Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 74: 74

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The crowds were surging. There were many people coming and going, from those who were going to far away, to those who are picking up someone, to those who are about to part and were seeing off their loved ones.

From time to time, the joy of meeting each other, of being reunited as people embraced each other in spite of everything, and the tearful voices always ring out.

"It's good to be back."

"It's so snowy outside, why are you still here."

"Oh, I came to pick you up."

"Finally, you're back."

In this chaotic environment, only the young man sitting on the bench wearing a black coat remained motionless, and some of the curious people coming and going would look at this extraordinarily handsome child, whose aura was cool, and whose eyebrows had a kind of indifference to others.

All this hustle and bustle seemed to have nothing to do with him.

A child ran towards his father and passed in front of Shen Cheng. He pounced on the man and said in a somewhat petulant voice: "Daddy, what took you so long to get here?"

The father picked the child up and said cheerfully, "Look what Daddy has brought you."

The family gathered together, filled with laughter and chatter.

Shen Cheng sat there, watching indifferently, unable to tell what kind of emotion he felt, most of the time he felt it was noisy, and occasionally he would start to wander into his thoughts. He would always come across many such scenes in his life, but was usually like a bystander, watching the joys and sorrows of others.

When he was young, he still had some fantasies that he shouldn't have had, but later on those seedlings were choked out by him.

The reason why people wait is because there are things that belong to them that are lost and found again, but what belongs to him is not a lot, so the number of times he has waited in his life was naturally pitifully small.

"He seems to have been sitting there since the afternoon."

"He’s waiting for someone, isn't he."

"Doesn't look too old either."

"Is something wrong."

So noisy.

It would be nice if all these people disappeared, he thought.

Shen Cheng lowered his eyebrows, the bright hall seemed to be a big black net, and the fog under the young man’s eyes was heavy and full of rolling hostility. Those probing, pitying eyes and unkind comments, were like countless hands pressing down on this net, making him unable to breathe.

Suddenly amidst the noisy voices, the young man sitting on the bench heard a clear call, "Shen Cheng!"

It was snowing heavily outside the window. This was the airport, so Shen Cheng looked up and saw a figure trotting towards him in a red cotton coat.

Jian Shiwu's face was scarlet and he was panting gently, those round eyes looked at him with a smile, "There you are."

The hall was suddenly brightly lit. The white lamps were scattered over his shoulders, and in winter, when one spoke, one exhaled a white mist that rose upwards and then slowly dissipated, as if putting a halo on the little angel.

Jian Shiwu rubbed hus hands together as he moved closer: "Are you cold?"

Shen Cheng opened his lips a little stiff: "No, I'm not cold."

"How can you not be cold, I'm freezing!" Then he saw Jian Shiwu digging in his pocket and actually pulling out a hot water bag, he always had a smug little look when he smiled, cute as a button: "I packed one specially when I went out, here!"

The warm water bag landed on Shen Cheng's palm, warm.

Before Jian Shiwu came, he really wasn't cold, but when the hot water bag was put into his palm, he slowly tightened his hand, feeling the warmth of his fingertips somewhat greedily, and actually felt a little cold.

Jian Shiwu softly lamented, "Your hands are so cold."

Shen Cheng's fingertips trembled slightly, and he lifted his eyes to look at the person close at hand, "What are you doing here?"


Jian Shiwu pointed at his parents who were slowly approaching behind him, "I came with my parents!"

Behind them, Zhen Meili and Jian Zicheng were really unable to match the speed of Jian Shiwu's running, and they slowly came forward. As the three of them were a large target, the people around them all looked over when they heard the commotion, including the group of people who had been casting inquisitive glances.

A woman nodded and said, self-consciously, "Here to pick up the kid?"

Zhen Meili: "Yes."

"Aigoo, it's so cold, your boy has been waiting here for a long time."

"Alas we just arrived at the airport."

"Go back early, the snow still has to fall..."


