Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 54: 54

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Jian Shiwu felt like he was really dreaming.

Annie didn't forget to add fuel to the fire, dealing a fatal blow to her love interest: "But you were right not to look at Qiao An, he's a very flamboyant person who can't be trusted."

Jian hesitated, "Huh?"

But if he remembered correctly, wasn't it just a few days ago that Annie had said she liked Shen Cheng, how come she had changed her face in just a few days, was that really good? A woman's heart is really unpredicatable

The woman across the phone said, as if she was afraid that Jian wouldn't believe her, "Jian, I'm doing this for your own good, you're very kind and I don't want you to get hurt, like that Shen Cheng, he is so dangerous, what good would it do me to offend him, but I'm telling you anyway, that's how I feel about you, do you understand?"

There was a moment's silence on the other end of the line.

Just as Anne was wondering why there was no sound, there was a little flip of the phone, and then a low, familiar voice rang out slowly and deliberately, "I really don't understand."

Anne's eyes snapped open.

Shen Cheng’s voice was actually a little cooler in the darkness and he raised an eyebrow, "Annie, why don’t you tell me more about it"


The phone was hung up.

It's like the a animal that was showing its teeth and claws suddenly encountered a strong enemy, and fled in embarrassment. On the other side, Annie's frightened face turned white.

This side

Shen Cheng took the phone and glanced at the hung-up screen, handing it back to Jian Shiwu as if he hadn’t initiated it, calmly deducing, "Maybe she has a bad signal.”

Jian Shiwu dutifully took his phone back and smiled sarcastically, "Maybe it's...yeah."

After Annie's interruption, Shen Cheng seemed to lose interest in asking further questions, and the autumn breeze picked up, making the courtyard a little chilly.

Shen Cheng stretched out his long arm, and the young man lowered his head while gathering up Jian Shiwu’s shirt: "Go back."

The two were a little closer, and Jian Shiwu could even smell the faint smell of medicine on Shen Cheng's body, the wound had scarred over the past few days, itching and hurting, but Jian Shiwu had never seen Shen Cheng lose his temper. If one looked only on the surface, they didn't wouldn't know what was going on inside, couldn't see through the unbearable pain beneath that calm, self-possessed exterior.

But now, too many people are not willing to look deeper into the truth, people only see what they see.

Jian Shiwu walked towards the car door at the entrance and was about to cross the door’s line when he paused and turned around, "Shen Cheng.”

The young man behind him was still standing in place looking at him.

Under the streetlight, there were cinnamon petals blown off by the wind, falling on his body in a spattering, but it only looked silent.

Jane Shiwu pursed his lips, "You’re asking me why I saved Annie, I don’t think there was really any particular reason, Annie did do the wrong thing, that was her choice, saving her was just something I felt I should do at the time and it was the right thing to do, it was my choice."

"I don't want to regret it."

Jiian’s small white face was serious, "I don't want to just dismiss everything about a person until I've thoroughly investigated it, like...the you in Annie's mouth or the you in other people's eyes, no matter what people say, I want to see it for myself and judge it."

The sweet fragrance of the osmanthus flowers seemed to add a few moments of tenderness to the bland autumn colours as well.

Jian Shiwu looked at Shen Cheng, his voice calm but powerful: "Although what Annie said may be true, but I also want to believe that you did not lecture her for no reason right?”

There was a momentary silence in the air.

Shen Cheng’s cold face was indifferent, only the slightly curled fingers at his side revealed some of his emotions, he lifted his eyes to look at Jian Shiwu, only to see the boy who had stood somewhat stubbornly under the streetlight at the door’s entrance still standing in place, giving him a somewhat innocent smile.

It was the same smile as before. So similar like the years hadn’t left a mark on their bodies, as if they had not been so far apart.

He was inside the door and Jian Shiwu was outside the door.

Shen Chengl stood in the dark by the, dimly lit door, but the boy stood doggedly at the door’s entrance, and even though this dark night was long and desolate, Jane Shiwu wouldn’t be sad to be there, and he was truly like a moon that let even the creatures of the darkness to see light.

"Shen Cheng."

Before he could react, Jian Shiwu had already trotted up to hin, and he held out his white palm, holding a toy clapper.

Shen Cheng looked down: "What is this?"

A sly smile appeared on Jian Shiwu’s face and he lowered his voice: "It's my homemade tickler, I know your back must be itchy but you can't scratch it, right, you can use this to pat your back if you're uncomfortable, you'll definitely feel better!"

He slipped it into Shen Cheng’s hand, and looked around like a thief, raising his index finger in a gesture, “Be careful not to get caught by the doctor.”

Looking down at the toy in his hand, it was really ugly, Shen Cheng thought.

Raising his head; the teenager in front of him had big dark eyes, full of reflections of himself, clean and pure, and with a smile on his face, he said, "Go back and use it secretly, okay?"

