Reborn As the Ex-wife of the Paranoid Male Lead

Chapter 94: 94

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After Jian Shiwu gathered the courage to finish his confession, his heart felt very tense.

It happened that there was a thunderclap, and his voice was small, so soft that he didn't even necessarily hear himself clearly. The hand that was wrapped around his waist tightened, Shen Cheng slowly straightened his waist, forcing the person in his arms to look at him, the pair of black eyes were extremely oppressive, and he opened his lips, "Say it again."


Jian Shiwu was a little weak under that look. There were things he could say once, but he didn't have the courage to say them twice.

His gaze drifted, and he tried to change the subject hesitantly: "No, I didn't say anything..."

Shen Cheng narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Jian Shiwu looked outside, trying to push the man on top of him away: "There seems to be a car coming not far away."

But Shen Cheng didn't move a muscle.

Just as Jian Shiwu was looking out nervously, he heard Shen Cheng calling his name, his voice felt so real in the rain, containing a lot of feelings he couldn’t understand: "Jian Shiwu."


He turned around and was swept up in a pair of arms, and his slightly open red lips were blocked. Shen Cheng’s kiss was different from the last strong one, this time it had the warmth of a solemn and committed kiss.

In the sound of the approaching sirens, in the midst of all the noise, warm yellow headlights spilling over the two of them, Shen Cheng finally let go of the somewhat breathless Jian Shiwu, the man pressed against his ear, his voice low and magnetic: "I love you too.”

In the distance, a figure came closer and closer.

Jian Shiwu, who had not yet calmed down, widened his eyes, and for a moment he even wondered if it was a hallucination.

The man in the police uniform with the umbrella came over and asked, "Is anyone hurt?"

Jian’s legs were still weak, but Shen Cheng, who was in front of him, reacted quickly and stood up, holding him down and saying, "It's raining outside, don't come out."

After saying that, he closed the car door and turned to talk to the traffic police officer who came over.

Jian Shiwu saw the rain falling unmercifully on the man’s expensive suit, but his body was as erect as a pine, and that’s how he is, no matter what the situation, his unchanging demeanour always makes him shine.

Shen Cheng was talking to the traffic police when he suddenly felt something strange and turned his head towards his side, only ti see Jian Shiwu holding up an umbrella, the youth was a little shorter than him and it was more of a struggle to hold it up for him, half of his shoulder was wet because of the tilted umbrella.

Shen Cheng frowned: "What are you doing out here?"

Jian Shiwu explained, "I remembered I had a spare umbrella in the car."

Then Shen Cheng took the umbrella and held it up for him, tilting it on the side against Jian Shiwu, his tall body sternly shielding him from the blowing wind and rain, his mouth was ruthlezs, never putting tenderness on his lips, only using practical actions to show it.

The surroundings were so noisy, but Jian Shiwu thought in a trance of the day before yesterday. At that time, when Shen Cheng was acting fierce towards him in the manor, he was so careful when applying medicine for him. Even though the hands were shaking so badly, it was this same Shen Cheng who had blood dripping from his back and wouldn't even wrinkle his brows at the sports meeting, but he panicked because of the injury on his hands and arms.

And he only thought about his own feelings then, only knowing to throw a tantrum. In fact, he had acted the same as in his previous life. Often only cared about his own feelings, he never stopped to think about Shen Cheng’s side, but Shen Cheng never blamed him, he was just as quiet and calm as now, standing by his side, sheltering him from the wind and rain.

Shen Cheng’s voice rang out from overhead, "I’ve asked Secretary Wang to come over, get in, lets go back first."

Jian Shiwu drew back from his memories and responded, "Okay."

When the series of things were done, it was late at night. Afraid that his mom would see his injured wrist, so Jian Shiwu cowardly chose to go back to Ji's house to stay in the guest room, anyway. He was back for the second time, and the mood now was different from the last time when he left. He was full of sadness, but now his heart is sweet and completely different.

The family doctor was called in late at night to re-dress Jian’s wound, and while treating he said, "Now in summer, it's easy to get infected, so make sure you avoid touching water as much as possible, avoid strenuous exercise and pressure on the wound, otherwise once it gets serious, it could cause inflammation and scarring."

