Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 81: 81

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Jian Shiwu was frozen, standing still for a short while as he looked at him.


Perhaps it was the momentary hesitation that made Mr. Shen a little unhappy, the man sitting at the head of the table looked up slowly and deliberately, "Sitting next to me condescends to you?"


He honestly went back to get his small bench, and in the middle of it, Gu Duan gave him an inexplicable stare.

What did he do? It wasn’t his fault for not having a translator. Blame it on the broken electronic pen.

Back at the front, Jian Shiwu took his place at the table.
Shen Cheng was next to him, and when he looked up, he could see the heads of departments sitting in two rows from this position.

Jian Shiwu’s small white hand patted Shen Cheng: "Move over a little."

Because he had to put the computer upright, and Mr. Shen was in the way.
 Blame their company’s conference table, how unreasonable was this design!

" This mouse not responding."

"Is that so?"

"Oh okay, thanks."

He was sitting next to Shen Cheng, debugging his computer. Because this seat was in the front, there were too many people below him whom he didn't know, the aura was very strong, and he was inevitably nervous sitting there.

People subconsciously lean on the people they trust the most when they are extremely afraid of the environment. So with little thought, Jian Shiwu would subconsciously seek the help of the person he subconsciously relied on the most, and involuntarily threw these miscellaneous little questions to Shen Cheng, not seeing that the secretary next to him and the rest of the executives who were close by were looking terrified.

Boy, the youngsters nowadays are fearsome!

What surprised them was not Jian Shiwu’s boldness, but Shen Cheng’s patience and indulgence.

The secretary had a sweaty back, others didn't understand, but he understood Shen Cheng's temper, not to mention teaching...he was helping to solve a mouse problem!
 Not long ago an executive got a basic problem wrong and he was criticized and demoted on spot. He remembered what Shen Cheng said at the time:

"Incompetence is the biggest mistake."

Because of this, everyone in the company was in danger, and everyone was working hard to improve themselves, their work efficiency had actually doubled. Now, it was also the same Mr Shen, who had a zero tolerance when it comes to work ability, was here patiently watching the intern struggle with such minor issues as why the mouse wasn’t responding, such a large double standard scene.

While staring at Jian Shiwu for research purposes, the secretary suddenly felt a cold gaze on him. When he looked up, he met Shen Cheng’s deep eyes. They were definitely not considered friendly, more like a large beast protecting it’s cub. If you look at it again, your life is over.


The secretary hastily averted his eyes and said to the executive standing next to him, "You can start now."

The man responded and hurriedly began his PPT presentation, once he was in working mode, no one looked away, and the room was once again in a high efficiency working state.

In the past, when Jian Shiwu was young, he would also read some of the novels that his female classmates read, in which the overlord had either a meeting in the morning or a meeting in the afternoon every day, and at that time he still thought what on earth was there to discuss all day. But now here he was sitting in the conference room, listening to PowerPoint presentations all morning, and his brain felt lightheaded.

The person on the stage was still tireless: "For the A area market research, our focus will shift, now please see my target for..."

Jian Shiwu sat for an hour, from a nervous, attentive start, to gradually numb, becoming a sliding machine without emotion.

He listened for awhile but because he basically couldn't understand it, and the seat was too conspicuous, he would secretly bow his head and yawn.
Once he looked up, his eyes were red, and he met the dark eyes of Shen Cheng that were the exact opposite of his. From the beginning until now, Shen Cheng always looked at ease, those eyes were calm and cold, without the slightest hint of sleepiness, he was like the anchor of this conference room, as long as he was sitting there, all the de-briefers would be pumped up.

Except for the yawning assistant beside him.

Jian Shiwu yawned halfway, and when he met Shen Cheng's gaze, the whole person froze in place, even a thick-skinned person would feel a little embarrassed. This picture was very familiar, in fact, before when Shen Cheng was tutoring him on his homework, he would often want to be lazy and a yawn would escape him.

With those eyes looking at him, Jian Shiwu felt a little guilty. He cut to another page, and his little white hand secretly stretched out to the other side of the table to get his own water glass, trying to use the water to ease the embarrassment.

