Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 28: 28

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Jian Shiwu’s heart skipped a beat, subconsciously guessing that her next words might not be a thing.

As expected, Zhen Mei Meilie continued, "Gao Can ran out of the hotel today and was hit by a car while crossing the road. Originally, she would have been called to the station to deal with the switching of babies, but now the matter had to be postponed by two days.”

Jian digested for a moment and asked, "What about Shen Dashan?"

Zhu Meilie hesitated for a moment, surprised: "Jian?"

"...Yes, it's me."

"How come you're the one who answered the phone, where's Shen Cheng?"

Jian looked back at the kitchen, "He's washing the dishes."

Zhen Mei was very disapproving, frowning: "You let Shen Cheng do the dishes? You've got a lot of nerve, you're asking people to do the dishes when I'm not home?"

Jian Shiwu cried out in aggravation: "I didn't."

He was about to explain when footsteps came from behind him, and when he turned his head, he saw Shen Cheng standing behind him, probably having just finished washing the dishes and untying his apron.

He was in the process of untying his apron. Jian quickly ran over to him and handed him his mobile phone: "Mum's on the phone."

Shen Cheng took it.

Zhen Meilie spoke a lot of details after getting Shen Cheng, but he couldn’t hear what's being said because Shen Cheng is a bit far away.

So Jian Shiwu has been watching Shen Cheng's face, but found that from the time he picked up the phone, Shen Cheng's face was calm, as if what was being said wasn't some life-and-death matter, but a simple nattering match.

Jian watched cautiously, wondering whether to speak up. After all, Gao Can was once considered Shen Cheng's mother, and now that something had happened to her, how would Shen Cheng really feel?

After waiting for a while, Shen Cheng looked at him: "Auntie asked me to pass on a message to you."

Jian Shiwu thought it was some kind of mission and asked excitedly, "What does she want me to do?"

"To ask you not to kick the covers in bed at night."

"...... Okay."

Shen Cheng didn't seem to be in a very high mood after answering the phone, and was even a bit silent, so he guess it wasn't really good news.

“Ah, by the way, I have a present for you!"

Shen Cheng saw him breeze towards the sofa and pulled out a box from the bulging school bag. This thing had been stored in his bag like a treasure since daytime, and now he was willing to take it out.

Jian Shiwu's pale little hands held the box, and his eyes held some hope: "Here."

Shen Cheng wanted to say that he didn't really need a gift, but when he met those expectant eyes, he couldn't say a word, and before his head could react, his body had already responded by accepting the box.

Jian Shiwu scratched his head, "It's not anything valuable."

Shen Cheng reached out and opened the box.

The packaging was very simple, and after opening it, it was easy to see what was inside. Inside the yellowish paper box lay a set of clothes, a new version of the school uniform in light blue.

Because of financial problems, Shen Cheng had been wearing the old version of the school uniform from the first half of the first year. Although he could wear it, every time he went to the morning exercise or the big morning meeting, the old dark blue style would stand out in a group of light blue, and would attract many strange looks from others, either pitying or despising.

Jian Shiwu stood beside him, his voice soft: "The teacher said the order would take about a week to arrive, but by that time it would not be in time for your birthday, then Ms. Huang said the school's warehouse might have surplus, but there are many things there and finding one would have been hard. The warehouse was too big, but luckily I had help finding one. That day off, several people from class came in the afternoon to help. "

Shen Cheng pursed his lips.

"Actually it's a trivial matter, no problems." Jian Shiwu's round little face had a somewhat coy smile, those big eyes eyelashes fluttering, the light inside as bright as if there were little stars: "Do you like it?"

Shen Cheng's hand holding the box exerted some force, the small movement gave away the teenager's restless heart.


The teenager hung his head and looked at the box, "It's not like I don't have a school uniform to wear."

Jian Shiwu couldn't figure out what Shen Cheng meant and was a bit apprehensive, just about to speak but saw Shen Cheng put the box away, he said to himself, "You put the box into your school bag, where did you put your homework?"

Jian almost didn't follow his train of thought and took half a beat before he replied, "Upstairs, wait, if you didn’t say anything I was going to forget there's homework ayaa!"

But it also reminded him that school had started in a few days and he hadn't written a single question on his homework.

Jian Shiwu cried: "How there is still such a thing as a test paper, how can I finish writing, and how can there be so many maths test papers ......"

Shen Cheng said, "There are two more days."

