Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 86: 86

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Lu Renyi was stunned by the shout.

He was just about to ask what wild medicine the boy had taken today, when he saw the camera crew and reacted with hindsight. Someone had said that Jian Shiwu was going to record a show or something, but he didn't care, it seems that he really seems to be filming.

It's understandable that youngsters nowadays are shy and don't want to put these things out in the open. Thinking about this, Lu Renyi happily said, "OK, OK, forget it."

Jian Shiwu was still annoyed, but Jin Zhe next to him was a little surprised.

The audience in the live room didn't hear him:

"What did he just say?"

"Damn, it was too fast, I didn't hear it either."

"I think he said... something about a friend."

Jin Zhe did hear him, but he didn't know who Lu Renyi was talking about, but in his heart he had some idea. He thought, "Jian Shiwu must have a backer in Ji's. If someone didn't secretly help, how could he have such a smooth ride?”

Jian Shiwu looked at Lu Renyi's arms: "Is that your cat?"

There was a civet cat crawling in Lu Renyi's arms, this cat was lying somewhat lazily in his arms, squinting and taking a nap.

Lu Renyi nodded and said, "Ah Hua."

Jian Shiwu looked at the cat and was stunned for a while, and then he remembered the origin of the cat. It was a cat raised by the fourth uncle's wife. At that time, the cat was very wild, jumping up and down and making trouble in the yard. His uncle had often scolded it, saying, "Damn it, sooner or later I'll eat cat meat."

At that time, Uncle Lu’s life was very difficult. The family's conditions were not good, and the fourth aunt was an authentic rural woman who kept the house in order, and Jian’s deepest impression was that the small yard had sun-dried sausages and small dried fish which were very fragrant.

Later, he heard his father say that the fourth uncle's business had become bigger and more prosperous. but the fourth aunt fell ill and died.

Jian Zicheng used to say, "That girl followed him and didn't enjoy any blessings."

Jian Shiwu drew back from his memories and looked again at the old cat, reaching out with a long, white hand to gently drop it on the head and whisper, "Ah Hua?"

The cat that was sleeping opened its eyes. Its amber pupils reflecting the reflection of the person in front of it.

The cat yawned lazily, it squinted its eyes comfortably, twitched its ears, stretched out its head and sniffed the smell of Jian’s hand, then, under the gaze of the crowd, the big cat, who had just been too lazy to care about anyone, opened its mouth: "Meow.”

Jian Shiwu's eyes lit up.

Lu Renyi was also quite happy: "Ah Hua has a good memory."

Jian Shiwu stroked Ah Hua's head and smiled: "Really? Good boy."

Next to him, Jin Zhe was ignored completely, he didn't expect Jian Shiwu would really like the cat and completely took the customer's attention away.


Jin Zhe coughed lightly and also stepped forward. He reached out to pet the cat: "Is this Mr. Lu’s cat?"

He hadn't even touched it yet, but the cat, which had been very well behaved under Jian Shiwu, had a sharp look in its eyes when Jin Zhe was about to touch it. The cat's body arched up and jumped towards the ground, as if it was afraid of something dirty touching it, and ran away.

Then the cat ran to Jian’s feet and rubbed its head against him, and meowed in a very unpromising meow.


The air was quiet for a moment

Jinzhe’s hand was still in mid-air, and his face was a little green with embarrassment.

Lu Renyi laughed loudly: "Ah Hua likes you, Shiwu, you can hold it."

Jiam Shiwu squatted down to pick up the cat and nodded, "I even made it cat food at home yesterday and put it in my bag, so I asked Jin Zhe to bring it down for me."

When Lu Renyi heard this, he looked at Jin Zhe, who had been ignored, and said, "Thank you."

Jin Zhe's face turned even whiter.

The viewers in the live broadcast room murmured.

"Why does it feel a bit weird."

"Jin Zhe is a bit miserable."

"It feels like he's being isolated."

"Isolated by who, by the cat?"

The group went up from the lift, the business building had just been commissioned and there weren't many people there yet. They were standing below and there were people upstairs looking down.

Shen Cheng was sitting on the leather sofa talking with a partner. The man was disinterested, but kept looking down a few more times when he saw a familiar figure downstairs.

The man sitting across the table was talking when he noticed Shen Cheng's inattentiveness, and was a little puzzled: "Mr. Shen?"