But the glass of water was empty, he had finally finished all the water in his own water glass.

Just as Jian Shiwu was about to put the glass down, he didn't know if his stomach felt empty, but he heard a shallow protest from his stomach, very small, only he and the person next to him heard the "gurgling" sound of hunger.


Jian Shiwu’s movements froze.

From Shen Cheng’s perspective, the young man’s ears slowly reddened from shyness, looking at the unfinished PPT with resentment, huddling beside him. Although sleepy, he still fights hard. He looked like a domestic cat.

The person reporting on the stage ended, "The above is my targeted analysis."

The secretary looked to Shen Cheng.

Shen Cheng, who had just been half-hearted in the PPT report before, looked back as if he had been listening carefully, and the man's thin lips opened and raised several product issues that pointed right to the core, making the de-briefer rack his brains before finally reaching a consensus.

The secretary saw that this group was over before saying, "Boss, do you want the next one to go up?"

Shen Cheng didn’t know whether it was intentional or not, but he glanced at Jian Shiwu next to him and said in a faint voice: "This is enough for now."

He actually finished so early today?

The secretary turned sideways and asked, "Then I'll let everyone go back?"

"Mm." Shen Cheng turned his face sideways to a few of the nearby executives and said, "Good work, lunch will be downstairs in the restaurant, Eric has booked a place."

The other executives smiled with joy at this.

"Thank you, Mr. Shen."

"I can't believe that’s all at this hour."

"And I'm really a bit hungry!"

Although Shen Cheng was strict about his work, he wasn’t stingy with his subordinates either, a point that convinced many people that whether it was the high salary or the company’s usual catering benefits, Ji’s was one of a kind.

Jian Shiwu was a little confused as he watched many people get up and pack their things.

He looked to Shen Cheng next to him and whispered, "Is this the end of it?"


Shen Cheng moved his neck: "You still want to stay here and continue sliding?"

Jian Shiwu blurted out, "I don’t want to."


There was a silence in the room.

Shen Cheng gave him a meaningful look, and then kept quiet at a loss. The secretary next to him came over to talk to him, and for some reason he felt that the secretary seemed to respect him, more than he had in the morning anyway: "Mr. Jian, it's over, you've worked hard this morning, you can pack up and go downstairs to the Regency restaurant for a meal, we've booked a table and set a menu up, you can just come down with us."

The most important thing is to go down with Mr. Shen.

Jian Shiwu: "Set menu?"

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For Jian Shiwu, who had been dry-chewing buns yesterday, this was heavenly.

The secretary nodded.

Jian Shiwu was just about to say yes, after all, it was free for nothing, but on second thought, he shook his head again, "I'd rather not go."

Next to him, Shen Cheng lifted his eyes and looked at him with a cool gaze.

But Jian Shiwu didn't really notice, he stood up and said, "I have to go back to the 18th floor and collect the translation materials Master Duan wants. He has a cold and he ate spicy fish for lunch yesterday, so I have to go back early today and get him some again, otherwise he’ll have to throw a temper tantrum this afternoon."

Putting his book and pen in his arms, Jian Shiwu was afraid he wouldn't be able to catch up with the speed of the group, "I'll go first, ah."


Under the secretary’s wide-eyed eyes, the young man ran off in a huff.

He twisted his head to look at President Shen next to him, and was confronted with a frosty face. Obviously when the PPT presentation was taking place, Shen Cheng was still in a good mood, at this time the eyes could scrape people into pieces.

The secretary stiffened: "That...Mr. Shen, shall we go down?"

"What's the rush," the obviously moody man lifted his eyes to look at him, "You want to eat spicy fish too?"

The secretary stammered.

He wasn't the one eating the fish, he was just an innocent secretary.



The canteen was very busy.

Gu Duan had a weird temper, he was angry and said he wouldn't eat if he wasn't allowed to eat spicy food. He was obviously a famous figure in the industry but he acted like a child. Ic he wasn't still his assistant, Jian wouldn’t even bother to pay attention to him. Seeing as it was time to eat, Jian Shiwu had to go downstairs to eat first.

