Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 87: 87

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Jian Shiwu didn't respond for a while. He was stunned, and then he understood what Shen Cheng meant. He was a little embarrassed and aggrieved: "Is this the time to say this!"

"Huh?" Shen Cheng's voice seemed to have a little smile. , Without any sincerity, he said, "Sorry."

Jian Shiwu whispered to his watch and said, "Then, please contact the maintenance worker to save me."

There were only footsteps on the other end of the phone.

In Jian Shiwu's nervous heartbeat, Shen Cheng's voice was low and steady: "Afraid?"

Isn't this nonsense? !

Jian Shiwu wanted to get angry, but in this closed space, Shen Cheng's existence gave him a great sense of security, and he was a little afraid that Shen Cheng would hang up the communication.

Thinking about this, Jian Shiwu, who is very knowledgeable about this man’s temperament, chose to be honest. He squatted in the corner aggrieved, as if he made a soft voice from his nasal voice, and responded: "Yes..."

The next second, he heard a sound at the door. The lights flickered a few times, the numbers on the screen returned to display, the elevator door slowly opened, and a tall and sturdy man stood at the door.

Shen Cheng looked at him condescendingly. As the elevator door opened, the cool air from the air-conditioning outside the building also rushed towards his face, alleviating the heat. He took a step and finally stopped in front of Jian Shiwu. Looking at the young man's frightened pupils, he squatted down to meet the young man's eyes, his voice was low and full of reassuring magic power: "Don't be afraid."

Some people's existence is like a needle in the sea.

The light of the elevator fell on Shen Cheng's body, the man's broad palm held his trembling arm, his hand was cold, in such a hot summer, he wanted to snuggle into his arms, Jian Shiwu raised his eyes and looked him, somewhat in disbelief: "You, how did you come in?"

Shen Cheng said in a low voice, "I came in."


Jian Shiwu pinched his palm secretly, making sure it wasn't a dream. After the elevator really opened so fast, the whole tense body relaxed, and the little white face was wrinkled, he muttered: "Your new building elevator is too scary..."

Complaining sounds like a soft coquettish wife.

The corner of Shen Cheng's mouth twitched into a smile: "Well, I’ll have someone tear it down and reinstall it."

"Ah?" After hearing this, Jian Shiwu was not so angry anymore. He thought about it obediently, and softened, "It's okay to fix it."

Probably because he had been in the elevator for a long time, he was really frightened. At the moment, his fair little face was flushed, and his forehead was covered in sweat. The stylist helped to prepare it but now his hair was also falling down.

Shen Cheng's eyes were warm, and he took off the silk handkerchief from the collar of his suit and wiped his face: "Is it so hot? Youre all sweaty."

Jian Shiwu said embarrassingly, "It's not that hot, I just thought the elevator was about to fall, scared sweat."

Shen Cheng hooked his lips and smiled: "Have you never learned to rescue yourself in an elevator?"

"Of course I remember!"

Jian Shiwu subconsciously retorted him: "I also pressed a few emergency buttons."

"How many ? One?" Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows and looked around the elevator: "Where is it?"

Jian Shiwu tapped the covered panel button behind him as a demonstration, and pointed to it: "That one."


There was a moment of silence in the elevator.

Jian Shiwu patted his head hotly, and only wanted to chop his hands.

He didn't know what the button was for, but he didn't expect Shen Cheng's reaction to be faster than him. Before Jian Shiwu could react, a coat fell over his head and covered his face. He didn't know where to look when the sprinkler came out and suddenly began to sprinkle water down.

This is the setting of the building according to the hot summer, worried that the lives off the people in the elevator would be endangered due to heat stroke and hypoxia.

On the other side of the stairs on the 13th floor, Jin Zhe was very tired.

Yao Tao told him that Jian Shiwu might be trapped by a power outage. After hearing the news, he was a little worried and climbed up. Although he didn’t like Jane Shiwu, but he considered him a comrade, they had worked together for several days, and today Jian Shiwu performed very well. He felt that he should not be the kind of person who really was only relying on luck and backers.

Jian Shiwu said that Gu Duan was not his backer.

Also, thinking about how little Jian Shiwu is neither arrogant nor impetuous, and never puts on airs with anyone, and it didn’t look like he had a backer at all.

Jin Zhe thought, it's time for him to cast aside his prejudice and get to know Jian Shiwu again.


There was a soft sound from the elevator not far away.

Jin Zhe's decision just now came to an abrupt end. He stood there and stared wide-eyed at the elevator not far away. There were two people leaning against each other. In the corner of the elevator, squatting was Jian Shiwu in a suit jacket, standing in front of him is a tall and sturdy man, his body is soaked wet, the white shirt is a little wet against his body, showing a strong and thin waist full of explosive power. He stood up, reaching up to smooth back his hair, a simple but sexy gesture.

