Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 112: 112

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At the edge of the forest in the night, two people were holding onto each other.

Shen Cheng looked down at the person in front of him, the person who had been holding onto his clothes as if he was sure that he would not get rid of him by force. His voice was a bit delicate, he had not seen him for two days and it seemed like he had missed him for a long time, this time he took a closer look through the street light, the little one was obviously a bit aggrieved, his eyes were red. Many times, as long as this one's eyes reddened, his heart would go soft.

Shen Cheng sighed almost inaudibly: "I'll take you back."

In fact, this place was not even a few steps away from Jian Shiwu's home.

Jian Shiwu said, "Are you still angry?"

Shen Cheng lowered his head, took his hand and held it in his palm: "When did I say I was angry."

Jian Shiwu pursed his lips: "You are obviously angry."

Shen Cheng looked at him lightly.

Jian Shiwu looked aggrieved and even looked at him with some resentment: "If you're not angry, why did you want to leave?"

Shen Cheng bowed his head: "If I don't leave, do I have to settle with an alcoholic here."


Jian Shiwu was unconvinced, "I'm not drunk."

Shen Cheng: "Is that so?"


"Then what you're saying is what's in your heart." Shen Cheng's voice was inaudible: "You haven't thought about getting married to me."

Jian Shiwu was slightly surprised: "When did I say that."

Was this person's reading comprehension taught by his gym teacher?

Jian Shiwu looked at Shen Cheng's serious expression, and couldn't help but feel annoyed: "We are dating now, if I really don't like you, if I really don't intend to be serious, why would I be dating you. Do you doubt me?"

Maybe the wine had emboldened him, so he really dared to say it.

Shen Cheng stopped in his tracks, obviously much more serious as he looked at Jian Shiwu quietly, with some inexplicable pressure, four eyes facing each other, the man said in a slow voice: "Then what are you afraid of."

Jian Shiwu stammered inexplicably: "What..."

Shen Cheng looked at him quietly.

Jian Shiwu suddenly lost the confidence in his heart. He was actually very afraid of Shen Cheng's appearance when he didn't speak or show anger or anything. In the past life, when they got along with each other, they were so silent. When he looked at him so calmly in the midst of a conflict, it always left him feeling empty and bottomless.

Jian Shiwu: "I'm not afraid."

Shen Cheng: "Yes, you are."

He raised his arm, such a movement made Jian Shiwu a little nervous, the man's slender fingers ended up on Jian Shiwu's brow as he said, "For example, right now you're afraid."

Shen Cheng said in a light voice: "Once upon a time, too."

Jian Shiwu froze, because he had all kinds of things about his previous life in his heart. At that time, he and Shen Cheng didn't have many happy moments. When they met each other, most of the time they were silent like this. He was especially afraid to face such a him.

Now that he had re-lived his life, there were still some shadows that he could not subconsciously change. He thought he was hiding a lot, but in front of a shrewd man, nothing could be hidden.

Shen Cheng asked, "What are you afraid of?"

Jian Shiwu let out a deep breath: "I... am not afraid, really, well maybe a little at times, but we haven’t dated for long. I'm not lying to you, I really like you, I just need you to give me a little time to digest it."


Surprisingly, Shen Cheng did not force him, but was very considerate: "I will give you time, but I also have a condition."

Jian Shiwu was surprised: "What?"

"You said you want to get to know me better before considering marriage matters, we've known each other for many years and we basically know a lot of things already." The tall, handsome man was standing under the street light, his face was light, looking at the person in front of him and said, "If you still have any concerns about me, I don't want you to hide them, only say them honestly, so that you can be understood."

Jian listened to his words with mixed thoughts in his mind.

Then, perhaps alcohol really strengthens one's courage, he took a deep breath and said, "Then can you tell me why I haven't heard from you in the past four years?"

Shen Cheng's eyes moved slightly.

Jian Shiwu didn't hide it either: "My parents had connections with you, I don't know about other people, but there should be some more. Why are you avoiding me alone? Don't use those perfunctory reasons to deceive me. I’m not a child anymore, you don't want to say a word to me about what happened to your family. I know I'm not capable and competent, but I can't even be the one to share your emotions, why can't everyone else but me?"

With these words, the anger in his heart suddenly smoothed out.

"Your stepmother, and that brother, I didn’t even know about these people. I have been like a fool for the past four years. I know how you are, you can decide to just leave and I can't do anything about it. Tell me, how can I imagine my future and marriage with you? If you go now, at most I will change my boyfriend, if we were married, should I change my husband?"

