Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 75: 75

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After that day, Jian Siwu never saw Shen Cheng again.

That year, it seems that the curtain of instability had been lifted since the blizzard. In the cheerful atmosphere, many people raised their smiling faces to cover their swaying hearts. But under the whitewash of peace, they came a restless air.

There was a lot of noise about Ji's being hospitalized after the president's car had an accident. The company's shareholder meeting was about to start and there was a lot of discussion and conspiracy theories.

Jian Siwu often hears a name.

"Donald is going to chair this shareholders' meeting."

"Since Yuanfeng's father's generation, the Tang family has been deeply to the Ji family."

"That's a lifetime of friendship too."

"Donald's parents saved the old Ji's life."

When it comes to the Tang family, the connection between this family and the Ji family is inexhaustible. From the first few lifetimes when the Ji family started to establish the Ji family, the Tang family has been with them since its start, following the friendship of its ancestors to the last few generations.

The Tang family and the Ji family have been close for hundreds of years, and the Tang family's ancestors have been loyal and righteous for generations, so the Tang family was second in command of the company.

Zhen Meili always said, "People don't know how to be satisfied."


Jian Zicheng also always lamented, "Yuanfeng is a a man of love and righteousness, but unfortunately in this generation, after the Tang family came in the hands of Donald, they began to become more and more ungrateful."

The theft of documents from the Ji family's old mansion a few years ago had, to a lesser extent, involved Donald's handiwork. They had always wanted control of the company, and if you look at it from the perspective of deep palace power, the Tang family were the generals who had fought with the emperor for the Empire, and their position in the whole company was considered a veteran.

Zhen Meili said in a low voice: "Yuanfeng is still in a coma, I think he is a bit restless."

Jian Zicheng was also deep in thought, "A slight concussion, or maybe he hit his head. Even if he wakes up, he will have to recuperate for a while. For Donald, this time is enough for him to take over the company."

"With just him?"

Zhen Meili frowned, "Does he still think that there is no one in the Ji family?"

The words fell, the two people looked at each other, obviously, both thought of Ji Yuanfeng's only son now, the boy who was about to graduate from high school, if something really happened to old Ji , then Shen Cheng was now the only one standing in the cusp of the storm.


On New Year's Eve

The snowstorm that had been falling for several days finally stopped, and the roads were filled with people plowing snow. The air was so cold after the snow melted that people were shivering. Jian Shiwu stood in front of the table, wrapping dumplings.

Zhen Meili said, "Don't make those strange-shaped dumplings."

"I know..."

All the dumplings near the table were pranked into various shapes, The sound of firecrackers was heard from outside and Jian said, "Where's Dad?"

Zhen Meili’s movements gave a start and she said, "There's something going on at the company, he went out in the morning and won't be back until the evening. Jian Shiwu glanced at Zhen Meili suspiciously. Even he could smell that something was wrong with the recent atmosphere. Although it was the Ji family that was in trouble, it was reasonable that it would not affect the Jian family, but Jian Zicheng was busy these days, not knowing what he was doing.

Looking at Zhen Meilie, Jian Shiwu felt as if everyone was hiding something from him. He felt a little helpless and depressed at the same time. He really thought a lot about his past and present life these days while at home. At his age, his parents were afraid that he would think too much, so they always hid things from him and didn't let him worry too much. At the same age, Shen Cheng was taking on much more than him.


Jian Shiwu's white hands wrapped a dumpling as he said, "Is Shen Cheng still at the Ji family's old mansion?"

Zhen Meili nodded, "Mm."

Today the snow had just stopped, if Shen Cheng was to return to M country, it would be either today or tomorrow. On this day of family reunion, someone had to go far away, even though he might be greeted by a pack of wolves and tigers, but he had no choice, or rather, Shen Cheng had never been afraid to meet these challenges.

Since Shen Cheng had left, his head was full of all sorts of things that had been stirred together, and no matter what he was doing, he would always think of Shen Cheng.

This was not a very good thing.

It was at somewhat cruel to make Jian Shiwu realize that he couldn't let go of Shen Cheng that much.

"So today... did Shen Cheng eat dumplings?"

"Yesterday, on New Year's Eve, he spent it alone?"

"Mom, you said..."

As he said that, he looked up and met the deep and meaningful eyes of Zhen Meili who looked over.

Zhen Meili hooked her lips and smiled.

Jian Shiwu was inexplicably looked at and his cheeks turned red, he bowed his head somewhat sharply, "I was just asking casually."

The last of the dumplings were wrapped by Zhen Meili: "Mom doesn't know either."