Jin Zhe took a deep breath. There was still about ten meters away, and it was only a slight movement, but the man in the elevator turned his face sharply and looked in his direction. His profile was cold, and his eyes were sharp and dangerous.


Jin Zhe's eyes widened. He covered his mouth unconsciously. Seeing that the cameraman behind him was coming, he quickly ran back and blocked the cameraman and pulled him to another floor. This was a subconscious reaction. He felt that this scene was not suitable for the audience to see.


In the elevator

Because of the suit jacket, Jian Shiwu didn't get so wet, but Shen Cheng, who was in front of him, didn't escape at all, the emergency device stopped, and the water flowed all over the place.

Jian Shiwu is now very remorseful: "I'm sorry."

He quickly stood up from the corner of the elevator, holding the clean silk handkerchief Shen Cheng had used to wipe his sweat in his hand, and wanted to wipe water for the person in front of him: "I'll help wipe it for you..."

Shen Cheng's voice was low: "Don't wipe it."

Jian Shiwu stopped and raised his face: "Ah?"

The man's eyes were deep and he took his hand away from his waist: "You're helping me by being honest and not moving around."

Jian Shiwu choked, his face blushed.

Can there be such a pig of a teammate under the sun? He was so ashamed

It was also that he was bored and stupid in the elevator that he actually pressed the button. If he knew this was the case, he would never do such a stupid thing again.

Shen Cheng was fine, he reminded him: "The people in your program team are downstairs, what were you doing here."

Jian Shiwu suddenly remembered: "A Hua's clothes!"

Shen Cheng said lightly, "There's a lift next to it, it's not too late to go downstairs."

"Then, then you..."

He still felt a bit guilty, Shen Cheng had saved him and he had drenched him, although if he knew it was just a normal power outage, he might have thought otherwise.

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows and said, "There is a business box on the top floor with a shower room."

Jian Shiwu was relieved. He looked at the elevator and said hesitantly, "Well, then I'm leaving?"


Shen Cheng seeing that he was still worried about him raised his eyebrows: "If you don’t want to go, do you want to accompany me to wash upstairs?"


Jian Shiwu looked at the outlined silhouette under Shen Cheng’s wet shirt, and remembered some images out of time. He jumped into the elevator that just arrived: "I'm leaving!"

When he got downstairs, no one reprimanded him, instead they were very supportive and concerned.

Jian Shiwu wondered, "Where's Jin Zhe?"

Yao Tao said, "He went to find you, haven't you met?"


Jian Shiwu had an ominous premonition, if Jin Zhe saw them.... no, he shouldn't have, right?

Just as they were talking, a group of people came out of the building.

Jin Zhe's face was unreadable: "I searched for a few floors, and I saw you coming down from the glass. I took the elevator and got down. Are you alright?"

Jian Shiwu said, "I'm fine."

Jin Zhe gave him a meaningful look, "It's good that you're fine."

This kind of gaze shattered the hope in Jian Shiwu's heart, but it was very strange. Before, when Jinzhe thought he was Gu Duan's person, he was all about tit for tat with a bit of disdain. But now this look is much more complicated, is it with a bit of awe and incredulity?

The group returned to the company in the afternoon to finish the project and because they finished ahead of schedule, they got off work earlier.

What Jian Shiwu didn't expect was that Jin Zhe actually took the initiative to make an appointment with him for a celebration banquet. Just find a sauerkraut fish restaurant to eat a small hot pot.

Jian Shiwu felt strange: "That..."

Jin Zhe ordered fruit wine, and after drinking a cup, he pushed his glasses: "Don't talk about it, I already know."


What do you know.

Jian Shiwu felt a little strange: "Did you misunderstand again...?"

"No, I admire you quite a bit." Jinzhe had always looked down on Jian Shiwu before, but now he found out that the clown was himself: " could be so arrogant and impetuous, but you didn’t use this status to gain any privileges. It's quite embarrassing."

Jian Shiwu swallowed a little.

Jin Zhe took a bite of the fish and said again, "But I have a question."


"Wouldn't President Shen be jealous about the scandal between you and Director Gu?"

? !

Jian Shiwu's eyes widened: "Gu Duan and I are really innocent."

"...I just said that, why are you so excited."

"You really misunderstood."

Jian Shiwu felt that he should have seen him and Shen Cheng in the elevator, he said, "I have to explain to you that President Shen and I are just ordinary friends, don't, don't talk nonsense with other people, if there is a rumor in the company then what about the scandal between me and him, you know Shen Cheng... Sometimes he has a bad temper, and then it might not be good for you."

