Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 56: 56

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Not only did the students in the class think so, but even other students in school thought so too.

But they didn't dare to post anything else, because after that previous owner of the city forum publicly apologized, it’s other follow up posters, the more active and dancing ones, all deleted their posts after by themselves.

Even later, if there were any more such posts, the forum would automatically delete them, and those who replied would be blocked. Everyone was scared to death.

Of course, this didn't stop the gossips from talking privately.

"Is this a case of having a guilty conscious and using the family's money to bribe the admins?"

"I heard that the family is very rich."

"Who knows if it's true or not, we'll see when the parent-child sports day comes around."

"That's right, we'll know if he has a face-lift or not when we see his parents."

"Hahahaha, wait until you make a fool of yourself."

There was a lot of chatter, but the man at the center of the conversation was very relaxed.

During the lunch break, Lui Heng said to Jian Shiwu: "Do your parents have time to come?"

After he finished eating, he glanced at the chat page on his mobile phone. Since his family's business had gradually become bigger, both his parents had become busy, and his mother, who used to cook for him at home, was now also busy with social engagements and came back late at night most of the time.

At the beginning, she said, "There's food in the fridge, you can heat it up and eat it yourself."

To later leaving him money to eat out on his own for the time being till she could get time to come home and cook. Eventually evolving into having an aunt cook for him directly at home. Slowly, as time moved on, having a meal together as a family actually became a somewhat luxurious activity.

He remembered that it was the weekend, and Zhen Meilie said she would bring him a cake when she returned from her overtime job that night.

Jian withdrew his mind and sighed, "Might not always be free."

Lui Heng was drinking soup from a spoon, "You’re family has been very busy these past two years, oh."

"Well...they are usually on business, running around most of the day." Jian Shiwu put away his phone, his interest was not high, his voice, which was always crisp, felt like it was fogged over: "When I served my mother rice two days ago, I saw a white hair on her head."

Zhen Meilie is a person who cares about maintaining decency. As time went by, such a woman also gradually developed a grey hair from the hard work.

Lui Heng let out a long sigh “Yeah, so did my dad, although I quite hate him for spending his time outside, but those old guys at the company don’t let him live in peace all day, the first few years he looked okay but now, the family doctor has been coming in more often in recent years."

As children, there are times when it is cruel to accept the ageing of a parent.

That big tree that has always been around to shelter the wind and rain will also have leaves that fall, unknowingly raising its head when it has bent its branches.

Jian Shiwu gave Lui Heng a piece of meat: "It's no use getting sentimental, you’re thin, how can you shelter your dad from the wind and rain in the future?"

The dull atmosphere was broken and Lui Heng shook his head to tease the boredom: "Then...then I'll wear more when I get there, to look thicker."

Jian Shiwu said in a serious manner, "Then you'll also have to build a pair of height increasing shoes."

The two looked at each other seriously and then "pffted" out laughing, the greatest characteristic of teenagers is that troubles come and go quickly, although life is always so unsatisfactory, but laughing in the face of the words, but also can be bittersweet.

The next day

When the class representative in charge of statistics found out that Jian’s parents might not be attending the school sports day, it soon became known to the whole class and by the end of the day, most of the school knew about it.

Murmurs of discussion followed.

"It really is a weak heart."

"I told you, how can anyone look that good in just a few years."

"Hahahaha, he's flipped out this time."

The class teacher felt sorry for the parents who couldn't attend such a thing, she fought for it and said to him, "This opportunity this time is rarely available, and not all students have the chance to be able to participate in this sports day and you are the champions so you have a place, once the parent-child competition can achieve a good result, then you can add credits at the end of the period, and…and ......"

Jian asked, "And…and what?"

"You’re in your senior year next year, and there are guaranteed places at our school." The class teacher said meaningfully, "The best kids with high credits are definitely the priority, you’re not bad, but you can catch up with this."

Jian Shiwu pursed his lips and eventually said, "Thank you teacher, I will consider it."

The gossip inside the school is not really affecting him much, he didn’t have a facelift, his body is not afraid of the shadow, others can say whatever they like, anyway he isn’t living for the sake of others.

The pressure was on, but it wasn't indigestible.

Dragging a somewhat heavy heart back home, Jian Shiwu was surprised to see the light on on the third floor.


Jian raised his head and shouted, "You’re back?"

On the third floor, Zhen Meilie poked her head out, the woman was dressed in home clothes, smiling as she descended the stairs, "Yes, I'm not busy today, so I came back early."

The woman's well-kept face looked a little haggard, and under her big eyes, which were the same as Jian’s, were dark, greenish-purple circles.

