Reign of the Wallenstein

Chapter 26: RoW Chapter 26

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After regulating my breathing, I started to check my equipment. Even though I say equipment, there were only a few things on me. I had wasted two pens on those bastards, leaving me with one pen in my pocket. 

I took out a slender pen with metallic luster from my pocket. Even though this pen is not a magic tool, it had quite a durable exterior. It was made from monster drops. So it won't turn to ashes just after a few throws. It could last for about 24 uses, depending on its usage.

After being used for practice countless times, those two only had a few uses remaining. One of them was stuck inside the corpse while the other went off somewhere. So there's no need to retrieve them. I'm too lazy to do it.

Other than a pen, there's this small silver knife with one edge. I twirled it between my fingers. It causes a flash of silver weaving around my hand. It's no ordinary knife. It's a magic knife. Amidst the silver flashes, sometimes an arc of electricity could be seen dancing around my fingers. This magic knife is simple. Sharp and could stun the target.

There's also Phantom's Greed. I keep it in bodysuit form all the time with Auto Weight On. And I can feel it, I'm getting faster and stronger even with massive weight pressing on me. I could finish the masked man faster if I turn it off, but what's the point then. A moment like that is where this artifact shines the most. In the status window, I can see my stats increased like crazy that I can barely keep the grin from coming out.

If I don't have a good moral, I might keep hunting both heroes and villains alike. Good things it was me who transmigrated and not those bastards. Otherwise, this already shitty world would become messed up.

The last piece of equipment on me is the magic sword. Though I left it in the car. It's inconvenient to carry a sword around with me so I just chucked it below the seat.


A high-pitched scream suddenly comes out from behind me. I could hear the pain and despair in his cry. 

A few minutes later under Narvi's special care, his scream turned into a whimper. I swear I could hear him pleading for mercy.

The poor guy must be wishing he was dead.

God bless his soul.

After I healed my aching body, I packed my equipment and approached Narvi. She's standing there patiently, waiting for me. Next to her is the poor guy, he is twitching on the ground and foaming at the mouth. I didn't dare to see below his neck, less it destroys my appetite.

I sat down on the fallen tree and turned to Narvi, "So, what's you got from him?"

"It appears that they're planning to kidnap your friend, young master."

"Huh, my friend?" Who? Did I have a friend? Why do I never hear about this?

I looked at Narvi. She looked more and more like Himiko. Did she get infected by her or something? 

I gave her that look, "Narvi, that joke is not funny."

Narvi stared at me, her eyes flashed with confusion. She had no idea why I'm annoyed. "Didn't you follow your friend because you're worried that they might do something to him?"

"Nope, I was trying to deal with him."

"Huh?" When she heard my answer, Narvi fell into deep thought. "Wait, young master, that's not... a good idea." Narvi gathered her words. "Don't forget the fact that you're the heir of the Wallenstein family."

She thought gloomily, 'Young master had some dealing with his friend? Is that Lida boy coming from a business family? I would never have thought young master had an interest in trading and business. I was under an impression that he was a brute who loved training and violence.' She sighed. 'What to do? madam and master Bell would be very disappointed if young master pursue business as his dream job. Who would inherit the Guild?'

Seeing her sour face, I frowned, "Are you saying what I did is wrong and will stain the name of Wallenstein?" What's wrong with a little prank? That rascal deserves it.

Narvi stares at me, she had no idea what to say. Seeing this, I consoled her.

"Don't worry, as long as no one found out about it, everything is going to be fine. I haven't lost sight of the big picture." Maybe adding some humiliation into the prank would teach him some manner. It was a consequence he deserved for being a snitch. I'll make sure there's no evidence pointed toward me.

Hearing my consolation, Narvi mood turned for the better. 'He hasn't lost sight of the big picture? Is that mean young master still planning to inherit master Bell's guild? Oh, thank goodness. But it doesn't seem like he has the intention of abandoning this business thing as his dream job. Wait, is that means...' 

Something clicked in her mind. Narvi eyes lit up with delight, she looks very excited, "Young master! You're planning to become a Guild Master while ruling the world's economy from the shadow?! Is that it? That's amazing! I'm in awe of your ambition!"

"Uh, yeah sure..."

Guild Master? ruling the world's economy from the shadow? Did we even speak the same language? Wait, could it be she's that kind of girl who keeps saying that she had a burning fighting dragon sealed in her right hand. I glanced down at her hands in a hurry but saw no bandages covering her skin. Which one is she? 

