Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm

Chapter 63: 62

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Ch62 - Got caught?

Wei Xuan couldn’t help but twitched the corners of his mouth twice when he saw the scene in the supermarket that was swept by people. Many counters fell to the ground, some collapsed in the earthquake, but some should have been vandalized—almost all the counters for buying mobile phones were smashed by something, as the roof above was intact, it couldn’t have been caused by the earthquake.


Scanning the surrounding area hastily, Wei Xuan confirmed that there were no signs of suspected flowers and plants in the vicinity. Then Wei Xuan dragged Du Hang in, and after walking not far, he found a counter that seemed to sell flower products— “These are hydroponic vases, right?” Wei Xuan went to the flower shop before and saw many vases of different shapes, so he immediately recognized the hydroponic vases on the shelf and the ground.




The plants in the vase had been completely ruined long ago, and even the water inside had been completely dried out, leaving only dry and crumpled lumps and the broken remains of many vases.


Paying attention to these things, Wei Xuan confirmed that all the flowers and plants sold here should be finished products, flowers, and plants for home decoration, bamboo, etc., and there were no traces of seeds, so he had to drag Du Hang around for a while as he continued to go deeper after not finding what he wants.



The shelf of instant noodles has been completely toppled at this time, and there is no trace of a complete package of instant noodles on it. The non-staple food seasoning has also been knocked over, and many pickles, fermented bean curd, and various sauces are all scattered on the floor. Also, there are many inexplicable dark blobs scattered around that probably used to be fruits and vegetables. 



There are still many corpses lying on the ground between the shelves, as they have been laying there for a long time, Wei Xuan can’t tell whether these bodies belong to humans or dead zombies. 


The two wandered around, and then accidentally found a small flower farm tool on the small shelf next to the seasoning shelf!



Wei Xuan’s eyes lit up, and he immediately pulled Du Hangover to turn on the flashlight, and quickly found that there were seeds on a small shelf next to this shelf!!


He had seen the brand of this seed in a flower shop before, so when he saw the brand name on the seed, he felt nervous at first, and immediately grabbed a bag— “Forget-me-not…” He took a deep breath, threw away the bag, and took it immediately Picking up another bag, “Small gourd… Ornamental type.” After seeing the picture and name on it, Wei Xuan had the urge to throw it on the ground and then step on it. At first glance, as the packaging is green, he thought it was vegetable seeds!!


“Peppermint…” Wei Xuan had the urge to cry, but a manly man wanted to be thunderbolt in front of him without blinking, so he dropped the bag again, and grabbed the bag that once looked green at first glance, “Coriander!!!” 


You can’t blame him for being too harsh. For a person who just discovered that this is something he knew from before, this was something he used to eat when it was dried. Seeing these two words and familiar vegetable shapes printed on the package, he was pleased.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Helmxis raeoolcu atlr lcab tlr yju, Qfl Wejc, ktb kjr oeii bo jcalmlqjalbc, lwwfvljafis yfujc ab gewwjuf atgbeut batfg rffvr – lo atfgf lr bcf qjmxjuf bo mbgljcvfg rffvr tfgf, atfgf klii yf j rfmbcv bcf! Ccv wjsyf wbgf njglfas!!



Ktfgf jgf j abaji bo obeg rwjii rtfinfr ilxf atlr bcf, akb bo ktlmt jgf tbwf-rasif ojgw abbir jcv ogfrt-xffqlcu yjur, jcv atf eqqfg rtfio bo atf gfwjlclcu akb rtfinfr lr oliifv klat rffvr bo njglber oibkfgr jcv nfufajyifr. 


After frantically searching, Wei Xuan found three packs of coriander seeds, five packs of green onion seeds, four packs of carrot seeds, five packs of cherry tomato seeds, and two packs of spinach seeds.


The things on these two shelves were not satisfactory at first, there were only a small number of vegetable seeds, and the rest were flower seeds that he had seen in other flower shops.


Wei Xuan didn’t take the flower seeds, but carefully collected these rare vegetable seeds. He had seen and collected almost all other seeds in the flower shops he went to before. What made him feel a little headache was that although he found vegetable seeds here, it seemed that the roofs around here would leak, so most of the packs felt damp.


Only God knows if those seeds will still develop. What if they have gone moldy?


After getting the main spoils this time, Wei Xuan didn’t open them immediately to check the situation – there has been so much rain after the earthquake, if this thing was going to break, it would have broken long ago, and there is no rush for this day. He just packed his things, and after wandering around in the supermarket for a while, and confirming that there was nothing he had to bring back. He took his zombie out of the supermarket and went home.  