Jian Shiwu poured her a glass of water and asked in a soft voice: "Have you been working hard lately?"

"Yeah." Zhen Mei Li washed her face, put on her apron and said, "The company is bidding for a project recently, there are a lot of things to do, I haven't slept well for several days, now it's finally coming to an end, there's nothing to do so I'll go home."

Jian’s heart was somewhat hopeful: "Then is it possible to rest for a while?"

If that was the case, then wouldn't it be, that its actually possible to go to the Games after all.

After all

They hadn't even been out together for a while, or even communicated much at all, ah.

"How long can I rest." Zhen Mei Li laughed at the kid not understanding: "The bid to the case is just the beginning, there will be more things to do to after, so next week mum and dad may have to travel for a few days, you don't worry about it, making money is a matter for adults, children just need to take care of their studies.”

The light under Jian’s eyes dimmed, next week just happened to be the sports day, he pursed his lips, "Well, I know, but you and dad take care of your health, don't let yourself work too hard in general, although making money is important, your health is important too."

"Yo, my son knows how to care about people."

Zhen Mei Li was a little relieved, she was happy, and took out food from inside the fridge: "Come, I know that it has been hard lately, mommy will make you your favorite braised pork today!"

Jian Shiwu revealed a smile when he heard the braised pork, leaned against the doorway and approached, "I'll help then."

Usually it was Auntie who was doing all the work, today it was probably because Zhen Mei had returned early and Auntie was not at home, but there were all the ingredients that should be in the fridge.

Zhen Meili asked him to help prepare the dishes, and while washing them, she asked, "How are you doing at school lately?"

Jian said, "Pretty good."

"That's fine."

Zhen Meili saw that he was not in a good mood and was afraid that he was being bullied, after all, he was her own son, she could tell at a glance what was on his mind, so she asked, "Is there anything difficult that you need mommy and daddy about?"

The action of washing the vegetables of Jian Shiwu paused.

Zhen Meili glanced at him with deep eyes, quietly waiting for the child to open his mouth.

After awhile

A smile surfaced on Jian Shiwu's face, his eyebrows arched: "There's nothing going on at school."

If she was so busy and already exhausted, he hoped Zhen Mei Li could have use this time to get some rest, rather than a sports gala or parent meeting. As a child, he could not help his parents share any pressure, he could only do his best not to create trouble for them.


Jian’s father came out of his social engagements and returned to his bedroom to find his wife still awake.

With the photo album in her hand and a tightly furrowed brow that hadn’t been loosened, Zhen Meilie saw her husband returning and stood up to untie him: "Did you have a good chat with Mr Wang over there?"

"Quite good."

“I'll give you and our son a bigger house, and in a couple of years it will be time for him to go to university, so we can save up and send him abroad for further study. "

Zhen Mei Li pursed her lips and nodded.

Jian’s father saw her mood was not right, hesitantly said: "What's wrong?"

Zhen Mei Li sat down on the edge of the bed as she said, "I came home today and tried to talk to the boy about school and he wouldn't talk to me, he came back not long ago with a bruise, a bruise from a fight, insisting that he bumped himself during sports day and refusing to tell the truth."

"You’re saying... "

Zhen Mei was always strong, but this time her eyes were red: "The boy wasn’t like this before, how come he got estranged with us?"

Jian’s father sighed: "The child will definitely grow up and have a life of his own, you don't have to think too much about it, you know?"

Zhen Meilie sucked in her nose, "I just have a hard time."

Jian’s father rubbed her shoulders: "Shi Wu is not too young, and he knows the importance of our work, do you think our own child doesn’t understand it? He won't go the wrong way. If you are still worried, the parents will meet in a few days, let's go together.”

Zhen Mei Mei was much relieved: "Good, then."

The day of the parent-child sports day

In the morning there was a traffic jam outside, many parents' cars couldn't find a place to park and some had to go around a long way and then walk over, the sports day was in full swing and many children carried their parents with them as they stepped into the sports field.

Lui Hen said, "Apart from the parents of the parent-child sporting events, the other parents will also be there for a friendly competition, in the words of the class teacher, to let the parents experience the fun of interacting with the children in sport."

Jian Shiwu looked at the crowds of people and lamented, "There are so many people coming."

Lui Henf scratched his head with some embarrassment, "My dad didn't have time either, you’re aware of that stepmother of mine, she's a bit of a pain in the ass, I don’t know where she found out there was a parent-child sporting event and asked to come, so I guess this will be around the time she arrive."

Jian Shiwu got it, he understood, and smiled said, "Then you go pick her at the school gate."

