Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 55: 55

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There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

The fact is that he shouldn't have said anything, because even if he had, the results he would have gotten would have been unsatisfactory. They would get caught in a loop of embarrassment, and he didn't have the confidence to get the answers he wanted.

He said in a soft voice, "Well...actually, these are all speculations by the people in the post, I think..."

Shen Cheng faintly interrupted him, "I don't want to know if they are speculating."

Jian stopped talking.

Shen Cheng frowned, his voice was low, not forced, but even through the phone there was a very oppressive feeling, asking, "Do you think so too?”

Did he feel the same way?

Jian looked at the Lui Heng’s phone in front of him, still on the same post on the page, the constant stream of mocking remarks, nothing when it’s one person, but enough for a thousand words to come together to form a high, high wall, impermeable, locking people in, unable to breathe.

Couldn't he think that? Why did he have to chide him in such a questioning tone? Was he the one who was wrong in the first place?

The double pressure can break down a person's psychological defences, and the fire that has been bottled up since just now seems to have been suddenly ignited by a fire sent by Shen Cheng, and Jian Shiwu let out a deep breath and spoke.

His voice mixed with some aggravation broke the ice: "Then tell me, what was it about? I asked my mother later, and she said that Uncle Ji had respected your opinion before emigrating, and we as your friends certainly would have respected your idea, but why haven't we heard anything from you all these years, as if you were hiding from us?"

It was one of those rare occasions when a very good-tempered child showed something like anger.

Jian’a voice was brittle, like a pissed off little rabbit, "Isn't it only natural that I would think that?"

The words were mixed with unwillingness, resentment, and exasperation.

But inexplicably, the bottom of Shen Cheng's heart, which should have been anguished by these words, had a hint of joy out of nowhere.

Is it because he cares that he is angry.

It means...that Jian Shiwu didn't want to leave, didn't reject him that much, and could even be said that he wanted him to stay.

There are somethings whereby once the cracks have opened, and once there is hope, it is impossible to give up on it. And then Shen Cheng only felt as if after many years with a cold and silent heart, the slightest trickle of warmth had flown in, he whispered, "If I were really trying to hide from you, do you think you would still have a chance to see me at school?"

Jian Shiwu froze.

At the other end of the phone, Shen Cheng's voice was low, carefully distinguished words were mixed with a gentle helplessness: "You wouldn't really think that exchange students are sent here by the school, if I really didn't want to see you, even if it was just a matter of using some connections, we wouldn't be in the same class, otherwise, you think, are there really that many coincidences in the world? "

Jian Shiwu choked back a sob.

His small head which was never so nimble turned up in a rare moment of cleverness and analyzed this passage from Shen Cheng.

If there shouldn’t be so many coincidences in the world, then, did Shen Cheng choose this school and this class specifically? Meaning, in fact, the friendship they had in junior high school that year, Shen Cheng didn't forget, he really wasn't that cold-blooded and heartless, he still had him in his heart.

"It's not a big deal." Shen Cheng on the other end of the phone said, “The post's something I'll deal with."

Jian Shiwu was half a beat slower: "But we don't know who the other person is, it was an anonymous user who made the post."

Lui Heng next to him grabbed the phone: "I heard that this person is still very famous in the forum, picking up a lot of people’s black material, the mouth is very damaging, but the secrecy measures done are really good. Has offended so many people but has not fallen off the horse. As for him, he takes pleasure in this and has become more arrogant these years, the objects he seeks are the small famous types, really annoying. "

There was one thing he didn't say.

This person is very good at watching people, and usually doesn't pick up those who are not easy to provoke, but picks up those who seem to be soft-tempered and good to talk to.

Shen Cheng's tone was light: "Not the first time?"

Qiao An was a little distressed and patted Lui Hengs shoulder. This boy is too young, in the end, not understanding Shen Cheng and already starting to wax the master. Really poking the sleeping lion.

Lui Heng continued, "He really is a repeat offender now, biting whoever he catches, arrogant as hell, we are really unlucky this time, being targeted by a hellish thing like him."

