Reign of the Wallenstein

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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As always, Himiko comes to my bedroom when it's time for breakfast. She's my alarm clock.

-Knock! Knock~!

"Young master, it's time for breakfast."

"...Himiko, you're too dedicated. You should slack off once in a while."

Saying so, I closed my eyes again.

Just 10 more minutes.


A brilliant light suddenly assaulted my eyes.

"Himiko, not again..."

"Madam is waiting, young master."

"Yes, yes..."

I sighed and come out from the comfort of my blanket. Even after all the lewd things we did together, it didn't make us a couple. I don't get it, but she said she prefer it that way and acted like usual as though nothing happened between us. 

Just maid and her master. It's normal, No big deal. Just a bit pissed. But I have heard about this from our bitchy handler. They called it one... What is it... Ah, yeah one-night stand, or maybe a friend with... benefit? Hmm, but in my case, it should be maid with benefit?

With an unsteady gait, I took off my pajama and casually drop them on the floor before walking to the bathroom.

When the warm water streamed down my body, I felt as though all of my drowsiness and fatigue disappear. It's so invigorating.

After I'm done, I walked out of the shower and opened the bathroom door. Inside my bedroom, I saw Himiko holding something In her hands.

I casually took off my towel and gave it to the maid next to Himiko.

The maids acted as though they saw nothing. At this point, all of us are already used to it.

Even I'm used to it by now. Habit is a terrifying thing.

Two maids are accompanying Himiko. One of them picks up my used towel and pajama before going out doing who knows what, while the other one and Himiko are helping me get into this rich kid outfit.

I admit I like this treatment, a lot. It's quite fun. No wonder those rich people keep this kind of habit in the name of etiquette.

After they were done dressing me, I gave a few jumps and perform a series of kicks. Hail of kicks was thrown one after another. And it gets faster as I go. 

After a few moves, I ended it with a sideways kick which was followed by a whiff of breeze.

 "You're getting faster, young master."

I nodded at Himiko's praise with a satisfied smile on my face.


"Young master Joey is here."

Before we went inside the dining room, Himiko announced my arrival as usual. She then opened the door.

What is the point of doing something like this? Honestly, I have no idea but they have been teaching me this nonsense since I was but a child. 

According to my memory, this happens when we live at the Wallenstein main house. A place where my grandmother lives.

Ah, yeah figures. Rich folk and their custom.

As we went inside the dining room, a good smell wafted from the dishes lying on the table.

"Welcome, honey."

I gave Ais my best smile, "Yes, mom."

The place is big but as always Himiko pulls out a chair next to Ais. After I sat and put on an odd cloth over my chest, mom turned to me.

"Here honey, eat this one."

She put weird-looking meat on my plate.

What is it this time? Another bizarre meat? I get a cold sweat over the shape and color of this unique meat. I just hope it's not from something humanoid.

I take the bait and chew them in my mouth, savoring the taste.

Oh, unlike the appearance it tasted delightful.

This is so delicious~

What's wrong with this tender and spicy meat, Is this heaven?

I gulp down one piece after another into my mouth. It was supposed to be meat, but it easily went to my mouth as though it was jelly. I slice the meat with a knife and forked the juicy meat into my mouth.


Hmm, it's so tasty!

It went down so easily. I bet I'll never get tired of this juicy meat no matter how many times I eat this.

My heavenly time was broken by a familiar voice. It was my mother.


"Uh, yes mom?"

"The day after tomorrow, you should be twelve, right?"

I glanced at her, what's wrong, why the question? I have a bad feeling about this.

"Yes, mom. I'll be twelve in two more days..."

She blinked and gave me a complicated look. Whoa, mom can show that kind of expression too? my mom is more than just an airhead! That was a rare moment. If only the system has a screenshot feature!

"I know this is going to be happening sooner or later. But... I never thought it would be so soon." 

I could hear the struggle in her voice. What is this about? The bad feeling I got is getting stronger by the second.

"Madam, young master is already at that age so it's normal for him to have a girlfriend or two."

"Is that so?" Ais tilted her head.

Huh? Girlfriends? 

What're you guys talking about?

Where is this coming from?

I glared at Himiko who stand behind my mother. But she just gave me a smirk instead.

This punk!

She's asking for a spanking!

"Of course, madam. Or rather, you should be relieved instead. It's a sign that young master is a normal teenager."

Mother stilled for a moment before nodding her head reluctantly.

Mother! Don't let the devil's whispers fill your head with nonsense! I'm twelve, I'm still far from being a teenager!

"Honey, take good care of your girlfriend."

Oh no, She believed Himiko's nonsense!

Ah, this is no good. She's hopeless in this kind of situation. She's too gullible!

I can only leave the dining room with resignation. Promising her to take good care of my nonexistent girlfriend.

After Joey leaves the room, Himiko's expression turned into one of concern.

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"What should we do about Joey's engagement? I don't think they will put up with this humiliation."

