Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 27: 27

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Silence fell over the room.

He had a prestigious position and money that could not be spent for generations, but in front of Shen Cheng, he was just an incompetent father, and even asked with some caution: "Your name is ...Shen Cheng, right?"

The young man looked at him and called out in a deep voice, "Mr. Ji."

Ji Yuansheng's body was tense, and he was disappointed but he expected this. He naturally understood that after more than ten years of separation, no child would accept it so quickly. Facing Shen Cheng, he had a feeling of pity and love from the bottom of his heart: "You don't have to call me Mr. Ji, if you are not comfortable with calling me father, you can call uncle.

Shen Cheng was meeting this man who not familiar to him, but was apparently his father, looked at him with a strange look: "Ji uncle."

"Okay ......"

Ji Yuansheng looked at the boy like he couldn't get enough of him, outside is a busy street with neon lights flashing, but his eyes were only on Shen Cheng. The man who has always been decisive and has a strong personality reached out with some hesitation to touch Shen Cheng's hair, but when he was about to touch it, the young man turned his face away.

Shen Cheng lifted his eyes to look at him, and although he did not say a word, his eyes were full of detachment.

He was wary and resisting him.

Ji Yuansheng withdrew his hand, frustrated but not angry, and habitually decided: "The driver's car is downstairs, you'll go back with dad later."

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows: "Back?"

Ji Yuansheng nodded, fearing that the child would not feel safe and said a few more words: "You are my child, naturally we should go back together, there is everything at home, you can rest assured that it will be better than ......"

He hesitated for a moment with some pity: "It will be better than the environment you stayed in before, you don’t have to go back that place again, come home with me, I will prepare a room for you to rest."

Shen Cheng stood by the greenery, behind him was the endless darkness, the dark clouds covered the sky, no sky light was visible, he glanced at Ji Beichuan who was not far away, the corners of his mouth curled into a sarcastic smile, "Is this place a guest room?"

Ji Yuansheng froze.

He followed Shen Cheng's gaze and turned back, also seeing Ji Beichuan standing behind him, that child was no longer the arrogant and domineering person he used to be outside, only apprehensive and uneasy, standing there alone looking a little vulnerable.

Ji Beichuan's hand was clenched at his side, and when he saw Ji Yansheng looking at him, he called out, "Father."

Ji Yuansheng said, "Beichuan."

The tall man was full of authority, and he said in his usual teaching tone, "I am no longer your father."

Ji Beichuan's body shook.

This was a fact that he had known for a long time, but the fact that it came out of Ji Yuansheng's mouth was like a jackhammer pressing down on him, leaving him breathless.

With a few deep breaths, his eyes turned red and he called out stubbornly, "But I don't know them, I don't want to be with them, father, don't send me away, okay? I'll do as I'm told, really!"

Ji Yuansheng's cold, hard face had no extra expression, but his tightly furrowed brow did not loosen.

When he saw the situation, he took a few steps forward and said to Shen Cheng, "Shen Cheng, forgive me for what happened before, okay, don't worry I don't mind having you at home, I'll share half of my toys and stuff with you, I'll listen to you from now on, I know you're kind-hearted, you're willing to teach other students to write their homework, you're willing to help students with injured feet, you must be willing to help me too, right?"

Shen Cheng's face was expressionless, not even bothering to cooperate with his performance.

However, Ji Beichuan thought he had a chance and pounced on Shen Cheng's hand, begging, "Can you say something, are you so cruel as to refuse to let me go?"

As his ears buzzed with noise, Shen Cheng frowned impatiently, the teenager's patience ran out, he waved away Ji Beichuan's hand, his gloomy ink-like eyes looked at him and spoke in a low voice: "Let you go?"

"Have you let me go?"

Shen Cheng's face was light, not bothering to press people, but his aura was inexplicably strong: "Leave this city, you know full well where Gao Can planned to shift and wanted to take me to."

The shock came like a mountain

For the sake of his own selfish desires he tried to drive him out of the city, but in turn demanded that the next person must have love and righteousness, where in this world is there such a reason.

Ji Beichuan's face turned white with a swish: "It's not like that ......"

Shen Cheng: "Then what is it?"

"I, I ......" Ji Beichuan raised his head and looked at Ji Yuan Sheng in some panic: "Father I didn't think like that, I just wanted them to go live in another city. I thought if their family moves I'll give them money…I didn't mean it."

Ji Yansheng hesitated for a moment.

Because of his pause and hesitation, the corners of Shen Cheng's mouth curled up into a smile that was almost sarcastic, and without waiting for Ji Yuansheng to finish his sentence, Shen Cheng had already lifted his feet and walked out and brushed past Ji Beichuan who was crying in pity.

