Reign of the Wallenstein

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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The mansion looked modern no matter how you look at it. There's no sign of Japanese culture at all. But that was just the mansion. Behind it, there's this big dojo surrounded by a lake and sakura trees.

The dojo has many rooms with the biggest one being the main dojo, a place just for mom, dad, and me to train. While the rest is for the maids, and other employees.

Speaking of maids, there are no maids training in the dojo today? I enhanced my sight with life force and my golden eyes immediately glowed. 

I looked down and saw my body blazing with white fury like a human torch. I continue to look around the area, but there's no other human torch even inside the dojo. But when I turned to the main dojo, my gaze stilled.

There's something inside– no, that shape... It should be a human... maybe. Though somewhat skeptical, I'm pretty sure someone is in the main dojo. But at this time of the day? How is that possible? There's no way mom will be home. And no maids would dare to train in the main dojo. So it should be Himiko.

But the moment I saw that blazing green light, I realized right away that can't be Himiko. In these past six years, Himiko has improved herself from constant Exp farming from the dungeon. I acknowledge the fact that she had become strong. Even stronger than other heroes of the same rank. And yet, there's no way she can emit this much energy.

It's... too overwhelming!

This life force is on par with Ais.

Both are so intense! I can feel my eyes throbbing due to the sheer pressure emanating from her life force. 

This made me realize that I'm still too weak compared to top heroes, I still have a long way to go. I need more skills.

Something useful just like this detection skill could be handy. I had unlocked this skill after doing nothing but study like a good kid.

Considering my age, I had no way to increase physical strength through heavy training, it's not like they will let me do that, and I heard it was kind of dangerous too. So I have no choice but to focus on developing some skills by utilizing my Quirk. 

One of them is [Vision of Life]. It suddenly appeared on my status out of nowhere. That was not the first time I used the skill, but it was registered in the status window way later after the mastery. I had a guess. I think it would only register as a skill once it passed a certain proficiency.

[Vision of Life - Allow the user to perceive the lifeforce of nearby living creatures, even through walls and obstacles.]

After countless trials and errors, I managed to acquire this skill that allows me to see other people's life forces. Most quirkless people had about the same amount of life force, and so were the kids and early teenagers with Quirk. It's more or less an age thing. Maybe because they haven't developed their stats yet. 

My classmates are also the same. Some are better than others. Just like Momo, though she's still way behind me. But I can see the hint. They're key characters so to speak. The ones who are bound to make their mark in this world. Whether as a hero or a villain.

But even so, we're nothing more than a kindle compared to the life force inside the main dojo. Who on earth is she...

I'm guessing it's a she, based on the curve. No, I'm not perving on a human torch, it's purely deduction. Rather, I'm not in the mood for such a thing, because...

Her lifeforce... It's blazing brilliantly, just the sight of it gave me intense pressure. 

When I keep looking at that green blaze, it makes me feel like my existence is going to be swallowed whole, lifeforce and all.

So beautiful and yet so terrifying.

There's no way someone like this would be a nobody. So it should be either someone from the Big 6 or Association.

But that leaves me with a question. Why didn't they meet up in the guild or the tower? That will be more convenient. But weirdly, why meet up here of all places. As far as I can remember, they never do this.

So no business talk. A guest maybe?

Uh, now that I think about it. I don't pay it any attention back then, but I'm pretty sure yesterday Himiko said something about having an important guest. And that I should behave myself. 

What am I? A kid?!

Thinking back to it made me pissed.

Huh? It's moving.

What is it doing? The motionless green light suddenly moved. It shifted back and forth in a systematic form. Sometimes it accelerated out of the blue before slowing down the next turn. It's as though it was dancing. 


But also baffling.

I enhanced my eyes further and did a double-take. But the result is also the same.

Nothing is wrong with my eyes.

Yeah, without a doubt, it's Himiko's martial art. I know that movement. She teaches me this martial art personally. Though she's refused to tell me its name so I had no idea what it was called. But it kinda reminds me of Wing Chun. In a way, they're both close-range martial art with fast-paced motion.

There's no way this person will learn something from Himiko. No offense to Himiko but she's way out of her league.

