Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 62: 61

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Ch61 - Flower shop? Supermarket?

Spending days when he can’t step outside won’t trouble Wei Xuan. Anyway, all his tasks have been completed, and he only needs to spend some time tinkering with the equipment he has gathered and marking the map for possible locations where he can acquire seeds. 


Therefore, in the past two days, while eating the rations that have been stored at home and sorting through his items, Wei Xuan can also rely on Du Hang to keep him cool and comfortable. 




When he woke up on the third morning, the sky outside was clear. The nonstop rain that had been falling for two consecutive days had finally stopped completely. It can be predicted that the weather today should be good and his solar panels finally have a role to play!


Standing in front of the window, Wei Xuan took a deep breath with emotion. What entered his nose was the smell of fresh air after the rain. Unfortunately, there was no more grass and plant fragrance to smell.



“Huh? Isn’t that… your dad?” Wei Xuan just lowered his head but found a familiar one among the zombies wandering around in the community.



There’s no way, that is uncle Du who is holding a corpse’s leg in his hand… It’s impossible for Wei Xuan not to recognize him even if he is killed!!


What is this situation? Wasn’t the old man brought into the room by himself to recuperate? How could he go out on his own??



If it were any other zombies, it would be really difficult for Wei Xuan to recognize them if they get mixed in with all the guard zombies wandering around, however Du Hang’s Dad’s body shape, and the thing he is holding in his hand… Just now, Wei Xuan only took a second after seeing his familiar body shape, and the thing he was caring, after all, the body part was cleaned and sterilized by himself, so how could he not recognize him?


He pulled Du Hang and hurried downstairs, Wei Xuan went straight to uncle Du’s location. The zombie was in a mess again (the new clothes were dirtied again by the rain and mud) as he was strolling around the street. 


“…Why did you wander out again?” Wei Xuan felt very helpless, seeing the face and the hands he had wiped clean on his own have now become dirty again, he felt distressed.  


Uncle Du turned around and faced him with a blank expression on his face. 


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“Hey… It’s not impossible to wander around outside, but it’s relatively safer in the room… Let’s go, let’s go back to your room.” Zombies are not human, and they won’t become pale and sick if they don’t see the sun all year round. Wei Xuan was more worried that if something unexpected happened outside, it would lure this uncle and other zombies out, it would be a major matter if he died completely under the guns of humans. So he would rather keep this guy in the house.



Ueiilcu atf ecmif lcab atf gbbw, Qfl Wejc mtfmxfv jcv obecv atja tf qgbyjyis vlvc’a ibmx atf vbbg joafg ublcu bea, ktlmt mjerfv atf ecmif ab kjcvfg bea ys tlwrfio. Cr ecmif Ge kjrc’a jr mbcrmlber jr tlr akb cflutybgr, tf qgbyjyis xcbmxfv bqfc atf vbbg, jcv pera kjcvfgfv bea ys tlwrfio.


So Wei Xuan helped his father-in-law helplessly again… Ah no, calling him father-in-law makes him a bit embarrassed! 


He helped uncle Du wipe his face and hands again, but this time he didn’t help him change his clothes – the clothes were half dry, so it didn’t make any difference whether to change them or not. Then he took Du Hang out again, locked the door, and carefully observed the surrounding sky to confirm that no strange things were flying in the sky. Then he went to the place where potatoes and carrots were grown to check the conditions of the crops.


The crops in the field are amazing. Although many of them are still submerged in the water after experiencing the torrential rain, they seem to be lush and unaffected, and the water droplets on the leaves facing the sun are crystal clear.


Wei Xuan walked around a few vegetable fields to confirm that they were in good condition, and many of them were ready to be harvested. He nodded with satisfaction and then turned his head to look at the vegetables left by the field with some doubts.


Plants mutate, but no one knows how. Is it the plant mutation caused by the zombie virus? Or is it caused by the strange snow? Or by other reasons?


Perhaps the scientists in the base can explain this problem, but ordinary people like Wei Xuan, no matter their past or present life, may not be able to know the specific reason.


But in any case, as the rain comes in contact with the zombies and then falls to the ground, the ground should contain the zombie virus. If the mutation of the plants is caused by the zombies, why are there no potatoes and carrots in the several vegetable gardens in the community? What about the one that mutated again?


Is the content of the zombie virus not high enough? Or are these zombies at home very clean? There is no zombie virus in the community and zombies?