Without realizing my internal struggle, Narvi keep harping about chill-inducing imagination right on my face.

"At this rate, young master might become the lord in the shadow. Controlling both heroes and civilians alike from behind the scene." Narvi chuckled, "With young master intellect and talent, it would be possible! I could see it happen." She nodded, looking satisfied.

Yup, it's confirmed. She's a chuunibyou alright.

Well, no matter. I'm not the type to judge other people's hobbies. But I better change the subject. I'm getting tingly just by looking at her.

"Anyway, did you learn anything else?"

Narvi tilt her head, trying to remember what she heard from the man she interrogated.


A lightbulb lit up inside her mind and she clapped her palm, "Aha, I remember young master. He said something about ransoming Lida for a key."

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"Key? What kind of key?"

"I'm not sure. This guy is just a grunt, so he doesn't know the detail."

"I see, that's a pity." I looked at the deeper part of the forest. "I guess we'll have to catch the boss of these grunts then."

They're kidnapping a kid for a key. So it must be something of great significance. Otherwise, they won't bother to take such a great risk just for a key. 

Heh, I can't help but chuckle, I'm fully invested in this matter now. It sounds interesting. This key they're looking for is definitely not something that unlocks an ordinary place that contains a mere worldly valuable.

I thought back to the vault beneath the mansion. I just hope it won't be a vault full of artifacts. I thought with gloom. Such things will be useless to me who already had a ton of them beneath my bed.

I shook my head. That's not a good mindset. I must not let negativity ruin my Quest. I have villains to beat and a brat to save. Now is not the time for useless thought.

"Narvi, let's go."

"Yes, young master."

I walked deeper into the forest with a maid in tow.

It seems that my luck is pretty good lately because a few minutes after we went deeper into the forest, we found another clue. It was two people's footprints. I crouched down and observed them carefully. 

"This is, don't tell me..."

Narvi come out from behind me. "Is there something wrong with these footprints, young master?" No matter how she looked at it, there was nothing weird about it. Even though she had no experience in tracking, her eyes for observation are quite sharp due to her high level. So, she knows that there are two people out there on the loose based on the footprints.

And yet she had no idea what make her young master frown like so. 

'Did he notice something else?' Narvi thought, rather skeptical.

I glanced at the faint footprints track around me and sure enough, "Based on their angles and position, these two might not be from the same camp. One is chasing while the other is running away."

Narvi frowned, "How did you know that?" She doesn't recall madam ever hiring a tracking expert to teach the young master Joey.

I walked to the lone tree beside the reddish bush. "Look at these footprints. The tracks both went northeast, deeper into the forest. But occasionally there's some footprint like this one that is a bit further in distance than the previous footprint."

"That's... very observant of you, young master. But that doesn't mean they're chasing each other. He could be trying to increase his pace by speeding up."

"I'm not done yet. Look at the footprints of the man behind him."

Narvi looked back over her shoulder, "Uh, what am I supposed to see? I didn't notice anything weird."

"Look at the interval and the distance between each footprint."

Narvi observed their interval and distance carefully and compare them. Then she found something odd.


"Both of these men are running with the same speed for quite a while. But here's come the weird thing. The moment the man in the back increased his pace, the man in the front also did the same thing. Based on the tracks, it's should be less than one second. It's not a stretch to say that they increased their pace at the same time."

"It's as though he's dodging an attack from the man in the back." Narvi cut my words. She's looking at the footprints tracks intently. "There's no way he could do that unless he is observing the man in the back all the time."

I raised the corner of my mouth, amused. She's not bad. 

"Indeed, if they're allies, he won't be so cautious of him. But that's not all though."

Narvi broke out from her reverie. "Huh? There's more?"

"Yeah, there are plenty of clues here."

Her eyes gleamed with curiosity, "Really? What is it? Could you tell me more, young master?"

She was so interested in this tracking business but suddenly her mood went down in the blink of an eye.

"What's wrong?"

She looked at me, somewhat worried. "Is it okay for us to linger here for too long? I'm worried that they might have caught your friend and fled the forest."

"Don't worry. I have a plan"

Honestly, I don't really care if they caught the young Lida or not. It might be a suitable punishment for that little rascal. 

I plan to retrieve the intel concerning the key directly from the source. I should start with the villains. I already know which group they belong to. If it doesn't work, I might have to make a move on Lida's family. Nothing gory and dangerous of course. They're a family of heroes, so I'll give them some face.

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