They were all angry words.

Shen Cheng's face changed and his tone was heavy: "You still want to change to others?"


Is that the point.

Jian Shiwu glared at him, "You deserve it, who let you ignore me, If I find another what's the matter, I still have to find someone better looking than you, better loving than you, better..."

Before he could finish his words, he was pulled into Shen Cheng's arms, and the man's strong kiss fell, blocking the chattering mouth. Unlike previous kisses, this kiss seemed to contain too much suppressed emotion in it, even without any words, it was as if Jian Shiwu could feel Shen Cheng's patience.

After the kiss, Shen Cheng tightly wrapped his arms around Jian Shiwu's waist and rested his head on the person's shoulder: "I will tell you, but now is not the time."

Jian Shiwu had mixed emotions in his heart.

Shen Cheng turned his face sideways and dropped a kiss on his cheek, his voice low and husky: "Trust me, it won't take long."

It was as if the man had sympathized with his unspeakable feelings, and Jian Shiwu was not an unreasonable person, he did not resist again, but gently bowed his head: "Okay, I believe you."


"Shen Cheng."


"One day, I'll tell you something too." Since Shen Cheng was honest with him, he would also make an effort: "It's not now either, but you give me some time too, okay?"

The autumn breeze blew through somewhat coolly, and his voice was soft, not heavy.

But it was met with a solemn response, and Shen Cheng said, "Okay."

I'll wait for you.


The Next Day

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The show " Go Workers" officially ended.

Highest popularity winner: Jane Shiwu

Highest Business Ability Winner: Su Yuluo

The winner of the highest popularity award, Jian Shiwu, successfully got the Ji endorsement for the game "Coming Out". His cosplay of Zuoqiu Qundao was deeply popular among the game players, and it was very appropriate for him to be the spokesperson of the latest season, which was in line with the public's wishes.

The strongest business ability, Su Yuluo, chose to stay at his post at Ji, he was interested and well suited for the project team position, the others also earned popularity and got some small resources, everyone was more than satisfied with the status quo.

When leaving Gu Duan gave Jian Shiwu's internship rating 10 points. Such a perfect score was quite surprising, but Jian Shiwu did not get the opportunity to tell Master Duan how grateful he was. He learned from his assistant that the rating given by Gu Duan was before today, and he had already gone on a business trip.

Jian Shiwu said: "So heartless, not even farewell?"

The assistant smiled and said, "Maybe for some people, not saying goodbye is also a kind of tenderness."

Jian Shiwu was not yet able to understand such a complex chill, but his life at Ji's did come to an end with such an epilogue.

With the end of the variety show life, Jian Shiwu did not need to go to check in early for work, but that did not mean his life was much easier. Lui Heng had received numerous commercial activities and notices for him and even all kinds of live broadcasts for various micro -business products. Money was coming in quite quickly.

Lui Heng said: "Some of the film and television resources that are coming to us are all those Mary Sue web dramas. These kinds of drama have no money and it will reduce your popularity with passers-by, and you will miss your current traffic bonus period. , I made a steady profit the year before and this is the first steady earnings, the next year we need to think of ways, or it will be more hard."

Jian Shiwu said, "It's okay, I'm not afraid of hard work."

Lui Heng glanced at the time, "We have another commercial in a little while, we'll probably be shooting until the end of 2am, but tomorrow we have a magazine shoot in B-town, it's at 6 a.m but I'll come and pick you up at 5a.m."

These days, they were so busy, they could only sleep for three or four hours a day.

Jian Shiwu said, "Don't leave to night, you’ll have to run around, just sleep in my guest room."

Lui Heng: "OK."

After they got busy, they tasted the sweetness of popularity, and although the old days were leisurely, they were not missed, the two youths seemed to have an inexhaustible energy burning in their bodies, no one complained of being tired.

Jian Shiwu glanced at his phone, "I wonder if Shen Cheng's plane has landed yet."

It was hard for him to have time to see Shen Cheng, and the man seemed to be very busy too ever since they had talked that day. They were both growing and sprouting in their respective fields, sometimes they were too busy, and even fell asleep while talking on the phone. Shen Cheng had started flying all over the world since the recording of the show ended, saying that he was talking business.

He had gone back to the headquarters in m country, and should stay for a while.