Shen Cheng withdrew his gaze.

The man with a moustache said with a smile, "What do you think of my proposal?"


Shen Cheng straightened his face slightly and opened his lips, "What did Mr. Li just say?"

Even if the man's attitude was so scattered, the moustache mam didn't dare to say anything, and even smiled: "I said, among the interns this time, Jin Zhe is very good, he is my little nephew, and I know him well, you can think about it more, he will definitely satisfy Ji Company."

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows noncommittally, his gaze cold.

Moustache's heart skipped a beat, he was a smart man and immediately rescued himself: "Of course, I'm just making a suggestion, I'm also afraid that other interns are not familiar with you, so it's better to use someone who knows the basics... "

The corner of Shen Cheng's mouth curled up into a smile.

The man sat up slightly straighter, he looked at the moustache, and slowly said: "Who says, I don't have a favorite?"


15th Floor

Lu Renyi's group came in the deliberation room.

Yao Tao and Lu Renyi briefly exchanged a few pleasantries. Miraculously the previously impatient customer today seemed to be much better tempered and had more smiles on his face. Behind Jian Shiwu was holding the cat, and was followed by Jinzhe who looked a bit strange.

Yao Tao said, "Mr. Lu, let our people show you our new projects first."

Lu Renyi spread his big hands, "Fine!"

Seeing that he had a chance to perform, Jin Zhe hurriedly went over and connected his computer to start preparing his PowerPoint presentation. The following Jian Shiwu began to look through hus backpack to find the cat's food, but after opening her backpack, he found nothing but his own materials and texts, the lunch box disappeared.

Lu Renyi saw that he was not right and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

"The cat's food is gone..."

Jian Shiwu mumbled as he looked up to Fourth Uncle, "I made it and had someone bring it down for me."

He was a little confused, but how could Lu Renyi, who had been in the jungle for many years, not guess. Raising his eyebrows at Jinzhe, who was not far away, his eyebrows became more than a little hostile. Their old Lu family was a down-to-earth rural family, and the wife he married was the most beautiful woman in the village. One righteousness is to protect the calf.

Jinzhe had already set up the equipment, and he said, "Then I'll show Mr. Lu next..."


Lu Renyi raised his hand, signaling for him to stop: "Who suggested on the phone that we should meet here?"

Jin Zhe didn't expect him to suddenly mention this, and hesitated a little before gesturing to Jian Shiwu with his hand, "It was Shiwu."

"Whoever suggested coming here should say speak." Lu Renyi said to Jian Shiwu, "You go."

Jian Shiwu was a little shocked.

But Lu Renyi kicked him from below, "Go on, I only have two hours, don't delay."

Jin Zhe's face sank, a little unhappy. He also wanted to fight for himself: "Mr. Lu, I'm familiar with the general idea of this PPT, and I have it all memorized in my head, why don't I..."

Lu Renyi was happy: "If you have a good memory, can you forget to bring our Ah Hua’s cat meal?"


There was a sudden silence in the room.

Everything was something Jinzhe hadn't expected.

Jian Shiwu looked at Jin Zhe, and caught the flash in his eyes. He didn't need any explanation to make it clear. These days, he also understood Jin Zhe's desire to express himself. He never fought nor robbed him. Because of this win-win team, he didn’t want to make trouble, he just wantrd to win customers together

But what he didn't expect was that Jin Zhe used these little tricks behind his back.

Jian Shiwu's eyes darkened as he stood up, "I'll do it then."

Jin Zhe was first a little reluctant. He had been waiting for this opportunity to show himself, but he didn't expect to end up being a graft for Jian Shiwu!

But on second thought, he was relieved that he had done most of the work for the PPT, and Jian Shiwu was only responsible for providing him with the information, so even if he were to elaborate, he would definitely not be able to do so, and would only be embarrassed in front of Yao Tao and the audience.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Jin Ze's face again: "Okay, then you come."

Jian Shiwu came over to take the electronic pen, but met Jin Ze's cold eyes, and he said with a smile that was not a smile: "Then I’ll leave it to you, this plan is very important, don't let us down."

Jian Shiwu smiled back.

Jin Zhe went back to his seat and sat down, waiting to see Jian Shiwu make a joke of himself, after all, in his opinion, Jian Shiwu was a fool who had a backer and had no skills.

