Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 25: 25

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This was a voice that Ji Beichuan was too familiar with. For a moment, his entire brain was blank, his eyes were filled with extreme resistance and panic, and the blood and qi of his body rushed straight to his head and his whole body was stiff in extreme conflict.

Ji Yuansheng's voice was no longer the calm tone of the past, but rather it contained a sense of authority: "Repeat what you just said."

Ji Beichuan's eyes were red, he said, "I..." And n a hurry, he actually hung up the phone directly. Even if he knew that this was a kind of escape, even if he knew that he couldn't escape even if he did, he made such a choice.

Running out of the stairwell, he bumped into someone head on. Zhen Meili gave him a hand: "Be careful."

Ji Beichuan raised his head in a panic, and met the woman's beautiful face. She seemed a little surprised to see him, and quickly smiled: "It's Beichuan, why did you come out of the stairwell?"

Ji Beichuan took two steps back anxiously: "No..."

Zhen Meimei looked at him with a complicated mood. She was just about to say something, but a person came towards her not far away. It was Gao Can in a long yellow dress.

Gao Can walked over quickly, stared straight at her and said, "Is that Ms. Zhen?"

Zhen Meilei's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and she smiled: "Are you looking for me?"

"Yes, looking for you."

As Gao Can said, she also looked sideways at Ji Beichuan next to her, and showed a strange smile: "Beichuan." Ji Beichuan only felt goose bumps all over his body.

If it wasn't for this woman, how would he be caught by his father, thinking about this, his tone was bad: "I'm not familiar with you at all, don't call me!"

Gao Chan was stunned, her eyes were hurt for a moment, but she quickly adjusted to look at Zhen Meili, and said in an eager tone, "Ms. Zhen, hello, I am Shen Cheng's mother, I have something to talk to you, are you free?"

Zhen Mei Li raised her eyebrows, under Gao Chan's somewhat nervous gaze, she slowly nodded, "Sure, what do you want to talk about?" Gao Can breathed a sigh of relief and was somewhat happy as she said, "I want to talk about our Shen Cheng and your Jian Shiwu, I've heard something about it recently, so I want to discuss it with you."

Zhen Mei Mei raised her eyebrows noncommittally: "Talk about my son and Shen Cheng?"

Gao Can hurriedly nodded: "Yes, yes."

Her wishful thinking was so clear that she even thought about how to raise the price and how to get more benefits.

Zhen Mei Li hooked her lips and smiled: "I think, why don't we talk about Shen Cheng and Beichuan first?"

Gao Can was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Even Ji Beichuan was instantly alert.

Zhen Meilii straightened her hair and smiled with hooked lips, "What, it's okay for you to find me to talk, but not for me to invite the two of you to chat?"

Gao Can subconsciously backed up half a step, inexplicably scared: "I have nothing to chat with you."

Zhen Mei raised her eyebrows, seeing her like this, her smile also gradually disappeared, the anger and hatred from the truth had been brewing gradually to fermentation and collapsing, she cold voice: "This is not up to you."

Gao Can turned and ran: "You are really inexplicable, I'm leaving... I'll take Shen Cheng with me."

Not far away is the door of the box, the woman rushed over like crazy and pushed open the door, the sound of people inside was very lively, a group of children were playing when the door was pushed open with a bang, causing others to turn back in surprise.

Gao Can stood at the door, gasping for breath, she looked around and saw Shen Cheng striding in: "Go home, Shen Cheng come home with me, let's go, let's get out of here."

She came so aggressively, like she was mentally unbalanced. Shen Cheng frowned: "What are you doing here."

"Don't you worry about it."

Gao Can did not want to say more, Zhen Mei's abnormalities gave her a very ominous feeling, she came over to Shen Cheng: "You quickly go back with me."

Lui Heng stopped her: "Auntie, we haven't finished eating the cake yet."

Gao Can ignored him and continued to go on her way.

The one closest to Shen Cheng was Jian Shiwu, he saw Gao Can's fierce face and took a few steps forward to block Shen Cheng: "What are you doing?"

Because someone else was stopping her, Gao Can's patience was gradually exhausted, she reached out and pushed the unsuspecting little fat boy by a few steps, behind him a chair sliding across the ground issued a harsh scraping sound, although he wasn’t hurt, but he almost hit the waist.