Shen Cheng just looked at him like this, originally thinking that the alienation in his heart was like a cloud in general, but Jian Shiwu gently blew it away.

He mused to himself. He really must like Jian Shiwu more than he imagined. Because his bottom line was broken again and again, but he felt he could let it happen again and again. So he personally handed over the right to hurt him to Jian Shiwu, he was willingly to bear the loss and sadness again and again.

Sighing heavily in his heart, as if resigning himself to fate, he spoke, "Okay, I got it.”

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"Then I'll go now.” Jian Shiwu turned around in satisfaction, taking two steps and turning around again, adding a spirit-filled phrase: "See you tomorrow!"

The autumn breeze still blew with a chill, but inexplicably, Shen Cheng didn’t notice the cold, as if he had been illuminated by a small sun, and he was warm all over as he responded in a low voice: "See you tomorrow."

The next day

When Jian Shiwu came to school at noon, he was keenly aware of the unusual atmosphere; usually when he arrived at school, some of the girls would always stand at the side of the road and sneak glances at him, or come over to give him love letters and gifts, but now he didn't see any of them, and when he entered the class some of the students were looking at him with a slightly off look.

Lui Heng waved at him, "Come here.”

Jian Shiwu walked over and sat down next to him, "Do you think that so many people are weird today."

"Can they not be weird?" There was nothing under the sun that Lui Heng didn't know, he lowered his voice and said, "You’re also aware that our school's closing and opening programmes were filmed and taped by a cameraman, right, and two days ago they were made public and shown on the urban TV station, and also on the internet."

Jian nodded: "I know."

And the response online was still very big, even Jian Shiwu became a little popular, the young man playing the piano in a suit was very enjoyable and impactful, both visually and aurally, and there were even some people coming to the school these days, just to meet him in person.

Lui Heng said, "Those people are really too boring, they've picked up all your previous photos and put them on the internet."

Jian Shiwu frowned and took the phone that Lui Heng handed over to him and saw a post hanging high on the forum, with the caption: [A deeper look into the weight loss history of a school grass, the effect is comparable to plastic surgery, enter if you are interested]

When he clicked on the post, he found that the poster seemed to have come prepared. The photos and information in his hands was indeed quite detailed, especially the photo of Jian Shiwu’s junior high school, with a red background. The ID photo of him in that year made him look fatter than he was, so the boy who was originally chubby looked like a small round pig.

All downstairs was a chorus of.


"I instantly fell out of love.”

"How did he look like this before?"

"I couldn’t sleep at night."

"Can weight loss have that effect? Surely it's a head swap."

Some hurtful words camme into view, but Jian Shiwu was already used to it. But the more he scrolled down, he felt that it was more and more wrong, because the poster seemsd to have exploded again: "It is said that when Jian Shiwu was in junior high school, he liked a boy in their class, and he stalked them, until the boy transferred schools because of the pressure, so he gave up.”

Jian Shiwu felt an arrow in his knee.

"Then after being dumped he had a big change of heart and that's when he started losing weight and getting plastic surgery." The owner flung out a few more pictures, adding fuel to the fire: "It was quite a success.”

The following comments were a slurry of.

"A role model for my generation."

"Is that boy going to regret it now?"

"If I were that guy now, I'd be chasing him back."

"That's right."

Jian Shiwu looked at the comments of these people, and his thoughts drifted away slowly. His head was a little messy. He didn't know what he was thinking for a while.

Thinking about it carefully, it was like after returning to China, Shen Cheng had changed. Like, he was closer to him than in Junior High. All that goodness towards him..

Blocking basketballs for him, helping him out on the racing track, was it also because of the effect of his looks?

Outside, Qiao An came in on the phone and said to the phone when he saw Jian Shiwu: "Hey, don’t ask me about the content, I'm not very good at Chinese; isn’t Shiwu here, you just ask him in person."

As he said that, Qiao An gave the phone to Jian Shiwu.

Jian Shiwu was a little stunned as he took the phone and asked, "What is it?”

A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, and Shen Cheng noticed that the phone was in Jian’s hands. and he said solemnly: "Qiao An just said there was a post, is it a campus forum?

Jian Shiwu said, "No, it was in our city's small posting bar."


Shen Cheng was keenly aware that something was wrong with him and frowned, "What’s it saying? Something about me?"

He was a good, honest boy, not good at lying, and he couldn't hide it anyway, after all, the forum posts were right there, and Shen Cheng’s sure to see them if he wanted to search, so after some hesitation, he said, "It is a little bit related..."

Shen Cheng, "What did it say?”

The air was silent for a few seconds.

After a long time, just as Shen Cheng’s patience was about to run out, he heard Jian Shiwu cry out, "That you’d left the country at that time because you couldn’t stand my stalking."

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