Inexplicably, the doctor said the words "strenuous exercise" and "pressure on the wound" with a very heavy bite, as if he meant something, but he was the only one here who understood and felt a little embarrassed. Not far away was Shen Cheng who was sitting like a monk, as if he didn't understand at all.

In the end, only Jian Shiwu could reply shyly, "Got it doctor."

The doctor, of course, did not dare to say anything more, simply instructed a few words and then prepared to leave, only to say that if the wound deteriorated, or if there was anything in the middle of the night, then call him, he was always ready to come.

Jian Shiwu thanked him once more.

When the doctor left, there were only two people left in the room, Jian Shiwu and Shen Cheng who hadn't felt anything before but now felt aa little awkward since they had spoken in the car at night.

Jian Shiwu looked at the bookshelf in Shen Cheng’s room and casually found a topic: "That book is good."


Shen Cheng stood up from the sofa where he was sitting, and walked in front of Jian Shiwu within a few steps. He had just taken a shower, and he was wearing a simple bath which was tied loosely around his waist, so he could faintly see the man's powerful body through his clothes.

The man's handsome face was so close that he subconsciously tried to close his eyes.

Suddenly, the man's hand landed on his forehead, gently testing it and whispering, "Hmm, no fever."

Jian Shiwu blinked in confusion.

Shen Cheng retracted his hand indifferently: "The doctor said that your wound has a tendency to become inflamed, and there is a chance that you might get a fever tonight, so pay more attention."


Jian Shiwu's breath seemed to choke in his chest.

He responded shyly, "Oh, is that so."

Shen Cheng raised his eyebrows, "Disappointed that you don’t have a fever?"

"Not at all!"

The man straightened up, turned to look at the clock on the wall and said, "Sleepy? It's getting late."

It was indeed time for Jian Shiwu to go to bed: "A little."

Shen Cheng said, "That's good, get up, the bed is all ready made.”

This was Shen Cheng’s room, not far away was the man’s covered with soft bed, the meaning seems to be a bit obvious. In the previous life they were married so sleeping together, not a problem, but now not married ah, he is not a casual person.

Jane Shiwu’s fair little face lifted and his voice was clear: "Isn’t it too soon, I’d rather sleep in the guest room."

Shen Cheng raised an eyebrow, "I'm just going to take you to the guest room."

"...... Oh."

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The two men came out of the room one after the other, Shen Chen walking in front and Jian Shiwu following behind, luckily the man didn't have eyes on his back so he could glare at him with impunity to vent his hatred, this dog man, he wouldn’t even sleep together with him if he begged him in the future! Hmph!

They arrived at the guest room and the door was opened by Shen Cheng.

The guest room was neatly cleaned by the maids. There was medicine and a boiled kettle of water on it. Shen Cheng bent down to pour the water, turned around and said, "Don't just look, come and eat. medicine."

"...Coming." Jian Shiwu had hated taking medicine since he was a child.

Because his throat was very thin, the medicine wouldn’t go down no matter how much water he drank. It would end up stuck in his throat, melting away the outside layer of the medicine coat as he bitterly wrinkled his face into a flower. So he didn't take tabs whenever he could, and if it was a cold or fever, he usually chose to hydrate, or to throw the medicine away when Zhen Meili wasn't looking.

Looking at the medicine on the table, Jian began his act, "The water is a bit hot, I'll eat it later."

Shen Cheng was silent.

"You go first." Jian Shiwu had a frank gace, full of acting skills: "I will eat it later when the water is cool."

Shen Cheng slowly and deliberately sat down beside him, "That's okay, I'm not sleepy."

Jian Shiwu looked at him in shock.

The man's handsome face was close at hand and he curled his lips, "Not in a hurry."

Jian Shiwu opened his little brain, he picked up the glass of water, took the medicine in his hand and said, "Then you sit here for a while, I'll take it to the window and take it while enjoying the rain."

Before he could get up, his arm was held.

Shen Cheng lifted his eyes, his gaze deep, his tone unquestionable: "Take from here, and watch afterwards."


Jian Shiwu was in feeling emotional!

Why so fierce, could he be afraid of him?