Shen Cheng's quick eyes and hands helped him to save him from falling. Before that he had no reaction to Gao Chan's arrival, but now he saw that Jian was almost injured and his face turned gloomy.

Gao Chan reached out to pull her arm only to be held by Shen Cheng, the force of the moment even made Gao Chan feel as if her arm would be vigorously crushed off.

The young man's face was ugly and his voice was gloomy: "What do you want?"

Gao Can pupils shrunk slightly, and she was actually a little afraid, at that moment, she saw in Shen Cheng's eyes the appalling chill. After being together for so many years, Shen Cheng almost regarded her as nothing, rather tolerated, one could say their own petty fights were not put in his eyes, and did not touch the bottom line.

But today

Shen Cheng's face tells her that she touched the bottom line of the teenager, Shen Cheng will definitely not go with her today, he is angry.

The unwillingness is not because of anything else, but because of the person standing not far away, because she pushed the white and tender little fat boy.

Gao Can gasped, since she is having a hard time, she will also make it hard for Shen Chen, she turned to the other students standing quietly, she raised her voice: "Everyone disperse, in fact, today is not Shen Cheng's birthday, the registred date was when his father and I forgot the day, so we randomly reported a day, so, today is not his birthday."

The most unforgettable embarrassment in this world is being humiliated by your parents in front of all your classmates.

The box was quiet, and the crowd had different faces.

In the past, they would look at it as a joke, but today, when they have feelings with the class representative, no one can laugh out, everyone looked at Gao Chan, inexplicably the woman's heart got a bolt, as if the ridiculous one is not Shen Cheng, but her.


There were mocking sounds coming out from behind.

Gao Can jerked around and saw the little fat boy standing at the side of Shen Cheng, the little guy's big black eyes were bright with laughter, with some sarcasm:"Auntie, are you very proud of yourself?"

Gao Can choked: "What do you mean?"

"Even if you remember your own son's birthday wrongly, you still don't feel ashamed at all." Jane Shiwu's chubby little face was full of seriousness: "If I were you how would I dare to say it ah, I would have jumped down from here."


Faced with a child, she actually blushed an angry red at the neck: "You this uneducated child, I cannot remember so what, I forgot, do I have to go now to think ah."

The door was pushed open again, and the sound of high heels came.

Zhen Meili leaned against the doorway and called out to her, "I can hear you through the door, Ms. Gao, an educated woman wouldn't shout in public."

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Gao Chan froze and turned stiffly to look at the brightly dressed woman. She lifted her eyes to look at her, and the corners of her mouth curled into a smile, "Shen Cheng's birthday, if you can't remember, I might be able to help."

On the side of Zhen Mei Li is Ji Beichuan, who was forcibly pulled over by her.Zhen Mei Li lowered her head and said to him, "If I remember correctly, today is the 3rd, Beichuan your birthday is the 5th."

Ji Beichuan nodded stiffly.

"That's right." Zhen Mei Li walked in slowly, she walked step by step to Shen Cheng's front and spoke, "Shen Cheng, auntie came to tell you, although Gao Chan remembered wrongly, but auntie helped you find out your real birthday, it is the 5th, that is, the day after tomorrow, and Ji Beichuan's birthday, today is your birthday."

Shen Cheng's consistently cool expression finally had a crack. Gao Can was anxious and angry: "What are you talking about!"

The whole compartment, many students were watching, because of the commotion they made, even many parents also gathered around, the crowd watched the farce from afar.


Gao Can's face turned white, she looked at Zhen Mei incredulously and stammered, "You, where did you hear about this?"

Ji Beichuan's face became very ugly.

As Gao Can's words fell, the whole compartment was boiling, what explosive news it was, the students in the class who did not know Ji Beichuan's family background, all knew that this teenager had a very rich father, usually always had clothes and toys they could not afford, and the class representative, although HAD good grades, but the family was poor.

But now, someone actually told them that the two were swapped!

In the box at once, there was a constant murmur.

"Really shocking."

"Geez no way?"

"It seems not impossible, I think the class representative really looks like a noble young master it."

"In that case, isn't Ji Beichuan a bit like Gao Chan?"