Lui Heng gestured to him, "Then I'll go ahead."

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Jian Shiwu waved at him.

When they arrived at the meeting place, there were more people, one could see that there were really a lot of parents who came this time, and they gathered around to chat, and did not shy away;

"The school picked a weekday, I took time off work to come."

"I can't help it, it's a crucial time for senior year soon, so any events, we have to come in a hurry."

"I watch my kids do their homework every day...."

Basically most of the parents of the whole class came, and the whole playground was buzzing with people.

Jian Shiwu moved a small bench and sat on the edge alone. At a distance, he saw Shen Cheng sitting in the last row. There was no one in Ji's family, nor was there anyone in Qiao An and Annie's family. The three of them were not too lonely, they read their book lazily, as if it had nothing to do with them.

A while ago, when the three of them had just transferred over, there were many rumors at school about:

their good family history

excellent grades

the pride of the world

But on such occasions, these three children were not accompanied by anyone. The aura given to them was so dazzling, but the warmth behind this aura, I'm afraid, is only clear to those involved.

Jian heard some parents say.

"Is that a foreigner?"

"It looks like the clothes are branded goods and the family is rich."

"So what if they're rich, their parents didn’t even come."

"Hey, have you seen that kid, I think his name is... Jian something, I heard from the kids at home, he seems to have had a facelift..."


So noisy, Jian thought faintly.

When he was about to withdraw his gaze, Shen Cheng, who had been looking down at his book, looked up as if he had eyes on his head, his black eyes lifted up and looked at him for a moment from a distance.

Jiam Shiwu was caught peeking at others, with some embarrassment aas just about to move away gaze, then saw Shen Cheng put down the book, and wave at him.

Come here.

Shen Cheng opened his lips and wordlessly made a gesture.

Jian Shiwu was slightly surprised and pointed his finger at himself, as if he wanted to make sure again.

Shen Cheng nodded gently.

He suddenly moved his chair over, which looked suspicious and had evil intentions, but instead of listening to these people chattering on and on, he would have preferred to go next to Shen Cheng, at least for the sake of peace.

Carrying a small bench, he crossed over to the back row and sat down, breathing a sigh of relief.

Qiao An was quite happy: "Why didn't you come over earlier, speaking of which what were they talking about, how come I couldn't understand what was being said, I heard a lot of them saying your name, what's going on?"

Some parents don’t speak Mandarin and Qiao An was Chinese, no matter how good he was, he couldn’t understand the dialect.

Jian Shiwu smiled and laughed: "They are just chatting idly."

Qiao An: "Chatting about what?"

"Well ......"

Jian Shiwu paused, but was quite open about it, “ Talking about whether I had plastic surgery or not."

Qiao An choked, he was a little curious: "Why would they think that, you’re so young and you don’t look like it."

The autumn breeze carried some coolness, and the golden leaves of the maple trees along the roadside fluttered down with the wind.

Jiam Shiwu sat quietly next to Shen Cheng, his voice soft and peaceful, "Because before I didn’t look like this, fat and not pretty."

Qiao An didn't expect this layer and couldn't help but continue to ask: "Is that why they said you’d had plastic surgery?"

The child's face always seemed to be at ease: "Yeah, you can't tell, but I'm telling you, I was round before, but that's even a compliment in disguise, I loved to eat, my mother always said I ate a lot before, but I do look better when I'm thin, and most people probably think it's pleasing too!”



The book was closed with a force, a not too loud sound that made Jian stop talking.

Shen Cheng, who hadn't spoken, raised his head, and he looked sideways at Jian Shiwu, raising an eyebrow: "You think?"

Jian Shiwu subconsciously opened his lips, "Ah...?"

"You weren’t ugly before." Shen Cheng paused, then started again, "Even if we take a step back..."

Jian’s round eyes unconsciously widened, and he saw Shen Cheng's dark eyes looking straight at him, the corners of the teenager's mouth curled up into a faint smile, and he said slowly, "So what if you eat a lot, it's not like I can't afford to feed you."

The place was slightly quieter even with the noisy people around.

Jian Shiwu raised his eyes and met the dark and steadfast eyes of the teenager in front of him, his fair face gradually tinged with a layer of light scarlet, gently lowering his head, “I don’t eat that much now."

Shen Cheng saw him being good and soft around him, like a cute little rabbit with its head buried, making him want to bully. An unknown emotion crossed the bottom of his eyes, the knot in his throat moved slightly, and he whispered, "Mm."

A voice from the sports committee came from the front: "The 1500m runners have to go over first checking!"