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Jian Shiwu opened the PPT. Went to the first page, cleared his throat, and said softly: "Thank you for taking things out of your busy schedules to come here. The following is a report on the maintenance of the pet app and the new research and development direction, combined with the current pets. In the market, we found that the functions of the special APP for pet series are lacking to varying degrees, after our market research..."

He spoke eloquently, not just reading from a script, but combining the content of Jinzhe’s PowerPoint, and even adding some of his own stuff. When Jin Zhe was busy reading past cases, Jian Shiwu spent a lot of time on market research, and put forward a lot of practical opinions on the products based on the real needs of pet lovers.

Lu Renyi was originally inattentive, but as he listened, he sat up straight.

Even Yao Tao smiled: "Not bad."

The viewers in the live broadcast room were also listening with great interest:.

"My family also has cats, these few features speak to my heart? It's a good idea."

"Hahahaha, yes yes, and the online vet quiz, when I first got my cat I hated the idea of a cat sneezing and having to look for a doctor."

"What Jian Shiwu says makes my heart so happy."

"Hurry up and launch this app, please!"

At the end of the speech, Jian Shiwu bowed to the stage: "These are the targeted changes we have given."

The room was silent for a moment before applause rang out.

Lu Renyi nodded, showing a rare look of satisfaction, "Not bad, not bad, the young people nowadays are not to be underestimated."

Yao Tao also didn't expect it to go so well, she got up and said with a smile, "Mr. Lu if you're still satisfied, we'll make an appointment to sign the contract afterwards?"

"Good, good..."

Ah Hua jumped into Lu Renyi's arms, and Yao Tao accompanied Lu Renyi downstairs.

Inside the room, Jian Shiwu and Jin Zhe were packing up the documents together, from the beginning Jin Zhe's face didn't look too good, but Jian Shiwu didn't even look him , treating him as if he didn't exist. The two of them had a bad relationship and didn't even bother to make a show in front of the audience.

The cameramen saw that both of them were embarrassed, so they both went with Yao Tao and Lu Renyi, and now the room was really completely left with just two people.

Jin Zhe spoke in a deep voice: "Congratulations."

Jiam Shiwu paused in his movements, ignoring him.

"I didn't mean not to bring your cat's dinner." Jin Zhe pushed his glasses: "I just think it's better to do my job well instead of doing that nonsense. I just saw your speech, it's not bad, if our team can win this time, you will also have credit, and I will invite you to dinner after the end."

Jian Shiwu was cold: "No, thanks."

Jin Zhe was annoyed. He said, "Are you angry with me, if it's the cat meal thing I can apologize to you, I..."

Jian Shiwu looked up at him, those round eyes had an unprecedented chill, the person they poked felt a shudder: "You still don't understand."

Jin Zhe frowned.

"It's not that you didn't help me get the cat food, it's that you were too arrogant. You look down on others and regarded yourself as lofty, and you say you were sincere? You never even thought of apologizing." Jian Shiwu's words seemed to hit people's hearts directly. "Even now, you still feel unconvinced. You want to talk to me well just because you don't want the audience to say you are mean."

When people are pushed to the point of pain, the emotion that often comes first is not guilt, but anger.

Jinzhe’s face changed, "Who are you to say that about me?"

"Did I not put in the effort at the PPT, if it wasn't for me would your speech just now have gone so well?" Jin Zhe's always clear eyes were a little red: "I worked overtime every day for this project, I didn't relax for a single moment, and you know what? You can get high marks just by being a random translator or an assistant, but me, I'm not like you, I'm not as good looking as you, I don't have an audience, I ......"

Jinzhe said at the end a bit terse, he said with some hatred, "People like you won't understand."

Jian Shiwu was silent.

He didn't expect that people who are usually gloomy person would be able to say that in one breath, and it would make him cry. He was arguing here and it was really like a primary school student quarrel.

He paused, and finally laughed out, "Your nose is running down."

Jin Zhe froze and wiped his face.

Jian Shiwu handed him the paper and sighed: "Can't you go back and watch the replay? When I was assistant to Gu Duan, it was not as easy as you think."

Jin Zhe didn't believe it: "They all said he treated you differently, that he was your backer."

"That's so wrong." Jian Shiwu packed up hid things and said, "I'll explain to you when I have time, let's go downstairs first, don't keep Sister Yao waiting."

