Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 24: 24

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The appraisal certificate was not entirely on the bed, most of it was in the quilt, and only a small white corner was exposed. Seeing that Ji Yuansheng was about to stretch out his hand to get it, at that moment, he doesn't know where the courage came from, Ji Beichuan suddenly threw himself on the bed.

The curtains around the bed fell down because of his movements, isolating Ji Yuansheng from the outside, while the person in the bed quickly stuffed the identification report into the quilt to ensure that it would not be seen.

Outside the gauze curtain, Ji Yuansheng's displeased voice came: "What are you doing."

Ji Beichuan didn't dare to look at him, and lied wildly: "I, I'm tired from climbing, I'm tired after I come back from school and I want to sleep."

Ji Yuansheng frowned.

As the head of a company, he can tell when a person is lying and whether he is sincere, and the behavior of the teenager in front of him is obviously classified as a cover-up.

He saw the document his son had hidden, although he didn't see what it was, but he could judge that Ji Beichuan didn't want to let him see it. He had heard before that boys in the rebellious growth period would want to fight their parents. Could this be the case?

Ji Yuansheng frowned: "Come out."

Leaving the words behind, he walked to the sofa next to him. Ji Beichuan in the bed was stunned for a while, then quickly got up and followed him.

Ji Yuansheng's tone was not too harsh, but it was scary: "Is it tiring to climb a mountain?"

Ji Beichuan faltered and couldn't speak. Ji's family style was very strict, and there was never any talk of pampering. In the past, even if Ji Yuansheng was not at home, he told the housekeeper to supervise Ji Beichuan to exercise and control his diet.

Ji Yuansheng looked at his quail-like appearance and was a little disappointed: "It seems that I didn't discipline you properly."

Ji Beichuan's eyes were red: "That’s not true."

Ji Yuansheng didn't say much, only said: "The main industries of my family are overseas. I am busy with the company's affairs, and I am not in China all the year round. This time I returned to China, firstly to gather the domestic market, and secondly because of you, these days I always dream of when your mother was pregnant, I promised to take good care of you, mother and child..."

The afternoon sun slowly came in, and the man who had always been in a high position with a sad face at this moment. At this moment, he was no longer a strategizing CEO, but more like a frustrated husband and a father who blamed himself.

Ji Yuansheng sighed: "She doesn't want to face me, and I think she blamse me for not educating you well."

Ji Beichuan held his hand unconsciously: "It is I who failed your cultivation."

Ji Yuansheng looked at the child who was trembling in front of him, and felt some pity in his heart. After all, it was the last blood and blood of him and Shen Youting. Over the years, he indulged in the sorrow of the death of his deceased wife and ignored him, and even felt a little guilty in his heart. It was the birth of this child who took away his wife.

But if he thought about it carefully, how could he be to blame?

Thinking of this, Ji Yuansheng's face was much softer, he stood up: "Since you are tired, you can rest, but starting from today, I don't want to see this situation again, understand?"

Ji Beichuan felt bitter in his heart and so he could only say: "Yes, I won't dare next time."

Ji Yuansheng stood up after he finished speaking. He was much taller than Ji Beichuan. Looking at him from above, he seemed oppressive. He glanced at the bed, but didn't say anything. He reached out and gently landed on Ji Beichuan's shoulder. He patted it, turned and left.

The door was closed, and the house returned to a cold place.

Ji Beichuan's forehead dripped with cold sweat, his legs were shaking, his entire back was soaked wet, he leaned gently on the sofa, and he kept gasping for breath.

"dong dong dong"

There was a soft knock on the door.

Ji Beichuan bounced like a frightened bird

A gentle voice came from outside. It was Mrs. Li: "Beichuan, sir, he left. He said that you were tired just after returning from school. He told me to cook you a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Eat it while it's hot."

Ji Beichuan walked over and opened the door. There was a bowl of steaming noodles on the small dining cart next to the nanny.

Sister Li had a kind face and said with concern, "You must be tired from climbing the mountain for the past two days. Don't work too hard. I instructed the small kitchen to make some of your favorite food tonight, and Sir will come home to accompany you for dinner tonight."


