Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 49: 49

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The games ended in the afternoon.

There will be competitions tomorrow, but basically nothing to do with individual events. Team competitions, and friendly matches with the school leaders will probably be more entertaining.

The sports committee and the head of the class counted up in front of them and said, "There wasn't much difference between Class B and Class A. We took five first places and four second places, while Class A also took five first places and only three second places, so we won by rounding up."

Others followed suit, echoing.

"The transfer students are so strong."

"It was Qiao An who took first place in the three thousand meters, right?"

"And that pole vault was taken by Shen Cheng, it was too long, it broke the record."

The group of people talking about it got themselves all excited, those who didn't know would think they had all won awards, and the sense of collective honor was very strong.

The physical education committee clutched their books and got a bit worried again, "I heard that there was something quite serious at noon, it seems to be because Shen Cheng and the others had automated the parade car, the class teachers were called in, and the school leaders were very angry, saying that the leaders must be punished severely this time."

"The leader?" A few of the kids took it in stride: "I just hope they don't get expelled for too much, especially Erdog, I know the family is in a very difficult situation, and at the last parents' meeting my mum came home and told me that his mum said she was going to let Erdog finish high school and come down to work."

"I heard it was Shen Cheng ......"

A group of people were still talking, meanwhile Jian ran to the infirmary when the noon sports day ended.

The weather in early autumn was very hot during the day, but once it got cooler in the evening, he ran all the way to the infirmary and was warm, but when he opened the door, the room was empty, and no one was there.

The school nurse stood in front of the desk: "Who are you looking for, student?"

Jian Shiwu said respectfully, "Hello teacher, a student in my class was injured in the afternoon and I wanted to come and see him."

"Oh, you said Shen Cheng, right?" The school nurse who was frrom class put the white coat on the chair as she replied, "He went home, because of bad influence, he was ordered to go reflect for a week before returning to school."

Asked to reflect?

Jiaan Shiwu frowned slightly, he wasn't quite sure, "Teacher, may I ask, was the punishment given by the school only after there was conclusive evidence to determine that Shen Cheng was responsible?"

The school doctor frowned, "Student, are you thinking that the school would be unfair?"

Jian Shiwu pursed his lips.

The school nurse sighed and stopped dwelling on it, but said frankly, "No one forced him, he took the responsibility himself."

Jian looked up in surprise: "On his own?"


The school doctor nodded, "You were classmates, if you're not sure about anything, you can contact him and ask him."

Jian Shiwu also knew it was wrong to embarrass the school nurse and bowed politely, "I know, sorry to bother you."

Leaving from there, Jane went back to the classroom to get his school bag and things, but found that many people hadn't left, and Erdog and Tiezi were sitting in their seats with their heads hanging down, Tiezi’s eyes were especially red and swollen.

Lui Heng saw him coming and said, "They're all waiting for you, why did you only come back."

Jian Shiwu: "What's wrong?"

"They want to go and see Shen Cheng." Lui Heng scratched his head, "At that moment in the infirmary, the class teacher went over and asked Shen Cheng about the specifics of the matter, and we don’t know how Shen Cheng knew about the two of their family’s court situation, so when the school leaders interrogated them, Shen Cheng took the blame.”

Tiezi’s guilt was overwhelming: "It’s all our fault, we should have known that we would drag Shen Cheng into this and we shouldn’t have been greedy, will this have a big impact on Shen Cheng, or should I go to the class teacher and turn myself in?"

Erdong also hung his head in despair.

He sat down on a chair and said, "If you turn yourself in, I don't think Shen Cheng will be moved, on the contrary, he'll probably spit out a mouthful of blood, can you believe it?"

Lui Heng also said, "Yeah, yeah, the class rep must have his reasons for doing this, so don't waste his good intentions, besides..."

Jian answered, "He's injured, he's fine resting at home."

Lui Heng high-fived him.

His lips uttered reassuring words, but Jian couldn't completely let go of his heart when he went home in the evening and remembered the scene from lunchtime.

Zhen Meili had just made soup, and when she heard that Shen Cheng was back, she aids: "Mr. Ji didn't come back from country M, and the old man of Ji's family is so old. The old lady is also in the house, and there is no one who knows how to take care of this child. I don’t know….”

Jian Shiwu felt that his mother was right.

It was now seven o'clock in the evening and the mansion was brightly lit, the housekeeper waiting at the door with the news.

The old lady had heard that Zhen Meilie had arrived and wanted to see her, so Zhen Mei gave the chicken soup to Jane Shiwu to take upstairs and went to the other side to catch up with the old lady, while the housekeeper took the child upstairs, saying as she went, "What is that in your hand?"

Jian had a schoolbag on his back: "This is Shen Cheng's schoolbag, it also contains the homework and exam papers he has to write at home this week, I helped to bring it."

Carrying in his hand was chicken soup: "This is the soup for him."

The housekeeper said softly as he went upstairs, "This is the first time a friend of the young master's has been allowed into his room, normally he doesn't let the maids in, and occasionally when someone goes to clean, he doesn't allow anyone to touch anything in there."

The group walked upstairs.

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The butler went to knock on the door and opened it, when they heard Jian ask curiously, "Why is that ......"