She heard that two days before, Shen Cheng had given all the servants in the manor an annual holiday, leaving only an old butler to look after the house, even the kitchen staff had been given home leave to celebrate the New Year, the mansion was so big and so cold.


Jian Shiwu looked out the window, the snow had stopped, the midday sun was spilling down. Some of the snow was already melting, and it came from the heavens to the earth silently, finally dissipating silently, the snowflakes were So soft, without any lethality, but their going or staying is never decided by others, so stubborn and beautiful.

Zhen Meili said: "It looks so pure, but no matter how clean the snow boils, the water will be turbid."

That layer of softness is just its disguise. Or rather, as it drifts to the ground, it has been tainted with blackness between heaven and earth. In a trance, Jian Shiwu thought of Shen Cheng, that clear and elegant teenager, who was also that dark and strong.

When the dumplings were ready Jian Shiwu thought it would be two people eating, but Zhen Mei carried the lunch box out, she smiled at the child and said, "Let's go."

Jian Shiwu: "Where to?"

"You tell me?"

Zhen Meili put on her coat and gave him a blank look, "Of course I'm going to see the person you've been longing for."


Jian Shiwu reacted as an afterthought, a little sheepishly, "Mom!"

A cheerful laugh came from the doorway.

All the way to the Ji family's old mansion, Zhen Meili was on a phone call, it should be from Jian Zicheng, it seems that the situation should not be very good, so Zhen Meili’s face was also very concentrated. He didn’t know what had happened, but Jian Shiwu mood also sank with her.

Finally, the car pulled up in front of the mansion.

Zhen Meili got out: "Let's go."

The Ji family had indeed let all the servants go, and the old butler came over to open the door, still polite and courteous. Because the chef sent home, Zhen Meilie found out yesterday's dinner was actually some frozen food, she expressed her shock to the housekeeper.

And the housekeeper said honestly, "The cook wrapped some dumplings when she left, but the young master didn't eat them."


There were times when Shen Cheng's mind was always so elusive.

Zhen Meili said after half a minute of silence, "I see, you go ahead."

The butler bowed gratefully at the woman, although he was a butler, he was still a servant anyhow, and could not sway the master, and in the end Shen Cheng would probably only listen to what Zhen Meili said.


The living room

Jian Shiwu was waiting for Shen Cheng to come out of his room.

The last time they separated, Shen Cheng told him to think it over, but didn't clearly say what exactly he was thinking about, so maybe he actually knew, but once he thought about it in that direction, some untimely memories would rush into his mind.

Was it still necessary to be willful?

Wasn't it enough that his parents had been killed in his last life?

Do you want to repeat the same mistake again?

When he thought of this, Jian Shiwu’s body was cold, he couldn't breathe, and there were many times when he would even wonder why he had to be reborn. If that car accident had taken him away completely, there wouldn't have been so much to worry about, ah.


He sat on the sofa, his thoughts a cacophony of confusion, not knowing what to think about.

Suddenly, the phone rang, Jian Shiwu took it out and looked at it, it was Lui Heng calling, he was puzzled for a moment before he thought of the reason. Two days ago because of the unusual atmosphere at home, so he asked Lui Heng to check the situation of the company.

Jian took a deep breath and answered the phone.

Lui Heng’s voice came from the other end of the line, "Shiwu, I just got the news too, I don't think your dad is home right now, right?"

Jian Shiwu's heart lifted as he said, "No, he’s not.’

"No wonder then, I guess Uncle Jian can't be idle at the moment." The monkey said, "It seems that the goods your company was going to market this year were detained at customs, I don't know the details, I heard that something was wrong with the inspection.

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After all, at the beginning of the year, Jian Zicheng had spent the vast majority of the company's money on this batch of goods, counting on a good price at the beginning of spring next year.”

Jian Shiwu's face went white in a flash.

"There's a problem with the goods?"


"How could there be a problem with the goods, I know Dad is very strict about quality, there wouldn't be a problem..."

Lui Heng sighed, "The reason for this is might not be big, right, it could be that someone cheated, or it could be a partner thing, but it's not like we're sure the goods are necessarily faulty, maybe it's okay, we don't know that right now."

After a pause Lui Heng added: "But if there really is a problem, it may affect the listing..."

He couldn't understand how Jian Shiwu was feeling, how he couldn't escape his fate.

Like a flashback, the fragments that had been deliberately suppressed swarmed back to him, and for that moment he could barely breathe.