When he met Shen Cheng's eyes, they were as if looking at a clown jumping on a beam. It was as if the things he cared about were not worth anything to Shen Cheng.

He is like a trapped beast struggling in a cage, while Shen Cheng is the ruler who holds the power of life and death standing outside looking coldly at him flopping around.


Zhen Meili stood still and stopped Ji Yuansheng: "Mr. Ji."

Ji Yuansheng stopped dead in his tracks and looked at her.

"Although this is considered your family matter I can't say anything, but let's give that child Shen Cheng some time." Zhen Mei Li stepped on her high heels, her smile faint: "Everything today was too sudden, I think he also needs time to think, it just so happens that our little Jian Shiwu and Shen Cheng have a good relationship and have had dealings before, if you are at ease, that child can rest at my house for the time being today."

Ji Yuansheng still had some respect for the woman in front of him, and after just a moment's reflection he could only nod, "Then I'll be grateful."

The woman's eyes glanced sideways at Ji Beichuan, who was not far away, and smiled, "Although we haven't spent much time together, I still know Shen Cheng, and if you can't handle this child properly, I'm afraid it will be difficult to ease relations with him."

Ji Yuansheng had obviously thought of this point as well. He frowned, seemingly hesitant, the situation of Gao Chan's family was obvious to everyone, and he had raised Ji Beichuan for more than ten years, after all the mistakes, it was not an easy thing to say that he was really pushed into the fire.

The woman's smile had a coldness to it, and she said, "I don't want to rush this matter, Mr. Ji still has a lot of things to consider, but…he is the last flesh and blood of Yuyu, I don't care what you do with Ji Beichuan, but if you let Shen Cheng suffer, I won't stand by and watch."

Ji Yuansheng's back straightened and the man in the suit regained his authority and dignity as he said, "Ms. Zhen is overly concerned, do you think that with my ability I can't take care of Shen Cheng?"

Zhen Meilei looked at him, a cool smile in her eyes as she said, "I also gave you the baby with my own hands back then, Mr. Ji."

One sentence left the man cold.

Zhen Meimei turned around and left. She had already agreed with Shen Cheng who was outside that he would go to their house for a night's sleep.

It was almost 10 o'clock in the evening. Jian Shiwu was drowsy with sleep but was woken up by the sound of a phone ringing. The first thing he saw was Shen Cheng, who was also sitting in the back, leaning against the back cushion and looking out the window, with a somewhat unreadable expression.

Zhen Meili hung up the phone and turned around: "Little Jian, mom and dad have something to do. I'm afraid we won't be home tonight

Jian Shiwu was surprised: "Mom, what's wrong?"

Shen Cheng also looked ahead.

Zhen Meiyi took a look at the teenager's expression through the mirror, suppressed the sigh in her heart and said, "It's nothing serious, you two should go home and rest ah."

Jian Shiwu keenly sensed that something was wrong.

Shen Cheng was much smarter than him, he sat up a little straighter and spoke, "Is it about Gao Can?"

Zhu Meili’s hand holding the steering wheel tightened, she was silent for half a second before saying, "It's okay, Shen Cheng, let auntie and uncle take care of this matter."

Outside, the street lights were bright and the driveway was still lit up late at night.

The woman said in a serious tone; "Auntie knows that you are very smart and understand many things and want to deal with it by yourself, but this is a matter for adults, this is a matter to be settled between parents, perhaps you always think of relying on yourself to deal with it, auntie knows that you are very capable, but you are only 14 years old, you are still a child. The feud is between adults so it's up to us adults to end it, before you may not have had anyone to rely on, but today Auntie is here and won't let you be aggrieved."

Shen Cheng's hand on the edge of the cushion curled up slightly, and those precipitous black eyes finally showed a clear fluctuation of emotion.

Zhen Meilie was afraid that she had said too much, so she said, "Of course, you should not feel pressured, perhaps you do not know, many years ago, auntie and your mother's relationship was very close, at that time we even agreed, if we gave birth to a boy and a girl, you’d get married, but if both are boys, then I would be your godmother!"

Jian was shocked: "Mum, I didn't know that, you didn't tell me."

In the previous life, it was clearly not like this, at that time it seemed that Gao Can had come to his parents after losing a lot of money in gambling. Shen Cheng could not even go to school. With his obsession for the latter coupled with his mother who spoiled him, the matter naturally ended with them getting engaged.

How come when he’s reborn once, everything changed?

"What else do you know but eating?"

The car drove into the neighborhood and finally stopped downstairs, Jian Shiwu and Shen Cheng got out of the car. Jian shiwu had to go to the front to open the gate first, and Shen Cheng was walking behind.

