Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 39: 38

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Ch38 - Kiss

In the last few days, although there are many people in those large and small bases, there are not many people who are willing to go out to find supplies. The low-level personnel who are strong and willing to leave the base, no matter whether they are ability users or not, everyone will at least get acquainted with them after a long time. Wei Xuan’s memory of those who are a little familiar should come from this.


But to put it this way… He often ‘got lost’ and separated from his companions when he went out in his previous life. If there is any observant person on the team, they might notice his strangeness and speculate that he may have some way to fight against the zombies. 




If someone guesses this, they might then sell this information to some forces that secretly study the zombie virus.


This thought suddenly popped up in his heart and he couldn’t let it go. Originally, although Wei Xuan had a knot in his mind about the death of his previous life, he kept it suppressed in his heart and refused to think about it. But today, after seeing some faces that he had seen in his previous life, he was completely enlightened.



In fact, until now, I didn’t care about who it was that noticed my situation and reported me in my previous life. Even if someone from the forces who caught me and Du Hang discovered my strangeness, it is normal. It’s not very hidden, especially in the case of other people’s mental arithmetic. But no matter what, in my previous life, it was my lack of caution that hurt Du Hang.



Du Hang, who had been drooling at the people on the opposite roof, seemed to sense something. He made a low roaring sound and gradually became quiet, turning his head to look at Wei Xuan who sat aside from him. Wei Xuan was leaning against the wall by the window at this time. Although he seemed to be looking at the street outside, his eyes seemed to lose focus, and he leaned his head on the window sill, feeling sadness and loss.


Just when Wei Xuan was in a daze, he suddenly felt a body sticking to him, looked up in surprise, and saw Du Hang hugging him as he hugged him every night when he slept and leaned his head against his face.



Du Hang didn’t continue to growl at the delicacies outside the window, nor did he stare blankly at himself as usual. But just like a normal person, when he finds his friends, partners, even family members and lovers are sad, he hugs each other in his arms and comforts them… This kind of behavior surprised Wei Xuan, but he couldn’t help but feel his heart speed up. There is a feeling of satisfaction, happiness, and anticipation.


He’ll be fine, he’ll be fine!


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Everything else doesn’t matter, as long as he can continue being with Du Hang like this, no matter what he will face in the future, it will be worth it!


Kkb oluegfr teu fjmt batfg delfais ys atf klcvbk bo jc fwqas gbbw. Qtfc Qfl Wejc mifjcfv eq tlr wbbv jcv gfaegcfv ab tlr ereji rajaf, tf gjlrfv tlr tfjv jcv ibbxfv ja Ge Ljcu, Ge Ljcu jirb ibbxfv ja tlw, tlr fzqgfrrlbc gfaegcfv ab tlr ereji yijcx fzqgfrrlbcifrr fsfr.


This somewhat silly face made Wei Xuan feel that he looked extraordinarily…cute?



Well, it’s just cute, even though it’s extremely inappropriate to use this word on men, or even on zombies, Wei Xuan still feels that Du Hang’s appearance makes him particularly likable and… moved. So Wei Xuan leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the side of his face and the corner of his mouth.


Kissing a zombie won’t hurt, but if we kiss passionately, Wei Xuan can’t guarantee that he will turn into a zombie after a kiss. So after kissing Du Hang, he lowered his head and looked at the waists of himself and Du Hang—very well, the rope was tied around the waists of the two of them, even if he accidentally ate the saliva of his zombies, he would not be afraid of turning into a zombie and getting separated. 


Du Hang had a dazed look on his face, looking at the person in front of him who suddenly approached him. A brief inexplicable feeling rushed through him, a warm feeling deep in his heart, making him especially… need that feeling.


So, when Wei Xuan raised his head and looked at Du Hang again, he saw Du Hang move closer to him and bump his head against Wei Xuan’s head…


Wei Xuan, whose forehead has been hit, stared dumbfounded at Du Hang, who was still keeping his face close. Wei Xuan was stunned for a long time before he guessed, Du Hang tried to kiss him, right? Fortunately, he just bumped into him instead of gnawing at him, otherwise, can he still maintain human sanity?