Ji Beichuan brought the noodles into the room, sat on the ground holding the noodle bowl, the steaming mist rose, and the chicken noodle soup had a rich and mellow aroma, which was appetizing.


If he was no longer the young master of the Ji family, would anyone still care about him?

Ji Beichuan scanned the room, the computer, the toys on the wall, if he wasn't the master of the Ji family, would he still have these?

He has a father that everyone admires, but Shen Cheng has only one lame father, and he has a beautiful mother who is praised by others, while Shen Cheng has only one gambler as a mother, he has always been envied by others, and Shen Cheng while Shen Chen was just a poor man with nothing.

It would be painful for him to lose these, and Shen Cheng had nothing to lose.

That being the case.

Then how could he be wrong?

Ji Beichuan put down the bowl, took out the card with the contact information from his pocket, he dialed, his voice was low: "Hey, it's me, I can give you money, but you also have to promise me one condition, um , after the job is done, you will get the benefits..."


The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the ground, and a farce was going on at the end of the dilapidated alley. All the furniture was being thrown out of it, accompanied by cursing and making noises. Many neighbors stuck their heads out to watch the excitement, so unhappy.

Someone asked: "What happened to that house?"

The woman who ate melon seeds replied, "Is it not Gao Can's house. I heard that she lost a lot of money at the mahjong parlor yesterday, and all the debt collectors came to her."

"What a sin."

"Isn't that right, there are still children at home going to school."

"Then what will happen to their family in the future?"

"I don't think these people will let her go unless they move."

In front of the dilapidated door, the landlady was followed by two men, she was holding her her waist: "It's been half a month since the rent has been delayed, it's fine if you don't leave, but people have come to me for debt collection, Gao Can, come out and leave my house quickly, or don't blame me for being ruthless!"

In front of her, stood Shen Dashan, who was bent over limping to pick up things. Shen Dashan begged: "Mrs. Wang, I'll raise this rent in two more days and give it to you, can you give me a little more grace?"


Mrs. Wang sneered and waved her hand: "Shen Dashan, do you have a conscience? How long have I forgiven you? It's not me who came to rush the rent, but the creditor. Do you know that your wife owes money to others? People say If I don't pay back the money, my house will be demolished!"

Shen Dashan wanted to say something, but Gao Can from the room rushed out.

Gao Can looked at the two men behind Mrs. Wang with a twisted look on her face: "It wasn't me who lost, it was you who collaborated to cheat, I won't admit this debt, don't even think about blackmailing me."

Because of her bad tone, the two men behind were not polite.

The man in the lead was smoking a cigarette: "Gao Can, you should be willing to gamble and accept defeat, don't play mahjong if you can't afford it, this matter is black and white, unless you disappear from this town, this debt will not end, starting today, we two brothers are standing guard at your doorstep, when you pay back, we will leave.”

Gao Can’s face turned white.

She is a scoundrel, but when faced with a powerful threat from two men who are much taller than her, it is difficult for her to be truly fearless. She stumbled back a few steps, and Shen Dashan hurriedly dragged her in and closed the door.

The door was slammed abruptly, and the room was in a mess, with broken furniture and valuables gone, the kind of environment that mice are unwilling to come.

Shen Dashan was furious: "Look at what you have done!"

Gao Can was also angry, she insisted: "I said, they set me up, I would not lose, I..."


A crisp slap echoed in the room, and there were clear slap prints on the woman's face.

Gao Can's face was stunned for a moment. She turned her face to the side and looked at Shen Dashan in disbelief: "You, you hit me?"

Shen Dashan looked down at his hand, trembling slightly, but he was also on the verge of collapse, his eyes were red, and his fragile body was like a broken leaf in the wind.

Gao Can rushed over: "Shen Dashan, you dare to hit me!"

She moved too fast, Shen Dashan didn't react, and was pounced on. There were pieces of debris on the ground. His head hit it unprepared, and he actually fainted. Gao Can panicked.

