Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 33: 33

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Zhen Meilie covered her moutg and laughed, “You’re still looking for a gold master. You are a man. The first thing you need to do is to get married and become your wife’s gold master and backer."

Jian scratched his head: "I can't even take care of myself, let alone a girl, so I don't want to be a nuisance."

"Then it would be good to find a husband who can take care of you."

It was as if Zhen Meilie could see right through the boy’s mind: "Shen Cheng is good, he is reliable and responsible, the only thing you need to worry about is ......"

Jian raised his face: "What is that?"

"The only thing you need to worry about is the fact that there are a lot of good suitors for Shen Cheng. He is quite an excellent catch.”

Zhen Mei Li joked: "Why doesn't mum ask for you, “how about an engagement for you two?"


The entire body of Jian Shiwu shook!

He was so frightened that his forehead was sweating and he said, "Mom, don't be ridiculous, you don't want me to die."

She was only joking and didn’t expect that kind of reaction from her son.

Jian hurriedly said, "Really, don't think about it again."

In his last life, he accidentally learned that this world was a novel in which the main character was Shen Cheng, and that his identity was that of a cannon fodder evil ex-wife. At that time, his soul was ignorant, and he could only know the context of the specific plot to the novel

The other souls told him that everyone's destiny is certain.

There are usually two sons of fortune in a world, one is the main character, one is the main character's destined mate, and the others are the cannon fodder arranged by Heaven to help the main character grow, and each cannon fodder has his or her own mission.

They also admonished him, "If a good cannon fodder wants to live a long life, the only rule is to avoid contact with the main character, and if you really can't avoid it, you can't go against the main character, and you can't try to break up the two main characters, it's all a big no-no."

Unfortunately, in his last life, Jian had sort of broken all three of the big taboos.

Zhen Meili's voice came from the side: "You don't like Shen Cheng?"

Jane Shiwu returned to his senses, the little boy wiped a handful of sweat from his head and said softly: "There is no dislike ah, the class representative is quite nice, but he and I are just friends ......"

He said it as if he was saying it to Zhen Mei, but also as if he was saying it to himself: "We can only be ust friends."

He was afraid that Zhen Meilie would not understand, but she hooked her lips and smiled: “ Then let’s go forward as friends first, if you are lucky to be together, it is a blessing, if not, its also still a blessing. Just do what you want to do.”

Jian Shiwu seemed not to understand.

Zhen Mei Li stroked his head: "Later on, when you grow up, you will understand."

The fact is, it's not that easy to give up on someone you've loved all your life, but there are so many people in this world who love but can't get loved in return, and he's no exception.

The Ji family garden.

It’s the 70th birthday of the old lady, the manor is lit up, all kinds of gentry and noblemen have come to congratulate the birthday.

The road outside is lined with long lines of luxury cars worth a lot of money, the whole road is filled with the smell of money.

When their car entered the manor, he could feel even more of the Ji family's grandeur. The garden is set up with exquisite tables, the top is full of food and wine, the maids shuttle between them. Obviously they are walking on the garden paths in summer but the place was free of mosquitoes and insects.

When Jian shiwu reached the front door, he could see the owner of the party.

The old lady is dressed in spirit today, the red embroidered cloud crane cheongsam is very rich, the glittering pearl necklace around her neck is worth a lot of money, standing next to her is the other host of tonight's banquet, Shen Cheng, this is the first time that Jian saw the teenager wearing a slim suit.

Zhen Meilie lamented, "Like a jade tree."

Jane Siwu nodded with great approval, Shen Cheng usually only wears a plain school uniform and a simple white shirts like a neighboring brother, although that is already very attractive, but today, the teenager wearing a slim tuxedo stood in the bright light, his cool face reserved and detached, not like child who has just been recognized back. He stood there alone, as if he was originally a noble son of a luxurious family.

There were also a number of guests passing by them, and there were small chattering voices.

"Is it true that this young master of the Ji family was stolen and raised outside?"

"I can't see that his family was not well off before."

"He's got more class than the one before, he doesn't look easy."

"What a handsome look, worthy of being Shen Youting's child."

