Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 32: 32

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The housekeeper was a bit unable to answer this.

After all, Ji Yuansheng had done the decoration of this room all by himself, in fact, he did not know which child had suggested it.

He thought Shen Cheng wanted to thank his friends, and replied readily: "It's your good friends. Two days ago, Zhen Meilie pulled me into your class parents' group, and added her son's button, he was very enthusiastic and pulled me into a small group of your friends to help me out."

Jian Shiwu?

The unexpected but expected answer made the anger in his heart rise and fall again and again.

When he saw Shen Cheng's face, he was a little unsure, so he asked, "What's wrong, you don't like it?"

Shen Cheng wanted to nod his head, but then saw the man's expectant gaze, if according to the housekeeper, Ji Yuan Sheng had prepared for him for a long time, and also spent a lot of thought, although the direction is not right, but indeed is the best efforts, Shen Cheng wanted to nod down the head but just stopped.

Thinking about it, these things are only occupying a little space, it is pointless to worry about.

So Shen Cheng opened his lips against his will: "It's okay."

Ji Yuansheng's stiff body relaxed a lot, and the housekeeper also smiled next to him: "It's good that young master likes it, and it's not a waste of Mr.'s effort. This room was all decorated by Mr.'s own hands, without any help."

Shen Cheng looked at Ji Yuansheng and said in a deep voice, "Thank you."

The bond of blood is very wonderful, Shen Cheng just standing here makes him feel compassionate, he stepped forward and said softly: "No need to say thank you, I am your father, it is right to take care of you, if you still need anything, just ask, the family will help you prepare, what your classmates have, you must also have, what they do not have you can also get, as long as you want, dad will help you prepare, because ......"

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows to look at him.

Ji Yuansheng stood in front of him, the cold face of the man who was a head taller than him was mature and confident, he spoke in a low voice like a promise: "You are my son."

The next day, At school

One of the most talked-about topics recently was the case of the two boys switched at birth, and with Gao Can's sentence handed down, it added to this after-dinner talk.

As soon as Shen Cheng entered the classroom, he was surrounded by a group of children.

"Class Representative!"

"What took you so long to get here."

"I saw you in front of the school, your family's car is so big and cool."

"How are you getting used to your new home?"

But what disappointed them was that although Shen Cheng was now the young master of a rich family, he was still wearing a plain school uniform and not wearing gold all over. If it wasn't for the fact that some of his classmates had seen the luxury car that was worth a lot of money at first glance this morning, the crowd would have wondered if Shen Cheng had been recognised back or not.

Shen Cheng did not like the hilarity and returned to his seat, reminding them, "Today's morning study is Miss Huang's morning reading."

The class teacher was stern and intimidating.

As a matter of fact, many students immediately became more restrained, but there were also those who were bold enough to still ask.

"Class rep, can you show us the limited edition Dija?"

"The latest game console!"

"Comic books!!!"

"We've heard all about it, and you have all of these."


As they were talking, Jian Shiwu just happened to step through the door of the classroom, and the moment he arrived and he heard the topic and stiffled a giggle.

He did pull him to that group, but his intention was to let Ji Yuan Sheng know more about what the kids really needed nowadays, not to use his bullying mind to buy everything they remotely said.

The most breathtaking thing is that Mr. Ji not only did not feel outrageous, but also adopted LuiHeng's opinions one by one.

Later he thought about it again, although Shen Cheng may not necessarily like these things, but at least to get these things also needed one to spend effort and time, even if he would not like then, they can still be felt as sincere.

He was still thinking, when he saw Shen Cheng take out a textbook from his school bag and inquired in a light voice: "Where did you hear about this."

It was over.

The experienced Jiaan Shiwu knewthat this was the rhythm of settling scores!

A few of the students gathered around thought they were going to be added to the thank you list, and they were about to open their mouths to actively sell their teammates when Jian Shiwu hastily squeezed in, "Good morning class representative!"

Shen Cheng looked at him, "It's late."

Jane Shiwu argued: "It's still morning, it's early."

Shen Cheng's long fingers were holding a pen, his cool face was full of calmness, but when he was looked at by those black eyes, Jian Shiwu could not help but feel the danger.

It's like a constant reminder to others to be careful with their words or they will fall into a dangerous trap. "Ultraman ......" Shen Cheng was slow and deliberate: "is it your credit?"

Of course Jane Shiwu played dumb: "Ah, what Ultraman, I'm not quite sure ah."

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows: "Really?"

A feeling of weakness spread through his heart, Jian Shiwu felt that he really didn't know at what point they suggested Ultraman, which couldn't be considered a lie at all, so he nodded: "Yes."

Shen Cheng withdrew his gaze, "Got it."