Lui Heng seemed to have just remembered: "By the way, we got an offer for a music video shoot from John James. He is a very famous singer, he watched your Zuoqiu and wanted to invite you to participate in his mv shoot, the location is in M country, the time is about three days later."

"John James? James?"

Jian Shiwu had heard of him before, "I think I've heard of his songs."

Lui Heng smiled, "Yeah, this is a very important resource, and we've been lucky to get it."

John James is a top international actor while Jian Shiwu was just an 18-line actor, so to get an offer now is very prestigious indeed.

Jian Shiwu: "Then I’ll definitely go."

Lui Heng reminded him, "Then do you want to tell Shen Cheng about it."

Jian Shiwu and Shen Cheng hadn't seen each other for a long time, and at the thought that he could also go to M, he smiled and said, "Not for now, I'll tell him when I arrive and give him a surprise."

Lui Heng tsked, "Young love..."


In M, the sky was clear and sunny.

Jian Shiwu had not been here before, the taxi driver picked them up and took them to the hotel, when they arrived, he thought he could give Shen Cheng a call and inform him.

Lui Heng came over and said, "Brother Shi, we have an appointment with James' agent this afternoon to go over to see the location of the mv shoot first, their car is here, shall we go downstairs first?"

"Oh, okay, I'm coming."

Never mind, it was fine to call after work in the evening.

Jian Shiwu would always put his phone away when he was working. On the way, he understood what the MV was about, it was a MV that was somewhat on the ancient side, no wonder James wanted to invite him. The song was in English, but after listening to the accompaniment, the music was atmospheric and the latter tones were somewhat sad, just like the ups and downs of a person's life, he kinda liked the song.

When they arrived at the place, the agent got out of the car.

Lui Heng said, "And Mr. James?"

His agent, a somewhat short and chubby blonde woman, explained, "James has an announcement this afternoon and will be arriving in about an hour. The MV shoot is at this estate, so you two can take a stroll first."

There was nothing wrong with that.

Jian Shiwu didn't even know before that there was such a big and luxurious manor within M. James was a rich man to actually able to rent such a place. After walking inside and strolling around a bit more, he saw the horse farm.

Lui Heng was good at riding horses and was excited to see it: "Can these horses be ridden?"

The agent said, "It's a private stable, but we were invited over so it’s okay. Would you like to try it out? You can just change your clothes over there."

Looking at his excitement, Jian said with a smile, "Then you can go and try."

Lui Heng looked at him curiously, "Brother Shi, you're not going to try it?”

"I can't, I don't know how to ride a horse." Jiam let him go on his own, "That's fine, I'll just wait here for you."

There was nothing else going on anyway, James wasn't here and Lui Heng did want to play, so he didn't hesitate and followed the agent to the back of the house to change his clothes.

The manor was very large inside, the leaves in the green lawn gently swaying with the wind. He sat down on a chair, hearing the sound of hooves near him, he looked up and met a pair of azure eyes. They belonged to a graceful and elegant gentleman, he wore knight's clothing, looking about forty or fifty years old, his hair meticulously combed, and also wore gold-rimmed glasses.

Noticing his gaze, the gentleman smiled, "You're here to ride too?"

A little wary, Jian Shiwu stood up and shook his head, "No, I'm just here to visit."

"Chinese." The gentleman didn't mind his caution, he just narrowed his eyes and spoke fluent Chinese: "I spent some time in China, I like it very much and I like Chinese people too, it's good to see you here today, do you want to ride a horse, I can teach you."

Jian Shiwu was overwhelmed by his enthusiasm, but asked, somewhat curiously, "Are you here to visit too?"

"Of course not." The gentleman said elegantly, "I am the owner of this estate."

Jian stood in awe, not having realized that he was the owner of the manor. But recalled that he didn't know who owned it Remembering that he had just been unkind to him, he remedied the situation by saying, "I'm sorry for the intrusion."

The gentleman smiled. There was a sense of the vicissitudes of time about him, and although he looked friendly, Jian Shiwu felt under pressure.

Getting off his horse, he said, "One of the reasons I like Chinese people so much is because you are a nation of manners, the Chinese are always particularly disciplined and know their manners, it's very comfortable to get along."

Jian Shiwu smiled sardonically, feeling ashamed of himself.

The gentleman said, "Can we talk?"

Jian Shiwu was not very resistant, he just said, "No problem, it's just that, I don't know your name yet...?"

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