The first time he heard this, he was a little happy, with inexplicable pride, others complimented Shen achievement like they were praising him, he was generally happy, and proud

Zhen Meilie whispered,”Cheer up when you see that old lady.”

The moment he heard that, he knew that she was not an easy going person: "I know."

They walked over to the old lady, who had just sent off the last group of guests, and her expression changed slightly when she saw Zhen Mei, but she quickly returned to normal and smiled: "Zhen girl, here you are."

Zhen Meilie bent down to shake hands: "Grandma, you are still in good spirits."

"Don't tease me." The old lady looked at Jian Shiwu: "Yo, this is your son, isn't it? He's so blessed looking!"


The corners of Jane Shiwu's mouth twitched,.

Zhen Meilei smiled, "I'm sorry to make you laugh."

"No, no." The old lady introduced herself to them, "This is Shen Cheng, the child Yuan Sheng has just returned, he is about the same age as your family, you can get to know him."

Zhen Meili's smile faded, the old lady called him by his first name when introducing him, not even saying he was her grandson, her attitude was intriguing. Did she want to deliberately embarrass him.

Jiane Shiwu looked at Shen Cheng and warmed up: "Class representative, good evening!"

Before he came Shen Cheng's face was all reticent, but after Jian Shiwu came, those cold eyes took on a warm temperature, and he said, "Good evening."

Little chiubby had a smile on his face: "Shall we go in together?"

Before Shen Cheng could say anything, the old lady said, "So you know each other, little friend, he can't go in with you, he has to stay here with me and receive the guests."

Jane's big eyes were round, clean and pure, as if she really didn't understand anything, and asked without any malice, "Wow, why?"

No one could tell that he was doing it on purpose, as if he just didn't understand so he had to ask.

The old lady looked awkwardly at Zhen Meilie, as if she wanted her to take care of the child, but the woman looked away and pretended not to see it, as there were other guests coming in behind her, so she couldn't let herself lose face, and secretly gritted her teeth, so she had to introduce him, "Because Shen Cheng is my grandson, and I'm his grandmother."

Jane Shiwu suddenly realized, "So that's how it is!"

Then he smiled and said to the old lady, "Just now you didn't even say you were the class representative's grandmother, so I misunderstood, don't be angry."

The old lady cursed inwardly, but smiled benevolently on the surface, "Why not, I'm not angry."

Only then did ZheMeili take Jane Shiwu inside.

Inside the inner court was also very lively, a steady stream of guests came and went, the Jian family is also in business, this is not just an ordinary business banquet, but also an exchange of people and resources, although false, socializing is a matter that has to be dealt with.

Jane's father said to his son, "Mummy and Daddy are going to say hello to someone, do you want to go?"

Jane shook her head decisively: "I don't want to, I'll go find food by myself, I'll find Lui Heng to play with by the way so, I won't wander off, you guys go ahead."

Zhen Mei Li pointed to her bag: "Keep your mobile phone on, you have to come back when you're wanted, okay?"

Jane Shiwu saluted, "Yes ma'am!"

Zhen Meili smiled, waved her hand and let Jian Shiwu go.

After Jian Shiwu moved around and finally met up with Lui Heng, but he also see Ji Beichuan and Shen Dashan not far away, Ji Beichuan stood next to the old lady with an intimate look, people who didn't know would think he was the real grandson.

Lui Heng whispered, "If I can affors to this person disappear, we all know he is the fake prince."

Jane Shiwu pursed her lips and smiled, "It's not like it's our face that's being disgraced anyway."

A passing maid walked by with a drink in her hand, Lui Heng took a fruit wine, but Jian Shiwu did not take it, but asked the maid in a low voice, "Hello, let me ask, what time did the guests arrive?"

The maid was stunned, but answered honestly, "About six o'clock."

Jane Shiwu said, "And were the old lady and Shen Cheng there the whole time?"

The attendant nodded, "Yes."

How hungry must they have been!

Lui Heng next to him lamented, "The old lady is in good health, she can carry hunger."

Lui Heng thought he was going to bring food to Shen Cheng and advised him, "Don't waste your effort, Shen Cheng can't leave until the guests are finished, and he still has to take care of the old lady and go back to rest, so he won't have time to eat."