"Is that so?"

A cold laugh came from the other end of the line, his voice warm but darkly dangerous, “That’s quite a coincidence."

After all, he was best at dealing with those maggots in the dark.


It was barely two classes in when word of what was going on was already spreading.

On his way out of the classroom and towards the toilets, Jian Shiwu received frequent glances from passers-by, and some even picked up their mobile phones and started taking pictures, even shying away from the stairways.

"I heard that Jian Siwu's family is very well-off."

"Must have money for cosmetic surgery too."

"I wish I could ask him where he got his face done."

"I liked him a lot before, but now I'm not interested in that picture."

"Yeah, I wouldn't dare to talk to him for fear of affecting the genes of my kids afterwards."

All sorts of things were said in the mouths of the students, some of which were even unpleasant to the ear and unacceptable.

Jian stood by the stairway and watched them quietly.

Lui Heng couldn't listen any longer and rolled up his sleeves and took a step forward: "These people really can't spit elephant teeth of a dog's mouth, see if I don't go and tear..."

Jian pulled him back.

During class, there were many people coming and going, the sound of people’s voices was noisy, whether they were watching or not, and all eyes seemed to be on him.

Jian Shiwu shook his head and said “Leave them alone."

Lui Heng thought that he would just put up with it: "What are you afraid of, they were the ones who spilled blood first, we are at best in legitimate defence!"

"If someone films it later and says that it was me who suddenly got angry and fought....."

Jian Shiwu looked down at his friend and smiled gently, "Actually, it's okay to talk about me, so that you don't get talked about for nothing."

Lui Heng was furious: "I don't care..."

Jian Shiwu pulled him back, even now he was still smiling, always with an optimistic look, "Hey, don't worry about me, I've only lost weight in the past two years, there are still a lot of people who said that when I was fat, I've gotten used to it, if I had to be a little more calculating about everyone, would I still be alive?"

Said with an easy unconcerned look.

Lui Heng listened, he tilted his face up and saw Jian Shiwu giving him a placating smile, big and naive as could be as if there was no trouble in general.

Lui Hengs voice murmured out, "But..."

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He looked at the figure of Jian Shiwu walking in front of him, but why, you are obviously not into it when you laugh, it's so hard for me.

The crowd all took a while to talk about it and it passed, but the matter got more and more intense by noon.

Someone had reopened a thread on the forum with the title [School grass reviews Reconsidered, Firmly oppose to falsifications].

The poster is extremely low-key in terms of username or avatar, but the main floor is unusually high, suggesting for the re-election of school grass, a Chinese custom is the concept of honesty and integrity, such as if there is really a cosmetic surgery controversy, then Jian Shiwu by virtue is unworthy of the position.

Erdong held his phone and sighed, "Really?"

At the end of class, many students in the class saw this message, they are the people who usually have the most contact with Jian Shiwu, regardless of whether the plastic surgery is true or not, Jian Shiwu usually treats his friends well and it is obvious to all, no one wants to see their classmates being bullied, and many people spontaneously replied to the post.

"Saying that people have plastic surgery, do you have proof?"

"Jealousy and hatred, right."

"Even if it's not Jian Shiwu, it's not the owner's turn."

With the righteous indignation of the crowd, the post soon topped the trending list, triggering even more people to watch.

Jian Shiwu himself was fine, he had long since said and convinced himself not to care, and even had the leisure to talk to Lui Heng what to have for lunch. They were talking when suddenly, there was a shriek from the front.

Erdong standing in the corridor covered his mouth and said to Jian Shiwu, “You guys go check it out quickly, that owner of the urban forum deleted his post and apologised."


The crowd looked at each other, surprised to the core.

The owner of the forum was a famous scoundrel and not that no one had tried to bribe him to delete his posts when they were exposed before, but he relied on his high technology, making fun of the next person.

Erdong stammered, "If I remember correctly, this is the first time he has taken the initiative to delete a post, right? Is it because his conscience has come to light?"

