Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 24: 24

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Ch24 - Cleaning Up

The status quo in the survivor base looked bleak, countless temporary houses and buildings collapsed in the earthquake. Fortunately, most of the buildings in the base were built temporarily. Although the outermost fences and other things didn’t collapse, many of the existing buildings inside did. The ‘houses’ made by the survivors themselves are made of various boards and mud, when they collapsed, they injured many people. 


Many others got hit on the head by sharp objects, broke their ribs from heavy falling objects/walls, and got hurt while trying to escape in a panic and geting trampled on.




Many survivors found that nearby people were injured, their heads were covered with blood, or they were lying on the ground groaning, causing the surrounding people to feel malicious when they saw this, or they sneaked over to snatch other people’s supplies. Chaos instantly erupted between the survivors.


Perhaps at first people were trying to save themselves and help each other, but when the earthquake stopped and the base began to be cleaned up, this kind of thing could no longer be suppressed.



Not everyone brought food and water with them when they fled the city, and many people in the base even wore pajamas and slippers until now. So after the situation calmed down a bit, ugly scenes began to happen in various bases…





“It’s impossible to go on like this, the group of people below has already been suppressed, if natural disasters like this happen a few more times, or if there are some other accidents, we will not be able to keep this temporary base!”



“…let’s implement special regulations for special periods, everyone hand in their personal supplies, distributed by the collective, and those who voluntarily pay can get priority to live in the newly built house, and can also receive a week’s food supply in advance.”


“Yes!” The subordinate immediately accepted the order, and then asked in a low voice with some embarrassment, “What if no one turns in their supplies?”


Another angry voice suddenly interjected: “Then continue to build our base and they will be kept outside! If they don’t want to obey orders, then they won’t live inside the base!”


The first person also said: “Although we keep the defensive line outside, we will evacuate inward if an accident occurs. In addition, tell everyone willing to contribute supplies that they can move into assigned houses in the base. It is also necessary to work every day to fulfill obligations”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dfobgf tf olclrtfv rqfjxlcu, atf jcugs nblmf rbecvfv jujlc: “Kfii atbrf qfbqif! Qtja alwf lr la cbk?! Ofa atfw oluegf la bea obg atfwrfinfr. Lbk wjcs reqqilfr vb atfs tjnf? Lbk wjcs atlcur tjr beg wlilajgs ygbeuta? Pa’r bxjs lo sbe vbc’a kjca ab rajs tfgf, atfgf jgf ralii yjrfr lc batfg qijmfr! Ofa atfw ub atfgf ab rff lo batfg qfbqif’r qijmfr jgf gfjiis yfaafg atjc begr!”



At this time, footsteps hastily came, and a person pushed open the door and shouted loudly: “Report! Some people in the base took advantage of the darkness to snatch other people’s things, and many people have already started fighting…”


“Catch them all! All those who fight and rob, confiscate their supplies, and throw them all to the edge of the fence!! If they have the strength to fight with each other, they can certainly fight the zombies surrounding the base!”


The subordinate shuddered from the yelling, and after the yelling was over, he looked weakly at the real boss of the base who had been sitting there calmly on the other side – he certainly looked like the boss.


The boss waved to the soldier, telling him to carry out the orders the man said, then turned his head and looked at his capable general with a smile: “You… can’t you speak better?”


“No matter how well you talk, this temporary base will be destroyed by them! I didn’t let these white-eyed wolves stab me in the back for saving people from that death pit!” The man’s eyes were red, and he had his hands in fists, “How many trucks filled with people did I protect when I withdrew? How many soldiers died along the way? How many survivors were rescued? But look, what they are doing now, they are not like humans at all!”






The decoration style of this room is very plain and simple, but there are a lot of furniture, kitchen utensils, and electrical appliances inside. All kinds of newly built and purchased cabinets are very durable and can store a lot of things. What makes Wei Xuan even more satisfied is that the furniture in this house is very strong. During the earthquake, only a few tables and cabinets were shaken and some teacups on the table were broken, and everything else was intact.


From the state of this room, it can be seen that the people here moved in not long ago. Many daily necessities in the house have just been opened, and there are newly opened rice, white noodles, and various non-staple food seasonings in the kitchen. Wei Xuan even dug out quite a few sets of exquisite tableware and tea sets that were still packed in boxes.