Inside the sprintlane, there was Jian Shiwu, although no parents came, but the champions all had to participate, so he still had to be on the field to compete.

The 1500m is a personal warm-up for the runners, parents are not involved but can wait outside the track.

The race started with a bang.

Jian Shiwu sprinted off like a commanding arrow, and along the way he heard deafening, somewhat noisy shouts of cheer, all from parents shouting.

"Go son."

"Zhang Zhuang zhuang work hard!"

"Son work hard and pass the people in front of you!"

Jian Shiwu had been running every day when he was on a diet, so he was good at both sprints and long runs, and this time the 1500m was not too difficult for him, and from the start he was the one at the front of the track.

Parents gave their children all the encouragement they could muster.

"Go faster, go faster, you're going to pass him."

"Go for it son, mum is watching you€€."

"Liu Chan run fast!"

In the past, basically nothing could affect Jian Shiwu, but today, he didn’t know why, after most of the lap, he actually felt a little tired, as if, his victory was meaningless, even if he took the first place, what could it mean?

Jian Shiwu’s pace gradually slowed down.

Someone had passed him, but it didn’t matter, it didn’t matter anymore, there was a lot of noise and heat around him, but none of it belonged to him, and for a moment, there was a suppressed aggression that came up without any justification, and it made his nose tingle.

“A bit tired,” he thought, ”Why don't I just take time off after this race and go home?”

As his thoughts drifted, Jian Shiwu had just made up his mind when suddenly, a familiar voice was heard shouting from the playground not far away, "Go for it, Shi!"

The woman was wearing slim-fitting jeans and a knitted shirt, her hair was pulled back, her delicate and pretty face was smiling, and next to her stood Jian’s father, who had not had time to change out of his suit and whose head was running with thin sweat.

Zhen Meilie bounced in place, afraid that Jian Shiwu could not see her in general, and shouted: "Son, run slowly, adjust your breathing, do not be anxious, mum and dad are here!"

They were standing very close to the finish line, and there was still five hundred metres to go before he could run there.

Jian was surprised that they had come to come, but the moment he saw his parents his eyes curved uncontrollably into crescents, and he pulled his legs up and ran, as if he had an inexhaustible amount of energy to rush towards the finish, coming in first.

Jian was dripping sweat from his forehead, panting heavily and his face was scarlet. Zhen Meilie walked up to him and knelt down, scolding him: "Why are you running so fast?"

Jian Shiwu gasped for breath as he whispered, "Wanted to, wanted to get first place."

Because that would make both parents very happy, right?

Zhen Mei Li paused, she lowered her eyes, wiped the sweat from the corner of Jian’s forehead, and whispered, "Damn kid, what does it matter if you don't win first place?"

Jian Shiwu looked up at her.

Zhen Mei Li took out water from her bag and handed it to him to drink, with a somewhat gentle smile on her face, she looked at him and said, "No matter what the ranking is, you’re the pride of me and your daddy."

Jian stood still, the strenuous exercise making his heart beat faster, his tired and somewhat shaky legs, it was all within tolerable limits. Even the times when he had been criticized and set up for criticism, he had faced it all with great strength.

But this moment

The parents always seem to be the sharpest spear that can break down a child's psychological defenses, and that suppressed emotion seems to have found its outlet. Jian Shiwu's eyes turned red as soon as he looked down, and he sniffled and whispered, "Aren't you supposed to be on a business trip?"

Jian’s father also came over, he said, "You.. this child, such a big thing and you did not tell us, your dad's company's assistant family also has children is your school, he took off work, that’s how we got to know today is the parent-child sports day.”

Zhen Meilie looked at Jian Shiwu pitifully, and was reluctant to talk about her child. She said to Jian's father, "It's okay, it's okay, it's still a game, let's go over and talk about it."

They left the track just as the next race was being prepared.

The sports committee member of Jian Shiwu's class just happened to come over and said, "Shiwu, the next race is the 1000m, isn't our class 1,000m champion still Shen Cheng, he's next."

Jian Shiwu said, "Yeah."

"Then you’d better inform him for me so that he can go be registered." The sports committee also asked, “There is no one from his family, right? If he has relatives, they can go to the front to cheer him. If not, just let him come alone, and I will register."

Only then did Jian Shiwu remember that there was no one at Shen Cheng's house either. He had just experienced the pain of running by himself, and it would be a little hard to think that later on Shen Cheng would have to go through it too.

However, before he could think about it, Zhen Meilie, who was next to him, smiled and said, " Who said there are no relatives coming."

The sports committee member froze for a moment.

Zhen Meilie inquired closer, "How do I register?"

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