But it doesn't change the fact that this someone is using the same martial arts as Himiko. I'm really curious. 


There's this feeling of danger I feel from the dojo. This feeling is the same as that time when I'm looking at the enemy's heavily fortified base. 

They both magically discourage me from taking even a single step forward. 

Hmm, maybe it was for the best. There's no need to look for trouble when some might come your way even if you stay still.

I deactivate my eyes and went back to my bedroom, ignoring the lingering gazes I feel on my skin.

Even inside the bedroom, I can still feel the gaze on me. It's uncomfortable, but I know better than to confront the culprit. I'm not suicidal. I won't do a thing without mom at my side. So I pretend that nothing was wrong.

I shrugged the clothes out of my body and get on the floor. Push-up is the basic. My body is straight as an arrow and I put one of my hands on my back.

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With only one hand holding my whole weight, I started my usual push-up. I have been doing this recently. It's okay, right? I'm twelve now. So it should be fine. Well, I'll try not to overdo it.

One, two, three, four...

The feeling of working out is amazing, and I can't get enough of it.

Not to mention the way I can keep track of my progression really pump me up.

And sure enough, this is getting easier by the day. I could feel it. 

But it's way slower compared to magic stats. This is the same growth as normal humans should they train their bodies as hard as I did.

So it's nothing special. 

I added some spice to my workout. I turn on my life energy as thin as possible, leaving no trace to be seen.

But even then, I can feel overwhelming power coursing through my vein.

With a flick of my wrist, I raised my feet high, pointing upward into a handstand.

And yet, I can't feel any strain whatsoever!

Sixty-two, sixty-three, sixty-four... 

I just can't get tired of this. But something is missing...

I took out a phone from my pants and turned on the music.

Now it's better.

Let's continue my training... Where am I...? Oh yeah, "Eighty-eight, eighty-nine... "

Times went by and sometimes had passed. When I hit ninety, I feel the gaze disappear and no longer lingered on me. And I can't help but smile. She's bored as expected. There's nothing to see here.

I throw the guest in the back of my mind and focused my attention back on the training.

I don't know how many times I did the handstand. I lost count after I reach 462, or maybe 426?

It's too easy...

Maybe using my quirk is not that productive? After all, I barely feel the impact. If there's no muscle tear, the healing, and strengthening cycle then this training might be useless.

Thinking so, I deactivated my quirk and Immediately lose control of my balance.


Dammit, it doesn't hurt that much, but that startled me!

Let's just do a normal one-hand push-up without quirk today.

From the beginning.

One, two...

While doing exercise let's check my status.

"Status window!"


I quickly scan the status window and can't help but sigh. It's too slow... I was so far away from reaching that level. The sight of blazing lifeforce comes back to mind.

"I wonder what kind of person was that guest..."

Twenty-two, twenty-three...

"What kind of relationship do they have with mom?"

Seventy-two, seventy-three...

When I hit eighty, there's a strain on my body. I feel tired. Hmm, not bad I guess, considering my age. 

When I reached perfect 100 scores on both of my hands, they felt sore as hell but it feels good. I stopped doing a push-up and started doing my kata. It's something I have been doing recently, courtesy of Himiko. 

Seeing that I had never done martial arts before, I thought it was a good chance for me to learn martial arts. At first, I want to learn from Mother, but she had been busy with guild and dungeon so Himiko ended up teaching me.

Well, I knew she could dance really well, but I would never have thought she would be this good. She thrashed me every time. 

All I ever did before now cannot be called a fight. It's more like an assassination. By using my speed, I would perform a silent kill on my target, aka ambush. That's why I had no chance of winning in a frontal attack against someone that has a stronger body than me.

But what if I used my Quirk?

Can I win? Maybe, but I'm not keen on the idea. I'll never know without trying. But I'm afraid It won't be of much use if what I saw on the net is true.

Among the list of active heroes, Himiko is considered a second-class hero. So she should be Level 3 or 4. While those beyond level 6 are called first-class heroes. This is also where mom belongs.

This means Himiko could kick anyone's butt as long as they're beneath her level without even using her quirk. Me included.

Our stats are completely on a different level. But it won't stay that way for long. I just need to wait for three more years...

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