Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 25: 25.1

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Ch25.1 - Hospital Trip

TN: Sorry for being gone for a few days and not translating, I’ll start releasing translated chapters on the same schedule again. This chapter is really long, so I’ll split it up into two parts.






After a busy day of cleaning Wei Xuan fell asleep again while being surrounded by a body without the slightest bit of heat. His exhaustion from the whole day slowly faded away. 


There are still many things he needs to do and several places he needs to visit. The weather should clear up tomorrow… if it clears up… 






The whole city was completely hit by the sudden rain, and some people who were buried under debris and rocks survived thanks to the rainwater.  Others hadn’t dared to go out of their homes, as they were afraid of the roaming zombies. The earthquake at this time lead them to discover that they gained supernatural powers at some point. These survivors with newfound abilities either found a new place to live in or rushed out of the city.


The zombies couldn’t hear the survivor’s footsteps and couldn’t smell their breath because of the rain, which helped survivors to either escape or move to a secure house. 



There was a rumbling sound in a residential area in City T, and it didn’t take long for the doors and windows below the third floor of one of the buildings to be completely sealed by walls of dirt. Unless the zombies suddenly grew wings to fly, they couldn’t reach the food that was in the building and they could only salivate while looking up. 


This building is the last one in the area to get the bottom floors sealed up.  What is even more amazing is that all the top floors of this high-rise community have bridges of dirt and metal connecting them!!




In this city that has almost turned dead silent, a relatively weak and slender figure stood on the roof of a shop, looked in a certain direction for a while, and then jumped. Along the way, the fireballs that burst out blasted away a few zombies who rushed over excitedly because they saw a living person.


She seemed to be carrying something on her thin back, and while she was running quickly in the dark and silent night, she whispered —” Don’t be afraid, we can find a safer place to live, mother will take care of you! “





In a small community consisting of villas, certain survivors set up a base. This is not a formal base established by the government, but the people who can live here at this time are also worth a lot of money. With their own bodyguards, they gathered a lot of power at the beginning of the apocalypse, and most of them even found all kinds of guns and ammunition!


At this time, the villa area has been completely surrounded by tall walls, and there are extremely sharp wooden spikes everywhere on these walls which can be thrown at the zombies surrounding them at any time.


In the basement of one of the villas, a tired man looked at the bound zombie that had ferocious eyes. The mouth of the zombie was also covered with a strong cowhide strap, so as not to hurt others.


The man walked up to the young zombie who looked to be less than twenty years old and said with a difficult voice, “Xiao An, Dad will find a way to save you… Don’t worry, we have already found more than a dozen well-known dictators in China, they are working overtime to study this disgusting virus… I will save you… it’s all my fault, it’s all my fault… I was always too busy… it’s me who keeps making excuses for not going home. Your mother definitely hates me from the underground, it’s all right… as long as I can take good care of you…”


In this quiet community, more people are in similar situations, with relatives that have turned into zombies. 




We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Lf kjr jkjxfcfv ys j gjs bo reciluta atja pera tla tlr ojmf, jcv ktfc tf bqfcfv tlr fsfr, ktja tf rjk kjr atf fsfr bo Ge Ljcu, ktb kjr islcu bc tlr rlvf jcv ragfamtfv bea jc jgw jr tlr qliibk.


Ktbrf fsfr ralii tjv cb fwbalbc, atfs kfgf pera bqfcfv qijlcis, yea atf wbwfca Qfl Wejc kbxf eq, Ge Ljcu aegcfv tlr qeqlir jcv ibbxfv lc atf vlgfmalbc tf kjr lc.



“Morning.” The corners of Wei Xuan’s mouth couldn’t help but curl up. How extravagant and wonderful is it to be able to say “good morning” to this person every time he wakes up? Although he had fantasized about such a situation before, he knew how difficult it was to find a man who could live with him sincerely and with peace of mind. After the end of the world… before he fully realized his feelings for Du Hang in his previous life, he never dared to imagine it. After all, what he likes are men. A man and another man can live a peaceful and happy life. This is not an easy thing to accomplish before the world went crazy.


And now, Wei Xuan couldn’t help but thank God again for giving him this chance of rebirth, so that he could meet Du Hang again.


Seeing that the sunlight outside had splashed all over the city, drawing out a long shadow of those ruined buildings that were still standing, Wei Xuan knew that even if he misses Du Hang’s chest and arms, it was time to get up too.


