Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 27: 26

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Ch26 - Zombie Family?

The man who escaped with his zombie girlfriend broke the window too loudly before leaving and brought in a large group of zombies into the corridor again. They all tried to squeeze out the window, the number of zombies in the room was as dense as that of fish in a sardine can.


After looking at the man rushing out with the female zombie beside him, Wei Xuan then turned around to look at Du Hang who is protecting him and roaring at the surrounding zombies. Wei Xuan suddenly laughed, ‘if that man was a lunatic, what about himself?’ 




After waiting for a full 20 minutes in a small room that was crowded like a supermarket, Wei Xuan and Du Hang managed to break out of the crowd. Fortunately, he wrapped the alcohol bottles with the cloth before stuffing them into the bag. Otherwise, God knows if it could have broken just now. How many bottles would have been wasted?


It wasn’t until they reached a relatively empty corridor that Wei Xuan straightened up the clothes for himself and Du Hang, and then silently calculated the way home.



When he came, he took the shortest way to this hospital because he thought it was relatively safe. Unexpectedly, just when he thought that there should be no survivors in the city, he encountered such a crazy scene.



Of course, he wasn’t complaining that it wasn’t right for that guy to survive, but to express his emotion about his luck in this life—although he didn’t often go into the urban in his previous life, he still went a couple of times, but he had never met such crazy people. And in this life, just two days after the earthquake, he met such a weird human being, which made him feel emotional.


That guy will definitely take a large group of zombies with him when he goes back, so as long as he chooses the road with more zombies on the street, Wei Xuan should be able to avoid places where that person might hide, right?



Although they were both survivors who had encountered a rather strange experience in the city and seemed to be prepared to survive in this zombie city for a long time, Wei Xuan had no plans to meet that person. Healing abilities are indeed rare and special. The physique of that person also seems to be good, especially since that person is very courageous and acts very bravely, it seems that he is very suitable as a teammate in the apocalypse.


But whether it is that person or Wei Xuan himself, there are reasons and reasons why they are unwilling or unable to team up with others.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktja’r gluta, fnfc atbeut Qfl Wejc tjr Ge Ljcu cfza ab tlw, jcv atf wjc tjr j ulgi hbwylf cfza ab tlw, atlr xlcv bo mbwwbcjilas mjc ja wbra jiibk atfw ab xffq j vlrajcmf ogbw fjmt batfg jcv cba ufcfgjaf tbralilas, yea la lr cba fcbeut obg atf akb rlvfr ab mbbqfgjaf rlcmfgfis.


Seeing that that person dared to rush into the pile of zombies, and was able to complete the set goal despite being torn and bitten by the surrounding zombies, Wei Xuan knew that that person was certainly a ruthless character. Without knowing that person’s personality or understanding the other person at all, he would never take the initiative to meet or offer any suggestions for cooperation. God knows if he will do something for his zombie girlfriend? You know, Du Hang is a special zombie who can control the nature of zombies and not actively attack humans!


Since he liked that girl so much, he would undoubtedly hope that she would be as ‘normal’ as possible. Just like myself, if I knew that someone had mastered the method of how to turn a zombie into a normal person, I would rack my brains to find a way to help Du Hang, even if this process might hurt someone.



He cautiously walked out from the side door of the hospital, and after confirming the situation on the street, Wei Xuan took Du Hang toward the opposite direction from where the man left.


Before leaving the hospital, Wei Xuan climbed to the top floor of the building again, and after careful observation, he chose a relatively safe path with a large number of zombies.


There is nothing wrong with being careful in this apocalypse, especially in today’s situation, anyone who is still in the urban area and can find a way to survive is not a  simple person, even if that person looks weak and thin, and seems to have no strength to restrain a chicken.


For the safety of himself and Du Hang, and to survive in this world well, Wei Xuan would rather be more cautious, more careful, and more alert.


With Du Hang’s nose being more sensitive than a dog, even if the road they choose now is near the place where the man and the female zombie live, Du Hang can smell it in advance. Therefore, although Wei Xuan’s actions were cautious, he was not overly nervous and careful like a frightened bird.

