Reign of the Wallenstein

Chapter 31: Chapter 31

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After they were done laughing at Joey, Narvi gave him a gaze filled with suspicion, "Anyway, I've been thinking about this since this morning and I think I was right, something is going on with you and Himiko."

Johnny flinched and let out a startled cough. With his heart stuck in his throat, he gave the mirror a once-over just in case. But what he saw nearly made him jump in fright. Narvi was looking at him with a weird look on her face. 

"Hmm... I was talking with young master here but why are you flustered?" She started to look at him with suspicion. "Now, that was what you call weird. Are you by chance knew something about it?"

"H...How is that possible? Something just stuck in my throat." He glanced at Joey as he gave a dry laugh. Seeing the situation turn for the worse, Joey helped him.

"Enough with the questions, Narvi." Joey gave her an annoyed look. "I'll tell you what you want to know when I feel like it. And you know what? I don't feel like doing that now." 'Maybe I'll never will.'

"I'm sorry, young master. It looks like my joke has gone too far." Narvi clear her throat with a cough. 'I'm not joking though.'

She continues. "Then I'll start recounting what happened yesterday."

"Ah, before that. There's something that I have to give you." Narvi took out a black jewelry box from her pocket. "Here take this, madam asked me to give this to you."

He took the jewelry box from her and flipped it around in his palm. "When did she give this to you?"

"...Before she leaves for the dungeon."

"And you just gave it to me now?" Joey asked, "Why?"

"Um, it might have slipped my mind..." Her voice trailed into a whisper and she become much smaller under Joey's gaze.

He sighed. "Forget it, what's done is done. I should be thankful that it was only a couple of days late..."

"It was supposed to be a birthday present. But she was busy right now, so that's why she gave it to me for safe keeping." She said while looking away from Joey. She can feel his glare on her back, but she pretended not to notice.

Joey inspected the box in his hand. The jewelry box is small and feels soft to the touch, but no matter how hard he pressed the box, it doesn't budge even for a bit. It's quite durable. He opened the box and saw a golden ring inside. It's just a circular band of metal made of gold without a socket for gems. Just a simple ring. "Huh, what is that?" But when he looked closer, there seems to be some kind of inscription carved around the golden ring. It reminds him of the Lord of the Ring.

Seeing that he couldn't read the words, Joey decided to put the ring on his finger for now and investigate later. There's no way his mother would give him something harmful. 


A familiar sound of the system resounded in his mind. He had his suspicion when he saw the ring but, to think it was really an artifact. Joey can't say he was not surprised.

[Congratulation! You have contracted an Artifact, la Bague d'Ambre has been successfully installed!]

la Bague d'Ambre

Rating: Rare

Description: A golden ring that can be used to gain insight into the truth of the world. It grants the user ability to obtain a Quest and receive enlightenment.

Drawback: The user will feel compelled to complete the quest as long as he wears the artifact. Users with high willpower will be less affected by the drawback.


A Quest! A term that was familiar to most teenagers. If they played a game, the must-have recognized this word. Although Joey is not an avid gamer, he also had his share of playing some RPG games. So he knew what is Quest. But he had no idea if this Quest here is the same as what he had in mind. He tried to tinker with the Ring option in the status window but there's nothing to change there.

'What, it doesn't make sense. How does it work? how can I trigger a Quest? and what does it mean by enlightenment?' Joey pondered while scratching the ring.

"Young master, should I tell you now?"

"Tell me what?"

"The meeting between Tensei and Dusty Ash of course. You silly."

"Okay, whenever you're ready."

"Then should I start from the beginning?"

Joey gave a hum of acknowledgment and she unconsciously started telling him what she heard from Dusty and Tensei conversation. But inside, she was startled. Why did she feel compelled to tell him everything she knew about them? She felt that it was dangerous to explore this new finding so she put it to the back of her mind.

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After hearing Narvi's explanation, Joey was deep in contemplation. To think Tensei that man who exudes a heroic aura from his body would dip his hand into the murky water. There must be some kind of explanation. But that was not for him to solve. It had nothing to do with him.


You have triggered a Quest!

Uncover the truth behind Tensei Ida's descent into villainy and help Tensei solve his problem!

Reward: Insight into the skill [Magniello Avius] (Click here to view the skill's description)

Magniello Avius - The user can give life to anyone and possibly even anything using life force, either instantly, slowly over time, or after certain conditions are met. May be used by touch, at a distance, or simply willing it to happen.


