Regressor Records

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: The consequences of your actions

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I opened my eyes to see the sight of my own room. My body was covered with thick bandages wrapping from head to legs. I lie in an upright position as I hold my head and groan in pain.


Ryan last blow had completely knocked me unconscious. I checked the conditions of my body. I had suffered some small bruises here and there but it definitely was not at a level where I needed such a thick level of bandages. I unfastened the bandages around me. Whoever did the bandaging was definitely an amatuer based on how sloppy it was.


Behind the bandages were bruises of different sizes. The injuries had partially healed, allowing me to regain some movement. At least it doesn’t hurt as much to walk now.  I left the room, walking towards the living room.


I was greeted by an amusing scene as I entered the living room. The sight of Ryan being forced to repent by Lulu while kneeling in a seiza position was a rare sight to see. I wonder what caused the commotion.


I walked in, as I was greeted by a worried Lulu. Seeing my arrival, Ryan eyes shine with hope as if his savior had arrived. I could roughly understand the gist of the situation judging by their reaction as well as their small conversations.


<Sorry father, it your own fault anyways for not knowing how to stop.>


I stared at him with pitiful gaze for a moment before turning a blind eye toward his cry for help. I ignored his various cries for help and kept giving him the cold shoulder. That was what he deserved anyways. He noticed my reaction, let out a small sigh before staring into the far corner. He stared absentmindedly at blank space with dead eyes as if all hopes were lost.


“Are you ok?”


Lulu asked worryingly. A barrage of questions were fired as I tried to calm her and perhaps bail Ryan out of his dilemma. I escaped the room promptly after calming Lulu as well as bail Ryan out of his eternal suffering.


In the hallways, I was approached by Ryan from the back as he laid his hands on my shoulder.


“Are you ok?” asked Ryan nervously.


Perhaps Lulu's hour- long lecture managed to get him to repent, even if it were a little bit.


“Yeah, the injuries is still there but most of them had recovered somewhat.”


He let out a sigh of relief. He may have felt guilty about the fact he had somewhat seriously injured me. Who in their right mind anyways would fight seriously with a 7 years old? Oh wait, I forgot. The only guy who would dare commit child brutality in this entire settlement would be him. The fact I hadn’t had any permanent injuries could be said as a blessing.


I wonder what was going on in his head when he decided to take a kid seriously. Can’t he be more lenient on me at the very least?! I should just let him be roasted by Lulu. Maybe he shall learn his lesson.


Ryan POV:


“For god sake Ryan, Can’t you even go easy on him. There a limit on being overboard you know. Luckily he didn’t have any permanent injuries. Can’t you just hold yourself back for once?! 


I knelt in front of Lulu asking for forgiveness. It had been 2 hours since she had started her lecture. 2 hours of pure pain and torture listening to her nagging all over. I thought I could hide it by secretly sending Ryin into his room and patching him up in there. Who would have thought that she found out the next day.


I contemplated my actions. Rethinking what I had done. You’re 35 years old for god sake, Ryan. Can’t you even hold back on a kid?! You’re an adult for god sake.


I screamed at myself internally. Lulu lectures had made me rethink my actions back then. It was clearly out of line, driven by desire to fight. That wasn’t an attitude an adult should show at any cost. Towards their children nonetheless.


It confused me on how she knew I was the cause behind Ryin injuries. Well the evidence was kinda piling so I could see her point.


Just by some sheer coincidence, she decided to check on Ryin. By some pure coincidence, she knew what had happened. By sheer chance she knew I was there when I was switching the old bandages for new ones. A woman's instinct is truly a terrifying thing. I inwardly cursed at her for having a sharp sense. My luck is definitely not helping me out today.


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“Did ya just cursed at me? You damn bastard. Seems like you haven’t learned your lesson.”


I made a shocked face over her statement. Damn it, even cursing her inwardly can’t escape her instinct . I take it back, a woman's instinct isn’t terrifying, It's beyond terrifying.


As if all hope was lost, a familiar silhouette walked in through the door. Ryin stared absent mindely into the scene playing before him. Seemingly doubting whether what happened in front of him was a figment of his imagination.


<Please help me here!!>


I stared at Ryin with puppy eyes, hoping he would get me out of this dilemma. I had grown tired hearing Lulu hour long lectures. Her long lecture had made me suffer for what seems to be eternal. I had repented so please let me leave already!!


I send a signal using my eyes hoping that he might understand it. He stared straight at Lulu ignoring my cry for help.




My own son wouldn't even want to help me after all huh. I stared absentmindedly, tasting the familiar taste of defeat as all hopes were lost. 


Ryin soon left the room while I was left behind along with Lulu. Seems like round 2 of the lecture is starting.


“Ryin had asked me to forgive you. So better be grateful and don’t repeat the same mistake twice”


Her voice was full of reluctance as if she hadn't had enough time to completely lecture me. Is it just me or her voice seems to carry a hint of killing intent. Hopefully she won’t kill me if I made the same mistake again, right? Right?


I hurriedly scurried away from the room at high speeds. Ignoring what might be a potential tactical nuke detonation if not tread carefully.


I met Ryin in the hallways. I wanted to say thank you for helping me escape from the dilemma yet my pride as his parents is refusing to do so. Changing the topic I quickly asked how he was feeling.


His outstanding recovery managed to surprise me as bruises injuries take days to fully heal. Yet in a day it had partially healed to the point where moving is no longer an issue. Not to mention his incredible talent in combat as well as his sharp battle instinct. I wonder who his parents were to give birth to such a talented child. Perhaps we will one day know in the future.


Ryin POV:


I left the room. Not wishing to hear the conversation between the  both of them. It's not my fault that you got this treatment, father. It was your own fault. As I was walking, I was approached by Ryan from behind. He was walking fidgetly, as if he just dodged a landmine. He got pardoned by Lulu huh. No wonder he seems to be running away in a rush.

His tone was slightly off compared to usual. Lulu lectures did a number to him both mentally and psychically. His voice was slightly parsed and he kept making weird movement gestures. It was then when he asked about my health which was rather unusual but at least it managed to break off the tense silence between us. We had some small talk, creating new topics one after another. Trying to avoid the empty silence between us whenever a topic discussion came to an end.


I left after having some small talk with Ryan. He felt rather panicked which was unusual for him. Perhaps Lulu's speech did manage to get him to repent properly?


I took some time off training, recovering all prior injuries. I took my days off training, contemplating on what I could have done better during the spar. I realized countless flaws and blunders I had made in the spur of the moment.


Maybe back then, perhaps I did have a slim shot at winning?


Time passed and a few days had passed after the spar. My injured body had fully recovered, allowing me to resume my training. I trained further, pushing my body to the limits of what I could do. Ryan this time had properly taught me instead of “teaching by demonstrating” technique of his. At Least he seems to be properly repenting for now.


I continued spending days under him continuing my training. Marksmanship, martial arts and various other techniques were imparted into me one after another. Mastering, studying, training, I spend hours upon hours on end. Improving myself under his tutor. Continuing my training with a firm heart and renewed dedication.


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