Then he heard Zhen Meili’s voice with tenderness calling him from behind: "Child"

Shen Cheng's pace stopped. The corners of Zhen Meilie's mouth curved out into a smile as she said softly, "Don't worry, have a good sleep, since I promised your mother to be your godmother I will definitely take care of you, your mother is not here, I am your mother now, don't give yourself such a big burden anymore, you can also relax properly, leave this matter to auntie to do it for for you, okay? "

Do it for you.

Four simple words but they seemed to break the last hard wall in Shen Cheng's heart. After all those years, no matter how much aggravation he suffered, no matter how much pain and suffering he endured, he was the only one, no one was there for him, no one helped him.

There was a slightly cool night breeze blowing from afar, the early summer breeze had its own unique romance.

Shen Cheng's body tensed up, as if he was trying his best to hold back something, his voice contained some hoarseness, and he finally answered in a low voice: "Thank you."

Zhen Mei's eyes filled with tenderness and she smiled.

Not far away, Jian Shiwu opened the door and the living room revealed a warm yellow light, he stood in the doorway, standing in the light and waving to Shen Cheng, like a little penguin.

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"Class Representative, there are mosquitoes outside, come in quickly!"

Shen Cheng looked back at him somewhat helplessly.

Zhu Meili didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, "Go ahead and take care of him for me."

Shen Cheng nodded gently, "I will."

When he reached the gate, Zhen Mei's car had already driven away, Jian Shiwu asked curiously, "What did my mother say to you just now?"

Shen Cheng kept it simple: "She told me to keep an eye on you."


Jian Shiwu scratched his head nervously, "Do I look so incapable of taking care of myself?"

Shen Cheng looked at him in silence, as if a silent reply.


Before at the Grand Hotel, he did not eat anything at all, just watching the show and getting high on melon seeds, later the cake did not even have time to be eaten before Gao Chan came in.

Now although it was late at night Jian Shiwu’s stomach was growling as he entered the house. He is now so hungry that his stomach hurts.

In the past, there would have been food in the house, but today Zhen Mei was busy all day collecting hard evidence from the hospital, so there was almost no food in the house.

Jian said to Shen Cheng, "Class representative, you go to the bathroom and take a shower or something, I'll get us something to eat."

Shen Cheng locked the door and walked over: "You can do that?"

Jian shiwu’s chest rose, “You look down on me. My mom’s cooking is so delicious, of course I inherited a little talent.”

“You hurry up and go take a shower, the clothes you changed into last time are in the drawer under the big cupboard on the first floor, you can use the bathroom at your leisure, but the lock on that door to my room is still broken, but don't worry, I'm not going to peek......"

The words choked on his mouth, and under Shen Cheng's gaze, gradually, Jian Shiwu remembered the hotel birthmark thing.

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows, as if waiting for him to continue.

"That…that was a misunderstanding." A thin layer of sweat broke out on Jian Shiwu's head, and he tensed: "Would you believe me if I said, it was a dream I had, a dream?"

Shen Cheng: "I'm curious what kind of dream it could that you were dreaming about my back."

He was so nervous that he stammered: "Just, just a very ordinary dream."

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows noncommittally.

He had no doubt that if there was a hole in the floor right now, Jian could get into it. The chubby boy's skin was very fair, and the red scarlet spread from his neck to his ears as he lowered his head.


There was the sound of a protesting stomach breaking the silence.

Jian Shiwu covered his stomach, completely unable to look at Shen Cheng again, and said, "It's hungry."

Shen Cheng admired the little fool for a while, and finally took a step towards the kitchen. He opened the fridge and found that there was nothing, but there were fresh vegetables, the frozen food shelf was empty, and only the last column had eggs.

He reached out and took the eggs and some vegetables in his hands and walked to the counter. Jian came in behind him and hurriedly grabbed the work: "I'll do it, I'll do it."

Shen Cheng looked back: "Can you?"

Jian Shiwu took the vegetables and put them on the chopping board, washed them and began to cut the tomatoes: "I ...... I'll try.”

Shen Cheng to cook for him, Jian Shiwu has not really enjoyed such a blessing.

In the previous life, the two of them had a very stiff relationship, and although engaged, but because the means were not honorable, Shen Cheng did not have aby good feeling towards him. And at that time he thought he got the man and spread the word, for him it was a happy event but in the ears of others, it was another matter.

They said:

"Got into the family."

"Sold to the Jian’s?"

"Hahahaha, is he still a man?"

At that time, he couldn't understand the dignity of a man, nor could he know how wrong he had been, so he later received his retribution. His family and company went bankrupt. In order to plug the funding loopholes, his mother ran around borrowing money. She was overworked and as a result had a car accident. His father also committed suicide because of debts and excessive sadness. Shen Cheng hated him, and he hated the family.