Jane said, "I know!"

As he skimmed through the dessert area, he finally found what he wanted, put some in his pocket and glanced at the door from time to time. When he saw the old lady chatting with someone else, he sneaked behind the stone lion and shouted to Shen Cheng, "Class rep."

In the darkness of the night, the manor house was brightly lit, and the child behind the stone lion had bright eyes and a wide smile as he beckoned to Shen Cheng, "Come closer."

Shen Cheng moved two steps calmly.

A small, soft, warm hand placed the chocolate it was holding in its hand into Shen Cheng's palm and whispered, "If you are hungry, eat a piece secretly."

He wanted to tell him that he was not hungry, but Jian Shiwu, who was half hiding behind a stone lion, continued with the concerned advice, "Eat it in small pieces, don't get caught."

Shen Cheng's hand held the piece of chocolate as he said, "Go in and wait for me."

Jian Shiwu blinked in confusion and was just about to ask when the communication from the old lady's side ended and Shen Cheng turned away from him, so the confusion had to be swallowed.

ShenCheng askes him to wait for him, but he didn’t say how long or where. Jian Shiwu just decided to roam around the main hall.

He was a natural enemy to Jian Shiwu and he’d sneer and put on airs whenever they met before, but today he was like a mute, and he clearly saw him but he didn’t come over to irritate as usual.

Jane Shiwu frowned: "He's so strange..."

Not only Jian Shiwu felt he strange, even Shen Dashan, who came with Ji Beichuan today, also felt that Ji Beichuan was a bit strange today, so he asked, "Beichuan, what's wrong with you?"

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Ji Beichuan was distracted and impatient with Shen Dashan: "Why are you following me?"

Shen Dashan was invited, the invitation letter said that two people were invited, so he had to come, he didn't know where to go after here, so he had to follow Ji Beichuan.

However, his leg was disabled, he couldn't keep up with Ji Beichuan's pace, plus Ji Beichuan also disliked him, so he was in an embarrassing situation: "Beichuan, where will Dad not follow you? "

“You can go wherever you like, and if you can't, you can go outside and blow off steam, but don't follow me."

Shen Dashan wanted to say more, but Ji Beichuan had already taken steps to leave, he was a bit gloomy, his heart was also vaguely sore, even for a moment he thought back to Shen Cheng, that child, although cold, was never angry at and even took care of his illness. Yet he himself hadn't treated him very well.

The child who had been kind to him he hadn't cherished, but now he was being abandoned by his own son, was this retribution?


On the other hand

Ji Beichuan also met with Sister Li.

"The old lady’s room is monitores, and there is no way to go in and change the medicine. So, you knock over the medicine, then replace it with a new one. Today the doctor will be busy and most of the time not in the pharmacy. A servant will be sent to go over and pick it.”

Ji Beichuan nodded: "And then what?"

"The pharmacy is also monitored, there is no way to do it, so there is only a chance to do it on the way to and from the pharmacy, so you should look for an opportunity to call out to the maid to change the medicine, understand?"

Ji Beichuan said, "Understood!"

In fact, he was worried about this plan, but as sister Li said, this might be his only chance, if he didn't take action, he might never be able to return to the Ji family, rich and powerful, he couldn't care less about the rest!


The party was still going on outside.

The old lady was a little tired of welcoming guests for so long, she looked at Shen Cheng next to her, thinking that after standing with her for so long, the young and vigorous young man would at least complain twice, then she could take the opportunity to teach a few lessons about not being able to suffer. But what she didn't expect was that Shen Cheng didn't say a word, which made her a little strange: "Aren't you tired?"

Shen Cheng said, "No, I'm not tired."

"Hmph." The old lady felt that he was dying to save facs, and just as she reached the door, she was just about to say a few words, when she heard a few shouts from the room.

The door opened and it was Ji Beichuan.

In front of Ji Beichuan was a puddle of water, he was surprised to see the old lady and hurriedly trotted over to pout: "Grandma, grandma I'm sorry, I was waiting for you in your room and ended up accidentally tipping over the water cup and wetting your medicine, I'm sorry."

The old lady was a little angry, but when she saw the child's self-condemned look, she couldn't get angry.