Taking out a clean pair of clothes, Wei Xuan felt a little emotional in his heart – this is one of the benefits he now has as he decided to stay in the city. Even if he could still enter the base, he would always be wary of the people there noticing his situation. And if he was at the base, he would not have the opportunity to change clothes so freely.


After the base has implemented very strict unified management, the smell there is no less than when he picked up the garbage yesterday. After all, clean water resources are in short supply after the end of the world. Although drinking water is provided in the base, it is not enough for people to wash clothes. Survivors can only take the chance to clean their clothes during the time it rains, otherwise who can afford to wash their clothes?


Oh, of course, except for those with water abilities.


After coming to the community, in order to solve the water problem, Wei Xuan not only actively searched for water stations but also put many pots and jars on the roofs of nearby buildings. Although the number is not too many, there are about twenty or thirty.


After the heavy rain that fell for more than a day, there should be a lot of water he has collected. 


It’s just that he has other things to do right now. It’s safe to leave the water on the roof where there are no zombies at all, and he can deal with it when he has time at night.


At this time, Wei Xuan, who had already packed his bags and put on long-sleeved clothing, dragged Du Hang to take some supplies with them. He stuffed a backpack with some extra clothing, water, and an iron rod that can be used as a weapon. He also attached a set of homemade slingshots on Du Hang’s belt for him to carry. 



Of course, Wei Xuan didn’t want to go out to fight anyone or attack any beasts. This set of equipment is just in case, just like why he has to wear long-sleeved shirts and pants in hot weather, for protection.


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After all, no one can tell what’s going on outside. God knows if he might get scratched by something that has zombie blood on it which would cause him to get infected. In Wei Xuan’s previous life, he had never heard rumors that a person with supernatural powers could survive after being infected by zombies, but still, quite a few people seemed to be healthy and uninjured, but in the end, they suddenly turned into zombies out of nowhere.


Among the ruined walls, there are moving figures wandering around everywhere.


The two walking figures walking between them are really inconspicuous. Especially after the heavy rain, the bodies and skins of many zombies were wet from the rain and puddles. At this time, the gray hat Wei Xuan chose for him and Du Hang looked like a good cover from above.


Not to mention the hats, even the clothes and backpacks of the two of them are muted and dark colored, and even their masks are black. They blend in well with their surroundings, without any eye-catching details.


Today their goal is very clear – it is a large hospital three kilometers away.


The medical supplies that Wei Xuan collected just after the end of the world were all destroyed by Du Hang when he pushed the bolder on them, so Wei Xuan must get some spare things as soon as possible, especially alcohol, which can be used for most things. It can be used as fuel, so no matter how much you store, you don’t have to worry about it going bad.


There is no need to consider places such as small clinics on the street. The survivors who escaped from the city should have cleared them out. The road conditions in many places are worrying, and most of the small clinics are built near residential areas, and the possibility of being blocked by debris falling from high places is also high, so it is better to go straight to the hospital to check the situation. 


The two walked with difficulty all the way, and the journey that usually only took thirty or forty minutes, because of the earthquake, took a full three hours. The situation on the street was exactly as Wei Xuan had expected.


Because the road surface was broken, many drainage pipes were either arched out of the ground or directly broken, causing large and small puddles and mud holes to appear everywhere in the city. If one is not careful, both people and zombies may get stuck. Not to mention the various obstacles on the road – full of cars everywhere, and now there is additional trash and debris that has fallen in the road from the nearby buildings.



The rain that fell before did have a benefit, as it cleaned up the dust and small debris, however not much has improved, and they had to waste a lot of time along the way.


“The hospital seems to be okay?” From a distance, Wei Xuan saw the iconic tall building of the hospital as soon as he turned the intersection. It seems that because it is a public facility, the building structure is quite strong, so there was no big problem from the previous earthquake. 


Du Hang still had the rope around his waist, and he followed Wei Xuan obediently along the way. Several times when Wei Xuan was almost hit by some not-so-sturdy objects that fell, Du Hang helped him block and push away the debri with incomparable accuracy every time.


Standing on the car that turned over next to a big intact tree, Wei Xuan carefully observed the surrounding situation with binoculars again, and after confirming that there should be nothing unusual, he dragged Du Hang to the hospital gate.


In the courtyard in front of the hospital, as Wei Xuan judged, there were indeed crowds of figures, zombies everywhere.


Many cars were turned over near the parking lot. There were still a few cars in the parking lot that were charred, and the surrounding vehicles were all twisted and crooked. It should be caused by the burning and explosion of the cars.


Although he knew that there must be things he needed in the hospital, Wei Xuan, who had never worked in such a place, really didn’t know where to get them.