Although she has been disgusted with Shen Dashan for a long time, but seeing that something really happened to the man, she panicked: "Shen Dashan? Shen Dashan, don't pretend to be dead, Shen Dashan, don't scare me..."

The house was silent for a while.

After a while

The unconscious, thin man slowly woke up and saw the woman crying beside him, Gao Can burst into tears, her hair scattered and she looked like a madwoman.

Shen Dashan was silent for a while, and finally said, "Don't cry."

Gao Can was stunned.

"Let's leave this city and go back to our hometown. I still have a few acres of land there. There is also a Hope Primary School in the village. Shen Cheng has no problem going to school. There is no mahjong hall. You’ll have a good life and won't come back." Shen Dashan looked at her: "After all these years, I'm tired of everything."

Maybe it was because too many things happened today that Gao Can rubbed off a lot of her edges and corners. It was rare for the woman to not retort. She was stunned for a moment. Just when Shen Dashan thought she agreed, Gao Can slowly shook his head: "No."

Shen Dashan: "What else do you want?"

"If we leave, we won't be able to see Beichuan." Gao Can came over and pulled Shen Dashan: "My child, I still want to see him."

Shen Dashan seemed to have heard some big joke: "If you really couldn't bear to let him go, you shouldn't have replaced him back then!"

Gao Can seemed to be poked into a sore spot: "Shen Dashan, do you have a conscience?"

Shen Dashan sat up slowly against the sofa, he glanced at the door and said, "You have seen what's going on outside, it's a question of how we survive now, you still have the mind to take care of Ji Beichuan, if you knew that today you shouldn't have gone gambling, let alone... changing the child."

Gao Can's tears fell: "How do I know, I didn't expect it, last time we went to the parent-teacher meeting, Beichuan didn't even want to talk to us, Shen Cheng that dead child, his classmate liked him, and stabbed at me everywhere..."

The words rattled off, and she suddenly stopped.

Shen Dashan looked at her curiously.

A smile slowly appeared in Gao Can's eyes, she looked at Shen Dashan: "Shen Cheng's two classmates are really rich, they are having branded goods from top to bottom, and that woman, she looked so familiar, she's called Zhen Meimei, right? I heard it during the last parent-teacher meeting that the husband she married is a boss and is very rich!"

Shen Dashan's face was solemn and he warned her: "Don't get any ideas, how can he give you any money?"

Gao Can grinned, a little proud: "She won't give it to me, but she is definitely willing to spend money for her son, I have inquired, her son seems to like Shen Cheng, and when I find a chance to meet her, I’ll tell her to make a marriage contract for the two children, no other requirements, just give money, I don't believe she won’t disagree."


Shen Dashan's whole body trembled: "What do you think of Shen Cheng?"

Gao Can looked at him in amazement, not understanding very well: "Their family is rich and powerful, if Shen Cheng and that little fat boy have a marriage contract, they will still not be short of food and clothing, but they will climb higher, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Dashan couldn't agree: "I'm won’t allow it!"

The two were at a stalemate. Gao Can had made up his mind, but it was not obvious on her face. Anyway, what Shen Dashan thought was not important, and what he did was her business.


The next day

The weather was clear and sunny. Jian Shiwu shouted out from the entrance while putting on his shoes: "Today is Shen Cheng's birthday, Mom, I won't be back for dinner tonight!"

In the kitchen, Zhen Meili came out with a spatula: "Today?"

Jian Shiwu said confidently, "Yes."

Zhen Meimei looked at him suspiciously: "Are you sure?"

Jian Shiwu was triumphant: "Yes, it's written on his certificate, you can pick me up at night, let's go!"

The door was closed, and before she could say anything, Jian had already run away.

Standing in the same place, Zhen Meimei found it difficult to calm her heart, yes, yes, why didn't she think of it before!

She quickly called her husband, and she said, "Hey husband, I thought about it, the child was born sick and has been weak, but the child was clearly healthy before the prenatal check-up. The doctor who delivered the baby at that time must have known about the situation, we will find the doctor that day and check one by one, there must be clues."