As she briefly chatted, Zhen Meili handed Shen Cheng a cup of warm water, the action natural, like taking care of her own children. Their group changed places, and because Jian Zicheng traveled all the time, so the airport organised a separate VIP lounge.

Turning to the room to rest, Jian Zicheng asked, "Have you tried calling Yuanfeng?"

Shen Cheng said, "No one answered."

"Well ......"

Jian Zicheng still had an idea, he looked at his watch and said, "There won't be any planes coming in this weather, they must all be grounded, have you contacted Yuanfeng's secretary?"

Shen Cheng: "Can't be reached."

Generally speaking, the secretary was with Ji Yuanfeng, so it was understandable that these two people could not be contacted.

He said, "Leave this to uncle, I know a lot of friends in the M country, I am also a small shareholder of your Ji family, it is not difficult to ask some people to find out some information, don't worry, uncle will help you to check."

Shen Cheng is in fact very powerful, and also has a way to do it, but in the end, he is still a student, compared to Jian Zicheng who has been in the industry for many years, he still lacks a lot of connections. He raised his head, wanting to say thank you, but Jian Shiwu already brotherly patted his shoulder and said: "It's okay, just leave it to my father!"

Zhen Meilie also pursed her lips and smiled, "You're still polite to us?"

The intimate tone was like a normal communication between relatives, without so much as a word, everything seemed so natural, not the kind of charity pity, but the kind of feelings that flowed naturally without any medium.

Jian Zicheng also said, "Just leave this to uncle, the plane definitely won't come today, let's go home first, your aunt has cooked a table full of dishes, just in time for a hot bath."

Jian Shiwu smiled and said, "There's roast pork."

"We came out not long ago." Zhen Meilie stood beside him and whispered, "It should still be hot."

"Yeah, yeah."

Jian’s face was white, his head a little lowered as he spoke, his eyes like they reflected the starry sky, voice soft and gentle, "Let's go back together."

Everyone was looking at the boy in black, and no one urged him, giving him enough time to think.

Shen Cheng who was standing in place seemed to be making a decision, the hot water bag in his hand was warm, the water he had just drunk was warm, but all of this, was not warmer than those heart warming words.

Under the gaze of a group of people, Shen Cheng finally nodded slowly, "Ok."

This was perhaps one of the few moments of dependence in his life, so this moment was precious, the ever-proud child put away the thorns on his body, and his voice was low: "Thank you."

The weather outside was still snowing heavily, people were coming and going from the airport, but all these people had a place to go back to, under the same bad weather, Shen Cheng walked out the door and stood in the wind and snow. But this time, there was a difference.

The car was parked in front of the door and Jian Shiwu sat on the car cushion, waving warmly at him and saying, "Come home."

Looking at his bright smiling face, Shen Cheng's heart was gradually filled with satisfaction, a gentle smile surfaced on the young man’s cool face, and this time he walked towards the car without any hesitation.


In the early morning hours, one step ahead of Jian Zicheng, Shen Cheng received the news.

At that time, Jian Shiwu was still folding the small lanterns that would be used for the New Year on the desk. Because he was too sleepy, Shen Cheng placed the person in bed to lie down. Almost at the same time, he received the news from Qiao An, bad news.

"Mr. Ji's car had an accident, so he did not catch the plane, he did not suffer any particularly serious injuries. I asked someone to inquire at the hospital, it’s a fracture and a mild concussion but he is still unconscious, the secretary accompanying had the more serious injuries. I asked Annie to ask her Godfather to check it, it should be a mere accident, but you do not have to worry, it’s my family's private hospital."

Shen Cheng frowned: "The company side..."

Qiao An understood what he meant: "The shareholders will receive the news by tomorrow at the latest, especially that old thing Donald, a few years ago the theft of documents from the old residence of the Ji family was done by his lackeys, he has been eyeing the situation for the past few years, Mr. Ji is still in a coma here, I reckon he is going to make trouble."

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The corners of Shen Cheng's mouth curled up in a cold smile, "Him?"

