Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 26: 25.2

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Ch25.2 - Hospital Trip

The inpatient department didn’t have many things worth collecting. After they left the building, they finally found a relatively short building between the Department of Pediatrics and Obstetrics and the No. 2 inpatient building. It is a building for the centralized storage of certain medical supplies.


A large number of unopened surgical instruments; well-sealed, full boxes of alcohol; various special medicines that need to be stored in cold storage; some special medical equipment that Wei Xuan can’t recognize at all…




He looked at it with regret as he couldn’t carry that much. Looking at some supplies, it seems like the power supply in the hospital has long been cut off. Although this hospital has small special power supply equipment, because no one controlled it, the medicine in the refrigerator has gone bad.


Of course, since there are still a lot of rich unopened surgical supplies here, Wei Xuan decided to bring some back to use as table knives—who made this thing extremely sharp? It should be good for cutting meat right?



After finding the alcohol, the bottles were carefully wrapped and stuffed in a backpack. Wei Xuan filled all the empty space in the backpacks of the two of them and put the remaining alcohol back into the cabinet with satisfaction. 



As he found all the medical supplies he needed, Wei Xuan’s mission has been completely and smoothly completed, he randomly searched for a corner with no zombies, ate a few mouthfuls of homemade rice balls in a hurry, and regarded it as lunch, Wei Xuan was ready to drag his own zombies go home.


When the two of them walked to the side of the complex, all of a sudden, the zombies in the entire building area became very excited, waving their arms around and about to rush out of the front door!



Wei Xuan immediately grabbed Du Hang who was also excited, pulled him back, and hid in a consulting room near the front door. Judging from the reactions of the zombies, there seem to be survivors approaching outside!


Thinking about where he is now, Wei Xuan can roughly guess the opponent’s destination—do you still need to ask? where is this place? The Hospital!


Nine out of ten people who were injured in the earthquake and couldn’t get out in time will find ways to find something that can treat their injuries. What better place to do that than a hospital?


But Wei Xuan still felt a little strange, the supplies here are certainly great, but the number of zombies is even greater! Did the people who came here not expect this? Or did they not think about it, or was it because they had enough confidence in their strength?


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Looking out from the window one can clearly see that the zombies inside and outside are almost all swarming towards the same location as if ants had found sugar water. Just when Wei Xuan thought that someone an unlucky person into the crowd to distract the zombies, he became horrified to find that the “thing” surrounded by groups was actually moving!!



Pa lr cba jmmegjaf ab rjs atja atf atlcu lr wbnlcu, yfmjerf atf cewyfg bo hbwylfr jgbecv lr abb vfcrf, jiwbra jii atf hbwylfr lcrlvf jcv bearlvf atf tbrqlaji jgf rmgjwyilcu ab ujatfg ja atja qblca. Dea atf mfcafg bo atf ugbeq, reggbecvfv ys hbwylfr, kjr wbnlcu abkjgvr atf yelivlcu yla ys yla!!


“…What is that thing?!” Wei Xuan can’t be blamed for feeling a little numb. Of course, he has seen scenes of people being attacked by zombies, but even if a person falls into a pile of zombies, it won’t take long before they will turn into a zombie or they would be completely dismembered by the zombies, both of these situations will make the surrounding zombies lose interest in them quickly, and they will soon disperse.


But the “thing” that was surrounded was obviously active all the time! And its attraction to zombies has never diminished!


How much flesh and blood does a person need to attract zombies for such a long time? It’s impossible even if you think about it!


Just when Wei Xuan was in doubt, the thing surrounded by the sea of ​​zombies seemed to start to speed up. It seemed to have discovered the goal of its trip. An army of zombies is rushing toward the front door of the building!


At this moment, when that “thing” broke through the group of zombies, Wei Xuan could clearly see that it was a person, a man!


Wei Xuan couldn’t see his face clearly, because his head was covered with a motorcycle helmet, and his body seemed to be covered by some kind of metal-like armor, but his arms, legs, and side limbs are all exposed to the air! The appearance of blurred blood rushing out from the pile of zombies is shocking.


The clothes he was wearing inside could be seen at this moment—all of them were torn to pieces, and they should have been pulled by the zombies. Behind him, there was a female zombie tightly bound by a thick rope, and rushed out of the zombie group together with him!


Seeing this horrifying scene, it took Wei Xuan a long time to remember that he still has the ability to blink. Looking out the window, the zombies wandering around in the street and walking in the compound were all pushing their way into the building.


Afterward, footsteps, the sound of doors opening, and the excited roars of the zombies could be heard from the first floor.

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Turning his head to look at Du Hang, who also looked expectant, but still obediently squatting beside him, Wei Xuan stretched out his hand to stroke his hair: “Hey, let’s not learn from those idiots, such a large group of zombies chasing after one person? Even if they catch him, they can only eat a few mouthfuls at once?”


Then, he took out a plastic bag from his pocket, took out a snowflake, and put it in front of Du Hang’s mouth.


