Reign of the Wallenstein

Chapter 30: Chapter 30

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In: Private Messages

Narvi: Young master, I have bad news.

Joey: What, did they apprehend Dusty already?

Narvi: No! It's worse than that. Tensei joined the Volcano Thieves Guild!

Joey: What? Your joke is getting worse.

Narvi: I'm not joking, young master! It turns out Tensei and his guild have been smuggling magic stones from the dungeon for some time now. Unfortunately for them, some of his guild members sold this information to Volcanic Thieves and betrayed him.

Joey: Come back, we are done today.

Narvi: We are not going to make a move against them?

Joey: Don't worry about it. I have a plan.

"I have a plan." That was his trump card against Narvi. He has no choice but to type such a thing. He had a feeling that If he didn't say he had a plan, she might start another argument with him. This will put her at risk of being discovered and Joey must prevent that scenario from happening. 

At least until he figured out what he want from this outing. Does he want to eradicate those villains like some superhero? Joey pondered before shaking his head. "Nope, I don't care about those villains and what they do."

Hence, it will be a waste of his time to make a move against the Volcano Thieves Guild. If his heart isn't in it, doing it will be meaningless.

"It's not like they're killing people left and right."

Just like the name of their guild, all they did is steal and rob the unfortunate. They never killed anyone, or rather no villains dare to kill people in this day and age. It is all due to the Association's policy. Technically, it's illegal and frowned upon to kill someone. It doesn't matter if it's civilians, heroes, or villains. Once you're caught killing someone, you'll be branded as a villain. And if your kill count exceeded a certain number, the Association will assign a "Kill Order" to that villain. It means anyone can kill a villain with the "Kill Order" mark attached to him without any repercussions and will be given a bounty reward instead.

'That's why I must erase every trace we left behind.' Joey's eyebrows dropped as he unlocked his phone and started typing.

Joey: Make sure to dispose of the grunts and other traces we left behind.

Narvi: I'm on it. But it's a lot of hard work. You leave too many traces, young master."

Joey: Deal with it.

Joey closed the chat and dialed another number from his phone.

beep~ beep~

"I'm in a bit of trouble right now," Joey said out of nowhere.

"Should I come over right now?" A female voice drifted over from the phone.

"No, it's not that big of a deal. There's this car accident outside the commercial district."

"The one on the news?"

"Huh, it's on the news?" Joey asked, a bit surprised. "It's just an accident. Why is it already on the news?"

"It's not an ordinary accident. From what I heard, this accident involves the kidnapping of the Lidaten Guild's family member. To be exact, the little brother of the guild master, Tensei Ida is kidnapped by some villains. That's why the commotion.

'Did Tensei spread the news to the media?' Joey narrowed his eyes, 'The timing is too fast! It couldn't be a coincidence. Lidaten or Volcano, one of them should be the one who contacts the media.'

"But for what purpose?"


"Ah, I'm talking to myself, don't mind." Joey coughed, then changed the subject, "Anyway, I might need you to clean my mess."

"Yes?" The voice stilled for a moment, "Young master... did you get involved in the matter?"

Joey said slowly, "Well, I kinda went inside the forest, so... Just in case? there's a chance that the Association might step in and investigate the matters. That's why I'm giving you a heads-up just in case."

"...Understood. Leave the matter to me, young master."

"That's good, thanks." Joey hanged up and glanced at the shadow outside the car door. Joey lowered his left hand and pulled the sword from beneath the seat. He flicked the safety, and slowly draw the sword from the sheath without making a sound.

"It's me, young master."

Joey halted his hand when he heard Narvi's voice. He put the sword back and replied, "Hurry up and come in. We are leaving soon, ah you can tell me what you saw tomorrow."

"Yes, yes... young master, you're such a slave driver." Narvi sighed. Joey smiled in response.

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Unfortunately for him, it was not that easy to leave the place because the place is packed with vehicles. Joey glanced outside through the window and saw a truck towing a car with dented bumper, almost half of the glasses were gone. Then comes the next wrecked car. When all of the wrecked cars were out of the way, the traffic started to get a bit better. However, it didn't last long. It returns to a crawl. Joey peered through the window and saw some police officers blocking the way. They examined the identities of the people inside before allowing them to leave the scene.

Then it comes his turn. Narvi gave him something as she spoke to one of the officers. He looked hesitant for a moment before whispering something to his fellow officer. After sharing a look, they let us through without checking the content of the car.

'What did she say to them? Did she tell them our identity?'

If so, then that explains why they didn't dare to stop them once she told them of his identity. But Joey is pretty sure they will report it to their superior and then from there, the Association will learn of this matter. But he's not too worried. It was bound to be known sooner or later. Good thing he and Narvi put on domino masks before they leave the car. Otherwise Dusty might recognize Narvi when they were locked in combat.

Leaving the checkpoint, he went back to the mansion. Joey is not in the mood to go anywhere else today. So he scrapped his schedule for the day. Joey went to Ais's bedroom for spiritual healing only to find it empty. He stopped a maid and asked where his mom whereabouts. After a brief exchange, he palmed his face. "Ah, I forget about it."

He just remember that today is the day she leaves for the deep floors. No doubt visiting her beloved husband. If it was not for Joey, she might stay there for good, accompanying her husband. 

Joey closed the door of mom's bedroom and leaned his forehead against it. "I miss her already." He sighed again. 