"This old bastard, these years he has been more troublesome. Before when Ji Beichuan was around, he is unscrupulous, after all, that bastard had no good prospects. Isn't this a general meeting of shareholders to be held in a while? I think he will definitely want to make a move."

After a pause Qiao An added: "But it's okay, Mr. Ji has also cultivated a lot of confidants over the years, it won't make a scene for a while, and he won't be able to make trouble for a while. Isn't Uncle Jian also a shareholder of your family company, where is the shareholders meeting? It is Donald who has the final say."

The night was deep and snow was drifting outside.

Shen Cheng looked out the window at the wind and snow, the house was as warm as spring, he leaned against the table, looking at the red paper cut by Jian Shiwu, the beautiful paper glowed red in the light, bright and eye-catching, such a short silence from him was rather more disturbing, Qiao An on the other end of the phone was a little worried.

After awhile, he heard Shen Cheng say, "Check again."

Qiao An:?

"Is the car accident really an accident." A few simple words but a chill bubbled up.

Qiao An let out a deep breath and answered.

Shen Cheng looked at Jian Shiwu who was sleeping not far away, his eyes were deep: "Send me any updates, it's snowing at home and you can't book a flight."

Qiao An answered.


Their phone call hung up, and it was only in the latter part of the night that news came from Jian Zicheng's side. By the time he learned the next day that Ji Yuanfeng had been hospitalized in a car accident, Shen Cheng had already understood most of the situation and appeared to be very calm.

“The news ahead said he was fine, you must not be anxious, the weather is complicated now, aeroplanes are dangerous, understand?"

Shen Cheng said he did.

There were still two days left, it was the New Year's Eve, outside the lights and decorations were lively. The Jian family was also very lively, but the young man who stayed overnight had to leave at noon in the car brought by the butler, he had too many things to arrange and deal with, It's not yet even the Spring Festival but something already happened to the directors.

At the main entrance, Jian jogged to the car.

The sky was still drifting small snowflakes, some sprinkled on his shoulders, Shen Cheng turned to look at him: "Why did you come out."

The tip of Jian Shiwu's nose was red, and he said, "Are you leaving?"

Shen Cheng nodded his head.

"But..." Jian Shiwu was a bit torn: "There's not much at the Ji house, it’s nice for you to stay at our house, my mum will cook lots of delicious food every day, we can also play together, Lui Heng even said he would come to see us in the afternoon, my room is loaded with game consoles, we ...can be together."

Shen Cheng looked at him quietly, a faint smile ticking up on that clear, elegant face, it was gentle: "That sounds good."

Jian Shiwu nodded heavily.

The distance between them was not far, only half a step, but such a short distance seemed so difficult to approach, what he described was so beautiful, yet so far from his world, the world he had to deal with was full of wolves and tigers and hooks, while his world was always so beautiful.

Shen Cheng said, "But I have to go home and take care of something."

Thinking that there was internet at home, and that he could have given him the study for his office, Jian Shiwu hesitated and said, “Must you go back?"


"Then, do we spend New Year's Eve together?"

Shen Cheng lowered his eyes, gazing deeply at him, there were snowflakes falling on Jian Shiwu's body, wearing a snow-white cotton suit, the young man looked like a clean angel, he couldn't find any impurities in Jian Shiwu's eyes, only care and innocence.

"So..." said Shen Cheng in a hoarse voice, "In what capacity am I spending New Year's Eve at your house?"

Jian Shiwu froze, a flash of unnaturalness crossed his face, he opened his mouth but could only find a lame excuse: "My mother treats you like her own son, and you're my best friend, we..."

The corners of Shen Cheng's mouth curled up into a faint smile, "I'm not auntie's real son."

Jian Shiwu looked up with a little surprise.

Shen Cheng stood in the wind and snow, the surrounding was cold, but his voice was warm: "New Year's Eve is for family, a reunion night for relatives, you guys have a good time."

