Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 93: 93

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In the afternoon, Jian Shiwu went back to the office, looking for Gu Duan to write the attendance slip for going out, and of course, returning that black gold gift box was the main point.

When he went there, Gu Duan was packing his papers and preparing to go upstairs for a conference call, and when he saw Jian Shiwu, he said, "Still not gone?"

"Personnel asked me to come and sign a note for you before leaving."

"Bring it."

Jian Shiwu looked at him as he prepared to go to the meeting, "Do you need a translator?"

Gu Duan waved his hand, and while looking at the documents in his hand, he said, "This time it's just to discuss the new plan with the people from the project team in M. It's not like the old days, the project team this year has changed, these people are much more honest, so it's not so hard to communicate."

Jane Shiwu said smoothly, "Was it hard to communicate with the previous people?"

"Donald's people, what do you think?"

Jian choked.

This was not the first time he had heard the name Donald, and he had even looked him up, but there was very little information about him on the internet, and he had heard this name from his parents' mouths in previous years.

In fact, he wanted to ask more questions, but with the cameraman there, it wasn't easy to find the opportunity to say anything more, so he simply put the question down, and waited until he had time to look into it later.

Gu Duan gave him the leave slip: "All right, I’ve signed it."

Jane replied, "Thank you, I'll get busy then."


Gu Duan shouted at him, Jian Shiwu turned around and saw the man looking at himself with slightly narrowed eyes, he was silent for half a second before pointing at his face: "Young people don't have to stay up late at night, your eyes are so swollen they can trap a mosquito, you know?"


Do you have to use such a way to advise people.

Jian Shiwu spat in his heart, but could only say, "Got it."

Although Gu Duan didn't pay much attention to it, the audience wasn't so careless, instead they were a little curious:

"Were the eyes swollen in the morning?”

"Absolutely not."

"He doesn't look like he’d been up all night, he looks like he’s been crying."

"No, it's not like there was anything sad about lunch."

With Donald on his mind, Jian left the office.

The company did not have a car to take him, so he had to find his own way. It was sunny outside, so he didn't want to be too sunburned. He put on a mask, opened an umbrella, and the cameraman recorded a few shots. He was ready to call it quits, because most of the content of the venue layout was to be kept secret, and he couldn't shoot too much, so he had to manage in advance.

Fortunately, Zhen Meili was worried about the inconvenient transportation for him to go to work recently, so she assigned him a car, which is more convenient to travel back and forth.

When he crossed the road, his phone vibrated, there was a WeChat message.

Jian Shiwu took it out and glanced at it, and found it was from Shen Cheng to himself, the man was brief and concise: "Why did you return what you were given?”

This was a difficult question to answer.

According to Qiao An, the black gold OF limited edition was not in stock at home and had to rely on transfers from abroad, while Xie Feng had always wanted it, so it was obvious that the gift was brought for Xie Feng and then incidentally passed to him, no one would want to get a gift that they another person was supposed to have, not to mention, the other party was also a love rival, how could one not be angry.

On the other hand, the top-of-the-line black gold VR helmet was worth tens of millions, such an expensive gift, before the relationship was established, he categorically could not accept it, correspondingly, thinking of the previous life Shen Cheng almost never gave him anything, while in this life, his adopted brother could have expensive gifts, he as a wife had nothing!

When comparing two and two, anger rose to the surface.

Jiam Shiwu sighed and his white fingers flew across the screen typing, "I can't accept it because it's too expensive."

There was no reply from the other end of the WeChat.

It wasn't clear whether Shen had accepted this reason or whether it was because of something else.

It just so happened that the car also arrived at the place. Jian Shiwu parked the car and came to the venue. The weather was hot, even if the place was air-conditioned, it was still hot. Here, an offline interaction meeting was arranged for one of Ji's most popular games. The main operation for many of the projections and many electronic equipments was controlled by the operation program of the project team.

Jane Shiwu came here today to make sure that these machines were working properly.

The manager in charge of the project, Mr Wang, said, "Mr Jian, you're here early, it's so hot outside, and we're a long way from the west side of the city, so you must have had a hard time travelling all this way, right?"

Jian Shiwu shook his hand and was very disciplined, "It's okay, it's all as it should be."

"This side isn't even set up yet." Manager Wang smiled “You go over there first and take a break, when we can get it done, I'll tally it up for you and just report back to you."

This is generally how the operation process works.

He said he had come over to do the statistics and monitoring, but in fact it was also an idle job, and Gu Duan had asked him to come, also to recuperate from his injuries.

But Jian Shiwu was a bit stumped: "No, you go about your business, I'll do the test myself."

Manager Wang did not expect there to be people who gave themselves such a job under the sky. Because of the arm injury, Jian Shiwu did not wear long-sleeved clothes, the white hand was wrapped in gauze at the wrist, looked quite serious, he persuaded, "You are still injured...."

"It's okay."