"It's fine."


Ais's eyelids dropped, "Joey... since he was a child, he's been spending his time training with his Quirk until late at night. He seems so fixated on it even though we all knew that it was not something a talent and hard work could overcome. And It worries me."

It reminds her of the past. They both realized this but said nothing.

"But now, that child is having a girlfriend." The corner of Ais's mouth loosened and curved into a smile. "Joey, who only had training in his mind is finally showing an interest in other people. This made me so happy and I want to be there to support him."

When Himiko saw this side of her mistress, a flash of happiness glinted in Himiko's eyes before it turned into sadness. She stalled for a moment as hesitation clouded her eyes. But she bit her lips and said it anyway.

"Is that why madam consume that elixir and let Joey absorb your life force?"

When she heard this, Ais blinked as the memories of breastfeeding her child from six years ago come back to her mind. It took half a year to restore her lost magic stats. A costly price, especially for her.

But she still did it anyway. Himiko might not understand. She doesn't need to. It was enough for Ais, as a mother to be the one to understand. 

She's a mother after all.

Ais didn't answer Himiko. 

But who was Himiko? She of course knows what her mistress is thinking. She has been there for as far as she could remember, right behind her.

The maid peeked at the smile hanging on her mistress's face and happiness can't help but gush out from her heart. She felt so proud. 

Ais used to be a strength maniac with only gaining strength as her life goal. And seeing Joey obsessed with strength might have reminded her of the past. Concern for her son might have awakened her motherly instinct inside her. She has changed so much since Joey was born. Thinking about this made Himiko feel so happy. 

Yup, she feels so happy for her mistress. 


What the hell is this...

As I leave the dining room, the passing maids gave me a knowing look every time they saw me.

"Don't tell me the rumors have spread to the whole mansion..."

"Sorry to break it to you, young master. But it is not just limited to the mansion."

Walking behind me is Himiko. As though she was a quest helper in an RPG, she added some tragic foreshadowing to my predicament.

I gave her stink eyes, "Don't joke about something like that. I don't find it amusing."

"But I'm not joking though?"

Stop smiling, you crazy maid!


Is this about the yesterday fiasco?

If her words are true, how did it get this far? I don't remember agreeing to the confession.

"You should check your phone, young master. Maybe you'll be less confused."

After escorting me to the bedroom, she leaves me alone. But, since when she was behind me? I'm pretty sure I leave the dining room alone. I didn't even realize she was there until she spoke to me. 

Himiko is getting more and more dangerous. It looks like Dungeon is more of a big deal than I thought.

To think she would improve this much in just six years... But she's my maid so I guess It's not a bad thing. I also profit from this. All in all, it's not a bad deal.

Oh yeah, she asked me to check my phone.

Let see... Huh, what is this...

The newly created group of my class is full of crazy rumors about me and Momo going out. There are also some messages from Momo. What should she call me from now on? Honey, baby, darling?

What is this horror?

Did I misunderstand something? We're a couple now, just like that? I don't remember declaring my undying love to her though?


Is this supposed to be how modern kids go out with each other and become a couple?

I keep scrolling through the chats and it's getting worse. The whole school had already known about it since last night.

It has become a hot topic right now...

What should I do? Reject and dump her?

Impossible. I don't have it in me to humiliate a maiden heart.

No, it doesn't matter what I think. Having come this far, I don't think I could pretend as though nothing was happening.

Well, Momo will grow a fine pair sometime soon in the future. So, it's fine I guess? Even now she already has some on her. I can see the potential. She should be B-cup? No, it looks bigger than that. Maybe C-cup? Hmm, more or less C-cup I guess.

This rumors thing... If Himiko thinks I'll be bothered by it, then she will be greatly disappointed.

I don't really care that much, maybe just a little bit. I shrugged and tossed the topic to the back of my mind.

"Now, let's see what we have here. Status window!"


Joey Wallenstein

Level: 1

Strength: I62

Endurance: I8

Dexterity: I32

Agility: I43

Magic: F462


Quintekinesis (S)

The manipulation of Life Force. Users can shape and manipulate Life Force, the fundamental force that allows life to exist, grow and flourish throughout the universe.


Ohh! Amazing!

Two years of disgesting the holy grail have given me a huge amount of magic stats!

But sadly I had stopped sucking Ais's tits when I hit eight years old, exactly four years and three months ago. Hence, in these six whole years, I only managed to accumulate  2 years' worth of magic stats. Not to mention the progress was getting slower and slower the higher the stats become.

In the end, I could only raise it to F before mom stopped producing the holy grail.

I could still remember it vividly, the bewilderment I feel at the lack of milk and the disappointment when I realizes a mother was not supposed to produce milk all the time. 

It was crushing. 

So, I was supposed to feel bad. It would be weird if I didn't. But at that time, amidst the bubbling of dismay and disappointment swirling inside of me, I felt a strange sense of relief. 

I wonder why...

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