He turned around and was about to get into the car when the corner of his coat was held by a pair of white hands, Shen Cheng turned around and saw the corners of Jian’s eyes that were a little red.

Jian Shiwu sniffed, in the cold snow, he did not know what to say, there are too many words want to say, but he did not know where to start, perhaps many problems when not mentioned could be regarded as non-existent, from the hospital that day, but that rift between them cracked into a big gap, making them more distant.

In the past, they could always hang out together just by their friendship, but they were now both 18, adulthood was a cruel word, when a person turns around, it was hard to turn back.

Jian Shiwu spoke without thinking: "It's okay to spend time together even if you're not her son."

Shen Cheng looked at his somewhat goofy face, the corners of his mouth curled up: "Of course, I've heard of many such situations .”

Jian Shiwu was puzzled, "Where did you hear about it."


Shen Cheng's thin lips slowly spat out these two words, he looked at Jian Shiwu's slowly pale face and hooked his lips, " A household registration book makes one a family."

Jian Shiwu froze in place.

In the previous life, they were a family. In the first two years of obtaining the certificate, they all went back to Jian's house. Shen Cheng was very capable and was very popular with his parents. They were also very good at that time, and they were happy and did not separate from each other.

But then, when their family company went into trouble, those shareholders sold out, and the company behind the acquisition and manipulation also had Shen Cheng's name in black and white, if the other side didn't press hard, why would his parents reach such a point?

A family

It was also a great irony for Jian Shiwu at that time. At that time, they were also very close, but in the end, when they struck out, how did Shen Cheng let them go?

Every time he thought of this, Jian Shiwu always felt cold all over his body, terribly cold.

Shen Cheng looked at Jian Shiwu's pale face: "Scared?"

Jian Shiwu drew back from the memory, he subconsciously wanted to shake his head, but was stopped by Shen Cheng: "Don't force it."

It seems that since that day, everything had changed, and Shen Cheng had become even more impenetrable, he is no longer able to read the boy's mind.

Shen Cheng looked at Jian Shiwu's frozen face and said in a deep voice: "Go back, it's cold outside."

Jian Shiwu stood in the snow, looking at him pitifully like a small animal that was about to be abandoned by its owner.

Shen Cheng said, "I have to go too."

The driver had been waiting for a long time, and on a snowy day, Shen Cheng was about to break away the hand that Jian Shiwu was holding, when he heard the child ask as if he was breaking the ice: "Shen Cheng, are you going back to M."


"Then will you come back when uncle is well?"

In the snow, there was silence.

After awhile, Shen Cheng looked at the person with his head down and whispered, "It depends on the situation.”

This was said euphemistically, but it basically meant that he would not return.

The hand that was gripping the hem of his shirt was gripped tighter, and if you look closely, you can even see the veins on it. He held it tightly, as if this way, the person in front of him would not leave and would always be with him. He knows that he is just a younger brother, and it is impossible for him to be with the male lead, but he really likes Shen Cheng very much.

He liked him in his last life, and he still likes him in this life.

Because he is the only one who does not mind that he is fat like a ball, because he does not mind that he is stupid and cannot understand as quickly, the whole world is asking him to grow up and to be mature, but only Shen Cheng will always treat him as a clumsy child.

No matter which life Shen Cheng was in, he loved him so much.

Even if he was cannon fodder, he still had the right to love someone, right?

Jian Shiwu sniffed and said in a rare serious manner, "Then when you get there, think about it more..."

Shen Cheng looked at him and sighed inwardly. He stretched out his hand and wiped the corners of the boy's eyes with the pulp of his fingers. Jian Shiwu's delicate skin left a little red mark, which disappeared again. Lowering his head, he said in a low voice, "You are the one who should think about it."

Jian Shiwu looked up in slight surprise, his eyes reflecting Shen Cheng's figure clearly.

"Think it over." Shen Cheng's eyes were dark, and he looked like he had given an ultimatum: "We'll meet again."

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