Jian Shiwu shook his head gently and said, "It's not a big deal, it's my job to keep statistics and help the equipment operate properly."

Manager Wang couldn't argue, so he just let him be.

Originally, everyone thought that this intern was just doing a face-saving job so that he could deliver, but what they didn't expect was that when Jian Shiwu said he was coming to inspect, he was really coming in person, and there were no less than a few hundred sets of equipment on site. From the afternoon onwards, each one was carefully and meticulously lined up and inspected after great lengths.

At the end of the day, Manager Wang came over and said, "Mr. Jian, it's almost dark, we're ready to leave work, you're going back too?"

Jian Shiwu was debugging the last few units and responded, "Not yet, thank you, I'll go back in awhile."

The sky in the venue was slowly darkening. After Jian Shiwu checked the last machine, it was already night time. There were not many people in the huge venue as most had gone. He was covered in ashes, and the gauze was smeared. The people around him persuaded him at first, but when they saw that he was really focused on his work, they jist came over to help with his work.

The phone vibrated a few times, and a ringtone rang. He didn't expect that someone would call him at this time.

Jian answered it, "Hello."

Shen Cheng's voice was low and inquiring, "Where are you?"

Jian Shiwu was a little surprised that he would ask this, but he answered him honestly, "In the west of the city."

"I'm coming to pick you up."


He was a bit flustered for no reason, he had cried and fussed yesterday and refused a gift at noon, he wasn't mentally ready to meet up yet: "No, no, I can go back by myself."

Shen Cheng faint voice: "Am from talking business, just passing by."

Jian Shiwu fished the car keys out of his pocket and said softly, "I've driven today, it's okay."

The other end of the phone was silent for a moment.

Then, Shen Cheng said, "Be safe on the road."

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Jian Shiwu couldn't tell if he was disappointed, so he had to answer: "Okay."

When he was inside the arena, he didn't feel the situation outside, but when he got to the car park, he found that it had actually started to rain sporadically. When raindrops slowly fell on his body in the sky, Jian Shiwu even tilted his face up to look at the darkness of the night in disbelief.

What happened?

The weather forecast didn't say anything about rain yesterday.

It would have been better if it had been a light rain, he sat in the car, still holding on to the last bit of luck in his heart. He was regretful for not taking Shen Cheng’s offer.

The rain fell on the windscreen of the car, running down in sinuous trails.

The white car slowly drove away, the location of the West of the city is remote, this will be nothing on the road. Jian Shiwu turned on the windshield wipers, and took a deep breath on the road. The first two years of learning to drive, there had no problems. But being reborn basically left a shadow of his previous life, which was a big problem.

Moreover, because the highway in the West of the city was so remote, there were hardly any people but he was still more or less nervous in his heart, but his brain was clear and he was driving a very steady vehicle until:


A muffled explosion of thunder cut through the dimly lit sky.

Jian Shiwu's eyes widened involuntarily, his hands gripping the steering wheel shook inaudibly, his heart was racing, he wasn't actually afraid of the rain, but he was afraid of the sound of thunder, which would stir up the deepest fears in his heart.

The rain fell even harder.

The car slowed down, it was dark, the road ahead didn't seem so clear under the street lights, a cold sweat slowly slid down Jane's forehead, there was no stopping on the highway, it was only three minutes away from getting off the highway, after that he would find somewhere to stop and...


The sound of brakes sounded shrilly.

The headlights flickered slightly, and there was a shadow passing by on the road ahead on a rainy day. The highly nervous person subconsciously stepped on the brakes, but could not stop immediately. Fortunately, his speed was not fast, so he just turned the steering wheel urgently hitting the guardrail.

Looking over, there was a frightened wildcat, it quickly got off the highway and burrowed into the grass next to it and could no longer be seen. The inside of the car had swayed heavily, the front almost scrapped, but the inside had no damaged.


A thunderclap streaked across the sky again.

Jian Shiwu slowly raised his head and looked at the other side of the expressway. In the distance, he saw a bridge not far away. In his previous life, he also had the car accident on a bridge. He had forgotten which bridge it was. Now, he remembered that the rain was heavy that day. He was so angry that the car drove so fast, when someone by the bridge suddenly appeared. He suddenly lost his senses, and he was unstable and hit the bridge railing.

In fact, he didn't die on spot.

He was in particular pain, the smell of blood was all in his nostrils, he found the phone and tried to call Shen Cheng, but he didn't answer the phone, he kept waiting and waiting, he the phone was never connected. At that time his mind was actually chaotic, that phone call in the end was to call to ask for forgiveness, or say the unfulfilled words that he wanted to tell that person, too much time had passed he actually didn’t remember some things, but the kind of mood he was in at that time was never forgotten, he remembered, he had so many regrets and expectations ah, in the end failed to say the words.


The incessant ringing of the mobile phone woke Jian Shiwu from his memories.