There was an answer from inside and the butler opened the door and stepped into a room that was decorated in a very warm and cartoonish childish way.

Limited edition Dija Ultraman, neat bookshelves lined with comic books, including an old console on the left, although this was, back in the day, the latest model.

Jian was also stunned when he saw the room's arrangement.

The butler said, "Then I will leave you to it."

Jian Shiwu nodded and walked inside, on the large mattress, one could see that someone had just been lying on it, the room smelt faintly of medicine, the windows were wide open and there was a breeze blowing inwards, to the right of the wall there was a cloakroom door, pushing it open, and Shen Cheng, wearing a homely dark blue jacket, came out of it.

Shen Cheng looked at him, "Why did you come over?"

Jian Shiwu said honestly, "I was worried about your injury, so I came over to take a look."

Shen Cheng's gaze fell on Jian Shiwu's body.

Jian Shiwu went home and changed out of his school uniform. He wore a cartoon hoodie, his voice was warm as he picked up the bucket he was holding and said, "My mother has stewed chicken soup, Shen Cheng, do you want to try it?"

Shen Cheng gazed at the thermos bucket in his hand for a moment.

For a moment, he wanted to refuse, he wanted to say to Jian Shiwu, if he was really so afraid of him, if he was really so disgusted with him, why did he force himself to please him.

Wouldn't it be better to simply push him away. Why come to be nice to me when you clearly don't like me?

Was it pity?

Shen Cheng didn't need such feelings at all, he could accept defeat, but not charity.

"Oh yes." Jian Shiwu saw he didn't take it, and smiled to himself as he rubbed hks head and retrieved the thermos bucket, "You can't drink it standing either, I'll serve it out to you."

Shen Cheng watched as he took small steps to the table, then carefully placed the bucket on the table and opened it: "Drink it while it's hot, my mother has been stewing it for a long time and it smells great."

While ladling the soup Jian Shiwu spoke to the person behind him, his voice soft and crisp: "Shen Cheng, how is your wound, is it better?"

The soup had a rich aroma, and when the lid was opened, the whole room was filled with the refreshing aroma of food that tickled the taste buds.

But to Shen Cheng, what was more seductive was the boy in front of him.

Shen Cheng withdrew his gaze and whispered, "It's okay."

"It must be very painful." Jian Shiwu served the soup and walked over to bring it to Shen Cheng: "Don't force yourself to endure your injuries in the future, we won't laugh at you."

The black insulated bowl was carried by those long, white hands, the heat rising upwards as if to bring some warmth to this somewhat chilly autumn day.

Long before, Shen Cheng convinced himself, a bright and wonderful child like Jian Shiwu certainly deserved the best, and it was only natural that he would reject such a dark and dirty version of himself; later he would meet someone equally bright and clean and live a happy life.

Its true that he was right to stay away from people like himself.

"It doesn't hurt." Shen Cheng replied in a light voice as he took the bowl containing the chicken soup.

Jane Shiwu saw that he took a sip and exclaimed, "Careful it's hot."

Shen Cheng didn't even frown, just quietly sat down next to him and said in a deep voice: "It's not hot anymore."

The doctor had been changing his medicine before he arrived, and because of the size of the wound, he was already running a low fever at this point, and the unbearable pain of the wound made even his hands shake slightly as he held the bowl.
But he just lowered his head and sat decently next to his beloved, his pride refusing to let him show any ugly gesture.

"Shen Cheng," Jian said, "They say you've taken the responsibility on your shoulders."

Shen Cheng gave a "hmm" without explanation.

"I'm sure it wasn't you." He stood by the window, the warm yellow light falling on his shoulders, his eyes shining as he whispered, "I know you were just trying to help them, right?"

The autumn night was slightly cool, but he was in this room and it was as if it was warm everywhere.

Shen Cheng's hand held the bowl as he whispered, "You misunderstood."

Jian Shiwu froze.

"I wasn't trying to help, I was just tired from the games and just happened to want to go home to have a lie down." Shen Cheng put down the bowl, he lifted his eyes and looked gloomily at Jian Shiwu, at this moment, he finally removed that pretense, the corners of his mouth curled up into a cool smile, "Understand?"

When he saw the dismay and a touch of panic in Jian Shiwu’s eyes, Shen Cheng's heart actually gave rise to a kind of pleasure, even though underneath this layer of pleasure was his nearly shattered heartache.

In fact, he had been the one who had been making things difficult for the boy all along. He had known about Jian’s fear of him for a long time, had noticed it since junior high school, but he had still craved that warmth and had always, always, been unwilling to let the boy go.

See, take a good look and see what a bad person he is, see that he is not the good boy you thinks he is, and if you are afraid of him then stay away from him completely. What he has had over the years is not much, and loss is the norm on earth.

It would be better to just leave it all behind...

"But you can't lie down at all, can you?" Jian Shiwu interrupted Shen Cheng's thoughts, his big round eyes looking at him: "The wound on your back is so heavy, you can only sleep on your back ah."


"Erdong has told me that you wouldn't have climbed up there if it wasn't for saving them." Jian Shiwu smiled, "So I guess I didn't misunderstand."

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