Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 82: 82

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Su Yuluo's gaze shone expectantly.

Jian Shiwu realized that he had almost said something and said, "Even if you want to guess, you should also speak according to the facts, didn't you guys watch the reruns at home?

Su Yuluo laughed softly and smiled.

The tough boy smiled brightly. He said, "Gu Duan doesn't have ill will towards you, maybe it's just his temper."

Jian Shiwu sighed, "Maybe."

He poked at the rice, took a few bites and then said, "He said he wouldn't eat if he didn't have any spicy fish, but he can't really stop eating, he's still sick at the moment. I'll go to the canteen auntie later and get him some rice porridge, and try to mix some spicy little pickles for him to eat."

Su Yulu said, "So he likes spicy food that much?"

Jian nodded: "I asked Sister Lu and the others, he likes spicy food, so he must eat spicy food even when he is sick.”

Su Yuluo laughed without saying anything.

The young man next to him was complaining and chattering, but he was still kind enough to dish out a meal to his odd-tempered boss.

When he first saw Jian Shiwu in the past, he only thought he was young and pretty, but after he became familiar with him, he felt that this child knew how to behave, was very considerate of others, and was not bad at heart.

Jian Shiwu stood up and said, "I'm going."

Su Yuliu nodded.

When Jian Shiwu was about to leave, Su Yuluo said, "Jian, don't care what they say about you, just be yourself."

Jian Shiwu turned around.

Su Yuluo didn't say anything, turned his head and continued eating. Among the four interns, he didn't talk much, but Jian Shiwu didn't expect that he would be the first to encourage him, no matter the reason. For this purpose, Jian Shiwu was still very grateful. He said, "Got it, thank you."


Late afternoon

Jian Shiwu gave Gu Duan the porridge from the canteen.

Grand Master Duan was still all kinds of prickly: "I don't drink millet porridge."

"It's made of rice."

"I don't like this pickle."

"Then just drink the congee."


After a while, the trick failed, but how how Gu Duan could not fight back.
 After going back and forth, and cheating, Gu Duan couldn't fight against Jian Shiwu's mouth.

After disliking the bowl of porridge for a long time, he ate all the pickles, and even commented: "Today this pickle is good, you can bring some later if you have nothing to do."

Jian Shiwu said, "You think the canteen is run by my family, this is our family's secret recipe for making pickled vegetables, in the future, when I leave, it will be difficult for you to eat at any time."

But Gu Duan said willfully, "Then why don't you just stay here and be my assistant from now on?"

A majestic look of the emperor.

Jian Shiwu looked at him suspiciously, after all, the person in front of him looked like he didn't want to look at him at all yesterday.

Gu Duan was suddenly a little guilty, he rubbed his red hair, his tone was not good: "What are you looking at, you don't think I have a crush on you, do you?"

Jian Shiwu was quick to say, "Hey don't talk nonsense...I didn't!"

Who knew that he was so eager to retort that he would in turn draw the displeasure of the man at the desk.

Gu Duan didn't know where he got his solitary temperament. He said, "Although it's true that I can't possibly look at you, I can't believe that your vision is quite high, come on, I'm still curious, let me know what you post-90s like?"


Who can look at you with your stinky temper.

He said, "If I really had to choose, I'd definitely like the kind of guy who is a gentleman, handsome, capable, educated... and most importantly, takes his medicine on time for colds!"

Gu Duan: " think that kind of person would like you?"

Jian Shiwu choked.

Damn it, I'm going to report you for personal attacks!

If it wasn't for the fact that this guy was considered his boss, he really wanted to beat him up.

The audience in the live broadcast room, however, gave positive comments.

"Little Jian is too good at talking."

"Hahahaha, love it love it."

Fortunately, Gu Duan also didn't stick on this topic. He pointed to a stack of documents sitting on the table not far away and said, "You take it and go translate it, I need it tomorrow."


Jian Shiwu looked at the stack in shock: "So many?"


Gu Duan acted as if on purpose: "Got a problem with that?"

Jian Shiwu was still digesting when he heard him say, "I'm not your dreamy, male god, this is a job, if you can't do this job right, I'll deduct your points."


What are you, a primary schoolboy?