After seeing his exclusive food, Du Hang’s eyes really shined, and he went directly to eat the snowflake. Whether it was his teeth or tongue, he didn’t touch Wei Xuan’s fingers. 


Look, it’s really easy to keep a zombie! How sensible are you at home? How obedient? He can be treated as a boyfriend and as a pet. And he has a lot of strength to do heavy work!


Wei Xuan’s brain focused again when that unexplainable person broke into the hospital.


It’s not that he didn’t think about whether to help that person, but even when he saw the man’s bloody appearance, Wei Xuan always felt that the person didn’t seem to worry about his injuries at all, or he didn’t feel that he was being torn and bitten by zombies at all!


Otherwise, no matter how serious the illness or injury is, no one would foolishly rush into a pile of zombies willingly. What’s more, he keeps dragging a female zombie behind the man! He is definitely not normal!


Just when Wei Xuan was distracted again, he suddenly felt the rumbling footsteps outside getting closer, and the roar of zombies getting more and more intense, and then with a bang, a person rushed in! It was the man wearing the helmet who rushed into the hospital from the pile of zombies!


Wei Xuan and Du Hang turned their heads toward the guy in unison. Although the guy saw the two of them, he didn’t seem to feel that there was anything strange about the appearance of the two of them. He turned his head left and right. Turning around, he looked around the room, then excitedly rushed to the side cabinet and rummaged through the contents.


Yes, that person took Wei Xuan and Du Hang, who were standing at the window watching the fun, as two zombies!!



Although the two of them were wearing relatively normal clothes, with bags at their feet, and backpacks on their backs, they were wearing hats, covering their faces, and they were in a hospital surrounded by zombies. In it, it seems that there is nothing wrong with this person treating the two of them as zombies who went out to search for supplies after the end of the world, but unfortunately died and were infected with the zombie virus.


Wei Xuan, who was ignored by others, stared dumbfounded again at the man pulling the female zombie behind him, standing by the cabinet looking for useful supplies, and couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his mouth.


When he got close, he could see clearly—although the man had many major and minor injuries, all the wounds on his body were emitting a faint white light. The other survivors may not know what this kind of light is when they see it for the first time, but Wei Xuan, who has the memory from before his rebirth, knows it very well—this guy is certainly an ability user, one that can heal! And his ability must be very strong!


Ordinary people with supernatural abilities in the healing department will not be able to sustain it for less than half an hour after continuously treating the symptoms of broken arms and missing legs. But this man dared to rush from his hiding place into the hospital, and he would definitely rush out of the hospital and back to his hiding place after a while. If he was not sure, how could he make such a crazy move? It’s no wonder that he has the guts to drag his zombie girlfriend out alone…


Of course, even with healing powers, it’s impossible to be invincible, not to mention other things, a lot of blood loss is a big problem. Moreover, although he protected his head and most of his body, even if his arms and legs were healed, he would be injured again in a short time, this point can be seen from the zombies who are excitedly squeezing into the room. 


After understanding the man’s ability, Wei Xuan looked at the female zombie who followed closely behind the man. It was a very beautiful zombie with the appearance of a female college student. The clothes on her body were clean but a little messy from getting squeezed while in the crou]wd. Her face is also clean and her hair is neat. Like Du Hang, she should be a well-cared-for zombie. The only difference between her and Du Hang is that her mouth was wrapped in a cloth and her arms were tied around her body. This should be a precautionary measure to prevent her from biting.


Suddenly, amidst the roars of zombies, the man shouted excitedly: “I found it!” Then there was the sound of bottles and cans falling to the ground and plastic bags rattling.


Wei Xuan was worried that they would be noticed, so they didn’t move much and allowed the incoming zombies to gather more and more, gradually separating them from that crazy man.  At this moment, he could only vaguely hear the man muttering excitedly – “Ruoxin, I’ll help you treat the wound when I get back later… How can I let you get scars?” “Okay !” “Go away, you disgusting fellows, don’t squeeze her!”


As the man completed his task of coming to the hospital today, the sound of his voice gradually moved towards the window, and then there was a loud crash, and the window was broken by the man. He first picked up the female zombie ready to jump out the window with her completely ignoring the zombies who took this opportunity to gnaw on him.


The female zombie in his arms seemed extremely excited at this time as if she was especially happy because she was closer to him and could clearly smell the human flesh on his body.



“Hey, I’ll feed you meat when I get home later, don’t make trouble now.” The man felt the struggle of the female zombie in his arms, pushed up the protective cover in front of the helmet, and kissed the female zombie’s cheek with an extremely gentle expression. After a kiss, he pushed down the cover again.


When the man reached the window, the number of zombies in the room was already dense to a certain extent. Fortunately, when Wei Xuan entered the room, for the sake of safety, he put the backpacks next to the wall. At this time, as long as they stood near their supplies, the zombies would not trample the contents inside.


However, when a few zombies inadvertently squeezed into the two of them, Du Hang, who had been obediently still and kept his instincts under control even though there was edible human flesh not far away, suddenly roared at the surrounding zombies, and Protect Wei Xuan between himself and the wall, not allowing other zombies to touch him.

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