"It's true!"

Gossip kills people, and Li Beichuan is a person who wants to save face, seeing that Gao Can is looking at him, he blushed and said, "What to change or not to change, my father is Ji Yuan Sheng, I have no relationship with this woman!"

Gao Can's eyes were red, she spoke softly, "Beichuan..."

"Don't you talk to me!"

Ji Beichuan was on the verge of collapse at the moment, he took a few steps back and hit the table behind him, a water glass fell and spilled drinks all over him, Gao Chan next to him rushed over to find paper to wipe him: "Not burned, right?"

The woman was close and he could smell the musty odor of her body. Such a woman is his real mother? No, he won't accept it!

Ji Beichuan reached out and pushed her away vigorously: "I don't want your help, get out of here!"

Gao Can all but pulled him, begging, the scene was once again very chaotic, Ji Beichuan was pushing the woman, the two people had a “you move I move” kind of dance, very comical.


The door was pushed open at this moment, there are dressed black bodyguards standing on either side of the door, followed by a man wearing a valuable suit. Ji Yuansheng's face cold, from the company to here half an hour's journey was shortened to twenty minutes, he was imposing, sweeping over the two people who are pushing and shoving, spoke in a deep voice: "Stop. "

Ji Beichuan's face turned pale when he saw his father.

Gao Can also froze when he saw the president, the woman shivered, and subconsciously wanted to back up and hide, but there was no way retreat.

Ji Yuansheng’s eyes swept over the crowd and landed on Shen Cheng. The light inside the box is bright, Shen Cheng is standing by the window, his back is straight, his temperament is cold, as if he noticed his gaze also raised his eyes to look over, the handsome face is exposed to the light, and Ji Yuan Sheng's body shuddered!

Really too similar.

The young Fang Youting was also an ice beauty, with a cool and noble demeanor, her eyebrows delicate and beautiful.

For a moment, Shen Cheng’s charm and face made Ji Yuan Sheng stunned.

There was no need to do the paternity test, this must be his and his wife's blood and bones, this is his child, is his closest person in this world.

The president, who is usually imposing and prides himself on his calmness and composure, had some unstable breath, he moved two steps and beckoned Shen Cheng: "Child, come here."

Shen Cheng stood still and quietly looked at him.

If other people knew that their own father is a wealthy man, they’d go crazy with joy, but he was unusually silent from the beginning.

Ji Yuansheng was not disappointed, but looked at Shen Cheng's simple clothes, recalling the information he heard about the child's suffering for so many years on the way here, and felt a lot of guilt and compassion.

But Gao Can rushed to Shen Cheng's front: "He is my son, you are not allowed to talk nonsense!"

Ji Yuansheng narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Gao Can's hair was scattered on both sides of her face, her breathing was disordered and she said urgently, "Shen Cheng is my son, he is my son, none of you are allowed to talk nonsense."

It was only now that she thought of the seriousness of the matter.

If things were exposed, wouldn't her son, her Beichuan, have to come back to this family to suffer?

If it was exposed...... then how would Ji Yuan Sheng let her go?

Zhen Mei Li stood beside her own little son, heard this and laughed: "You say Shen Cheng is your son?"

Gao Can nodded his head.

"Mr. Ji." Yan Mei looked at Ji Yuan Sheng, who said, "It's been a long time, do you still remember the red butterfly birthmark that used to be on the back of the young one?"

Ji Yuansheng did not expect to be asked this, but he still nodded his head.

Zhen Mei Li smiled,and she said, "I spent an afternoon to visit a doctor who was in the delivery room, after a lot of money, he told me that the child Youting gave birth to back then, also had a red butterfly birthmark on the back."

As soon as thes word fell, the crowd looked different.

What the crowd did not expect was

Jane Shiwu looked at Shen Cheng in surprise and blurted out, "I remember you don't have a birthmark on your back?"


The room was quiet for a moment.

Everyone looked at these two people with subtle eyes.

Jane Shiwu also too shocked for a while, slowly, the small white chubby face was dyed with a layer of scarlet, aware that he said what should not have been said, and did not even dare to look at Shen Cheng's face. His moved to the side, moved to the side closer to Shen Cheng, voice thin like a mosquito: "I, I can explain ...”

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