Jian Shiwu swallowed the words that were on his lips and decided not to bother with him, clutching the layer of papers that were reaching his head, "I'm going!"

He emerged from inside the office, attracting the attention of other colleagues.


"What's all that you're holding?"

"So much."

Jian Shiwu approached the blank workstation that he occupied and took a breath: "It's all the information Master Duan will use tomorrow, I need to sort it out."

The eyes of the other colleagues were instantly subtle.

Everyone knew that Master Duan could not use so much information in one breath, and it was already two or three in the afternoon, and they would be off work by six at the latest. Who could get it all done in just a few hours?

Isn't this tossing people?

Although they thought so in their hearts, no one would really say it, and no one would go looking for bad luck with that King of Hell, it would be really good if he only tossed his own assistant and not them, and naturally no one would help share the burden, after all, it was none of their business.

The audience in the live broadcast room was excited instead:.

"Hahahaha, this schoolboy behavior is so funny."

"Why is he having a sour taste."

"The leader who doesn't take his cold medicine on time hahaha."

"So Little Jian likes the handsome gentleman type!"

"I also like leaders with manners, comfortable to get along with."

This is the best melon in the world, netizens prefer gossiping than boring translation work, what started as a simple discussion, unexpectedly slowly became a boiling point debate on Weibo #Favourite type of boss#.

Such a popular topic was a hit among people and soon gained popularity.

Top floor, President's Office

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In the silent office, the meeting had just finished, and when the secretary brought the minutes of the meeting over, he found that Mr. Shen, who had always only been at work, was actually looking at his mobile phone.

Just as he was about to take a closer look, Shen Cheng had already covered the phone on the table.

The secretary hurried: "Boss, these are the minutes of the meeting."


The man sitting in the leather chair was dressed in a suit, he was covered in a sense of elite indifference and nobility, his slender fingers holding a pen, his index finger tapping with a hitch, the usual action of thinking, as if he was examining a business ambition.

The secretary did not dare to interrupt, so he bowed and was about to leave.
Just as he was about to leave, he heard a voice from the main seat: "Wait."


Could it be that the president had finished thinking about his business plans and had something to tell him?
The secretary hurriedly stood in place, "Boss."

"What do you think," the man who was always mature and stable raised his eyebrows at him, "How do I look like?"


A silence fell over the room.

The secretary looked at Shen Cheng in shock and met with a pair of dark, deep eyes. At this moment, probably because his expression management was not in place, Shen Cheng frowned impatiently and looked as if he was about to get angry.

The secretary with a high desire for survival hurriedly: "The boss' look is definitely a top-notch young talent!"

Shen Cheng was noncommittal: "Is that so"

"Of course!" The secretary was afraid that he wouldn't believe him: "I won't hide it from you, when you first came to the company, the girls in the company were all crowding to inquire whether you were single or not, harm, they were just gossiping."

And not only these girls in the company, but also the entire financial circle, there are countless secret promises to Shen Cheng. In only his early twenties he could take the lead, using thunderous means in the M country to suppress the arrogant Donald gang. After taking over the domestic subsidiary, several large orders successfully opened up in the domestic market, stock prices went up.

To be honest, Shen Cheng is really an example of someone who can obviously rely on his face but decided to rely on his strength, ah.

And, then again, Shen Cheng has never cared about these superficial things, how many beauties he has seen in the circle, and he has never treated anyone differently!

Now, why is he suddenly concerned about his own appearance?

Just as the secretary was about to ask for more details, he heard Mr. Shen's expulsion order, "Go out."


As soon as the secretary looked up and met Shen Cheng's sharp eyes, he immediately dared not say anything and pushed off honestly. With a belly full of doubts, he was about to walk to the door when he instantly realized.

Doesn't this seem like the kind of self-doubt that makes you judge whether you are good enough for your sweetheart? Hahahaha, it turns out that even the arrogant man on the altar will have this day? many warblers were unsuccessful, how good must one be to make Shen Cheng move his mortal heart?


At seven o'clock in the evening, the people on the eighteenth floor were gradually leaving.

As Lu Wan neared the end of her shift, she glanced at the 7:30 mark on her watch and came over to Jian Shiwu and said, "Jian, still not leaving?"