Father Jian was taken aback: "Is it possible?"

Zhen Meili trembled a little: "Try it?"

"Okay." Father Jian said, "I'll pick you up later, we'll go today."


While the parents were busy here, Jian Shiwu was also busy over there.

Jiang Shiwu squatted on the curb outside the restaurant where Shen Cheng worked part-time to swat mosquitoes, becoming a bright sight on the street.

"What are you doing here?"

A familiar voice came from overhead.

Jian Shiwu raised his head and met Shen Cheng's cold eyes. He stood up and said, "I'm here to find you."

The streets are full of traffic, and shouts could be heard from time to time from the long street not far away.

In late May, the weather turned hot, and the little fat boy had waited for a long time. His fair face was a little red. He jumped down from the steps by the roadside, and his movements were a little clumsy, like a tender and cute little penguin.

Shen Cheng waved at him: "Come here."

Jian Shiwu got closer, he could see Shen Cheng's beautiful eyes and long eyelashes, and smelled the faint fragrance on his body, which made him nervous and his heart beat fast.

Shen Cheng took out a clean paper handkerchief from his pocket: "Wipe off the sweat."


Jian Shiwu was not too disappointed, and wiped it randomly: "Have you finished working?"

Shen Cheng: "No."

Jian Shiwu made a move and felt a little embarrassed. Everyone was waiting in the hotel, but the birthday star was still working here, but on second thought, this embarrassment turned into a kind of shallow sadness. At the same age, other people's youth is filled with fun and carnival, Shen Cheng's youth is sweat and endless part-time jobs.

He asked, "What else do you do have to do?"

Shen Cheng held a stack of flyers for hotel discounts in his hand.

Jian Shiwu took the initiative to say, "Let me help, I'll come too."

Shen Cheng looked at his positive appearance, but didn't let him come: "No need."

The sun was scorching hot, and the wind was a little hot, Jiang Shiwu, who was afraid of the heat, was covered in fine sweat in this a short time.

Shen Cheng took his arm and stopped him from coming over to grab the flyers.

"Go back, I don't need help."

Shen Cheng pointed to the thick stack of tables not far away: "You can't finish it."

Jian Shiwu took a look, and his face really changed.

Shen Cheng's eyes dimmed slightly, telling Jian Shiwu this, firstly, he wanted him to go back early and not suffer here, and secondly, he wanted him to retreat in spite of difficulties and let him know what kind of life he lived, not as good as he imagined.


Jian Shiwu simply said: "Then I have to help, how can you do it alone!"

Not far away, there is a bear hood prepared by the shop. Shen Cheng has not worn it yet, but Jian Shiwu is very interested. He runs over and puts the hood on his head naturally, shaking his head: "How’s that eh, how’s that?"

Today, he wore an orange coat, and the yellow bear hood was an inexplicable match.

Shen Cheng was afraid that he would be hot: "Ugly, take it off."

How could Jian Shiwu take this hit: "How come, I'm cute, chubby is called Meng, don't think that everyone will like it only if I'm thin as a small bamboo pole, Iam such a cute bear, there will also be people who like me, willing to take my flyer!"

As he said that, he also made a yeah gesture, which was really naive.

Shen Cheng couldn't help laughing.

Work is boring, but with this person, everything becomes lively and interesting.

Jian Shiwu took a stack of leaflets from the table. In the afternoon, the traffic flow on the street was okay. HIs character was more lively and naïve, attracting girls and children to stop and watch:

"Look, what a fat bear!"

"Hahaha, looks so silly."

"It's a chubby little bear."

Not only was Jian Shiwu not angry, but he would also take the initiative to stuff the flyers. Sometimes, when he met a young child, he would correct them in a lively manner: "It's not a fat man, I'm a bear. Bears are very scary and dangerous."

The children would be amused by him.

Occasionall, someone would stop to touch Jian Shiwu's headgear, especially when there were a group of children, no lightness in their hands, and the headgear wobbled, and the peson inside would feel very uncomfortable.

Shen Cheng came over and pulled the chubby bear to his side, not letting anyone touch him.