How would he need to grow these vegetables? What kinds of seeds are alive, and which ones are useless? Wei Xuan didn’t quite understand any of this.


When planting potatoes, he just waits for the potatoes themselves to germinate, then cuts them into pieces and throws them into the soil to wait for them to fend for themselves. After flowering and setting seeds, throw the seeds into the soil and wait for them to grow naturally.


Therefore, Wei Xuan had almost no idea what to do with the vegetables he brought back this time.

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But fortunately, the two pieces of planting equipment he got back came with instructions on how to use them to grow some common vegetables.



First, he took out all the vegetable seeds in the backpack and put the same kind together. Wei Xuan first unseals the packs and checks the condition of the seeds inside—he doesn’t know whether these things can grow or die, but at least he can tell if they are moldy by smelling them.


As soon as the packs were opened, there was a smell of something bad from some of them, which made Wei Xuan frown slightly.


After careful inspection, the color of some seeds has become very different from that of their kind. It feels like the moldy grain found in the city that has long been spoiled. No need to ask, these must have been broken long ago, and there is no way to grow anything. Many of the remaining seeds have cracked and even shattered into slag when gently twisted by hand… As for the smallest amount…


Wei Xuan carefully separated the remaining 20 or so seeds according to their types and put them into the incubator one by one. After setting the temperature and humidity, he could only resign himself to fate.


Although he was also worried that he would accidentally produce some mutated plants and cause trouble for himself, after checking this set of equipment, he can confirm that as long as he doesn’t take a long trip, he can check on them daily. And if there is even a single abnormality, he will be able to tell right away.


The batch of seeds he got back now looks very bad. If even half of them can germinate, even if they are mutated, he will feel a little bit happy- at least it would prove that there are still some seeds still alive, right?


“I guess this batch of seeds is enough.” Wei Xuan pressed his face almost to the glass panel of the vegetable planter, looking helplessly at the space inside, “Let’s change the location tomorrow and go to a place a little farther away. Let’s go to that supermarket, I hope that the roof and walls are intact.”


This harvest at least proves that his thinking is correct, there are indeed some common vegetable seeds in the supermarket, although there are very few types, and it can even be said that it’s pitiful, they still exist after all. So, if all the seeds he found in this supermarket are gone, he still has the next supermarket to go to— as long as the survivors who went to those supermarkets didn’t take everything away.


Du Hang stood obediently behind him, just watching him press his face against the glass, almost squeezing his nose into a pig’s nose.


Wei Xuan, who found something to do for himself in this somewhat boring apocalypse, is still in a good mood today. After eating dinner and feeding Du Hang, he dragged Du Hang to bed as he was going to get up early tomorrow to clean up a bit. 



Not long after lying on the bed, Wei Xuan fell into a dream. Whenever he worked a little harder during the day and walked more, it would be easier for him to fall asleep with Du Hang when night came.


Du Hang also adopted the same posture as usual as a humanoid pillow, but this pillow suddenly opened its eyes about two hours after Wei Xuan fell asleep. Similar to some previous situations, his eyes seemed to be looking in a certain direction through the wall, and then, this time, he did not close his eyes again after a while like most times, but slowly got up out of bed.


He turned around and headed out the door, going down the stairs, and out the front door. The two neighbors who have also laid on their bed to ‘sleep’ have suddenly gotten up at this time. Standing up, the tall one walked to the window and also looked in a certain direction.


Just like the previous time, Du Hang’s figure quickly galloped out, ran towards a certain direction, jumped over many obstacles, and then completely disappeared.


After a while, there seemed to be some faint sounds coming from somewhere, but because the distance was too far, it didn’t wake up the sleeping person.


When the voice gradually subsided, the tall zombie turned around and walked back to the corner, and held the short man who was swaying around because he got up, as if he was carrying a bag, under his armpit. He carried him into his arms and sat by the wall together to continue ‘sleeping’.


In the early morning of the next day, Wei Xuan got up and got dressed. As he helped Du Hang change, holding a sock in one hand, and grabbing Du Hang’s foot in the other, Wei Xuan looked at the soles of his feet with a baffling expression, and then slowly raised his head to look at Du Hang.


Du Hang still had that expressionless and even dull look. At this time, he was also looking down at Wei Xuan, his eyes unblinking (he didn’t need to), and he looked like he didn’t know anything.


Wei Xuan took a deep breath, got up slowly, threw the sock beside the bed, took two steps back, looked around the room carefully, and found that the place where Du Hang put his feet on the bed sheet was really dirty.


“You, where did you go last night?” The tone was a bit downbeat, as someone who had been waiting for her husband at home all night but had no news from him at all, and the other party didn’t answer the phone call at the company, and now caught the other party’s cheating in person. 



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