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Jin Ze looked at him in surprise.

Jian Shiwu was stared at by him: "What's the matter?"

"Friend?" The smile on Jin Zhe's face was a bit ironic: "Who are you kidding, why is Mr. Shen a friend with you? He came back from studying go to college in China, not to mention that Ji's root industry is on Wall Street, and he has a big family, so people like him can be friends with you?"


My friend, you are somewhat insulting.

Jian Shiwu felt a chill in his heart.

He wanted to refute, but for the first time, he couldn't find a reason to refute. Assuming that the time in Middle school was excluded, Shen Cheng would never have any interaction with people like him.

Let's talk about the past life.

At that time, even Shen Cheng, who didn't inherit Ji's family, had his own company. He was a business tycoon with an extraordinary status. No matter where they were from, if it wasn't for the ties in the school, they couldn't have been friends.

Jin Zhe pushed his glasses and said, "Besides, do people like President Shen need friends?"

Jian Shiwu suddenly remembered a conversation from many years ago.

"We can be together, we are best friends..."

"I don't need friends."

"I want you."

Jian Shiwu's heart sank infinitely, he held the chopsticks and looked at the food in front of him. He was hungry, but he couldn’t eat a single bite.

Jin Ze glanced at him: "So what kind of friends are you?"

Jian Shiwu's tone was harsh: "Middle school classmates..."


Jin Ze laughed, he was really a sarcastic person: "Then you are lucky , do you know, now most of the people actually seldom have contact with their former classmates, let alone still be friends, I'm telling the truth, aren’t I."

Where Jian Shiwu was sitting, every word from Jin Zhe made him extremely uncomfortable.

Jin Zhe looked at him in a trance and was a little curious: "Hey, then do you like him?"


The spoon in his hand accidentally fell on the edge of the bowl.

Jian Shiwu's heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, and he looked away: "Why are you asking this?"

"Just curious." Jin Zhe took a sip of soup: "I met Shen on the school's honor roll when I was an exchange student. In general, he was really popular when he was in school, and he must not have been any different when he was in middle school, right?"

In Middle school?

Jian Shiwu remembered Shen Cheng, who had nothing at that time, his eyebrows softened a lot, he lowered his head, and his voice was very soft: "He was very good before."

Jin Ze nodded: "That's normal, when I was studying abroad, there were many girls in the school who liked him, and there were even girls squatting on the road. The people there are very open. I am deeply impressed, but to be honest, as far as this situation with Mr. Shen is concerned, if it were me, I’d like it too. "

Jian Shiwu didn’t know how to answer this.

"Are you really friends?" Jin Zhe looked at him a little silly, and couldn't help but say a few more words: : "I have long said you lucky, I didn't expect it to be really good, in fact, if you have the opportunity why not try, after all, if you were really successful, it is simply ancestral virtue. How many people envy you, but if you really don't like him, that’s another story.

Jian Shiwu buried his head in eating fish.

Maybe it's always easy for people to confide in some strangers. Some things have been in his heart for many years, and he was relieved to pour them out.

He spoke in a low voice: "Not a good match."

Jin Zhe: "What?"

"Am not a good match." Jian Shiwu's long eyelashes drooped down: "He is too good, I am a very ordinary little cannon fodder, it’s If not going to work out, instead of this, it is better not to have unreasonable thoughts, otherwise it won’t end well..."

These were his sincere heartfelt words, but he heard a snort of laughter.

Jin Zhe looked at him like a fool, and said lazily: "Your idea is simply wrong. Generally, wealthy businessmen pay attention to the heart being in the right place, and a clean background, and they can take action, like the Ji family. As the top giants, they don't need to pay so much attention at all, because they are rich enough, so they don't need to make concessions, they can do whatever they like."

"So you see that many people in the circle want to climb the bed of such giants. "Jin Zhe said to him, "Is this the truth or you are just stupid? With your hesitation, everyone else has would have already obtained the room card. If you have a chance now, if you don’t grab it, and someone else seizes the opportunity, then are really just like this plate of pickled fish we ate, very redundant."


Jian Shiwu was actually speechless.

Later, they chatted a lot, Jin Zhe seemed to be drinking too much. Maybe he was really stimulated today, so he talked a lot. When they were parting, he pulled Jian Shiwu and said: "I don't know if anyone has told you."

Jian Shiwu: "What?"

"You are too bad at lying." Jin Zhe hiccupped and smiled gloomily: "It's very clumsy, one can see it at a glance."

Jian Shiwu was a little depressed.

