Regressor Records

Chapter 9: Chapter 8: It’s just that you’re too strong

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The sounds of air being cut apart reverberated throughout the room. A loud noise made from the clashing of two weapons resounded throughout the entire city. However, no one seems to pay it any mind as if it was an everyday occurrence.


In the middle of the room, stood a dashing young man in his 18s fighting against another man. In their hands, hold a sword mimicking that of a Japanese katana. Both their swords clashed against each other at terrifying speeds, cutting the air with each movement. Yet both swords were unable to even touch their opponent. Taking a closer look, one would realize that the sword edge was blunt, rendering the weapon incapable of slashing nor inflicting any injuries.





Ryin responded with his own provocation toward Ryan. Their blades continued colliding with each other, producing a deafening clang that strongly reverberated in the room. 


Countless slashes and blows are unleashed toward one another, aiming for the vital parts of each other. Within a short moment, more than a hundred slashes were aimed at each other with the intention of defeating their opponents burning in their eyes.


“Tch, this old man is holding longer than I thought.”


I muttered in silence. I let out a barrage of attacks toward Ryan, forcing him to be on the defensive. I dashed behind Ryan releasing a full power blow toward his back. 


<Damn it, he could still parry this huh>


Ryan failed to completely offset the force of the blow. I made consecutive slashes, forcing him to make a move in an improper posture.


Ryan slightly faltered over my attacks. 


I let out a smug as I dashed forward. A golden opportunity to finish this match showed up in front of me.


I aimed my blade forward, leaving inches before reaching my victory. But it was quickly interrupted. 


I turned my body sideways in an emergency as a glimmer of light approached me from my back in the shape of a short sword.




I cursed inwardly. 


Damn it, those guys are awake?! It just had to be this moment of all time. Why didn’t they just stay unconscious?


I immediately stepped back to dodge barrages of knives and short swords raining on me.




I made my voice loud and clear before dashing to finish them off once again. This time, I will make sure they’re knocked out properly.


One after another fell down like twigs. Unable to tank more than a single hit from me.


“So you’re the last one Hanzo.”


The sounds of my footsteps echoed louder as I walked closer to him. With my sword in my hand, I hold it close to his neck.


“You’re eliminated. Try harder next time.”


I lightly tap on his forehead with my dull blade. This year's recruits were more…disappointing than I thought. This year's batch of recruits was worse than the last. They barely lasted for a second. Has all this peace made people grown lax?


I kept those thoughts hidden within my heart as I walked toward Ryan. Preparing for round 2 of our spar.


Hanzo POV:


Damn it!! To think the ambush failed. I thought by catching the vice-captain off guard at least we could hit him once but what the hell is that reaction speed!!!


I inwardly cursed at him.


The Vice-captain is a total monster. How could he fight against 9 people and Captain Ryan at the same time? Not to mention those inhumane strengths and reaction speed. How can a human even dodge a barrage of knives toward their blind spots? He must be a reincarnation of a battle god or something to be that strong.


Ryin easily dodged the incoming onslaught as he dashed forwards, taking down some of the members in the process.




I stepped sideways to dodge the incoming attack. Just a single blow from him was enough to severely injure someone. The captain must have been a monster too to be able to take so many hits of his. But you're still going down today anyways vice-captain. I will definitely get my squad certificate by today no matter what the cost. It would be shameful to my entire squad as the squad leader if I still couldn’t get the certificate with the help of the Captain.


From the middle of the group, appears Ryin with a dull wooden blade in his hands. His sudden appearance shocked them but they quickly regained their calm.




I shouted at the top of my lungs towards the remaining members. Our priority is to just stall enough time for Captain Ryan to recover. He is the only person in this entire city that is capable of contending with the Vice Captain.


Within a single moment, as if time were stopped, the entire formation failed. It took less than 10 seconds for him to take down 7 people. 10 secs. A completely inhumane feat.


“So you’re the only one left Hanzo.”


Ryin cold voice and footsteps grew closer and louder as he slowly approached me. I slumped on the ground as he stood before me. With a dull blade in his hand, he pressed it on my neck.


“You’re eliminated. Try harder next time.”


I inwardly cursed at his absurd statement. Try harder? You’re literally too strong! We are literally the best team of the year! I studied and trained hard just for this day but the problem is you!


I wanted to loudly curse at him but my fear towards him forced my mouth shut. I stood up, dejected before leaving the hall along with the other members.



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I kept the feeling of dissatisfaction within my heart. Vowing to defeat him in our next battle.


Ryan POV:


Hanzo barely lasted a second against Ryin. Since when was he so damn strong? Even when I was in my prime, I wasn’t anywhere close to his level. Is this what they call talent?


I let out a short sigh. Since when did I have such a monstrous son? A feeling of melancholy brewed up within me as I recalled the last few years I had with him. 7 years had easily passed within a blink of an eye. He had been my son for 7 years now. 9 years if I included the days before I adopted him. 


My heart grew warmer as I recall the days we had together.


“I won, so keep your end of the bargain.”


The sudden voice of Ryin snapped me back to reality. I stared absentmindedly at his words before recalling the bet I made with him before the match.


“Fine, I'll keep my end, don't worry about that.”


Despite my reluctance to fulfill it, I still had to keep my end of the deal as well. 




I let out a small sigh once again. I contemplated my decision to make the bet. Making a bet that knowing you can’t keep was really a bad choice huh?


“Ryin, your birthday is coming soon, right? What do you want?”


Ryin pondered for a moment before coming up with an answer. 


“I just want you to be safe. All of you. As long as you’re safe, I could sleep without a worry.”


Ryin's sudden answer caught me off guard. Even so, it brought me warmth hearing his kind words. 


“Thanks for being a great son.”


“So do you, father.”


I let out a small smile upon hearing his reply.


Ryin POV:


That kid probably cursed at me inside. He was literally staring daggers at me. Maybe I should have gone a bit more lenient with them ain’t I?


I shrug off my head, avoiding the feeling of guilt that is surfacing within my heart. Compared to other teams, theirs definitely performed the best, but not enough to survive in this world. Maybe I should increase their training regime.

Countless thoughts surfaced in my mind as I came up with new regimes. I wonder when I can head out also.


Reminded of something, I immediately went toward Ryan.


“I won, so keep your end of the bargain.”


I called out to Ryan, reminding him of the bet we had before the recruit assessment. If I don’t remind him, he is probably gonna feign ignorance and use old age as an excuse.


“Fine, I'll keep my end, don't worry about it.”


I felt ecstatic at his promise. Finally, I had a chance to go out of this city. I wonder what the country will look like beyond this wall. Yonavel city is quite desolate, located in between the ravines of 2 mountains. Resulting in a natural fort that even monsters would have a hard time penetrating. Unless it’s a Class 4 and above, the entire city should be safe.


I walked through the door, elated over the fact that my request had been granted.


“Ryin, your birthday is coming soon, right? What do you want?”


Ryan's sudden question caught me off guard. My birthday is on 14th December which is another 4 months. It's a bit too early to even ask for a birthday gift.


I thought long and hard over his question. One of my lifelong wishes was to leave the city and explore the outside world. 




My childhood dreams.


“I just want you to be safe. All of you. As long as you’re safe, I could sleep without a worry.”


I recalled my childhood. Despite losing my real parents at a young age, Ryan had filled that role very well. I want him to be safe, at all costs.


“Thanks for being a great son.”


“So do you, father.”


I let out a smile towards his reply. Having him as my father was truly one of the greatest things that happened to me. 


“Thank you.”


I walked out of the hall as I said a silent thank you to Ryan.


Tomorrow is finally the day I can leave this place.



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