The four interns met again.

The scores had changed again.

Sun Liman 50 points

Jin Zhe 70

Su Yuluo 65

Jian Shiwu 60

Sun Liman wailed, "Shiwu, what did you do this morning, why did you only add 10 points?"

The rest of them all had more or less than 20 points.

Jian Shiwu didn't expect that the secretary would only give him ten points. Thinking of all the work he did all morning, how did he offend him to be given such a low score, are people in the president’s office so stingy?

He sighed: "I was working as a translator in the conference room, then the electronic pen broke down, so I went to work as a manual slider."

Sun Liman exclaimed, "The conference room?!"

Jian Shiwu rubbed his ears.

"Oh my God, I should have known the translating job." Sun Liman was about to cry, "Not to mention sitting in on meetings and meeting so many of the leaders, I haven't even seen the leaders of our department in person."

She was straightforward and quick to say what was on her mind.

But Jin Zhe spoke up with some uncertainty: "Not to mention meeting the leaders when the, he is also the assistant to the boss of the project team, sometimes besides strength, luck and other things are also quite important."

This statement had a bit of a connotation of yin and yang.

Sun Liman heard it, and even Su Yu Luo heard it, in fact, no one could blame Jin Zhe. After all, he is the most educated and thinks he has the strongest ability, but now he is inexplicably inferior to Jian Shiwu. Pressing his head, it is difficult for ordinary people to swallow a sigh of breath.

The corner of Jian’s mouth hooked up into a smile: "Each on their own post, each on their own role, their is no being lucky or unlucky. Since I think my job is good, are you not satisfied with your current job, Jin Zhe?"

Jin Zhe's face instantly changed.

This was a big pot, and if he admitted it, he would have offended many people.

This will be on air and the viewers already have their own opinions:

"Jinzhe is a bit too much.

"Jinzhe has gone a bit too far oh."

"Hahahaha, Jian Shiwu backhanded a pot to him."

"Little witty guy."

This is the biggest attraction of this variety tv show. It reflects the most realistic side of the workplace, the director did not give any script, which in turn makes things more explosive. There are always all kinds of jealousy in the workplace, all kinds of unseen undercurrents, this was just the beginning, later there will be small groups, and all kinds of stifling things to happen happen.

Jian Shiwu didn't listen to Jin Zhe's explanation, so he raised his feet and left. Behind him, Sun Liman was still standing stupidly.

After Jian Shiwu finished eating, only Su Yuluo sat with him. Su Yuluo, who had always been reluctant to speak, was the first to speak this time: "Are you angry?"

Jian Shiwu moved a little and shook his head.

"There's nothing to be angry about." Su Yuluo said, "Actually, Jin Zhe and the others are just a little unbalanced."

Jian Shiwu wondered, "I'm just 60 points now, and my score isn't the highest, so why the imbalance?"

Su Yuluo looked at the boy and found that the youth's round eyes were really full of incomprehension. So he really didn't understand the reason?

Inwardly, he sighed.

Su Yuluo whispered, "Some things are not measured by scores alone, they are suspecting that you have a backer, so you are so lucky to also have access to a higher class layer."

Jian Shiwu sputtered, "Pfft..."

Almost choking to death on a mouthful of rice, Jian Shiwu pointed incredulously at himself, "I have a backer?"

Su Yuluo was a bit speechless, he just spat out the name he had heard, "Master Duan, because I heard that Master Duan has a bad temper, but you managed to finish your tasks on time, and twice could go to Master Duan. Today it was Master Duan who took you to the meeting room."

"Ahem... "

Jian Shiwu drank a mouthful of water to press it down, it was too outrageous, his heart was straight and his mouth was fast: "How can you guys think that way, a clear-eyed person can also see that Master Duan is definitely not my backer, right. Have you seen a backer kick you out on the first day saying there is no work for you, a backer who is too annoyed to see you every day? How can you think of him? Even if you really have to guess, it should be..."

Su Yuluo: ?

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