across Jian Shiwu's delicate face, and his voice was low and magnetic: "Who was feeding you water just now?"

"...You "

“Speak clearly." The man's dark and deep eyes looked at him with a bit of bewitchment and seduction. He looked so gentle, but there was danger under that peaceful face. To be precise, his whole person was now very dangerous, like a vicious and powerful poisonous snake coiling and scrutinizing its prey.

Jian Shi had a fever in the afternoon, his sluggish brain thinking simply, and he recited the name again: "It's you, Shen Cheng."

Shen Cheng's mouth finally evoked a satisfied smile, but he said, "No."

Jian Shiwu was confused.

The youth looked at him with some grievances, his watery eyes were a little puzzled, and he seemed to be annoyed. He made a move to retort, but the words that reached his mouth were blocked by a somewhat forceful kiss, not a deep one, but a solemn one, the man's voice close to his ear, with a rolling heat and a pronounced sentence, he said, "It's your boyfriend."

Outside the window the sun was officially setting.

Jian Shiwu was still looking at him in a daze, but Shen Cheng's mouth evoked a satisfied smile, so what if there really was another person? At least he was the one who won. He is Jian Shiwu's boyfriend now, and he will be his fiancé and husband in the future. This person will be his all his life.

No other man will be allowed to plunder.

Not even that person, since he hasn't appeared in the past four years, he never has to.


The next day, Jian Shiwu’s fever subsided a lot.

The ward gradually became lively. Since the accident, Lui Heng had brought all his laptops and computers to the ward. In his words, he must follow him in the future, so as not to have any scrupulous people that want to commit malicious acts.

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In this regard, Jian Shiwu had only one doubt: "Well...why are you here, Qiao An?"

Sitting on the sofa, eating fruit, the blond and handsome guy was tall and handsome, and he said lazily: "I? In order to prevent criminals from committing crime, I came here to be a bodyguard."


At first glance it didn't sound like much of a problem, but it was.

Lui Heng glared at him and said, "Have you ever seen bodyguards hired by anyone eating and drinking like you are."

Qiao An smiled brightly: "You hired me."

The two started bickering, each sentence seemed to be tit-for-tat, but in fact it looked like they were flirting. Jian Shiwu suddenly felt like he was under a magic attack.

Fortunately, Lui Heng still had a conscience during working hours, and noticed that there was a patient there.

He walked up to Jian Shiwu with his computer in his arms and said, "Brother Shi, what happened at the back door yesterday seems to have been suppressed by someone."

Jian Shi Wu was lying against the pillow, not surprised: "Fang Tingyu pressed it down."


Lui Heng knew that the gold master behind her would definitely protect her: "All online inquiries about this matter were cleaned up, even the hot search was suppressed, and even those people at the back door were shut up. It’s really annoying. They didn't even apologize for splashing you. Her fans don't feel guilty at all, and they're still yelling about you stealing the role."

He thought Jian Shiwu would be angry, but he wasn’t.

The young man sitting beside the bed was very indifferent: "It's okay, forget it."

Lui Heng looked at him unexpectedly.

Jian Shiwu said softly, "It's not good for the organizer's reputation to spread this thing out. I just hope that the interaction will end perfectly, I don't want it to be stained. Besides, from a certain perspective, it's true that I robbed her of her role, and we are even after I was splashed."

Lui Heng choked, but when he met Jian Shiwu's clean and clear eyes, he couldn't say anything. He understood that it was not because he really didn't want to bother with Fang Tingyu, he just didn't want to let Ji's activities have any detrimental effects, because this is Ji company, Shen Cheng's company.


As Lui Heng was talking, the phone in his hand rang. When he saw it, it was Fang Tingyu's studio that he had been trying to contact. He sighed and connected the phone. A very warm female voice came: "Mr. Zuoqiu? Is that you? I'm Fang Tingyu's manager Gu Cancan. I heard that Mr. Jian is ill, is he okay?"

"I'm sorry to bother you." Lui Heng said, "It's really hard to get in touch with you, I'm contacting you because I want to talk about some talk on Weibo, yesterday we may have misunderstood each other because of a role issue, but Sister Fang should know that this was not a role grabbing issue. I see that some fans don't seem to understand this and there is some irrational behaviour of the fans, do you think it would be better to clarify or restrain them a little."