The children still wanted to come around, but after meeting Shen Cheng's frosty face, they felt inexplicably terrified. Compared to the bear behind him, this brother seemed more dangerous and terrifying. They looked at each other and dispersed.

Jian Shiwu: "They have a conscience, they even know to take the flyers when running away."

Shen Cheng raised his hand and took off his headgear. For a good part of the day, the face inside was blushing with heat and his hair was wet, but he didn't care at all, and he held up the flyer in his hand like a show off: "Look, I'm halfway through."

Shen Cheng threw the hood aside: "Don't wear it."

Jian Shiwu disagreed: "Why, it's so cute, the chubby little bear, you see those children like it, your aesthetic needs to be adjusted, Comrade Shen Cheng."

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows: "Then why are you losing weight?"


Jian Shiwu blushed and retorted in a low voice: "This is different, bears are indeed chubby and cute. Some people like them, but I don't."

Shen Cheng's eyes fell on him: "It's all the same."


Jian Shiwu looked up in disbelief, and he leaned closer: "What did you just say?"

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows lightly: "You clearly heard."

Jian Shiwu: "I didn't hear it clearly."

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"Perhaps it's time for your hearing to be checked, Comrade Jian Shiwu."


This man is still so petty.

Jian Shiwu felt that the atmosphere was right now, so he said, "After posting this, please invite me to a meal. But can I choose the place?"

This request was made with a lot of courage.

After all, it is not easy to lure Shen Cheng to a place!

Jian Shiwu was already prepared to be rejected, if he not, he would change places.

But Shen Cheng just looked at him quietly, his black eyes were as deep as ink, Jian Shiwu looked up and found that there were many things in it that he couldn't understand, at least, he couldn't understand it now.

Shen Cheng said, "Okay."

Jian Shiwu was startled: "Really?"

Shen Cheng nodded.

Getting an inch is Jian Shiwu's forte: "Hey, anywhere?"

There was no expression on Shen Cheng's face: "Yes."

He already knew about the situation at home, and Shen Dashan also told him about the move. It was a foregone conclusion about moving and he couldn't go back. In the past, he was not obliged to say goodbye to anyone and give anyone an explanation, but...

There was an exception in his life.

In the early spring, in the season when all things are flourishing, a person broke into his life and planted a tender seed in the barren land, which quietly took root, sprouted and quietly grew when no one was paying attention.

Jian Shiwu still didn't know what was going to happen, but still smiled happily: "Then it's settled!"

Shen Cheng stretched out his hand to help him straighten his messed up collar, lowered his eyes to cover his emotions, his words were solemn, like a promise: "It's settled."


Because the weather was hot, Shen Cheng took water for Jian Shiwu to drink. Just as Jian Shiwu was about to continue distributing flyers, a shout came from not far away: "Hey, you are here!"

Not far away, Liu Heng and Kong Wenjing were standing on the side of the street. Jian Shiwu was surprised: "Why are you here?"

The Liu Heng smiled and said, "Passing by."

It's actually a bit late, the hotel had already been arranged, but Jian Shiwu had not brought Shen Cheng there until now. Before he left, Jian Shiwu haad told them the approximate location, and a group of people came to have a look.

Jian Shiwu said, "I'm handing out flyers."

It's actually a bit late at this time, but there is still a stack on the table not far away, but it's not as much as it was noon, however if just the two of them sent them out, it wouldl definitely take a while.

Liu Heng rolled up his sleeves: "I'm good at this, come on, share some with me."

Several others were also enthusiastic:

"Get me one, and I'll come too."

"Give me some."

"Don't rob me. You."

Shen Cheng frowned, he opened his mouth to stop: "No need..."

However, other people didn't listen, and they finished their own divisions. At the end, Liu Heng said to Shen Cheng: "Class representative, don't be polite to us. The homework for this vacation has not been finished yet, and I will come ask you questions when the time comes. Just ignore us."

Others echoed:

"Yes, my mother also said that I have made great progress this time and rewarded me with pocket money."

"I was praised too."

"It's all the credit of the class on your behalf."