Without his pressure, his parents would not have died, and if he had been willing to show mercy and let them off the hook, perhaps the outcome would have been different. Learning the truth, he rushed to confront Shen Cheng, it was raining heavily that day, and not long had he got his license, the road was slippery, he hit the guardrail of the bridge and never woke up.


The knife slipped through his fingers, blood dripped from his cut hand, and he threw the knife onto the chopping board with a loud noise because of the pain.

Jian's face scrunched together and he sucked in a hissing breath.

Shen Cheng hurriedly dragged it over to take a look, his voice was harsher: "How dare you distract yourself when cutting vegetables, you don't want your hand anymore, do you?"

Jian Shiwu pursed his lips in aggravation.

He took his fat hand back and blew on it, all the things from his past life came to his mind, adding to the brewing emotions.

Shen Cheng looked up and was met with a pair of red eyes, those eyes that were usually full of smiles were filled with a sadness that he could not understand somewhat, tears fell down indisputably. Jian Shiwu whimpered, probably feeling ashamed himself, and with a crying voice softly found a reason for his tears: "It hurts."

Inexplicably, Shen Cheng's heart felt like it had been stabbed by a needle at that moment, not too lightly but not too heavily.

This inexplicable emotion made the teenager a little irritable, but reason prevails, suppressing the emotion and dragging Jian Shiwu out of the kitchen, there was a medicine box on the shelf outside which Shen Cheng took down. He took out iodine volts from it and used cotton swabs to clean the wound.

The hands holding Jian Shiwu's hands were a little rough, probably because the hands are ever working. He could still feel the calluses on Shen Cheng's palms, compared to the white softness of his own non-working hands, Shen Cheng's hands seem to have old wounds of all sizes.

Jian Shiwu sat on a chair and looked at Shen Cheng in a bit of a daze.

Shen Cheng finished up with a band-aid to bandage, looked at the person in front whose face was snotty and teary, but there is no expression of disgust. He took a tissue and handed it to him, low voice a little hoarse: "Do not cry."

When Jian Shiwu saw that he did not scold him for being pretentious, but instead made some considerate gestures, her nose turned sour and he almost shed another set of tears.

Shen Cheng frowned inaudibly: "Are you a little girl? You cut your hand and cried for so long"

Jian Shiwu was speechless.

Shen Cheng saw him wiping his face haphazardly, inwardly sighed, and he stood up: "Go wash up and come down to eat."

"...... ah?"

Shen Cheng walked towards the kitchen: "Do not let the wound touch water."

He walked away before Jian Shiwu could refuse refuse so, he had to obey to wash up. When he walked downstairs, it had already been filled with a fragrance, and about 20 minutes, the table had two dishes, simple tomatoes scrambled eggs, and a small green vegetables. The pot seemed to be stewing some meat, and the fragrance almost made his legs go soft.

Shen Cheng stood in front of the pot to add seasoning to the dish, with a tied apron,. The 14 teenage body is still a little thin, but from the straight back can already see the future tall and handsome man.

Jian Shiwu saw the pot, and was overjoyed: "Braised pork ah!"

Shen Cheng said to him, "Take a bowl to serve rice."


It took a while to finally eat the rice, Jian Shiwu sighed contentedly, "So delicious, how do you know I like roast pork, it's as good as my mom's, I'm so happy, thanks."

Shen Cheng: "Last time I ate here, the roast pork was basically all eaten by you, so I don't think I would have missed that fact."

Jian pulled a mouthful of rice into his mouth, even if the mouth was still stuffed with rice, he did not forget to say: "Braised pork is the best delicacy under the sky"

Shen Cheng saw that he was eating happily, and had completely forgotten the unpleasantness just now, so lowered his eyes to eat.

Two people finished eating Jian Shiwu wanted to rush to wash the dishes, but in the end could not because of the hand injury problem. In the end Shen Cheng went to wash the bowls, as he he went upstairs to prepare the bed in the guest room wiith a change to new sheets, knowing Shen Cheng loves cleanliness, so it was all new, pillows are also washed and dried.

After a while, he slowly remembered that his birthday gift has been placed in the bag it.

It was downstairs, I have to go get them.

Jian Shiwu ran down, not far Shen Cheng is still washing dishes, but while going to the sofa to get the school bag, he saw a black very simple old cell phone, is the kind of phone can only make a phone call to send a text message, even Tetris can not be played on the phone, and that phone is now vibrating on mute, the number of the caller is very familiar, Mom's number.

What is it?

Why doesn't mom call him herself?

He hesitated to answer the phone and before he could speak, he heard Zhen Meili's voice: "Shen Cheng, auntie wants to tell you something, you have to be a little mentally prepared."

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