The silence, it was a long silence

When Lui Heng thought the phone would hang up, Jian Shiwu spoke with some difficulty, "This first batch of goods seems to be in collaboration with the Ji family, I've heard my father talk about it, so can you keep an eye on the details for me?"

Lui Heng said, "Yes."

"What's wrong..." Lui Heng asked him, "You suspect that someone is behind the set up, do you have a suspect, I've heard about the Ji family, do you suspect that..."

Such a question simply struck straight to the heart.

Jian Shiwu's eyes turned red involuntarily, and there was a person's name circling in his heart. If this was the answer he had long ago in his previous life, but now it was so hard to say, he seemed to feel it in the dark, that if this name was said, then everything would be different, something would get spoiled.

Inside, surging and churning, he even felt a fishy taste spreading from his throat.

"No." He said, "I don't doubt it."

Jian Shiwu nestled back on the sofa, his voice darkened, "There should be no problem with things, I believe Dad."

Lui Heng sighed and comforted him a few times before hanging up the phone.

Jian Shiwu put away his mobile phone, he wanted to raise his head and take a deep breath, but he was caught off guard by the person standing on the second floor, the young man in light blue cotton clothes.He was leaning against the railing, standing straight, with a large landscape painting on the first floor wall behind him, standing alone, looking very lonely.

Jian Shiwu's eyelashes trembled slightly: "Shen Cheng..."

He didn't know if Shen Cheng had heard the phone call.

When Shen Cheng walked up to him, Jian Shiwu still felt cold all over, but Shen Cheng just poured him a glass of water and said in a warm voice: "Auntie brought you here?"


Jian Shiwu held the glass of water, he seemed to have eased up and when he looked at Shen Cheng, his voice was soft: "We wrapped some dumplings and brought them over for you to try."

Shen Cheng said, "Thank you."

He looked at Jian Shiwu's shaking hands, his black eyes drooped slightly, and his thoughts changed a few degrees in a few moments. When he was upstairs, he could hear Jian Shiwu's words clearly, even his expressions were carefully watched.

Jian Shiwu put the cup down, but because his hands were shaking, it made a lot of noise on the glass table. His body also trembled sensitively, and he took a deep breath, as if worried. He then glanced at Shen Cheng cautiously.

With this glance, he met the young man's profound gaze.

Shen Cheng sat languidly on the sofa, the corners of his mouth curled up in a faint smile: "What are you nervous about?"

Jian Shiwu shook his head gently, "No, I was thinking about something, I wasn't paying attention..."

"Thinking about what."

Shen Cheng's somewhat icy words made him look up abruptly, "Thinking about whether Uncle Jian’s shipment had anything to do with me?"


Jian Shiwu's eyes widened as he subconsciously tried to retort, "No..."

"Why would you think so." Jian Shiwu didn't know how to comfort him: "How can I doubt you, I'm just worried about Dad, and you have no reason to do that."

"Really," Shen Cheng's face had little extra expression, he said slowly and methodically, the corners of his mouth even curled up into an elegant smile, "but that's not what your eyes say, there are times when I think, did I ever do something unforgivable to you that would make you wary of me in every way. "

Jian Shiwu's heart felt like it was being torn up.

Those eyes of Shen Cheng's seemed to be able to read hearts as he lifted his eyelids, "Could it be, in a past life?"

He didn't know what he was thinking of, his eyes were even red, and his breathing was tinged with some shortness, he shook his head gently and murmured in a small voice: "No..."

It's not how many unforgivable things you've done to me, it's that I'm at fault too.

Originally, Shen Cheng was only tentatively sending words, but he did not expect the boy to react so greatly, that look like a small animal being pushed to the brink of collapse in the next second came into view, at that moment, Shen Cheng's heart softened.

As Jian Shiwu looked down, there was some movement from the side, a small object was shoved into his hand. It was a little hard to the touch, but not too harsh, he fixed his eyes on it, it was actually a wooden carved peace amulet.

Jian Shiwu's hand squeezed: "This is ......"

"I carved it."

The teenager's voice sounded at his side, Jian Shiwu looked up when Shen Cheng reached out, his slender fingers sliding over his eyes, wiping away the tears that were watering at the corners of his big eyes, he said with almost a little sigh, "When did you become such a crybaby."

He looked at the person as if they were a crying child.

Jian Shiwu was inexplicably a little embarrassed as he stiffened his lips and said, "I, I didn't!"

Shen Cheng saw that he had regained some energy and the corners of his mouth hooked as he said, "Well, that's best."

The last time he received a watch it was a farewell gift from Shen Cheng, but what about this time? He was inexplicably flustered and asked softly, "Why did you suddenly give me this..."