Jian had a bit of an ominous feeling in his heart.

Lui Heng smiled and came over, "Did you receive the gifts, that is all the benefits we actively soight for you in the group, ah, that game console is not particularly cool!"

Shen Cheng put down his pen and caught the point: "The group?"


Shen Cheng's face was as normal, even the corners of his mouth even curled up with a smile if there was one, seemingly elegant and easy-going: "Can you pull me in?"

Jian Shiwu gave the monkey a wink, not wanting them to become a death list straight away, but unfortunately Lui Heng thought he wanted to take credit.

A hand swept around Jane Shiwu's arm, very righteous: "That's no problem at all, Brother Shi is the group master, at the time of the brainstorming, he even praised us for our resourcefulness, choosing all the current hot, boy new favorites."


He just didn't want to discourage them!

Shen Cheng said, "Okay, add me later."

The other students gathered around were also more greedy, and someone inquired.

"Class rep, then your father must have bought you a lot?"

"Well, if you don't like anything, give it to me."

"Yes, lend it to us."

"He's so kind to you."

Jane Shiwu looked at Shen Cheng, he understood that no matter in his previous life or in this life, Shen Cheng was not interested in those shelf toys, but with his understanding of Shen Cheng, anything that came into Shen Cheng's hands, no matter if he liked it or hated it, as long as it was his, even if it was destroyed, he would not let others get their hands on it.

It was only that the students in this life had a good relationship with Shen Cheng, actively organised the birthday party, and even did their best when giving Ji Yuan Sheng ideas. He suddenly wondered if Shen Cheng in this life had changed even a little bit because of these things.

As he was thinking, he heard Shen Cheng speak, "Thank you all for your concern, I like it very much."

Some students were disappointed that they didn't pick up the omission, only Jian Shiwu felt that it was expected, what he liked or not liked, it was just the male lead's strange paranoid possessiveness at work, as long as it was his, no one could covet it.

Looking back, he saw Shen Cheng take out a gift box from under the table that was worth a lot at a glance, inside was a display of exquisite pastries that looked very delicious, he said, "This is a thank you gift my father asked me to bring to all of you, it's a token of appreciation, let's share it."

There was a cheer from the students.

They immediately left their misery of having no toys behind them and actively and enthusiastically divided the snacks.

"Thank you, class rep!"

"That's very kind of the class rep."

"I told you the class rep would love those toys."

He looked at Shen Cheng curiously but couldn't withdraw his gaze in time to see Shen Cheng calmly saying, "You want to borrow Dija from me too?"


He shook his head quickly, "No!"

"You don't like it?" Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows, "But isn't that the hot thing nowadays, the new favorite of boys?"


Why do you remember all this, and even use it to pit me. As expected of Shen Cheng’s perfect memory.

It was bustling here, but Ji Beichuan in the third row was unusually deserted. He recognized the brand of cakes and snacks, all of which are of great value andd which he didn’t eat often.

He saw Shen Cheng was deliverwd in the morning, and although he was still wearing a normal school uniform, he saw brand name shoes on his feet.

Now all these are gone, as if the light that once gathered on him has disappeared, such a big gap is difficult for him to buffer.

The deskmate got a piece of pastry and came back excitedly saying, "Beichuan, this is delicious, do you want to try it?"

Ji Beichuan was annoyed: "Eat it yourself, it's not a rare thing, it's like you've never eaten it before."

The deskmate's smile froze on his face, he had been suffering from Ji Beichuan's anger, in the past because his family was powerful and influential, now it is only because of the past friendship that he is still being courteous.

He did not expect Ji Beichuan who was nolonger a young master to still be so arrogany: "My family's condition is not able to eat such good food, but you may not be able to eat in the future. "

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Ji Beichuan’s eyes widened, and looked at him in disbelief that he dared talk back at him. He wanted to say a few harsh words to save his dignity but the bell rang and the class teacher walked into the room.


Now Ji Beichuan and Shen Dashan live in an ordinary neighborhood, this neighborhood is considered medium to high-end, it’s the old lady that left him the house.

Now only he and Shen Dashan live in the three rooms, he unlocked the door into the house, and saw Shen Dashan standing in the kitchen cooking, a rickety man with a spatula frying vegetables, the table has ordinary small green vegetables, and Shen Dashan is cooking fish, surprised to see him: "Beichuan, you're back?"

Ji Beichuan nodded his head with a cold face.

Shen Dashan said, "Then get ready to eat, I've cooked something delicious for you today."

Ji Beichuan snorted, this could also be considered delicious? He was served by a top chef in the Ji family, basically set half the table with gourmet delicacies, compared to that, this poorly sold meal on the table was simply unacceptable, he coldly said, "I am not hungry, you can eat by yourself."