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It’s a pity that everything in the refrigerator stinks. When Wei Xuan got up in the morning and opened the refrigerator door, an indescribable smell immediately came out of it. And it wasn’t just the cold chamber above that had spoiled food, the freezer below was just as miserable.



It’s just that this refrigerator is a large foreign brand double-door refrigerator. Wei Xuan was reluctant to throw it out, so he had to work hard to collect all the smelly and rotten food into a few large garbage bags. He brought it downstairs and threw it directly out of the community, into a street trash can far away.


It’s not that he doesn’t want to throw this thing farther, but that he can’t do it for the time being – the road outside is extremely difficult to walk, and it’s too late for him to go back to collect the materials he needs, and he really can’t go too far to dispose of the garbage.


Of course, after he tidied up his new accommodation, he still had to clean up all the rooms in the building he lived in and throw away all the spoiled and broken things. Intact rice, flour, oil, and other things should be collected and organized.


The biggest advantage of this community as an old community is that there are many people, and there are more elderly people among them.


A large permanent population means that the occupancy rate of the house is high, and the number of people who still have useful supplies in their homes is naturally large. A large number of elderly people among the residents means that there are a large number of families who like to buy more food at one time. Except for the supplies brought away by those who escaped the city, Wei Xuan has collected a lot of food supplies from other people’s homes.




The rain on the first day continued until the next morning, and it didn’t seem to stop for a while. For safety reasons, Wei Xuan still didn’t plan to go out immediately to find what he needed. Instead, he strolled through the community, moving and organizing supplies.


Yesterday evening, he had already collected some of the important materials from the first floor to avoid getting wet and put them on the second floor of the building where he lives now. What he had to do at this moment was to at least open and tidy up all the rooms in the building he had chosen, as a place to store and organize the materials he collected.


It’s not advisable to go out on rainy days, so he started to organize his supplies seriously.


He cleaned up and got rid of the rotten, tattered, and unnecessary things, for him, this is a refreshing process. On the contrary, it is more troublesome to organize his supplies, and it is also necessary to consider the convenience of access, the convenience of replenishment, and so on.



But after a while, Wei Xuan feels that even the process of throwing away the trash is a headache.


The reason is very simple, it is because there is a lot of garbage…


It seems that no one in the building Wei Xuan chose escaped the crisis of zombification, so all the food was left intact, and it had all spoiled! Unlike the building he lived in before, it seemed that because there were survivors in that building in the early days, several rooms had the food taken away, except for large items that could not be moved away! Moreover, the glass of all the rooms on the first floor was smashed, the doors of several rooms were forcibly broken, and all the useful things inside were gone.


But now in this building… there was garbage everywhere, he has only opened two rooms, and the trash has filled up two of his trolleys!


Of course, he stuffed all the garbage into a large garbage bag (provided by a certain resident) first, and then stuffed it into the cart, but even so, he still felt that he could smell the rotten food through the bag.


In the drizzle, two figures in heavy raincoats struggled to push the trolley all the way to the trash can. This scene looked so terrifying and desolate…


After spending a whole day, Wei Xuan spent all his physical strength cleaning up other people’s garbage and throwing away other people’s broken things. Of course, Du Hang, who was willing to work hard and never complained, accompanied him to consume his physical strength. 


It wasn’t until late in the evening that he had just finished the sanitation of all the rooms in his building. Thinking about the other buildings, Wei Xuan quickly felt the urge to cry – he really wanted to have one more ability now, whether it was a space that could store a lot of things or some kind of dimension hole!


Even if that thing only appeared for one day, he could use this day to throw all the garbage out!


What makes people feel even more uncomfortable is that while he was tidying up his things today, he also found three mutilated corpses in the building. The corpses of these people can’t be left in the building, all of them must be disposed of properly, otherwise, it will be troublesome if one is not handled properly.



Wei Xuan had no other solution, for the time being, so he could only temporarily transfer them all to another building in the community for temporary storage. These corpses and those zombie corpses scattered in the community must be burned in an open space after the rain stops. If they are just soaked in water and let nature decompose and rot, once a plague occurs, let alone himself, all the remaining survivors in the city may have no way out.

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