Shen Cheng sat beside him, the light fell, the side of the young man's face particularly handsome, his tone is lazy, as if half joking, but one can not despise: "What else is the function of the peace talisman, of course to promote peace."

Jian Shiwu moved with a start, unable to say anything.

Shen Cheng said, "Do not like it?"

"...... No."

Shen Cheng looked at his somewhat restrained appearance and hooked his lips, "Then be happy."

Shen Cheng's eyes were deep, like a roundworm in Jian’s stomach, as if he had already guessed what he was worrying about. He seemed to have guessed why he was worried. The boy looked at him, those quiet eyes gave people a sense of stability, as if nothing would happen if he was there, he reached out and touched Jane Shiwu's soft hair: "Don't cry, have a good year, no one will be in trouble."

Then he withdrew his hand, taking the warmth with him.

Not far away the butler stood there, a suitcase was still at the door, at this moment, At this moment, Jian Shiwu felt that he seemed to realize something, he took Shen Cheng's hand in some panic and inquired, "You're leaving?"

"Mm." Shen Cheng said, "The flight is in two hours."

Jian Shiwu knew that he couldn't stop anything, but he didn't know what to say. He held the safety talisman in his hand tightly, but he couldn't grasp anything except this. Seeing that Shen Cheng was about to leave, he suddenly remembered the conversation a few days ago, and said quickly: "Shen Cheng, I have thought about what you asked me to think about. When Uncle Ji is cured, my parents and I will go to M country to see you guys, or we will wait for the next year….senior year, you and Qiao An can still go back to school, we…”

Shen Cheng turned around and looked at him.

The words that came out of Jian Shiwu mouth could not be said, Shen Cheng took a few steps closer to him, the teenager looked at him from above, Jian thought he would ask, but he did not, he just said, "You have not thought it through."

Jian Shiwu was frozen.

Shen Cheng had a somewhat cool smile, he came very close, lowered his voice and said, "What I want you to consider is not whether you want to come to M to see me, but whether you want to be with me."

With those words were actually spoken, that layer of doors was finally pushed open.

"You're not a stupid child, you know exactly what I mean don’t you?" In Jian Shiwu's disbelieving gaze, Shen Cheng said in a faint voice: "You just don't want to think in that direction."

The cold fingertips forced him to look up at him, and Shen Cheng said slowly and deliberately, "What I want you to consider is whether you want to let go of the things entangled up in your heart and be with me."

For a moment, Jian Shiwu felt Shen Cheng seemed to know everything.

Shen Cheng: "Shiwu, you can ask me to stay by your side, but I also have the right to make requests, that's only fair."

Jian Shiwu's heart was chaotic and he murmured, "What do you want?"


The dry, crisp answer made it seem as if a huge shock had hit Jian Shiwu's heart, and he met the teenager's dark eyes, only to find that Shen Cheng's eyes hid something even hotter, and he curled his lips, "I want you."

The world has gone mad, how can a cannon fodder be with a protagonist, can't you die fast enough? Have you really forgotten what happened in your past life?

And yet the emotional side of the story is towards Shen Cheng, he wants to be with Shen Cheng, he wanted it so badly.

Jian Shiwu's face turned pale, he said tremblingly, "I...I'll think about it..."

Standing still, he was wrapped in a somewhat warm embrace as Shen Cheng gave him a hug and the teenager whispered in his ear, "Good."

"But I don't want a one-sided answer." Shen Cheng let go of him and there was some distance between the two: "You have enough time to think about it, a year, two years, when you make up your mind to leave those entanglements behind, and you decide to stop avoiding me before you make contact, don't make decisions lightly, otherwise the results are not something you can bear."

Jian Shiwu knew he was really going to go, and asked softly, "If...I mean if I don't accept..."

Shen Cheng hooked his lips and looked at him tenderly like he was coaxing a small animal, but the words that came out were cruel: "Then don't get in touch again."

Jian Shiwu's body froze.

He didn't know when Shen Cheng left that day. He only remembered that before the car left, Zhen Meili gave the child dumplings and temporary cakes for him to eat on the road. On the way, Zhen Meili received a call, saying that the shipment from the customs was fine and had been released

She babbled a lot, and while talking, she observed Jian Shiwu's expression in the rearview mirror. She knew that Jian Shiwu and Shen Cheng had a very deep relationship. Now that Shen Cheng left, she thought this child would cry, but didn't expect that he would just sit quietly in the back row, neither crying nor making trouble.

For a moment, Zhen Meili looked at the child in the rear mirror, and she finally realized that this child had grown up.

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