Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 48: 48

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This time, the sports day of No.1 school collided with the centennial celebration, and the school administration paid great attention to it, no matter the scale of the opening ceremony or the multifarious activities that followed, the effort put into it was enormous.

Jian Shiwu was listening to the teacher talking to him about the program for the closing ceremony. The teacher was holding the program in his hand, and looked at Jian’s injured face with some difficulty: "Is it okay to be on camera?"

Jian Shiwu also realised the problem, so he didn't force him: "It's okay, just cancel my show."

"How can we do that?" The teacher rubbed his chin, "Even if we find someone to cover your show now, they won't have time to rehearse, and it's only tomorrow. You and Annie are both quitting the show, she's in shock and won't come back, so if you both get cancelled, there's really no one else to cover."

Jian apologized, "I'm sorry to have caused you any trouble."

The teacher was deep in thought, staring at Jian for a moment, then said tentatively, "Or... would you like to go and console Annie, go and see her tonight and persuade her to come back?"

Jian was stunned: "I...go?"

What was wrong with this teacher, he didn't know Annie well at all, he had only spoken to her yesterday, and it was too much to ask him go persuade her to come back.

The teacher reassured, "It's just a simple thing, just do your best to persuade her, if you can't, think of it as a visit to her, things are busy over here at the games and the teacher can't get away from it, you're all classmates, go and talk to her."

"...... okay."

Jian Shiwu said in his heart that this seems to be what the male protagonist should do. How can it be his turn to be a male supporting body? It's really strange no matter how he thinks about it.

As the sports day drew to a close, most of the events had stopped and many of the students were left idle.

There were some equipment and supplies for the closing ceremony parked along a wall in the northern part of the playground, and one of them was a funny one, with a whole row of chariot-like parade vehicles.

Some of the boys couldn't resist trying it out.

There was a path along the wall that led through it to the kiosk, a path that very few people knew about, Qiao An and Er dong came to buy something and marvelled as they passed by the wall, "When did that get shipped in!"

Shen Cheng looked at it with little interest.

Er dong and Tiezi had just returned from their “parents’ loving education” because they had been inadvertently drunk last time, and had missed the opening ceremony of the sports day, and now seeing this parade car was a very new and novel thing: "Let’s go and have a look."

Tiezi smiled with his phone, "This chariot is so cool, let's go up later and you guys help take a picture."

Qiao An was watching the fun, he was just a fun-loving character, and immediately replied, "No problem."

The three of them ran over to play, and at first they were really just looking, but after realising that no one was in charge, the daring Er dong even climbed into the car, stepping up while also waving to the people down the side: "Hey, take a picture of me, how about this pose?"

The boys were laughing and fighting and having a great deal of fun.

Qiao An stood at the bottom and watched the two of them climb up and pose, reminding them, "Don't press any buttons, it's not good if it starts."

Erdong twisted a black peg, not taking it personally, "It's fine, it's parked here what could happen..."


As the words fell, the button was wrenched and the whole car suddenly shuddered.

Qiao An heard the sound of an engine starting in the large car, rattling, the two students sitting on top were inside the cockpit, the window was originally open, not knowing which button had activated something, the glass cover had closed and the saloon wheels seemed to start twisting.

Qiao An shouted, "Jesus Christ! What are you doing, turn it off now!"

Inside, Erdong and Tiezi were already stunned, and after they heard Qiao An’s shout, Erdong went to break the black lever again, but unfortunately this time no matter how hard he tried the lever was unresponsive, the sound of the machinery running was in his ears, it would be midday at soon and the sun was baking down, the small operating room was strangely hot.

"I can't get it to work. ......"

Erdong, his head covered in sweat, banged the desk with a little urgency and impatience, "It's not responding at all!"

Tiezi has been scared silly, eyes red tears are already going to fall down, they know they’re in trouble, before seeing the car parked here they thought they must have turned it off a long time ago, sneak up to take two pictures then go back to show off to show off will be fine, who knows this time things turned cold.

No, there was no telling what button had been pressed, and it was a question of whether they would get out alive...

The man on the lower end was also anxious, and just as he was about to go back and shout for someone, a figure had already brushed past him before he could react.


Erdong and Tiezi heard someone smash the glass vigorously, they turned their heads in unison and saw Shen Cheng stepping on the edge of the gun carriage, half his body leaning against the glass outside, his expression cold and calm, without a hint of panic, which at this time actually inexplicably allowed people to calm down.

Tiezi, a big boy with tears coming down his face, cried, "Shen Cheng!"