"Heavens!" Jian Shiwu made the sound of not being able to finish writing, he sneaked a glance at Shen Cheng and hit upon an idea: "Class representative, you must have finished writing it, then can you help..."

Shen Cheng nodded, "Yes."

"Oh ...... huh?!"

Jian Shiwu looked at him with surprise and joy, and felt unbelievable, to say that before Shen Cheng was someone who would not even bother to teach himself the problem: "Really, why?"

Shen Cheng stood in front of him, the hall was quiet, as if you could hear each other's breathing, the teenager's handsome face was handsome in the light, in the pair of always cold dark eyes, there were a few moments, that there was an illusion of being watched with deep affection.

Then Jian Shiwu saw Shen Cheng raise an eyebrow, and the teenager didn't explain too much: "It's just a trivial matter, no problems."


In any case the homework thing is holding on to the golden thigh.

Now it is already close to the early hours of the night, after cleaning up the mess, he was sleepy and yawning. Shen Cheng said good night and went to sleep.

When he woke up in the morning, he found that the next room was empty.

The only difference was that there was porridge and a small dish on the table downstairs, and a small note in Shen Cheng's handwriting, telling him that he had gone to the shop where he worked part-time, that he should do his homework during the day and he would come back to check it in the evening.


Going to work early in the morning?

If a normal person found out that they were the son of a wealthy family, why would they still go to work. But Shen Cheng didn’t change, and he was still able to get up early to go.

Jian Shiwu sighed, "A role model for my generation."

He ate his breakfast while opening the class group, and found that in just one night, without looking at the group, it had become very lively. Last night's events were brought up for discussion all night, people's comments varied:

"The class representative can be considered to be having bittersweet time.”

"So what will happen to Ji Beichuan afterwards? Will he go back to that poor family?"

"Does the Ji family need him to eat?"

"It's not like he's their son, right?"

"Although, Ji Beichuan also lived in someone else’s home for more than ten years, ah, there must be some feelings."

Everyone discussing made quite a bit of sense.

The Lui chatted privately with Jian Shiwu: "How's it going?"

Jian Shiwu was honest: "I don't know."

"I'm telling you, I've heard a lot of gossip." The Lui family background is good, so, the news also comes quickly, he said: "Yesterday my mother told me, the matter of the Ji family made waves. Because President Ji all these years has been abroad, Ji Beichuan and the grandparents have a good relationship, back then, Shen Youting’ background was poor so the elders disliked her, but Ji Beichuan this child is very much their favorite. Because of this, President Ji last night was shouted at, quite a lot was said. It was a riot so to speak."

Jian Shiwu frowned: "But Ji Beichuan is not a child of the Ji family in the first place, what is there to make a fuss about?"

Lui Heng replied, "Can one understand what those people are thinking?"


Jian Shiwu was also a little confused.

He did not expect that there were still elders to deal with, but on thinking about found it could but true, the gentry families would have been involved from generation to generation, the struggle for power not so simple. Plus Gao Can may be sentenced to jail, by which time, Ji Beichuan would be left with no legal guardian ah.

Lui: "I think this is quite difficult to handle."

One word made Jian Shiwu uncomfortable: "Then what should we do."

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Lui Heng comforted him: "Don't worry, there's no rush, let's take one step at a time, I think there will definitely be a solution."

He said so and Jian had no choice but to give up.

Originally he thought his parents would not come back, but in the afternoon Zhen Meilie came back, and asked Jian Shiwu to lead the way to find Shen Cheng. Even Jian's father was also there, both people's faces looked very serious, only Shen Cheng came out with a calm face.

When he got back into the car, Jian Shiwu expressed his doubts: "Where are we going?"

Jian's father, who was driving the car, said, "To Fengtai Mountain."

"To climb a mountain?" Jian Shiwu was shocked: "To relax?"

Zhen Mei Li felt that if this one wasn't her own and couldn't be thrown, she would have thrown him down from here: "Tomorrow is the anniversary of your Aunt Shen's death, we're going over to pay our respects."


Jian Shiwu looked sideways at Shen Cheng with some concern and suddenly felt that it seemed like a good decision to give Shen Cheng an early birthday yesterday, although Shen Cheng's birthday was only on the 5th, but Shen Youting died in childbirth and the 5th was also the anniversary of his mother's death. He heard that the Ji family never held birthday parties for Ji Beichuan, so he guessed that was the reason.

Zhen Meilie in front said, "It's going to rain tomorrow, so the road is not good.