Shen Dashan froze, and the smile on his face stiffened a little, he nagged, "Alright then."

When all the food was ready, he went back to Ji Beichuan's room and knocked on the door, "Beichuan, if you're noy hungry, you can try a little too, right?"

There was no movement in the room.

After a while, Ji Beichuan came over and opened the door, his face was not kind: "Why didn't you clean up my room? Also, is this the clothes you washed, they're not clean at all!"

Shen Dashan: "Huh?"

It was a white shirt with oil stains on it, he rubbed it for a long time but it didn't come off, cleaning up his room he had even less sense, Shen Cheng never needed help to clean up his room, his clothes were also washed by himself, he would even do it for him.

Ji Beichuan questioned, "You're at home every day, you can't earn money, you can't even do this chore properly!"

Shen Dashan took the clothes, a reluctant smile appeared on his somewhat old face and he said softly, "Beichuan, it's dad who didn't do a good job, I know, next time I will definitely get it right, come and eat first, don't let it get cold later."

When Ji Beichuan heard the word "dad", he felt a sting, but he was really hungry, so he didn't care much, he coldly went to the dining room and sat down, holding back his discomfort and eating the food.

He spit out after a few bits; “Do you know that you put too much salt?”

Shen Dashan was slightly surprised, approached to take chopsticks and tasted, hesitantly said, "Dad thinks it's quite appropriate ah."


Ji Beichuan’s stomach was unbearable, so he went with money in his pocket: "You can eat by yourself, don't mind me!"

This time is close to night, outside the autumn breeze, inside the community will be the elderly out for a walk, there are also walking the dog family in the pathway, talking and laughing, the sound of dogs barking, children's screaming and playing, the whole community noisy, and the manor silent night is completely different.

Ji Beichuan's face was cold as he was about to leave the cell door when he met someone he didn't even expect: "Sister Li?"

Sister Li was standing at the gate wearing a red sweater and was happy to see Ji Beichuan coming out: "Beichuan!"

Ji Beichuan said, "What are you doing here?"

The two of them had a deep relationship for more than ten years, and they had only seen each other for a few days, but they felt very close to each other.

Ji Beichuan was also heartbroken: "Sister Li, are you okay too?"

She was old and had no skills over the years, and with her awkward status, she was likely to be sacked.

This job was her livelihood and all she had left to fall back on!

Wiping her tears, Mrs Li said, "Young master, come on, let's find a place to sit and talk."

Ji Beichuan nodded: "Okay."

It was only after some conversation that Ji Beichuan understood that the old lady's birthday was in half a month's time, and this time it was intended to be a big event because the Ji family's recognition of the young master had spread throughout high society, and many people wanted to see the young master's true face with their own eyes, and with the old lady's 70th birthday, it was even more joyous.

This is the kind of occasion that someone like him should not have attended, but the old lady loves him and specially asked Sister Li to send an invitation over so that he could be able to visit on his birthday.

Sister-in-law Li said, "Young master, the old madam still has your weight in her heart."

Ji Yuansheng lowered his head, "What's the use, I can't go back after all, and grandmother can't change father's mind even if she loves me."

Sister-in-law Li had come for this very reason, and some dark light crossed her eyes before she asked in a low voice, "Young master, do you want to go back?"

This was something that could not be asked easily.

Ji Beichuan's eyes flickered slightly as he looked at Sister Li and narrowed his eyes, "Do you have an idea?"

Sister-in-law Li hesitated for a long time, but finally nodded her head ruthlessly: "Yes, the breakthrough point lies in the old lady, as long as you can convince the old lady and make her feel that Shen Cheng is not as good as you are, the old lady will definitely make a strong effort to bring you back."

Ji Beichuan was curious: "Then how do I have to do that?"

Sister-in-law Li was relieved to see him agree, she let out a sigh of relief and told her plan, "On the day of the old lady's birthday, Shen Cheng as the young master who has just returned home will follow the old lady to meet the guests, which means he will have to watch over the old lady throughout that day, the old lady has always had severe high blood pressure and coronary heart disease and needs to take regular medication."

Ji Beichuan frowned as he refused, "You want to change Grandma's medication! I don't agree!"

Sister-in-law Li hurriedly said, "How dare I!"

Only then did Ji Beichuan calm down a little and frowned, "Then what do you want to do?"

"I won't do anything to the old lady's medicine, but we can change the medicine to ordinary nutritional tablets, just a couple of tablets, but the old lady's room and the people around her are very tightly guarded, especially since she will have Shen Cheng with her that day, only you can change the medicine."

Although they hadn't spent much time together, Sister Li had already found out that Shen Cheng was not a simple person, his mind and hand were definitely above Ji Beichuan's, and with him around, things would be very difficult.

