Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 40: 39

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Ch39 - Unexpected Activity

There were several rumbling loud explosions, and then several people looked forward not far away with terrified expressions.


“What the hell is that?!”




“Mang, zombie, zombie…”


“Nonsense! Of course, I know it’s a zombie, but what’s the situation with those zombies?! And what’s the matter with that little one?



“The voice has become a little hysterical, their weapons have been used up, and only a few ability users can barely activate their powers by relying on the crystal nuclei collected on the way.



But at this time, a group of zombies gradually surrounded them. What made them even more frightened was that these zombies did not rush over immediately when they saw them like ordinary zombies, but surrounded them, they seemed to have some IQ! 


For safety reasons, when they left the base, they did not choose to enter the urban area to find supplies, but chose a smaller county town in the northwest of T city, close to A city, and planned to try their luck there. But here they encountered a group of zombies behaving strangely!



Compared with the large-scale zombies they encountered before, these zombies made their scalps tingle and their hearts terrified, just because they… seem to have IQ!


Just when the group of people was trembling and trying to find a way to break through and leave this weird place, there was some movement behind the group of zombies, and several zombies walked out slowly. Among this group of zombies, a male zombie had a little zombie girl on his shoulder that looked at most six or seven years old and had a childlike innocence!


The little girl seemed to have been turned into a zombie in the early days, so there were no traces of wounds on her body, and her clothes were clean and tidy. In addition to being a little pale, the small face also looks innocent and cute which is unique to little girls.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea ja atlr alwf, joafg rfflcu j ofk qfbqif, atlr ‘meaf’ ilaaif ulgi klvfcfv tfg fsfr fzmlafvis, aliafv tfg tfjv, jr lo rfflcu rbwf ragjcuf abs, jcv revvfcis ragfamtfv bea tfg tjcv ab qblca ja atbrf qfbqif. C rfglfr bo rtjgq rmgfjwr mjwf bea bo tfg wbeat.


Ktf reggbecvlcu hbwylfr gbjgfv lcrajcais joafg tfjglcu tfg nblmf, jcv gertfv abkjgv atbrf qfbqif klat fzmlafwfca lc atflg fsfr!





“Don’t come here, don’t come here!”


“Run away! Scatter and run away!”


This situation is so weird that all the people in this group can’t help but feel scared from the bottom of their hearts, and they just want to escape from this group of weird zombies.


If what they thought was correct, the zombies around seemed to be under the command of that little zombie! A zombie leader who can command other zombies?! Could it be that zombies can evolve wisdom!!


There was no time to think deeply, let alone the opportunity to think too much. After the initial panic, those people only had the instinct to escape. However, what made them even more desperate was that apart from the zombies chasing after them, there was no one around them. At that time, a large group of zombies gathered again, like a wave, crowding them in this small county town…




“It’s better to be at home…” Finally returning to the community, Wei Xuan looked at the community that had not changed much from before he left, and couldn’t help but let out a sigh of emotion from the bottom of his heart.

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Looking left and right to confirm that the situation in the community is the same as before, the zombies wandering in the community are still those faces, Wei Xuan is in a good mood and pulls his own zombie Du Hang to walk inward together, passing by the building where the two male zombies live. He deliberately raised his head and looked carefully, and found that two figures were standing behind a window on the top floor looking at the scenery, and the mood index rose a few levels, and happily continued to walk towards the building where he lived.


Although he was mainly farming this time, he only spent more than a day outside, but he experienced the sneak attack of mutated plants and met the group of survivors who went to the city to do missions. Wei Xuan felt tired from the bottom of his heart. This feeling of exhaustion made him want to go back ‘home’ as soon as possible, so he dragged Du Hang all the way back last night. By now, he already felt exhausted and just wanted to go home and sleep.