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The two stopped a couple of times on the way, and after confirming that there was no problem, they walked back to their residence.


The backpack on his back is full of all kinds of loot, specifically alcohol, which is very heavy. But still, although he carried a lot, at least half of the backpack was filled with various surgical knives, absorbent cotton bandages, and medicines. But Du Hang’s back is full of heavy boxes, and most of the backpack hanging under the box is full of alcohol…


Wei Xuan is bullying Du Hang, but he won’t protest. Wei Xuan deliberately uses others to serve as labor because of his strength. 


This time, due to the detour, there were still a large number of zombies wandering around in a daze on the nearby streets. Walking among so many zombies made Wei Xuan feel more at ease. If it weren’t for the fact that it was too far away from where he lives now, Wei Xuan would probably go back and grab some zombies to go home with him and serve as guards.


After turning two streets, he came to a relatively wide main road. When Wei Xuan was about to cross the intersection, he suddenly felt an inexplicable palpitation from the bottom of his heart! He subconsciously grabbed Du Hang beside him, squatted sideways, hid behind a half-collapsed wall, and carefully observed the situation outside through the gap.



Wei Xuan had never felt this kind of sudden heart palpitations before, whether it was in the previous life or in this life… Of course, he had a similar feeling before, but that was before the apocalypse, on the day when his parents had a traffic accident, it was just a faint heart palpitation, a feeling of dizziness like a hypoglycemia attack. He only knew afterward that at the time of his palpitation, it happened to be the moment when the parents had a traffic accident and they passed away…


But now, this feeling of palpitation is more like a sense of fear of some terrifying unknown creature. But Wei Xuan knew that if he turned his head and ran away now, it would be more likely to be discovered by the unknown, and he would fall into a greater crisis!


Pressing Du Hang’s shoulder firmly, trying to make his body as low as his own. Wei Xuan didn’t dare to vent his anxiety while observing the intersection ahead and the zombies still lingering nearby.


The behavior of the nearby zombies is very normal. None of them can feel that kind of ‘power’ or ‘force’ like Wei Xuan.


Wei Xuan didn’t know what was wrong with his feeling. Or is it because his senses are more sensitive than other zombies? But in any case, he believed in his own feelings more. Even if this feeling is a misjudgment, and it turns out to be a false alarm, he doesn’t care about hiding here and waiting for a while. It’s not a big mistake to be overly cautious during the apocalypse. Before the end of the world, he was not afraid to stay on board for a while when encountering such a thing, let alone now. There is only Du Hang around him now, who else would laugh at him?


Step, step, step…


Just as Wei Xuan was hiding nervously and trying to slow down his breathing so that no one would notice him, suddenly, a few zombies slowly walked over from the intersection on the east side of the street.


Those zombies looked ordinary, almost no different from the zombies wandering in the street, but Wei Xuan felt his heart tighten – there were only two zombies coming over… no, three! There were three zombies, two big and one small, the big ones looked like a couple in their twenties and thirties, and a little girl zombie who looked only seven or eight years old was sitting astride the man’s neck.


The eyes of the two adult zombies were dull and their steps were slow. They looked no different from all the zombies on the street. The only difference is that the two of them seem to have a specific goal, and they don’t randomly walk around the streets like ordinary zombies.


But even so, it was not the two big zombies that made Wei Xuan feel heart palpitations and fear, but the small zombie that straddled the neck of the male zombie. It is on the shoulder of the male zombie, and from time to time it looks ‘curious’ at the things scattered in the street! 



Zombies are unconscious…or in other words, the vast majority of zombies are unconscious!


Except for Du Hang, Wei Xuan has never encountered a zombie like this little girl in his previous life or this life, that can react like a normal human!


Suppressing the surprise in his heart, Wei Xuan immediately made the most correct choice after confirming the target that made him feel dreadful – he directly hid his upper body behind the debris as much as possible, without showing a trace, even a piece of clothing, Wei Xuan also does not want to be discovered by the other party. And the same is true for Du Hang beside him. When Wei Xuan just realized the danger, he had already been firmly pressed on the ground by him and he was not allowed to move!

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