Shen Cheng's chilling voice: "Can you hear the sound?"

He couldn't hear the words outside, so he could only keep shouting, "Shen Cheng, help!"

Shen Cheng’s cold voice: "Shut up."

The two men did not dare to continue howling.

The parade truck was still operating, it seemed to be warming up, making adjustments to the machine in order to blast out the coloured flowers inside, Shen Cheng shouted at the men inside, "Top left corner, red button, press it now."

The roar of the machine was so loud that the people inside somewhat couldn’t hear.

Shen Cheng frowned, glanced at the bodywork and finally gave up communicating, he climbed up on the handrail of the car with nimble hands and feet, and after watching the turning of the car and the incompetent and wildly crying boys inside, climbed up to the front of the bodywork and he saw the position of the button, slapped it down hard and shouted, "Press it now! "

The clang of the smash finally reached inside as he gave the definite direction and in the last few moments of the parade car starting up, Erdong faltered and pressed the red button.


With another mechanical shuddering sound, the whole car shook strongly again, such a big movement shook Shen Cheng directly down, nearly a meter or so from the ground, but unfortunately there was no side platform either to his left nor right, close by was a box of materials needed for the closing ceremony. Shen Cheng fell onto the box, it was square shaped with sharp angular sides, there was a stabbing pain at his back when he hit it.

"Hey, what's going on with you guys?!"

The man in charge of guarding came running back from the toilet furious.

He couldn't get a good look at the others from a distance, he only saw Shen Cheng up there, and when Erdog and Tiezi climbed out, the watchman arrived just in time, not knowing that the machinery had been activated, he just stared at Shen Cheng: "Did you move the apparatus?"

"How dare you!" The watchman saw that the car had moved and was furious: "Do you know how valuable this thing is, if you scratch it and there is any damage, wait until you are expelled from school!"

The watchman turned again and looked at the others, "Are you involved in this too!?"

Several children were dumbfounded.

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Especially Erdong and Tiezi, who had just been crying and had broken down, they had both been lectured by their parents just a few days before, and now they had accidentally gotten into trouble, now if they were to be expelled from school and find their parents, would they still be able to live?

Erdong said, "I, we..."

He turned his face back to look at Shen Cheng, but saw that Shen Cheng was just sitting indifferently against the box, as if he didn't care about his reply.

Erdong had once heard a classmate in the same class say that Shen Cheng's family was rich and that he didn't lack anything. So was it that he didn’t care about one more charge at all?

He looked up and locked eyes with Tiezi, both seeing the same thought in each other's eyes.

"We... not we..." quivered Tiezi’s lips, inwardly filled with shame, “We don’t know...."

The watchman realised that the parade car was more than just simply climbed on, the inside seemed to have been moved too, he called for the rest of his colleagues and a group of them all gathered around to check the valuable car, not in the mood to go to the students first to raise hell.

When Jian Shiwu came over, this side was already in a mess, and after listening to the others tell him about what had probably happened, he saw Shen Cheng sitting on the box.

Lui Heng said to him after he had finished inquiring, "They said that it seemed like Shen Cheng had led the charge."

Jian Shiwu blurted out, "Never!"

The words were firm and powerful, full of 100% trust, even Erdong and Tiezi, who were not far away, looked up in surprise and they met Jian Shiwu's dark, quiet eyes, they felt utterly ashamed.

The scene was a mess, and Shen Cheng still sat bent on the side of the box, unmoving.

Jian Shiwu trotted over to his side. He whispered, "How are you doing?"

Shen Cheng looked up at him, the midday sun was blazing hot and blinding, probably because he was in a bit of a hurry when he ran in, Jian Shiwu's face had a thin layer of sweat on it, looking at him with concern, the double round eyes clearly reflecting his own figure, full of, all of him.

"Shen Cheng."

Jian Shiwu's voice was soft and crisp: "They said you fell down, were you hurt?"

At a time like this, Shen Cheng was in a trance, remembering his youth, the shady paths under the street lamps, the hills by the babbling stream, at the birthday party where a thousand people were pointing at him, the countless moments, the countless noisy moments in this world where only the child in front of him could see him, like a shadowy corner under the wall where he grew up alone and unattended, but only Jian Shiwu would come running over, with a body of warm sunlight and talk to him softly.

The weed that grows alone and suffers from the elements unattended doesn't feel like it’s pitiful, but when someone comes over and gently touches it and then turns around leaves, then it’s pitiful.