Lui Heng’s chin was stroked and he said meaningfully, "What a dream, he’s not that kind, it’s hard to say if he took the initiative."

In the back row, Qiao An continued to lie on the table above to catch up on his sleep, seemingly not surprised that it would happen and was even able to sleep a little longer.

Jian Shiwu refreshed the post and was a little surprised: "It really was deleted."

Lui Heng tsked and was just about to emote his feelings when another post popped up after refreshing the page, causing him to stare in disbelief, "Look, Moon, he's made a new post.”

Jian Shiwu came over.

A new post did indeed show up oonLui Heng’s phone, rather the time of publication was the latest, and the blatant title on it read, [Public apology ]

The poster was even more sincere in his words, the general meaning was because his inappropriate speech had disturbed the public order and brought harm to the person in question, and would be cited as a warning in the future, and also hereby held the most sincere apologies to Jian Shiwu, and in order to show his sincerity in repenting, would log out of his account and never post again in the future.

Lui Heng murmured, "Boy."

The group of people below the post were also shocked:.

"What's wrong with you master?"

"You blink if you were kidnapped."

"Are you being threatened, master?"

Then, in the midst of these remarks, the owner was very active as if he was afraid of being seen to be threatened: "It was my fault for fabricating false statements and infringing on other people's portrait rights, no one threatened me, I am willing to take responsibility and just hope to get forgiveness from the people in question!"

From the very beginning, the poster seemed very pushy. Even though he did his best to cover up his emotions, it was easy to see that he was really panicking.

After posting he switched accounts backstage and replied to the message from the person named Star: "I apologise."

Star didn't reply.

The more the poster thought about it, the more frightened he became, going back half an hour to when his own phone and computer suddenly both died, and then this person named Star contacted him and came up with his photo and location, without any threats, he just said, “I bet a lot of people want this information."

The poster was in a complete panic. He had always been confident in his electronic technology, and so far no one had ever been able to catch him, posting that student was just a whim, and he didn't expect to be caught by someone from an unknown source, but when had he ever messed with someone so powerful?

"What do you want."

The poster asked, almost a little shaky, "Don't put my information out there, I'll give you whatever you want."

Star didn't answer, and simply asked, "The post on Jian Shiwu, was it you?"

The poster got it instantly. He thought that what he had found was a little a white sheep, who knew that he had actually kicked a bucket of shit.

"I've deleted it and apologised." The postee typed quickly, "Look I've cooperated with you in good faith too, let's just leave it at that."

Because he had offended too many people, the consequences were unthinkable once the information was exposed.

It took Star a long time to reply to him, "Did I say you could delete the post and apologize and forget about it?"

It was as if a pot of cold water had been poured over the head.

The poster said, somewhat shakily, "So what do you want?"

Star said,”I checked your computer files, even though you apologized, the pictures are all kept in one piece, is that your sincerity?"

The poster’s eyelids fluttered and a sense of foreboding bubbled up in his heart, before he could say the words of apology and forgiveness, he received Star's next message, "Since you don't have the awareness to apologise in good faith, I'll help you."


On the other side

The bell rang for class.

It was the last class of the morning and the class teacher came in and said “There's something that I want to tell everyone in advance."

"Because of our excellent performance in the school games, we’ve been selected as a representative academy for healthy teenage sports, advocating that both parents and children get out of the house and play sports in the sun." The class teacher took the list and said, “Those students who have won awards in this sports day, go home and contact your respective parents and we will hold a parent-child linked sports day next week to set an example for the city."

All the students looked at each other in disbelief.

Afterwards, a lively discussion erupted, with many simply more excited than if they had won the prize themselves:.

"How many people in our class have won awards?"

"Jian Shiwu!"

"Shen Cheng, and Qiao An."

"Won't that mean that we’d be able to to see their parents?"

In the crowd of chatter, a small voice popped up, "Aren’t they all saying that Jian Shiwu has had a facelift, if we meet his family, won’t we know whether he had it or not."

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