After confirming the safety situation in the community, Wei Xuan returned to his home in a relaxed manner, threw his backpack on the ground casually, untied the ropes connected to the two of them, went to the bathroom to freshen up, and then threw himself on the bed. Turned on the fan connected to the battery, hugged Du Hang’s waist, and closed his eyes: “I’m exhausted… I don’t care about anything… I’ll think about it when I get up…” 


After saying that, he just fell asleep. Wei Xuan, who was very hungry because of the rush home, was exhausted, so he had to wait until he woke up before thinking about eating. Du Hang, who was hugged by him, just looked suspiciously at the person who threw himself into his arms, tilted his head as if thinking, and then put one of his hands on Wei Xuan’s back, using his body temperature to coordinate with the speed of the fan to help Wei Xuan cool down.


Wei Xuan slept soundly. Because he had traveled all night and was busy digging pits and burning mutant plant roots and planting potatoes the night before, he slept very deeply today. So until the evening of that day, he was still in a deep sleep, with no sign of wanting to wake up at all.


Du Hang, who had been hugging him obediently and without any dissatisfaction like an actual human-shaped pillow, suddenly opened his eyes, and those eyes that were rarely active at ordinary times suddenly looked in a certain direction.


There was a wall, and nothing could be seen inside or outside the wall, but Du Hang seemed to be able to see something on the opposite side through the wall.


Previously, Du Hang had similar situations happen occasionally. Still, he often just stared at an empty place for a while before losing interest, but today, he was staring in a certain direction for a while, and his body moved a bit.


This seemed to be the first time he actively moved his body while Wei Xuan was sleeping, but fortunately, because Wei Xuan slept soundly, he didn’t notice anything unusual.


After a few more seconds, Du Hang suddenly and slowly pulled out his arm that was under Wei Xuan’s head without disturbing him at all, then got up and got out of bed, and walked outside.


Since meeting Wei Xuan, Du Hang has never left his side on his initiative. Almost no matter what happened, even if the food with the scent of human flesh and blood floating next to it was just a few steps away, he never voluntarily left him.


But now, for the first time, when Wei Xuan was beside and still hugging him, Du Hang suddenly got up and walked out the door.



It seems to be because the whole community has been completely occupied by Wei Xuan, or maybe it’s because all the zombies wandering around will not take the initiative to attack Wei Xuan, but can help him watch his house. Or maybe it was because he was too tired when he came back today, so he couldn’t take care of it. Wei Xuan didn’t lock the door after returning home today.


Although Du Hang didn’t open and close the door of this room by himself, he usually saw Wei Xuan’s movements when he entered and exited the door. Now standing in front of his door, Du Hang put his hand on the handle and pressed it. Using the door handle, the door was immediately opened. 


This kind of door can be opened directly from the inside and outside. If you want to lock the door when you are inside the room, you can screw on the safety lock inside, or lock it from the outside with a key. 


When Wei Xuan just opened this room, he found that the door key of this family had fallen on the floor of the room, so he put it away directly. However, because he hardly needs to worry about outsiders, he doesn’t need it at all.


Now, Du Hang just pressed the door lightly, and the door was opened by him.


After leaving the door, Du Hang, who usually moved very slowly and was only a little excited when he found a human breath, suddenly ran towards the stairs. Wei Xuan would be shocked if he saw his fast speed and agility. Du Hang is also very quick to act in some special situations, especially when Wei Xuan is in danger. But because those situations often passed by in a flash, and Wei Xuan didn’t keep staring at his movements, he couldn’t guess how fast Du Hang’s movements were at that time when he came back to his senses.


But now, Du Hang’s speed of rushing down the stairs is much faster than the best result of any world sprint champion before the end of the world!


He rushed down the stairs and out of the gate, facing the crooked garbage in the community, Du Hang didn’t even blink his eyes (he couldn’t blink either), and hopped on between those tall buildings! After a few flashes, he disappeared out of view!


In another building in the same community, after Du Hang rushed out of the building, the older zombie of the couple living on the highest floor suddenly got up from the corner where he had been sitting quietly, walked to the window, and ‘looked’ at the direction in which Du Hang disappeared… It was only after Du Hang’s figure was entirely blocked by the nearby buildings that he stood for another three to five minutes before turning around and walking back to the place before, sitting next to the young zombie.

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