He took a deep breath, picked up his cup and said, "Then I’ll just take."

Even though he was just taking medicine, he felt a sense of heroic sacrifice, as if he was about to drink poisonous wine. He threw the medicine into his mouth, and then drank the water, but the water was swallowed, and sure enough, the pills were still there, and the bitter taste began to spread. He could only drink water non-stop, and finally swallowed it reluctantly. As a result, his mouth was full of bitter medicine, and he shed bitter tears.


The glass of water was placed on the glass coffee table, and Jian Shiwu gasped for breath.

Shen Cheng’s voice rang out slowly from the side, "Finished taking?"

"Mm." Jian Shiwu glanced at him, a little resentment between his brows, but looking more like an angry bunny with red eyes: "Satisfied?"

Shen Cheng said slowly, "Is it so bitter?"

Jian Shiwu was aggrieved, "Why are you asking nonsense? You don't know how bitter it is because you haven't taken the medicine, next time you try it and you'll know..."

The man beside him leaned down and encircled the chattering man in his arms, his long fingers cupping Jian’s chin forcing him to look directly into his dark eyes, he moved very steadily and gently to the lips of the man in his arms with a somewhat lingering kiss full of affection. When he released the youth in his arms, his handsome face hooked into a smile: "It is indeed quite bitter. "


Jian Shiwu was shocked!

Just when he was about to speak, the wind that had stopped outside suddenly blew again, and there was a slight wind sound outside the window, and the dull sky suddenly exploded with a dull thunder, the sound was so loud that it lit up the entire sky.

Jane Shiwu stiffened for a moment and quickly returned to normal again.

Shen Cheng lowered his head and asked, "Are you afraid?"

Jian Shiwu hesitated for a moment before he heard Shen Cheng’s voice ringing out overhead, "Want to sleep together?"

This sentence shocked Jian Shiwu again, and he looked up. He was a little hesitant. Although he confessed, he didn't really think about getting together. The protagonist's problems have not been resolved, and his career has not been on the right track. It seems that there are still some things that have to be handled.

Shen Cheng looked at his hesitant look and hooked his lips, "Teasing you."


Before Jian Shiwu could get angry, he was pulled up to the bed by Shen Cheng, and only when he got closer did he find a box of earplugs and eye masks placed on the bed, all new.

Shen Cheng: "I asked the maid to prepare them."

Jian Shiwu gently picked them up, rubbing his fingertips over the box of earplugs, with mixed emotions in his heart. Shen Cheng told him to sit down, and took out the black gold OF from the box: "If you are really afraid of not being able to sleep, put this on, there are many virtual environment games to play inside, it doesn’t interfere with sleep, and it also isolates the outside."

In order to remove the box, the man half knelt on the floor, sitting on the edge of the bed, Jian Shiwu quietly looked at him. After Shen Cheng fixed it, he met Jian Shiwu's round eyes, those eyes were clean, clear and bright, really like the moon.

Shen Cheng said, "Not happy?"

Jian shook his head gently.

Shen Cheng spoke faintly as he installed and did the initial setup of the game pod, “Ever since I can remember, I had never seen Gao Can and Shen Dashan have a meal together or lying in the same bed, they each lived their own lives, not like a couple."

It could really be that the night was just right, or perhaps to ease Jian Shiwu's tension, the man that never used to mention the past spoke calmly: "In fact, Gao Can had someone outside, more than one. Once, after washing dishes at a big stall, I saw her making out with a man behind a box on my way back home. "

Shen Cheng recounted with an expressionless face, perhaps only he himself understood the emotion.

Jian Shiwu unconsciously frowned, "At that time... how old were you?"

Shen Cheng said, "Ten."

Ten years old.

Jian Shiwu could hardly believe how much of a shock it was for a child to see that scene.

"I felt sick." Shen Cheng’s voice trailed off as he lifted his eyes to look at Jian Shiwu, promising rather solemnly, "So you can rest assured that I won’t do anything intimate that crosses the line until a formal relationship is established."

Jian Shiwu responded, his face slowly staining red.

It was raining outside, and he looked at Shen Cheng, his voice as thin as a mosquito: "But, didn’t you kiss me?"

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