Jin Zhe felt very refreshed when he looked at his defeated look. He felt that he had given up all his previous anger. Although Jian Shiwu said he was a friend, he didn't believe a word. Why would Shen Cheng come downstairs for a Middle school classmate, and at that time, his protective eyes were definitely not meant to simply protect his friends.


Jin Zhe said to Jian Shiwu, "Don't leave regrets when there is a chance."

Jian Shiwu froze.

Jin Zhe smiled, he was not really that kind and wanted to remind him. He just hoped that if Jian Shiwu can be with Shen Cheng later, now that the grudges are settled, maybe he could get some benefits as a friend. It's not bad, anyway, he definitely has a chance, so why would he not do this kind of thing that does not cause any harm. He stopped a car, and said: "The car is here, see you tomorrow.

Jian Shiwu mechanically nodded: "Well, goodbye."

Summer nights are sometimes too cold, there are no people at the entrance of the hotel, and a few cars passed by on the empty road, leaving only the exhaust gas. There was a sparkling river in the distance, and the street lamps on the bank were glowing with warm yellow light.

Jian Shiwu walked onto the bridge slowly. He stood on the bank of the river and stroked the stone lion head that crossed the pier. The rough touch was a bit thorny, and it was also cool. Not far away, mother picked up her child from cram school and brushed past him.

The girl said, "Mom, is it going to rain?"

"The weather forecast says there will be rain." Mother whispered, "Let’s go home quick, your father is getting off work just in time for dinner."

They walked further and further, accompanied by the unique coolness of a summer evening.

Is it a pity...

Jian Shiwu leaned against the bank of the bridge and thought of his parents. When he had just reborn, his parents had only been buried for less than a week, and at that time he hadn't been able to adjust quickly, his heart and eyes full of resentment and fear of Shen Cheng.

To this day, he still has palpitations in his heart.

It had been four years since the company's successful IPO, and after Shen Cheng's return to China, the family had survived the crisis unscathed, and after that it had been smooth sailing and could not have been better.

Both his parents were still alive, and he had not married Shen Cheng, as if he had avoided all the mistakes he had made in his previous life. According to reason, he should have no more regrets, but, that was according to reason. There was always a voice in the back of his mind whispering in protest, telling him that it wasn't so.

He had regrets that went beyond that. He regretted that he hadn't spent his life properly with Shen Cheng.


And then the heavens gave him a second chance to be reborn. A choice.

He looked at the turquoise lake, and gently remove the peace talisman that had been hanging around his neck, which was a parting gift from Shen Cheng four years ago.

This life was different from the last one.

Perhaps, it was okay for him to be brave.

The Next Day

When Jian Shiwu arrived at the company early in the morning, the program team had already started filming, Jin Zhe waved at him, and in Sun Liman's unbelievable eyes, the two actually had a very good relationship and bought breakfast to each other.

Sun Liman said, "This world is too crazy."

Su Yuluo shrugged.

Jin Zhe pulled Jian Shiwu to the corner and said, "I heard that Mr. Shen seems to have caught a cold."


Jian Shiwu was shocked: "How did you know?"

"I overheard it." Jin Zhe whispered: "In the tea room, the supervisor was chatting and I overheard, don't get me wrong!"


Jian Shiwu hesitated for a moment: "Is it serious?"

"I don't know." Jin Zhe poked him: "He must have caught a cold from the shower you opened yesterday? Don't you want to visit?"

Jian Shiwu bit the bun and almost sprayed: "How can I go, there is a cameraman with me, and do you think the president's office is a park I can go whenever I want?"

Jin Zhe pouted speechlessly: "Then you can find a way."

Jian Shiwu was silent.

He thought it would okay to send a WeChat message for a while, he shouldn’t act impulsively. It's better to be honest.

Of course, this is just his current thinking. When it was near noon, several interns were working in the office. Outside Sun Liman rushed in with milk tea, gossiping: "Big news, big news!"

Everyone looked up at her.

Sun Liman smiled mysteriously: "When I just bought milk tea downstairs, guess what I saw."

Su Yuluo: "Hurry up."

Sun Liman gave him a look, and then said: "I saw a big beauty carrying a thermal bucket and taking the CEO's special elevator upstairs!"


The room was silent.

Jin Zhe gave Jian Shiwu a meaningful look.

Sun Liman distributed the milk tea to everyone: "That elevator, you need permission from the front desk to get in, that is to say, she and President Shen muat know each other, and he agreed for her to go upstairs. I just left. It was hard to see from a distance, but she's a blond beauty with a super good figure, very beautiful, and, ah, she's wearing the latest limited edition of this season, a super expensive brand!"

The faces of the people in the room were different.

Jin Zhe poked at Jian Shiwu and whispered, "Look, if you hesitate, you will lose, if you are decisive, you will lose nothing, right?"

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