The crowd dispersed in a lively manner, and the stack of flyers was quickly distributed.

The class had a small group in which many students had already made plans to meet at the hotel in the evening and the group chat was very lively, this hike has made many people feel a deeper relationship with Shen Cheng. At this moment, they were talking about what to give as gifts.

Ji Beichuan scoffed.

The phone rang. It was the two gangsters. He picked it up and asked, "How are things going?"

The other side was very positive: "Almost, Shen Dashan seems to be planning to secretly return to his hometown recently, and Gao Can is also quite calm. Their family can't even pay the rent now, and they have no money to pay off their debts.

Ji Beichuan was still dissatisfied: "what does it seem to mean, how long does it take?"

The little gangster also has a bad temper: "Yo youngaster, even if you make a cow work, you still have to feed it grass, you want us to be efficient, you have to show sincerity."

"You don't have to worry about money."

Ji Beichuan has no bank card, only cash and some valuables. He said, "There is a dessert shop near our house. You can go there and wait for me."

The little bastard said quickly, "Okay!"

After hanging up the phone, Ji Beichuan began to rummage around the house in annoyance, and finally found a relatively valuable mobile phone and a few precious jade ornaments , which he stuffed into his bag and opened the door to leave.

Sister Li wiped her hands with her apron: "I came to ask you what you want to eat at night?"

Ji Beichuan ran out: "No, I have something to do at night, so I won't come back to eat."

Seeing him running downstairs, Sister Li was silent for a while, remembering what she had just heard outside the door, and finally opened the door of the room and walked in.

The huge room was turned over in a mess, as if there was a war just now. The things were turned in a mess, as if it showed the owner's messy state of mind. Sister Li walked over and put the things right one by one. Knowing the layout of Ji Beichuan's room like the back of the hand, it is very easy to find out what is missing, combined with what I just heard about giving money and not giving money...

Could it be that the young master was being blackmaiild?

Sister Li began to clean up the scene seriously but found nothing. Finally, just when she wanted to give up, she glanced from the corner of the eye and found that there seemed to be a white note under the carpet by the bed. When she picked it up, she could see that the note was the contact information in the handwriting of an adult.



Ji Yuansheng, who was in a company meeting, received a call from home.

After sister Li reported the general situation, she worriedly said: "I was worried in the afternoon, and then I followed up and looked at it, and found that the young master gave the two men money back, and those people are not good at first sight, sir, you see..."

Ji Yuansheng frowned slightly, but was calmer: "Are you sure?"

Sister Li nodded: "Yes, I also heard their conversation outside the young master's room, asking for money or something."

She never thought this kind of thing would happen to their young master.

Ji Yuansheng was decisive: "I will handle this matter."

Sister Li is relieved.

After hanging up, Ji Yuansheng called his assistant and instructed, "Give you two hours to find out the details of the two people who met with the young master this afternoon."

The assistant responded and asked again, "What do you want to do after finding out?"

Ji Yuansheng was silent for a while, then said, "Bring them to me."


The assistant has been with Ji Yuansheng for many years and understands his temper. This person who made the president want to meet them so seriously, it would be fine if it is for gratitude, but if he had offended the president... then this person will be miserable.

the other side

Fenghuazhi Hotel

Not to mention knowing the name of the hotel, even passers-by who have never heard of it stand at the foot of the hotel, looking at the splendid pavilion, at the precious marble at first sight, at the majestic stone lion, they also know that this is a place with extremely high consumption.

Jian Shiwu was a little nervous, afraid that Shen Cheng would turn around and leave: "Well, let's eat here."

Shen Cheng's face was very calm, he was wearing an ordinary white shirt, plain and unadorned, standing in front of the bright and bright hall, his back was straight, his temperament was cold, and he didn't look shabby at all.

Shen Cheng took a step: "Go in."

Liu Heng came over and said, "My dear, the class representative is so rich?"


Jian Shiwu said, "I don't know either."