On the contrary, Shen Cheng frowned: "The medicine was on the coffee table, how did you spill it so far when you were sitting on the sofa?"


Ji Beichuan's movements stiffened, sister Li was right, Shen Cheng was indeed the most difficult person to deal with, so he retorted, "I didn't mean to do it, it just happened, what do you mean?"

Shen Cheng narrowed his eyes.

The old lady sighed as she sat down and said with some partiality, "Shen Cheng, don't think so much of Beichuan, be broad-minded, I believe Beichuan didn't do it on purpose, the medicine is just that, what good can he get by getting it wet on purpose, just go and fetch it again."

Ji Beichuan took her arm affectionately, "Grandma is the best to me."

Shen Cheng's body exuded cold air, if it wasn't for Ji Yuansheng telling him to take care of the old lady more in the evening, he would have turned around and left right now, not caring whether she lived or died.

The maid next to him said, "The pharmacist is not here, I will go and fetch the medicine for you again."

The old lady waved her hand, "Go ahead."

Ji Beichuan was secretly happy that the plan had gone smoothly, but to his surprise, Shen Cheng spoke up, "I'll go."


Ji Beichuan's smile froze on his face, if it was Shen Cheng who was going, then how could he possibly have a chance?

He hurriedly said, "No, you can't go!"

The room fell silent for a moment because of his sudden shout, and everyone looked sideways towards him, with different expressions, tinged with scepticism.

Ji Beichuan realized afterwards that he had been impulsive and stammered an explanation, "I meant to say, "I'll go otherwise, I spilled it and I just want to go and get it myself."

The old lady smiled, "It's okay, let Shen Cheng go, you just stay with grandma."

Ji Beichuan became even more anxious in his heart.

Shen Cheng was satisfied, he didn't even bother to see these two, the errand of going to fetch the medicine was an errand, but it was better than standing here, so he turned around and left without any comments.

Seeing him leave, Ji Beichuan felt even worse, he hurriedly stood up and said to the old lady, "Grandma, you must be hungry, I want to go to the kitchenette to get you something to eat."

The old lady said, "Just let Aya do that."

Aya was the maid who looked after the old lady.

Ji Beichuan had to go, he stood up and said, "You should let me go, I've wet your medicine, consider it as making up for it, otherwise I won't be able to sleep tonight."

Seeing him say this, the old lady had to agree: "Then go and return quickly."

Only then did Ji Beichuan leave in a hurry, the difficulty of transferring medicine from the maid's hands and in Shen Cheng's hands was not of the same level, his legs were now a little weak.

He was downstairs and filled his plate with food, Ji Beichuan was holding the plate of food and was guarding the place where Shen Cheng would come back, when he caught a glimpse of the figure his hand shook and he spilled all the food on the floor: "Yikes!"

Shen Cheng walked over slowly.

Ji Beichuan said to Shen Cheng while picking up his things pitifully, "Class Representative, please help me, I've spilled everything."

Shen Cheng looked at him from above, unmoved, not only was his face expressionless, but he even lifted his foot and prepared to sweep past him to walk forward, which could be said to be very ruthless.

He took deep breath and half squatted, pulling Shen Cheng’s leg, “Class representative, do you hate me so much, I know it was my fault before, can I apologize to you, please help me, I…I was so busy walking my foot got sore, can you help me pick up something."

Shen Cheng looked at him sideways and seemed to be sizing up.

Ji Beichuan stiffly squeezed out two tears.


Shen Cheng slowly squatted down, he stretched out his slender hand and started to pick up the food on the ground, at his side, Ji Beichuan saw the medicine inside Shen Cheng's pocket, and after realizing that Shen Cheng's back was turned to him without paying attention, he quietly stretched out his hand ......


The hand that was stretched out in mid-air was grabbed by someone, Shen Cheng, who originally had his back to him, looked back, his black pupils looked at him coldly, a pair of large hands held Ji Beichuan's restless salty hand, the force was as if it was going to crush one's bones, he said, "What are you doing."

Ji Beichuan was in so much pain that tears were falling down his face: "Pain, pain, pain, what are you doing."