After a while, feeling that Du Hang had no other movements other than sticking their heads together, Wei Xuan pushed his shoulder to let the two separate from this weird position, and rubbed his forehead which seemed to still have a little pain: “Good boy, don’t make trouble, I’ll see what’s going on outside.”

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He can cultivate feelings with Du Hang at any time but he can’t forget, there are still a group of people outside now. What about the survivors who are doing missions in the city?


Wei Xuan, whose mood fluctuated just now, ignored the situation outside for a long time, so when he stood up and looked outside, he was startled by the situation outside—where are they?


That group broke through the encirclement of zombies while Wei Xuan and Du Hang were playing kiss and hug, and just ran away!


No way, they came to the city to do a mission, but after entering the city for a long time, they couldn’t reach the target location at all, and they couldn’t be sure whether the thing they were looking for was still in place. When they entered the city, they got separated from other teams, and they couldn’t even drive a car to go deep into the city.



So at this time, it is the wisest choice to evacuate as soon as the ability users in their team still have mental power and there is still a lot of ammunition in their guns.


Wei Xuan saw that there were no traces of those people outside, and even most of the zombies that surrounded the building downstairs had dispersed, and many zombies were wandering slowly along the way that group of people escaped, and hurriedly returned to the building. He took out the binoculars to check the situation carefully, but found a new face on the street next to the house that the group had temporarily used as a stronghold, the new zombie had a large, torn and bitten shoulder. Although the blood on its body no longer flowed out from the open wound, It can be clearly seen that he was chewed out by zombies.


And that person’s appearance is also somewhat familiar, it is the man among the group who just fled, who was shooting everywhere with a gun.


Because Wei Xuan only cared about adjusting his relationship with Du Hang just now, so he didn’t know exactly how this person was bitten by a zombie. He might have been accidentally caught by zombies when everyone was running away, but it’s also possible that he was thrown down by his companions as bait.


This kind of situation is very common, especially in a team of temporary cooperation. When other people want to escape, if there is a person in the team that they unanimously target, then this person is likely to be regarded as an abandoned child. A bait drop that attracts zombies.


It is precisely because of this that when Wei Xuan went out with others in his previous life, even if he was not planning to leave the team at the beginning because such things often happened in the team, he had to secretly find a way out and leave the team.


Looking at the figure who had just become a zombie and was wandering blankly on the street, Wei Xuan sighed softly and stood up – he had already confirmed with the binoculars that the group was fleeing along another street at this time. Although he couldn’t see it clearly, there was indeed a movement of launching a supernatural power in the depths of a certain street. Now he can be sure that even if he goes out, he should not be noticed.


Holding Du Hang’s hand beside him and waiting for him to stand up, Wei Xuan patted his numb legs, picked up their backpacks, put on their hats and masks, turned around, and went downstairs.


After a little searching in the scorched land, Wei Xuan found the roots of those mutated plants that were still buried deep in the soil yesterday. Although these things looked as if they were completely dead, to prevent future troubles, Wei Xuan still dug them out and found an open space to burn them completely.


Taking out the potato sprouts that were deliberately left in the backpack yesterday, he planted a couple in every other section on this green belt. Wei Xuan doesn’t plan to come to this place often in the future, but he still hopes that these potatoes and carrots can still grow well and reproduce more.



There is too little greenery and life in this city, and the zombies wandering around can hardly be called ‘life’ at this time, so even if the original intention is just to feed oneself, Wei Xuan still hopes that the things he planted can truly grow in the world. Take root in this city and bring a breath of life to this dead city, even if they are insignificant and have no sense of existence.


After planting the last piece of potato sprouts, Wei Xuan, who finally finished this task, was completely relieved. After looking around, he smiled and said to Du Hang: “Let’s go home.” He has been out for more than a day, and although it is getting late, walking at night is not a big deal for him and Du Hang.


He has been out for too long, and he will also worries about what will happen at home.


Du Hang still followed him like a good baby. When he took a step, Du Hang took a step. When he stopped, Du Hang also stopped. So now if Wei Xuan wants to go home, Du Hang naturally has no intention of objecting.


The two turned around and walked towards the direction of home. The setting sun gradually set, pulling their shadows obliquely into a long and fused on the street.

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