After thinking about it, he went straight into the main building and headed straight for the pharmacy—he was sure to find something there.


Entering the clean and bright building, it seems that it was not much different from before the end of the world – most of the windows of the hospital are intact, and the ground is relatively clean, except for some fallen items in the corridor. Overturned medicine trays, zombie doctors in white coats wandering around, and the ‘patients’ who seem to come here to see a doctor are no different from before.


Wei Xuan found the pharmacy very smoothly – he had come here for medical treatment before and knew that the pharmacy was on the right side of the building.



In the pharmacy, there are only two doctor zombies in white coats and white masks wandering around in a daze. Outside the window are rows of plastic seats, and some zombies are sitting quietly on them as if they are waiting to be seen by a docor.


Wei Xuan opened the small door on one side and walked in with Du Hang.


Looking at the rows of cabinets and drawers, Wei Xuan couldn’t help feeling a little headache when he looked at the rows of drug names composed of various chemical elements. Fortunately, these medicines are classified according to the type of medicine effect, which is convenient for him.


He took several commonly used medicines, put them into two plastic bags and carried one by myself, and handed one to Du Hang. Wei Xuan once again walked around this room that smelled of disinfectant, and then had to confirm—”Sure enough, there is no medical alcohol.”


There are quite a few alcohol swabs sealed in plastic bags. Wei Xuan grabbed a few and divided them between their two bags. Then he dragged Du Hang away, ready to keep searching.


Alcohol is flammable, and the hospital is a place where a large amount is used. It is absolutely necessary to take safety measures to store so much alcohol together. It is impossible to randomly place it on the counter like in a small clinic or pharmacy. So, there must be a dedicated warehouse for alcohol and other important supplies.


With this judgment in mind, Wei Xuan pulled Du Hang again to search. Anyway, he was not in a hurry today, and there was no living person in the hospital, so as long as he searched, he will eventually find what he needs. Besides, he was looking for more than just alcohol.


The two of them wandered around every corridor and room in the empty hospital. Wei Xuan conveniently collected some useful medical supplies. He could never have too many bandages, absorbent cotton, and the like. Scalpels, tweezers, and other things also need to be collected as spares – these things collected at home were all smashed out of shape by Du Hang together with the alcohol bottle.


The two gradually wandered into the backyard, looked around, and skipped the small mortuary building. Wei Xuan pondered for a while and went to the inpatient department.


The zombies here are not quite the same as the zombies in the previous area. Less than half of the zombies are wearing doctor and nurse uniforms, and the others of the zombies are wearing hospital uniforms. There are also some nurses and family members who came to visit the patients. 



Wei Xuan was lucky enough to find some brand-new towels, mats, and other such items. They must have been brought when someone came to visit the patients. Besides this, there was no medical alcohol in these wards and the smell here is like that of rotten fruits.


Even if Wei Xuan was in the mood to take care of the rotten food in his residential area before, he has no interest in dealing with the hygiene here at all. Not to mention that it is still so far away from the place where he lives, and will rarely come here after this trip. Just how many bacteria are there in the hospital? When he finds something brand new to carry back, he must try his best to choose the one that no one has touched, let alone the rotten fruit that he definitely knows has been touched.


The higher the floor, the fewer the number of zombies. This is not because there are no people living on the higher floors, but because of the zombies living on the higher floors… most of them have fallen down the stairs, right?


The two of them were passing by the tea room on the fourth floor when they saw a nurse in a white coat staggering to the sink, stretching out both hands, and pressing one of the faucets with his wrist, stretching out his hands below the faucet. Like other places, the hospital has long run out of water. At this time, after the faucet is turned on, there is no sound of water, but the nurse zombie seems to wash his hands under the faucet for a while. One hand stretched out to a vacant position on the side and ‘pressed’ in mid-air vaguely, and the other hand seemed to be catching something, and after interlacing a few times, he stretched out his hand under the faucet again.


Wei Xuan was a little curious and leaned over to take a closer look. There was a circular mark where it had just ‘pressed’ something, and it looked like it should be where the hand soap was usually placed.


After washing his hands, the nurse zombie has a good habit of turning off the faucet that has no water and then walked out with his hands dangling in front to not get them dirty. He stopped, turned sideways, and opened the door by pushing down the handle with his hip! Just like that, he walked into the lounge while not touching the door handle!!


After watching this scene dumbfounded, Wei Xuan couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing—this powerful habit, this powerful occupational disease…well, this shouldn’t be considered an occupational disease, but it’s almost the same. 

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