Jian nodded, "Okay."

They took a whole evening to go op Fengtai mountain and by then, the sunset was dyed red. They found a small hotel on the mountain and spent the night there. The hotel was rather poor and there are not many rooms.

In the end, they only managed to get two rooms. One room was shared by Zhen Meili and Jian's father, and Jian Shiwu shared the other with Shen Cheng. Fortunately, the double bed was not so awkward. In addition, they were tired from traveling and driving during the day, so one could fall asleep and rest quickly.

The sky outside was overcast, and Jian said, "Is it really going to rain tomorrow?"

Shen Cheng: "Probably."

"That's right." Jian Shiwu tilted her face up to look at the sky: "I hope it doesn't rain too much."

Ever since he was reborn, it seemed that his head ached whenever it rained. In his previous life, he had died on that rainy night, and the sound of the rain was in his ears at the end of his consciousness, like a death mourning.

Shen Cheng sat on the edge of the bed: "Hate the rain?"

Jian Shiwu pulled the curtains closed, the movement carried obvious emotion but his tone was full of concealment: "No, I'm just afraid that the mountain roads would not good."

Shen Cheng narrowed his eyes and didn't say anything.

However, at midnight, it really rained heavily outside. Lightning streaked across the sky, and all that remained was the sound of rain on the leaves.

He saw the cold face of the adult Shen Cheng, the bodies of his parents lying in the morgue. With the sound of the rain outside, he was dazed and seemed to have returned to that day. He was so cold and scared.

Lightning flashed and the lights in the room were turned on.

There was a familiar voice ringing in his ears, "Jian Shiwu."

The darkness of time in the dream world seemed to be torn open by someone alive, a light came through, the shrunken boy was discovered, Jian Shiwu slowly opened his eyes to see Shen Cheng sitting beside his bed, for a moment he seemed to see a similar worried emotion in the teenager's eyes.

Shen Cheng said, "Awake?"

Jian Shiwu was confused: "What's wrong?"

"You had a nightmare." Shen Cheng's face took on a strange seriousness: "What did you dream about?"

Jian Shiwu pursed his lips, "Nothing."

A touch of gloom crossed the bottom of Shen Cheng's eyes, but after all, he did not pursue the matter further. He did not ask why Jian Shiwu kept crying out his name in the dream, with intense despair and fear.

Lying on the bed, Jian Shiwu was drained, his chubby face miserably white and pitiful: "I want to drink water."

Shen Cheng got up and poured a glass of warm water for him.

Jian Shiwu gulped it down and was soon full of energy, he glanced at the clock on the wall, "It's only 2 o'clock, let’s go back to sleep!"

Shen Cheng took a look at the fine sweat on his forehead: "Can you sleep?"

Little Fatty was confident: "Hmm it’s just sleep ......"


A shocking thunder streaked across the sky, the sound resounded through the clouds as if it was going to tear a hole in the sky.

Jian Shiwu's body stiffened, he subconsciously grabbed Shen Cheng who was standing next to him, he held the hand tightly as if he had pulled a life-saving straw. He had l long found that the pain of the splitting headaches could be eased as long as he was close to Shen Cheng.

He lifted his head and saw Shen Cheng standing beside him. The boy's arm was almost strangled by himself but he didn't say a word.

Jian shiwu quickly withdrew his hand and said, "I'm sorry."

Shen Cheng: "You're afraid of thunder?"

"...... sort of."

In fact, he was not afraid, he was not afraid of thunder, it was the weather like this when he died ah, but it was quite unbelievable to say it, it was better not to open his mouth even a little.

He thought this somewhat rude behavior would be hated, but Shen Cheng did not blame him, just walked back to the bed: "Sleep."


Although the headache made it difficult for him to fall asleep, he was still able to doze off even though he was too tired. The rainstorm kept falling and the sound of such rain made him quickly fall into those horrible dreams again.

This time, instead of feeling particularly cold, he felt a little warm. It was like he was walking through a cold snowy field, but someone had set up a warm charcoal fire beside him to block out most of the wind and snow, and he could finally, for a moment, rest.


Day Two

Today was the anniversary of Shen Youting's death, and early in the morning Zhen Meili took the two children out.

The mausoleum was on the highest part of the hill, built to a large specification, like a manor house, there were special guardians to guard the gates, and because of the special day, the party was quite heavy.