But he didn’t see secondary mutations in the places where the potatoes and carrots he planted outside.

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Or, just because these crops have already experienced one mutation, there will be no second mutation?


Wei Xuan can’t explain these questions now, let alone find the answers. The only thing he can be sure of is – once these crops are mature, they will be edible!


With doubts in mind, after wandering around his community to confirm the situation, Wei Xuan took Du Hang back to the building where they lived and studied the map again.


After waiting a couple of days after the heavy rain, although there was still a lot of stagnant water outside, Wei Xuan, who had already dealt with the collected rainwater on the roof of a couple of buildings, walked out of the gate of his community with Du Hang. 


There are still a lot of processed potato pieces in his backpack and the bag in his hand. These are not dug out from the ground after the rain stopped, but were dug out some time ago. They have all germinated by now, so he just cut them up, and plant them along the way.


Outside, especially around the community, potatoes, and carrots have been planted in many places, but there are still many other areas he can plant them at. He happened to pass by a couple of new areas during this trip looking for seeds.


Wei Xuan was not sure where there will be any seeds of vegetable crops, so he had to walk around looking for them.


After leaving the community, there is a flower shop on the horizontal street. The flower shop is at the bottom of a six-story slab building. At this time, the fresh flowers inside have long since dried up and rotted, and none are alive. These days, not to mention fresh flowers, even the bonsai flowers from before are completely withered and ruined by the rampant virus.


After finding the flower shop, he dragged Du Hang inside with him with bright eyes. After searching all the way, he finally found a flower shop!


However, holding the several seeds he found, and looking at the different types of seeds left in a certain cabinet of the flower shop, Wei Xuan had the urge to cry to the sky—”All of them are flower seeds… …”



But no, isn’t a flower shop just a shop that sells flowers? If you don’t sell flower seeds, can you buy rice seeds here?


Although he already had the mentality that even if he came to look for it, he might not be able to find it, when he saw these things with his own eyes, Wei Xuan still felt an inexplicable sense of loss in his heart—this was worse than when he turned around and found half a bag of seeds. It would make anyone feel angry. 


When I opened the cabinet, he found a bunch of small bags containing seeds, after taking a closer look, it turned out that they were all flower seeds! How can this not make him feel sad?


Wei Xuan sighed softly, picked a couple of each kind, and put them in his bag. Although these things are all flowers, what if the fruits produced by the mutated flowers are edible instead? Now is the end of the world! Everything is possible!


After collecting the seeds, Wei Xuan dragged his zombies around the streets again and planted potatoes in some suitable places in his spare time. But after going out today, he ran several streets in one breath and went to three flower shops, but he couldn’t even find half a bag of any edible crop seeds.


Wei Xuan, who didn’t get anything on the first day, wandered out of this area on the second day, heading in another direction. His small notebook records that there are several large and small fruit and vegetable supermarkets down this block. He has already been to those fruit and vegetable supermarkets in the early days, but at that time his goals were perishable vegetables and fruits, and he has not paid any attention to seeds. 


Although he knows that there is little hope, Wei Xuan wants to stop by anyways to check it out. 


Therefore, Wei Xuan, who was very attached to his zombies, wobbled all the way towards his target location, looking at the various shops on the left and right streets along the way, and also took a look at the sky from time to time to see if there was anything unusual.


The two of them wandered around like this and planted potatoes along the established route. As a result, they encountered four fruit and vegetable supermarkets and two flower shops on the road, and they still had no harvest at all. Finally, they came to the entrance of a supermarket.


Looking up at the supermarket, the earthquake caused some breaks in the main building here, but the overall building is still very strong. At this time, Wei Xuan only hoped that this location would not be soaked by rain. As for other things, he was not interested in collecting them for the time being. When he was wandering around the fruit and vegetable supermarket, he found a lot of various seasonings and spices. Those things are all packaged and placed in those shops now, and Wei Xuan plans to pick up some supplements for the family on the way back.



After confirming that there was nothing nearby, Wei Xuan hurriedly dragged Du Hang to the door of the supermarket, and immediately rushed to the second floor after entering. He vaguely remembered seeing a special counter for flower products on there.


The bustling supermarket in the past has long become a mess. There are traces of flooding in many places, and an indescribable smell emanates from rotten food that would make anyone feel dizzy.


The building without any lighting looks gloomy, but fortunately, due to the earthquake, many areas on the roof of the supermarket were damaged, which allowed sunlight to peak in, making the whole area brighter.

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