He knew right away that this time he got something amazing. If this insight is what he thinks it is, then this artifact might be more useful than two Phantom Greed combined. With this artifact, he doesn't need to get lucky in search of new skills, grasping at straws and hoping to trigger a skill that he doesn't know even exists.

But he didn't think Ais would give him another artifact so soon. "Didn't she say that I must wait until graduation before she gets me another artifact? I don't get it..."

Narvi heard his confusion and come up with a reason, "Maybe because that artifact is useful to you, young master?"

He rolled his eyes, "I doubt there's any useless artifact in this world."

"That may be so, but their drawback also plays a crucial role to determine how useful it was. There's also a matter of compatibility."

"Huh, what? compatibility? this is the first time I heard about this." He looked at her with curiosity.

"Well, this is something you learn at Hero Academy, so there's no way you would know about it." She clears her throat with a cough. "If you want to know, I could teach you." He nodded and she continues, "Okay, so listen to teacher Narvi carefully."

"All hail teacher Narvi~" 

Joey jerked his head back to avoid a smack from the side. "Hey! I don't approve of a physical attack." 

"Say that to the supreme judge."

He raised his hands in mock surrender, "Okay I give up. Please, no more abuse to your master."

"You say that as though I've been abusing you," Narvi said. "Don't say something that might cause misunderstanding, young master."

"Deal! Now let's get back to the artifact."

"Anyway, choosing an artifact is all about compatibility. For some users, a certain artifact might be worse than a nightmare. Not only it doesn't help them, it might even put their lives in danger. Just like the pairing of a weak-willed guy and an artifact with a mental effect drawback. It's a quick ticket to the afterlife."

Joey nodded, enlightened. "I know what you mean. It's just like a mage with [Silence] status effect. A mage without the ability to cast spells is no different than a goblin. An easy target to kill."

"Indeed, madam might be thinking that the ring is suitable for you, young master. That's why she handed it to you as a birthday present."

"You might be right. This is very suitable for me..." Joey smiled. He had lived twice, so he had extra 20 years of life experience. Willpower is the least thing he lacked. Mom might have given this to him after seeing how skillfully he broke the illusion in the vault.

His ride quickly arrived at the school. After parting with Narvi and Johnny he went to his class. All of his classmates were already there. He greeted Momo, Jiro, and the Hiryute sibling before sitting on his chair. A moment later, a math teacher strode inside with a frown on his face. Something must have made him pissed. Could it be he became unconscious out of nowhere? Joey bet it was a student who did something to him.

The math teacher started the lesson, and after a brief explanation, he started giving them a lot of questions to solve. One complicated problem after another comes their way. Joey suspected that this adult in front of him likes to see his students having a hard time, racking their brains out until steam started to bubble from their heads. It's almost like harassment.

And talking about harassment, it reminds him of his plan. Joey looked at the seat in the corner that should be Tenya Ida's seat, but it was empty. He was planning to prank the kid but he didn't come to school. He wondered if something happened to his family. 

'Well, something did happen to them alright. And now it's also my problem to solve if I want to earn that sweet skill.' He was excited about the skill, but not so much when he thought about the troublesome things he must do to complete the Quest. Not only it's not fun, but it's also going to be difficult. The moment he saw the Quest, he could already foresee that this matter was not as simple as it sounds.

After waddling through boring math, it was finally the time for combat class. The students looked so excited about their new class. Joey also feels the same way. After all, for most of them, this might be their first time learning how to fight. 

He parted with Momo and the rest as he went to the male locker. It was awkward and uncomfortable with all the hostile glares he got from the boys around him. He left his jacket in the classroom so he just needs to take off his vest, shirt, and pants. After dressing himself in a black and gold tracksuit, he meets up with Momo, Jiro, and the twin in the schoolyard. They gave him a high five while riding the excitement. Unfortunately, they had no time to chat because the combat instructor is already there, staring at them with a scowl that says he doesn't want to be there.

'Ah, yeah. Another familiar face. But why is he here? Shouldn't he be at U.A Academy?'

He had no idea as to how and why. He could only roll with it and enjoy the moment. Unlike his classmates, this class is just a formality for him. He had learned what was needed in combat. So he was going with the flow just like what he did with the other classes. He doubts they're planning to let students fight some monsters.

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