He was still burying his head in the paperwork, on his desk, there were some messy documents everywhere, probably because he hadn't done any translation work before, and also because he really wasn't good at English, these documents were quite difficult for him to deal with, it was 7 o'clock and he hadn't even finished half of them.

"Sister Lu." Jian Shiwu looked up, a little embarrassed: "You can go home first, I'm still working on it."

How could Lu Wan not know his difficulties: "You don't need to go by the horns when you are young, Duan was also joking with you, you know his temper, don't you? You don't have to finish it all, you be be soft with him tomorrow, say something nice, and he will definitely not deduct your points.

That guy has the character of an elementary school student.
He likes to bully people instead, and actually wants everyone else to go along with him.

Isn’t this just making things difficult for others?

Lu Wan knew it in her heart, but she didn't expect Jian Shiwu to be stubborn: "It's okay, Sister Wan, work is work, there's no reason to ask the leader to ask for mercy? I understand."

No, you don't understand at all.

Lu Wan spoke in a low voice that the audience could not hear, but they heard what Jian Shiwu said and could not help but feel emotional.

"Jinzhe’s words at noon irritated little Jian.”

"Yeah, saying that he only has luck and no ability."

"Actually, he's quite strong at heart."

"I used to have to do a lot of work for some reason when I first started working, and I didn’t have anywhere to go to talk about it."

The hands on the clock moves slowly, it was getting more late .

Almost the entire floor was gone. When the clock rang at 22 o'clock, Jian Shiwu hadn’t yet left the office. Even the live broadcast room was closed but he was still struggling in front of the computer. .

At 11 o'clock, a security guard came over and said, "Comrade, we can't keep people at night, go home first."

Only then did Jian Shiwu hold all the unfinished papers, ready to go home and do them again.

At this moment, there were few people in the entire company. He walked to the elevator and watched the elevator slowly descend, and finally stopped on the 18th floor.


The lift doors opened and there was a man standing inside.

Jian Shiwu's eyes widened, "Shen...Shen Cheng?"

The tall man stood inside the lift, next to his secretary who was carrying a briefcase. Shen Cheng was much more calm than him and looked at the youth at the door, "Not coming in?"

The doors of the lift were about to close.

It was only then that Jian Shiwu reacted with the benefit of hindsight: "Oh...oh."

He got into the elevator and was a little puzzled. It was so late that Shen Cheng didn't leave. Does he have to work overtime? No, the president still has to work overtime.

There was no talk all the way down the elevator, and no one took the initiative to speak up.

The secretary said, "Boss, I'll go to the basement and drive up first."


As the 1st floor arrived, Shen Cheng and Jian Shiwu walked out one after the other. Jian Shiwu was clutching his phone Both of them stood at the door swiping on DiDi. Just as he was lost in thought, a voice came from beside him: "Ready to go back?"

Jian Shiwu looked back: "Um..."

"I'll give you a lift."

"No, I'll take a DiDi cab.

Shen Cheng gave him a meaningful look, "You can't get a DiDi at this hour."

"Is that so..." said Jian Shiwu stiffly, "Not necessarily, I'll just wait."

Shen Cheng didn't say anything else.

Soon a black Cayenne drove over not far away, Shen Cheng stepped onto the car with long slender legs and the car drove away, leaving Jian Shiwu in the cold wind still waiting for the DiDi, hosting his last hope.

However... Ten minutes had passed and there was still no car to take the order.

He looked at the doorman not far away: "That…can I still take the underground train?"

The guard was merciless: "They've all stopped.”

It was like a bolt from the sky.

Jian Shiwu looked at the empty street and actually wanted to cry without tears, he regretted a bit as to why he didn't accept Shen Cheng's offer just now. But even if he refused, couldn't that stinking man have asked twice more!

After stepping onto the pavement, Jian Shiwu could only walk back.

He had worked overnight, his limbs were aching, and he was still holding his computer and thick files in his hands, so he was tired before he could take a few steps.

Jian Shiwu could not help but curse out at last: "Men are all scum!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, he looked up and froze.

A familiar figure stood by the roadside not far away, Shen Cheng, who should have left by car, was now standing under the streetlight, his figure slender, looking at himself sideways, his gaze meaningful.

Jian Shiwu's whole body was stunned, he blinked incredulously, "You... you didn't leave?"

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