At the moment the young man in the car's face was pale, such weather has been bringing him many side effects since his rebirth, his head began to have an uncontrollably tearing pain, a layer of cold sweat gradually covered his body. A sound seemed to echo in the car, he took a long time to turn his head, looking at the passenger side, only to see the non-stop vibration of the phone machine.

At first, Jian Shiwu thought it was an illusion, but when he turned his head to look at the passenger side of the car again, he saw the phone that kept vibrating.

It was Shen Cheng.

The caller ringing on the phone showed it was Shen Cheng.

Jian Shiwu was stunned for a moment, and when his brain finally responded, he had already connected the phone, and the voice was soft: "Hello."

The voice on the other end of the line was anxious: "Where are you?"

"On the...highway."

"Where on the highway?"


He fell into silence, for not knowing where he was now.

But it was this silence that instead made the man on the other end unable to hold his breath, Shen sounded as if he was suppressing something emotionally, his voice containing an unquestionable command, "Speak."

"Umm.. by a bridge."

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to hear something. The sound of squealing tires braking, and then, when he looked up, a car stopped in an emergency on the other side of the highway, but Jian Shiwu in the car could not see clearly because of the blurred glass. After a while, someone came and knocked on his glass window. He was a little anxious. It was raining so hard outside, so he ignored it but the person continued to tap the glass of the car.

Jian Shiwu hurriedly unlocked the car door. The moment it was unlocked, the car door was opened from the outside. Standing in front of him was a tall man, and Shen Cheng, who was wet from the rain, looked gloomy and savage. Under Jian Shiwu's slightly surprised eyes, he was hugged tightly, and the man's strong breath surrounded him in an instant.


Another bolt of lightning streaked across.

But this time, Jian Shiwu was miraculously not afraid, Shen Cheng's breath was extraordinarily reassuring to him, as if having him around made all the scary things gi far away. But the man holding him was slight trembling, as if the person in the accident was him. Shen Cheng's head was buried on his shoulder, his voice was low: "Your position has been parked on the highway without moving."

"Why don’t you answer the phone." The man's voice was suppressed with concealed feelings: "I thought something had happened to you."

At this moment, it was as if he was not the high and mighty President Shen, he was Shen Cheng who had nothing at all when he was young. He hugged this Jian Shiwu, like he was holding the only treasure, the only thing he could not lose.

Jian Shiwu's face slowly regained its blood, he slowly stretched out his arms and also gently hugged Shen Cheng, this man's body was so cold, it was even colder than his own, two cold people hugged each other as if they were warming each other.

"I accidentally bumped into the railing."

Jian Shiwu's voice was soft as he smiled with red eyes, “It's alright."

Shen Cheng tightly wrapped his arms around his waist with such force that it was as if he had to imprison the person in his arms to feel at ease, the inescapable gloom under his eyes, the fear that he might lose drowning his heart like a tidal wave.

He was holding the person someone in his arms, but it felt as if Jian Shiwu was going to disappear at any moment.

What to do? What was to be done?

Why was he so badly behaved, why wasn't he answering his phone, why did something happen when he wasn't watching for just a moment, would it not be better to have a safe and comfortable room where he could be seen at all times and where there was no danger.

The man's face was grim, paranoid and determined thoughts slowly rose in his mind.

Then, he heard Jian’s soft voice in his ear, "Shen Cheng."

Shen Cheng's eyes were dark and deep, his voice low: "Hmm."

"Is it really you?"

He was cold all over, for a moment he was caught up in the emotions of his previous life, so resentful, so helpless, he thought if again, faced with such a scenario, he didn’t want to relieve it again.

But at that moment, he was surprisingly calm. Just like before, he thought that at the last moment of his life, he wanted to see his beloved, he waited but never got the chance. It was at that moment that he understood a lot of things, some things once missed, it's hard to come by them again. Those unspoken words in the previous life have become his regrets for a lifetime. He doesn't want to die with such regrets in this life.

The voice of the person holding him was low and clear, and Shen Cheng said, "It's me."

The person in his arms stiffened for a moment, but slowly relaxed again, thunder streaked through the window again, but Jian Shiwu did not react. Slowly, Shen Cheng heard the breathing in his ears increase with some urgency, when he looked up, he met Jian Shiwu's red eyes, he said: "When I hit the guardrail, for a moment, I thought I was going to die, at that time I was especially scared and wanted to see you, do you know why?”

"Because... "Jian Shiwu gritted his teeth with a deadly grit, as if finally breaking the barrier in his heart for years, he said the words that had been too late in his previous life and in this life, but in the moment of saying it was that kind of frank and solemn, his hand tightly gripping the corner of Shen Cheng's coat.

The sky exploded with another muffled thunder.

Amidst the thunder and torrential rain, the clattering rain pounding on the car window, the youth's voice mixed with the rain and the sound of sirens coming from not far away rang softly direct into his ears as he said, "I like you."

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