Gu Cancan's attitude was very good. She said, "Oh, I heard Tingyu come back and said not to worry, she will communicate with some station sisters and fans, and there will be no misunderstanding."

What does this mean? That they mean to communicate privately.

But it's hard to say whether they will actually do so. If they don't officially refute the rumors and that they terminated the contract because they didn't cooperate with the work, fans would only misunderstand Jian Shiwu.

Lui Heng said, "Sister Gu, what I mean is..."

Before he could finish speaking, Gu Cancan was already thinking that he wanted to prevaricate the past, and she hung up the phone before Lui Heng could speak again. In the entertainment industry, they pay attention to their positions and rank.

For Fang Tingyu and the others, Jian Shiwu is just a little-known wannabe. If they could make a phone call today, it’s already showing face, and it’s even more impossible to send for Jian Shiwu a Weibo to clarify.

After Gu Cancan hung up the phone, she said to Fang Tingyu, "Although we don’t need to go clarify anything for Jian’s sake, but how dare you play a big name at Ji's event this time, you are really bold, do you know what consequences and losses this will have?!"

Fang Tingyu sat on the sofa, how could she listen to criticism when she was so proud, once she saw how aggressive her manager was, she herself became aggrieved: "Sister Gu, it's not that I played a big name, I was all set to go on stage, but it was Jian Shiw who had an affair with that planner and changed my role on the spot!"

Gu Cancan said angrily, "There is a contract in black and white, you had no problem, but the planner blatantly replaced you?!"


Fang Tingyu was speechless.

An assistant happened to be pouring tea for her, she picked up the tea and wanted to drink water, but she was scalded, so she poured it on the assistant without thinking about it: "Can you do things right, this water is so bad It's hot!"

The assistant screamed, tears were falling down her face, and Gu Cancancan, who was next to her, was scared, so she sent someone out to find cool water to rinse off the water. The company had Fang Tinguy’s gold mater and got good resources, so it could put up with all this, but since a movie became a hit in the first half of the year, Fang Tingyu has been getting more and more unruly lately.

Gu Cancan scolded her and said: "Tingyu, how can you just splash hot water, she is your assistant, you asked her to find someone to splash water on Jian Shiwu, now you want to do it to even the people around you?"

Fang Tingyu didn't expect that Gu Cancan to knew that the person who instigated the water incident was her, and her arrogance suddenly disappeared.

Gu Cancan took a deep breath and said, "You are really ignorant, do you know why I called Jian Shiwu over there, because I checked, Jian Shiwu is not an amateur as you said. His father is Jian Zicheng, the president of Licheng Technology, and he is the only son of the Jian family!"

Fang Tingyu was taken aback.

"Fortunately now, they all thought it was the fans. If Jian Zicheng knew that you dared to bully his son, do you think they would let you go!" Gu Cancan thought about it, and the information she saw and mind went a little dizzy: "Fortunately, when I called the attitude of the other party didn't seem like they wanted to cause trouble. In two days let's go to the hospital to see him again. It's okay."

Gu Cancan said so said, but Fang Tingyu did not agree.

Fang Tingyu still didn't know the seriousness of the matter, and said stiffly: "Sister Gu, what are you afraid of, my backer is the prince, although the Wang family is not as big as the Ji family, but it doesn't need to be worse than the Jian family. No matter what happens, the prince will protect me."

Gu Cancan felt that her thoughts were too naive.

To put it in a simple way, Fang Tingyu is now just a mistress maintained by Wang Gongzi, but Jian Shiwu is the real son of Licheng Group. One is a plaything, and the other is a real pearl. Although the Jian family is not so powerful , but if there is a real trouble, the prince may not really want to go through a hard time for a mistress and a big group.

Thinking of this, Gu Cancan said: "I always feel a little uneasy about this matter. The notice letter from Ji's side should have been sent over to discuss the termination of the contract but it hasn’t been sent. I always think, this matter It's not that easy to fix."

Fang Tingyu felt that she was overly concerned, and she sneered: "Maybe Jian Shiwu still doesn't want to lose the opportunity to cooperate with me, after all, I have more commercial value than him. Besides, so what if Jane's the young master of the Jane's family, he doesn't have much power. "

The more she talked, the more panicked Gu Cancan became.

Finally, Gu Cancan couldn't help but ask: "Are you really sure that his backer is Ji's planner Lu?"

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