Jin Zhe didn't expect that just now they were arguing, but now they could go downstairs together, he always felt that something was wrong, but when he met Jian Shiwu's face, he couldn't get out his anger. In the end, he could only squirm and follow.


Jian Shiwu walked to the front of the car. He watched as Yao Tao walked Lu Renyi to the car.

Just as the car door was about to close, Lu Renyi let out an "oops": "Where's A-hua’s little jacket?"

Yao Tao was surprised: "Did you forget it upstairs."

When they arrived, Hua was still wearing her clothes, who knew that she had left her jacket in a corner after playing in the conference room for a while.

Jian Shiwu volunteered, "I'll go up and get it."

Yao Tao agreed: "That's fine, take your time.

Shen Cheng sat on the sofa, flipping through the documents in his hand, and the secretary Wang next to him came over and said, "Boss, a person in charge just now came over and said that the building will be put into trial operation, and the circuit will be under maintenance a while. There may be a power outage for five minutes."

Shen Cheng nodded lightly.

Originally, this building just opened and there were not many people. It is a newly developed commercial building by Ji's. At present, there are no customers in the building. There are only some scattered public affairs groups talking about business including Yao Tao's group.

Shen Cheng took the time to glance downstairs, and seeing that Lu Renyi and his group were all downstairs, what was there to worry about?

Secretary Wang asked suspiciously: "Where is Mr. Jian?"

Shen Cheng frowned, glanced at the people downstairs to be sure that there was no Jian Shiwu and an ominous premonition slowly rose in his heart.

The secretary said, "He could be still in the building, that's fine, it's only a five-minute power outage, as long as he's not in the elevator..."

As he spoke, the secretary lost his confidence.

Shen Cheng said to him, "Call Yao Tao."

Secretary Wang: "Yes."

“ Actually, it's not a big deal. It doesn't matter if you're in the elevator or not. It's only five minutes. “

When Shen Cheng frowned, Secretary Wang understood that those who are put at the top of his heart can't bear grievances no matter what.

On the other side


The elevator made a rapid sound. Before Jian Shiwu had time to respond, the numbers on the screen went dark.

Jian Shiwu in the elevator were dumbfounded.

"What's the matter?"

Jian Shiwu tried to poke the button, and was a little anxious after finding that there was no movement: "No way..."

He took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Yao Tao to confirm the situation, but found that there was an unexpected situation in the elevator. No signal!

People who are isolated and helpless are most likely to panic. Jian Shiwu looked around, and before he could think of anything, he heard—"bang!"

With a loud noise, the entire elevator seemed to fall. This moment of weightlessness was enough to make people feel a surge of fear.

It is very hot in summer. The elevator had no electricity so no cooling function. Under the dim light, the closed environment will give people a sense of hypoxia and suffocation. Jian Shiwu squatted tremblingly in the corner of the elevator, holding his phone, his white forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat in a short while.

No signal.

There is no news, and the closed air was stuffy. He didn’t know what's going on outside. This kind of psychological torture makes minutes turn into hours.


Ding-Sounded from the wrist, but when there was no signal from the mobile phone, Jian Shiwu was shocked to find that the watch that Shen Cheng gave him many years ago rang!

The LCD page of the old electronic watch shook, and there was a small red button that was always on. Jian Shiwu hesitated for a while, and then pressed the small button. This time, the sound of "ding" finally came out, and it was replaced by a short-lived electromagnetic sound, and then, under Jian Shiwu's somewhat surprised eyes, a familiar male voice sounded from the watch: "Hello."

? !

Jian Shiwu didn't even care about being surprised. In such a frightening environment, someone's voice was really like a life-saving straw.

Jian Shiwu took a breath, and his voice was a little aggrieved: "Shen Cheng ? "

Jian Shi all but snarled: "I'm trapped in the elevator. There is a problem with the elevator in this new building. You must pay attention to it. Also, please help me contact the maintenance personnel..."

The man on the other end listened quietly, looking up at the clock.

Four minutes and 30 seconds.

Jian Shiwu said after a long pause, feeling much better, and then confirmed, "Shen Cheng? Are you listening?"


Shen Cheng answered again. He listened to the breathing of the person on the other end of the phone, but his focus was actually 108,000 miles away. The man said slowly, "Why, aren't you calling me Mr. Shen now?"

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