There were too many things he didn't know. In his previous life, even when he got married, he thought that Shen Cheng was a poor boy. Later, he found out that he had a company and was extremely rich. At that time, he was already surprised. Now he is a little calmer than Liu Heng.

The hall is magnificent.

A servant came over and asked, "Hello, how many, which floor are you going to?"

Jian Shiwu said, "21st floor."

After answering so fluently, he felt that he had said the wrong thing, and sure enough, as soon as he turned around, he met Shen Cheng's meaningful gaze.


Doesn't this reveal that he has already reserved a box!

Jian Shiwu tried to save: "Well, I just heard that the food on the 21st floor has delicious food."

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows noncommittally. How could he not be able to see Jian Shiwu's clumsy acting skills? Everything was arranged today, and the position on the 21st floor must have been set a long time ago. He has always knewn Jian Shi Wu likes him, and he said before that he wouldn't entangle with him and for a period of time, e didn't return to his old ways. It turned out that he was waiting here, maybe it was a prepared confession event?


Inexplicably, he was no longer as disgusted as before, and even faintly had a kind of joy that he was unwilling to admit.

Shen Cheng had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but it didn't show on his face: "Go upstairs."

Jian Shiwu was happy and nodded happily: "Yeah!"

The closer the floor, the more tense the atmosphere.

He doesn't know if Shen Cheng will like the surprise prepared by everyone, butif he he turned around and left, the scene would be difficult to salvage. Seeing the distance from the box getting shorter and shorter, Jian Shiwu couldn’t resist speaking; "That, Shen Cheng..."

Shen Cheng looked at him sideways.

Jian Shiwu's big round eyes looked at him for a moment, and said expectantly, "If you are not satisfied in a while, don't go, okay?"

Maybe because of a little nervous, the chubby and fair face is all crimson.

Shen Cheng's eyes dimmed slightly, looking at the slightly nervous chubby boy, the corners of his lips curled slightly: "Okay."

Slowly, the box door opened.


The small fireworks were opened, colorful flowers were flying all over the sky, and everyone in the room got up and gathered around. The ribbons were fluttering, balloons were flying, and everyone's face was full of smiles. They said in unison: "Happy birthday!"


Shen Cheng glanced at Jian Shiwu.

Jian Shiwu's face was full of silly smiles, he picked up the fireworks and put it on: "Happy birthday!"

Shen Cheng retracted his gaze and watched the colored flowers slowly fall on his body.

Seeing that he didn't smile, everyone was also a little uneasy: "Class representative, aren't you happy?"

A group of people held their breath unconsciously and looked at Shen Cheng standing at the door. This boy is handsome and dashing, he has excellent grades, even though the relationship has eased now, Shen Cheng is still an existence that was distant in many people's hearts.

Shen Cheng's eyes moved slightly, and after all, he felt a little more warmth. He hooked his lips and replied, "I'm not unhappy."

When so many people looked at him, everyone felt that the god who could not be overstepped was bowing to them.

Shen Cheng said solemnly, "Thank you, everyone."

The crowd looked at each other and smiled. The barrier that had always existed seemed to shatter silently, and a group of people gathered around:

"Why did you take long to get here!"

"This is a gift I prepared for you, a three-year simulation."

"And my..."

"Ah, we also rehearsed a song, do you want to listen, up.”

The room was lively and noisy for a long time, and a lot of parents gradually came outside the box on the 21st floor. They all heard that the children were having a party inside today and came to wait to pick them up.

Among them, also included Gao Can.

She came to block Zhen Meilei, she left her contact information in the parent group and heard that there is a party here today, so she specially came here to talk to Jian Shiwu's family about money, but for some reason, she has not seen Zhen Meilei today, it made her a little anxious at the moment.

However, on the other side of the elevator, Ji Beichuan came up.

The deskmate had been waiting, and he was relieved to see him coming: "You are finally here."

Ji Beichuan said: "If you guys hadn’t said in the group that you want to take a group photo, and that you will also make a class family portrait in the future, saying that it can’t be done without me, I wouldn't come."

The deskmate laughed: "Everyone is here, it's lively."

Ji Beichuan snorted coldly, and then walked forward reluctantly.