Joey went to his room and throw his body on the bed. His eyes feel so heavy as he stared at the hanging lamp. The exhaustion of his fight with the villains guild in the forest finally caught up to him and he soon fell asleep.

The next morning, he woke up upon hearing the sound of someone unfolding the curtains. Joey slowly opened his drowsy eyes and saw a black and white maid dress fluttering in the air, and beneath them are pair of slender legs in white silk stockings.

"Himiko?" Joey called out to her, but he didn't get a reply.

"I'm cold, can we cuddle?" Joey asked again, this time with a needy tone. "Just for a little bit... please?"

The maid approached the bed and stalled for a moment when she reached his side. But he felt it then, a soft hand brushing past his cheek and forehead before caressing his hair. When the owner of the hand sat on the bed, Joey shifted closer to her and she responded by putting him into a cuddle. Joey sighed happily. Her body felt so warm it put him at ease.

Joey didn't know how long he was asleep but the moment he sat up on the bed, the sun was already high in the sky. The usual chirping of the birds is also nowhere to be found.

He rubbed his eyes and looked around his bedroom. There's no sign of Himiko at all. "Where did she go?" Joey mumbled before raising his brows in surprise, "Huh, now that I think about it, just like mom, she should be in the dungeon right about now." 

His eyelids dropped as he glanced at the warmth emanating from his bed, "Then who...?" 

Without Himiko, it should be Narvi duty to take care of him so it doesn't take that long for him to figure out the mysterious maid who cuddled with him on the bed. Joey scratched his messy hair as he felt at a loss on what to do. Unlike Himiko, he and Narvi are not in that kind of relationship so it might be awkward when he meets her later.

But he suddenly widened his eyes in alarm. If he remembers it right, he was asking her for a cuddle thinking it was Himiko that comes to his room! Would she suspect something? "What should I do?" Joey racked his brain for a solution. "It would be a disaster if she told mom or other maids about my relationship with Himiko..."

"No, wait. Did I even say anything that might reveal our secret?" Joey let the water rain down on him from the shower head as he browsed through his hazy memories, "I don't think so...? I mean a cuddle doesn't mean we had a sexual relationship. It's a healthy and innocent way for people to bond with each other. There's nothing sexual about it." He sighed in relief.

"It's the same for Narvi," He said, "She also cuddled with me. So, it's more likely that she would keep this secret to herself."

He can't help but smile at this thought. They shared a secret now and ride on the same boat. If she does something to harm our vessel, they will end up sinking together. She's not stupid so Joey is pretty sure she won't say anything.

After he comes out of the shower, he blinked his eyes in surprise. There's no sign of maids in his room which is a rare occasion. He shrugged and put on the school uniform without the help of the maids. Narvi must have told his attending maids that he was sleeping late.

Joey glanced at the clock. He had 30 minutes before school began. It was close but he could make it in time if he miss breakfast. He sauntered to the table and opened his backpack. Everything he needs is already inside. It must be the work of the maids. He put it on and comes out of the mansion. 

In the yard, he saw Johnny all ready to depart. He was there all along even before Joey woke up from his sleep. Beside him is Narvi who stood there with an unreadable expression on her face. Seeing her, Joey's heart flinched. 'Is she upset?' That's not quite right. He saw it once, the face she made when she was upset, and it was not pretty.

This time, it was different. She's not upset, he's pretty sure about that. But he also had no idea what was on her mind. So Joey could only pretend like nothing was wrong and treat her like usual. 

They sat together in the backseat as they headed toward the school. Joey glanced at Narvi and said hesitantly. "Uh, Narvi... can you give me the rundown of yesterday–"

Narvi sighed, loud enough to make him pause. The situation turned a bit awkward amidst the silence that it was pretty audible when Johnny gulped his saliva. Both maid and her master turned to him with flat gazes, making him sweat bullets, "I...I'm sorry! It was not on purpose, I swear!"

Narvi ignored Johnny and glanced at Joey, "Young master, do you have something to tell me?"

"Something to tell you, what? I don't... think so?" Joey racked his mind but nothing come to mind. 'She's not referring to his secret with Himiko, is she? If that's what she wants me to say then she can forget about it. I'll never tell anyone about my relationship with Himiko. Not in a million years.'

"Is that so? I have a feeling that we have gotten a bit closer lately, and I'm happy for that." She paused for a moment before turning to stare at the window. The sad vibe emanating from her lonely self was off the chart. "But it looks like it was just my imagination... In the end, I was nothing but a lowly maid for you, young master..."

"You have to be more specific. There are many things I'd like to keep to myself." Joey replied casually while looking at the passing pedestrian. "You can consider me as a man of many secrets."

"A man?" Narvi giggled, "What do you mean by a man? You're barely a teenager, young master." She changed completed in the blink of an eye from sad to happy. In fact, she's had too much fun if what Joey saw is true.

Johnny also kept himself from laughing by biting his lips. But it was pretty obvious with how much his body is quivering.

"I... I can't believe it... I can't believe you call yourself a man." She cackled, "Not good, I just can't stop laughing."

Joey looked at her with a flat gaze. "Isn't that enough? You're laughing too much. What so funny?"

"I'm sorry, but that was gold. I haven't laughed this much in a while." Narvi wiped the tears from her eyes. "Still, that doesn't mean I'll let the matter go just because you made me laugh, young master."

"What, who's trying to make you laugh?" Joey shook his head, wondering if they had different tastes in what they considered fun. 'Maybe different worlds have different kinds of humor?'

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