Sister-in-law Li slowly said her plan, "Don't worry, I will distract Shen Cheng for you, and you have to take this opportunity to go to your room and change the medicine, remember, you have to be quick, Shen Cheng is very smart and will probably come back soon."

"As long as you change it, by then the old lady will have already gone down, and no one will be able to find out, but the old lady must not be stimulated. She loves cats and dogs the most,so that day I secretly fed something to those two little beasts, when they are about to attack the old lady, you will rush up to protect her."

Ji Beichuan still had doubts: "Then what if my grandmother really gets sick!"

“Don't worry, the family doctor will be at the mansion all the time that day and I'll have the antihypertensive medicine in the pill bottles in advance." Sister-in-law Li was afraid that he would not agree: "This is the last chance, if we don't try, young master may never be able to return to the Ji family."

This statement was a precise step on Ji Beichuan's sore spot.

The teenager's life had been suddenly changed and he was at an age when he was prone to feverishness. After a moment's reflection, he finally gave a ruthless decision: "Okay, let's do it!"

Sister Li smiled with satisfaction and the two of them chatted for a while longer before parting ways.

Coming out of the cell, Sister Li dialed a number, "Hey, well, Ji Beichuan has promised to cooperate, the mansion will definitely be in chaos by then, and Ji Yuansheng will also go to see the old lady, no one will pay attention to anything else."

There was laughter on the other end of the line, "So you can steal the documents?"

"I've been in the Ji family for more than ten years, I know where the surveillance dead spots are and how to cover people's ears better than anyone" Sister Li said, "But I can only buy you less than ten minutes, as for what happens after that... I just need you to do what you say, put ten million into my card, send me abroad and keep me clothed and fed."

There was a cheerful response over there, after all, a bid document from Ji Yuan Sheng could be more than 10 million.

He said, "After all, you've worked for the Ji family for over ten years, and you're actually willing to betray your old master too?"

A flash of hostility flashed in Sister Li's eyes, "It is because I have worked for more than ten years that they cannot treat me like this now, Ji Yuansheng is even arranging for me to return to my hometown to retire because I have taken care of Ji Beichuan, since he is unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous either!"

The other side gave a stifled laugh and responded, "Good, what you've been promised won't be less after the job is done."


The following day

Last night he had stayed up late doing his homework because he was going to be a guest at the Ji manor for the old lady’s birthday.

The Jians were also invited. Jian Shiwu was fished out of bed by his mother early in the morning and he was very dissatisfied.

“Mom, I had a hard time doing my homework last night.”

"What did you have to work so hard for?" Zhen Mei Li dragged the person out of bed: "Didn't you keep sending questions to Shen Cheng, you do it yourself, it’s nothing!"


Jane Shiwu was shut into the washroom.

When he basically washed up , he came downstairs to find that his parents had already dressed up, Zhen Mei also put on a small dress, she had a beautiful body, especially standing in the light skin white glowing, even after more than 30, there are almost no blemishes and wrinkles, the features are also extremely beautiful, Jian Shiwu said: "Mom, you are beautiful ah!"

Zhen Meilie : "You’re silly."

"No wonder you've charmed Dad to death" Jian shook his head, "Maybe the actresses on TV aren't as good looking as you."

Zhen Meilie said, "Brat, you look just like me.”

Jane Shiwu was very cute child, big round eyes, high nose, especially the skin is very fine and white, even a small fat could not hide that natural good base, if he thinned down, he will also be a human killer.

The first time Jian’s father saw her, she was a musician in the entertainment industry, and if she hadn't gotten married to him, she would have been a big star by now!”

Zhen Meili: “ I can’t do it now. I’ve been out of the circle for many years, and I can’t compare with young people. Maybe our little chubby can do it in the future.”

In the last life of Jane Shiwu, he did not lose weight until the age of 20. He slowly thinned down, his appearance became more seductive and people around him started to look at him and the attitude slowly became subtle, at that time he just married Shen Cheng.

He also considered looking for a job, but he did not know what to do. He’d get a place, but soon make all kinds of mistakes and then be dismissed.

It made him frustrated with himself and he felt that there was no career for him.

The entertainment industry sounded like it would be great, mainly because stars seemed to make a lot of money, and then he could help out in case his family went bankrupt later.

Jian's father said, "You have to ask your child's opinion, in case he doesn't want to act and sing for even an hour?"

Jane replied nervously, "I think it's okay, it sounds like fun!"


Jian’s father hesitated, “ I heard that stars nowadays need to have someone willing to support them, and they need to have capital behind them, and they need to have a financial backer.”

Jian Shiwu was unconvinced, how could his father look down on him: “Who said I can’t do it, maybe there are also gold masters who are blind and will like me.”

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