Shen Cheng didn't let Jian Shiwu get too close, his voice a little distant: "Didn't you go to the game?"

He remembered that Jian Shiwu had a match next afternoon.

"Didn't the teacher call out to you?" Shen Cheng turned slightly sideways, “What's the point of coming over here."

In fact, Shen Cheng disguised it very well, but Jian Shiwu still faintly smelled the scent of blood, when the smear of crimson gradually soaked through the clothes, Jian Shiwu's pupils shrank slightly, staring at the red, he unconsciously held his breath, when he looked up again, he saw Shen Cheng's tranquil and wave-less face. Even now, Shen Cheng still managed to admonish him: "Now go back to the venue, you have to enter it half an hour earlier and record, or did you forget?"

In fact, he hid it so well. If Shen Cheng didn't have a thin layer of cold sweat on his forehead from the pain of his wound, Jian Shiwu would have believed it.

"Shen Cheng."

Jian Shiwu's voice was soft, "Can I take you to the infirmary?"

Shen Cheng's face changed all of a sudden, the air seemed to be silent for a moment, even the sluggish Qiao An next to him reacted, "Shen, are you hurt?"

Because of his stammering, Erdong and Tiezi also knew, they trotted a few steps up, a group of people pulled with all hands and feet, and finally saw Shen Cheng’s back, they didn’t know how long he had endured but the injury he had sustained from falling and hitting the box, it, was already crimson there.

Although Tiezi was nicknamed "Tiezi" for ‘iron”, he was actually a particularly sentimental boy, and as soon as he saw it, he burst into tears, his guilt at avoiding responsibility combined with his heartache for Shen Cheng mads him cry uncontrollably: "I'm sorry."


Shen Chen’s head hurt from all the crying, and he gritted his teeth a little: "I'm not dead."

Tiezi even knelt down next to him, probably if he hadn't been stopped, he would have been kowtowing, but fortunately there were still calm people, and the two were on their hands and knees to take Shen Cheng to the infirmary, they all gathered around the wounded.

Shen Cheng didn't look like a wounded man, even though he was in such a situation, he still stood up straight, and when he staggered to Jian Shiwu whispered, "Play well."

It was only when he got up that one could see that some blood had actually fallen from the box behind him. Before it was noticed, he had sat there quietly, silent, even though the pain crawled all over his body!

Jian Shiwu stood in place, watching Shen Cheng's back as he was flanked away, unable to move his feet for a long time.

Qiao An said, "Intimidated?"

Jian Shiwu shook her head gently.

"He's just like that." Qiao An scratched his head: "Don’t look at how quiet he usually is, in fact he is quite good to his friends and brothers. He had just enrolled as a transfer student but was rejected by the students, some people camd to pick a fight, that time although I helped him, he did not say anything, but later, when I got kidnapped from school, out of so many students, only he stood up to save me."

The midday sun was warm and sprinkled on Jian Shiwu's body, making him warm all over, gazing at that figure gradually moving away. Jian Shiwu withdrew his gaze, he was silent for a long time and finally said softly, "He's just not good at expressing himself."

What formed Shen Cheng’s character?

It was because he was unloved, with a mother who would only ever treat him harshly and blood-sucking infinitely, because he was alone, with no one to talk to even when he was covered in scars, because he was strong by nature, with a pride that would not allow him to show weakness.

Only a child who is treated gently knows how to treat the next person gently. They all blame Shen Cheng for not living the way they wanted him to, but never ask why he lived the way he did.

Everyone praises the beauty of flowers when they are in full bloom, but shuns the rotting leaves when they wither.

Because of what?

In the early autumn sunshine, Jian Shiwu was in a trance remembering Shen Cheng's somewhat condescending rebuke, "Have I ever shouted at you?”

Because of what??

Jian Shiwu stood still, his slow brain suddenly turned gears and he gradually understood something, before he was bent on thinking that the main line of the world would not change, that Shen Cheng’s character and destiny were going in the established direction, and he thought he couldn’t escape the established destiny.

In fact, he had been so afraid of Shen Cheng that he had subconsciously ignored a lot of things.

It's like the year he bravely stood up for his classmate at the creek and bandaged her wounds, even though the years have changed, even though he's sharper today, even though there's his act out against Annie, but he's still that same Shen Cheng, that boy who will stand up for his classmates because they're in danger.

Can he then think that the world’s still changed, thats the glimmer of goodness in his heart has remained in Shen Cheng’s heart to this day when he bravely stood up to protect Erdong and Tiezi?

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