There was a rest area in front of him, and from a distance, he saw that the somewhat sloppy woman sitting there was Gao Can. Ji Beichuan frowned in disgust, as if he saw a fly.

Gao Can also looked over, smiled at him, waved his hand, and even prepared to come over.

The deskmate was curious: "Do you know each other?"

Ji Beichuan snapped: "I don't know her!"

The friends was startled, not knowing why the young master suddenly became angry and took two steps back.

Ji Beichuan was very angry and said to him, "Go in first, I'll go to the bathroom."

The deskmate nodded and left.

Ji Beichuan walked down the stairs instead, calling the two middle aged men while walking. He couldn't bear it for a second after seeing her. Gao Can had to disappear and she had to leave the city, he doesn't want to wait, he wanted to speed it up!

the other side

In a commercial building, two men in black were pinned by security guards and trapped in a low-key and luxurious office. Not far away, Ji Yuansheng sat in front of the office chair and looked at them condescendingly.

The younger Huang Mao shivered: "Uncle, what's going on?"

The older uncle was somewhat bold: "Are you... President Ji? I don't know where I offended you. It's worth so much trouble?"

Ji Yuansheng was approving documents, and took time to say, "You know my son."

The two gangsters looked at each other, and both saw a deep meaning in each other's eyes.

Huang Mao didn't pay attention, but the older uncle reacted quickly: "We are just friends with the son, and there is absolutely no malice. If you are not willing, we will never communicate again in the future, really!"

The tip of Ji Yuansheng's pen paused slightly, and the man raised his eyebrows: "General friendship?"

This is the kind of person who dares to extort his own child.

Now he even dares to lie in front of his own face, which is simply daring.

The man in a suit and leather shoes had a kind of majestic superiority. Those dark eyes are exactly the same as Shen Cheng's, but there was a bit of a battle-hardened arrogance and calm confidence in them. The corner of his mouth slightly hooked, and he sarcastically said: "Are you worthy?"

When these words fell, the two little gangsters’ faces looked a little ugly. Just as they were about to speak, a phone with a somewhat tight ringtone rang, the phone vibrated in the pocket, and kept echoing in the quiet office.

This is the exclusive ringtone for that little master.

Cold sweat dripped from the uncle's forehead, and the whole person's heart beat faster.

Ji Yuansheng frowned and said, "Answer."

The uncle hesitated: "This..."

The assistant next to him said, "Sir, I advise you that our chairman's patience is limited. It is best if you are willing to cooperate, if not..."

The uncle is a sensible person. Between Ji Beichuan the little boss and the big boss, he still decisively understands that he should listen now. He pressed the answer and loudspeaker keys, and he asked, "Hello?"

Ji Beichuan's voice on the other end of the phone echoed through the office: "Have you made progress on what you promised me this afternoon?"

The uncle hesitated: "What, what's the matter?"

At this time, he still wanted to save Ji Beichuan.

But Ji Beichuan over there didn't have any sense of crisis: "What else can happen, let Gao Can's family leave, how long has it been, why do I still see Gao Can well today, and Shen Cheng still has time to attend his birthday party?"

Uncle's cold sweat broke down: "You have to give me time to do this. It can't be done in a day or two."

At this moment, he no longer dared to look at Ji Yuansheng's face.

Ji Beichuan sneered: "You took my money but didn't do anything, what do you mean by procrastinating, what, do you actually want to go to my dad and make a fortune? Let me tell you, my dad won't believe it, and even if he believes it, now you and I are in the same boat, once he knows that Shen Cheng is his biological son and recognizes him, do you think Shen Cheng will let you go again?"

The extremely explosive words echoed in the office, and everyone at the scene widened their eyes.

Ji Yuansheng suddenly stood up from the desk, breaking the silence in the room and making a loud noise. The man's face was completely different from what it was just now. He strode down, grabbed the phone, and could no longer maintain his usual calmness and composure.

Over there, Ji Beichuan also noticed something was wrong: "Is there someone else over there ah?"

After quite a while

A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: "It's me."

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