It was still raining in the sky, the gates were already open when they arrived, a few bodyguards were standing there, silently announcing that there was already someone in.

Jian Shiwu gave Shen Cheng a worried glance, yet the man at his side was expressionless, unable to see any joy or anger. With flowers in his hand and a delicate box of pastries, Zhen Mei said to the children, "Let's go."

As they walked inside, they finally saw the full view of the mausoleum, with its flowers, rockeries and water pavilions. They continued to walk along the path to see the white grave at the end, with a colourful photograph on the towering tombstone of a very beautiful, cool woman, an old photograph like that without any retouching or masking showed her beauty like an ink painting.

In front of the tomb stood two people, Ji Yuansheng and Ji Beichuan. Ji Yuansheng had been standing with an umbrella for an unknown amount of time, the back of his expensive suit was still soaked through, he heard a movement behind him and turned around, his expression moved when he saw Shen Cheng: "There you are." Shen Cheng nodded gently.

The reigning boss of the business world now looked somewhat alone, he waved to Shen Cheng and said, "Son, come, this is your mother." 


 The word "mother" that came to Shen Cheng's ears in the wind, unfamiliar but with a heavy meaning. His eyes fell on the tombstone and gazed at the woman in the photo. Her face was cold, but Shen Cheng felt it looked very gentle.

In this small grave was his mother. It was not that he was not loved by his mother, his mother loved him very much and gave him the greatest love, even giving her life for him. Ji Yuansheng looked at the two boys standing in front of the grave and said, "This is kind of your first time here, she didn't like to make a lot of noise and loved to be quiet, it's rare for her to be so lively after so many years."

Ji Beichuan's hand on his side curled up gently, with some calculation. The first time he came here he was still young, at that time he didn't know what sadness was, he only knew how to stare dumbly and couldn't understand his father's feelings, so he didn't behave himself at that time. Later, probably because of this, Ji Yuansheng never brought himself here again, but today he brought him here, does it mean that he still has him as a son in his heart?

Shen Cheng next to him also did not say a word, and did not even show any sadness, which was not the most displeasing to his father? As long as he behaves better, his father may also dislike Shen Cheng and feel better about him.

The sobs were loud enough to be heard by the few people who were close by. He stepped on the wet stone slab with an umbrella and bowed in the middle, with a choked sob: "Mother, your son has come to see you. Growing up, in my heart you are my real mother, and today I can finally come and visit you."

In the rain, his tears fell quickly, and his voice was full of mourning as he cried for his grave, compared to Shen Cheng, who was silent and did not shed a single tear.

Ji Yuansheng looked at Ji Beichuan as he cried so hard that his body was shaking, and sighed: "Don't cry." Ji Beichuan wiped his face and said softly, "...... Yes, I'm sorry father."

Ji Yuansheng patted his shoulder. The tall, handsome man looked at the woman in the photo and remembered the past. Shen Youting died when he loved her the most, more than ten years but he could not let go in the slightest, his heart was a pang of grief, his eyes were flushed with a tinge of scarlet, if not for his juniors being here, perhaps he would have shed a tear.

Ji Beichuan sneaked a glance at Shen Cheng next to him, trying to give Ji Yuan Sheng some eye drops: "Brother Cheng you want to come over and also pay your respects, you don't laugh at me crying my nose off oh, I just saw my mother so im too sad and didn't control it."

Anyway, it was impossible for Shen Cheng to cry. The child who came back halfway is not as close as the one who is always there? Shen Cheng glanced at him sideways, the pair of somewhat stern eyes seemed to easily pierce through Ji Beichuan's despicable acting skills and dark little mind, the rain clattered down, the water on the ground flowed along the stone slab, the teenager who had been standing silently took a few steps and walked right in front of the tombstone.

As Ji Beichuan watched, the black umbrella held up by Shen Cheng was placed to the side, and the rain poured down, instantly drenching the teenager all over, but he did not move a bit, instead his spine straightened and stood still in front of the tombstone, slowly kneeling down and solemnly kowtowing three times. Ji Beichuan's eyes widened in disbelief.

The pouring rain had soaked the teenager, but he seemed to be unable to notice, just kneeling quietly in front of the tombstone, staring at the woman with gentle eyebrows on the stone tablet.

There was lightning across the sky, and the wind from the manor blew past, sweeping over the soaked hem of the young man's clothes; he did not cry, but an endless sadness coalesced all over him. He whispered, "I am Shen Cheng. I've come to see you.”

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