Shen Cheng lowered his eyes and swept a glance at Ji Beichuan, "You want to take medicine?"

Ji Beichuan sheepishly looked away, "What are you talking about, I didn't ...... I..."

The next second, his entire body was held down, Shen Cheng, who always seemed to have little killing power, easily held him down, he reached out and felt in Ji Beichuan's pocket and fished out another identical small medicine bottle, when that medicine bottle was searched out, Ji Beichuan's heart went cold.

Shen Cheng's eyes also slowly gathered a chill underneath as he looked at Ji Beichuan: "Want to change her medicine?"

Ji Beichuan was inexplicably looked at in a very weak manner: "No, it wasn't me."

Shen Cheng's heart slowly burned with fire, he stood up, raised his foot and kicked, Ji Beichuan's whole body let out a painful muffled grunt and curled up.

"Are you going to set me up, or do you think she's not treating you well?" Shen Cheng squatted down and looked at him, his voice was all eerily cold: "Ji Beichuan, there is something really wrong with your brain."

"I didn't want to harm Grandma..."

Ji Beichuan looked at Shen Cheng with some fear, the young man standing in front of him seemed different from before, eerie and frightening, like a hellish Hades, meeting that pair of eues, his whole body was cold all over, this matter he himself was also very afraid: "I just wanted to set up a scheme to make grandma moved to take me back."

There was a momentary silence in the air.

Then, Shen Cheng narrowed his eyes, he stepped forward and grabbed Ji Beichuan's hair, forcing him to look straight at himself: "If I remember correctly, she bought you and Shen Dashan a house outside, gave you food and water, what, you still refuse to be satisfied?"

Shen was gazing at him as if looking at a spicy chicken.

Ji Beichuan, he was in so much pain that tears fall straight down, and he gave up, "That how can I compare with the Ji family, I was originally the young master of the Ji family ah, as long as I grow up Ji family is mine, now what, grandmother still loves me, after her death I can not share the inheritance ah, I have to come back, this is also no way out, I ......"


A solid punch hit Ji Beichuan's face, and that face immediately swelled up like a pig.

Shen Cheng's face was hostile, he pulled the person over and pressed Ji Beichuan's head, as if he was pressing the person to kneel down to himself, "Who gave you the idea?"

Ji Beichuan was delirious with pain: "No one."

Just as Shen Cheng was about to speak again, a slight sound came from the end of the corridor, and when he looked over with stern eyes, he saw Little Fatty standing there dumbfounded.

It was obvious that Jian Shiwu was already scared silly.

Looking at the wailing Ji Beichuan on the ground, listening to the miserable screams, and then the very different from the old days like the devil himself, the kid was whole scared silly, he was in fear, his whole body seemed to be shaking, like he was afraid of himself, and through himself in fear.

At that moment, Shen Cheng's movements stopped, he didn't know how long Jian Shiwu had been standing there and how much he had seen, in fact he wasn't afraid of being seen by anyone at all, because he wasn't a good person, he wasn't a good student with a good character like Jane Shiwu. The environment he grew up in had made his character cruel and unbearable.

This was what he was supposed to be like.

But he saw deep fear and resistance on Jane Shiwu's face; once upon a time he would only smile at him and would say in a sweet voice, "I like the class representative the most."

But now, Shen Cheng saw that his face was white.

Looking at Jane Shiwu's white little face, the corners of Shen Cheng's mouth curled up into a sarcastic smile, see, liking is just like that, he finally saw his own essence, and he was sure he won't come over in the future.

However, just a few moments after Shen Cheng's thoughts tumbled, Jian Shiwu, who was standing at the end of the corridor, came trotting all the way over, the boy was like a gust of wind, he swooped over and took Shen Cheng's hand, still gasping for breath, and said urgently, "How can you hit him here?"

A coolness under Shen Cheng's eyes, he looked at Jane Shiwu, the temperature in his eyes faded, his voice was cold: "Can't I."

"Of course you can't."

Shen Cheng's heart gradually sank, he wanted to pull back his hand, the tender faced boy quickly said: "Isn't there a stairway over there, drag him in and then beat him, in case someone sees, it's not good!"

Ji Beichuan, who thought he was saved: ......

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