Reincarnated And Became My Little Sister!!?

Chapter 26: 23. Chain Of The Past

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That night, Misaki had a dream.

"Come on you bastard! Where is our dinner!"

"Okay, just wait a bit more, the food will be cooked soon."

She sees her past with the real Misaki, who has a short haircut.

She saw as a third person and couldn't interact at all, even if she tried to touch something, her body would just pierce through it like a projection. She could only look at them from the side.

Her projection was happily cooking even though Misaki was interrupting him from the side. But rather than looking annoyed, he didn't really mind her nagging and seemed to be happy to cook for her.

"How? Does it taste good."

"Why are you still here? Don't sit and eat with me, eat alone up there!"

She saw himself wanting to eat with Misaki, but as usual, a firm refusal was evident in her voice. He went upstairs with a small sigh.

It feels very nostalgic to see this incident. He was never angry at Misaki's attitude towards him, somehow he couldn't hate her actions no matter how much he wanted to. it's just, he was tired of all the treatment. Even though he just wanted to be close like before.

She remained standing on the side and watched Misaki's projection in front of her. She never ate together, so she was quite curious about the reason why she always kicked her out.

And not long after that he found an answer that surprised him.

Misaki's annoyed expression turned 180 degrees when she saw his'self disappearing from the dining room and her expression turned into a happy one, then ate the dish he made with joy.

"Mm! It tastes really good! As expected of Onii-chan— My voice is too loud…… did he hear me?"

Misaki covered her mouth thinking that having a voice was too loud. But when she saw that he wasn't responding, she breathed a sigh of relief and her face turned red.

"You stupid Onii-chan, if only he knew the real me..."

Meanwhile, she was still shocked by what he saw in front of her. This was the first time she had seen Misaki's expression like that on him. Besides that.....

She just called me Onii-chan?

What was even more surprising was that he had just been called like that. During this time, after being told that he and Misaki were not related by blood, she was shunned and hated by her. In fact he was never called Onii-chan by her again. But now, in front of her, Misaki called himself Onii-chan secretly with an embarrassed face. That means, he still has affection for her?

Shock, tightness, and pain filled her chest when dhe saw this. She knew she was dreaming right now. However, it was all too real for her to be seen as a dream.

Has this really happened in the past?

Doubt filled her mind. This dream was quite detailed with her past memories, and she could even see the stains on the plates they were wearing.

If this really happened.....

But she didn't have time to think too far as everything went dark, and slowly the projection disappeared............

Her eyes opened. She looked up at the roof of her room which she had seen so often.

Misaki finally wakes up from her dream.

But the tightness and pain in her chest did not go away. The pain came from her guilt.

If I was Kazuto who was reincarnated as Misaki, then where did Misaki's soul go?

The guilt of feeling like she's taking over another person's body and making the person who shouldn't be there be non-existent clearly makes her feel pain.

"Already up?"

She stopped thinking after hearing a voice at her side.

She peeked in the direction of the voice and looked at Shinomiya who was looking at her with half-awake eyes.

"Eh, Shino-Chan. Are you awake?"

She answered by questioning back. Because of that, Shinomiya pouted slightly at her answer, and Misaki laughed awkwardly.

"I woke up because someone was holding my arm tightly, that's how it is."

Shinomiya answered while pointing at her arm which was actually being held by Misaki.

"S-Sorry, does it hurt?"

Misaki immediately let it go and apologized, apparently her dream also affected her in the real world.

"No. How about you, did you have a bad dream? I saw you have a grimace expression in your face."

Misaki had a sad face when she heard that because it made her remember her dream again.

"No, it's just...  a dream that makes me sad."

Shinomiya didn't ask further seeing Misaki's face like that. It's the first time she saw her was quite sad.

"Zzz.... Zzz... Zzz...."

The sound of snoring disturbed them, and when they looked towards the source, it was Sakura who was soundly sleeping with saliva almost dripping from her mouth.

"Hehe... The cake is delicious Saki-chan... Hehehe... Slurps..... Zzz..."

It seems that she is dreaming of herself eating cake judging from her happy expression hugging the pillow and trying to eat it.

They both sighed at her behavior.

"It always makes me want to ask, how did you survive from Sakura's personality? You two have opposite traits, so I'm confused about that."

Misaki asked to change the topic.

"You mean defending from that creature?"

Uwah, even she doesn't think of her as a human.

Shinomiya thought for a while before answering.

"Well, I didn't even know. She suddenly came into my life since kindergarten, so I've gotten used to her."

"It must be hard for you."

Misaki said wryly.

"Not really, I know how to repay her anyway. Welcome to the club by the way, because you'll feel it too."

Shinomiya replied in a welcoming tone and smiled. Her face seemed to say she could finally share her suffering with someone.


Just imagining being teased every day already made Misaki sick to her stomach.

"What are you going to do now?"

Hearing Shinomiya's question, she lifted her back and stretched her stiff body.

"Every morning I usually go for a jog after I wake up, but it's okay not to do it every day. It's almost 7 o'clock in the morning anyway."

"Then let's wake up Sakura."

"I'm not sure we can do it..."

She said when she saw Sakura who was fast asleep. She felt Sakura was the difficult type to wake up.

"Excuse me then, let me do it. I used to wake her every morning because our house is close."

Shinomiya stopped lying down and crawled over to Sakura.

After that she pressed Sakura's mouth and nose tightly as if she had locked it.


1 minute passed until there was a change in Sakura's restrained face.

Her cheeks started to puff up from not being able to breathe out, then her face turned red and her eyes opened wide like a fish, and Shinomiya let her go after a long time.

"Mmph—Puahh!! Hahh... Hahh... Hahh.. Where's my grandma?"

It was her first sentence after she woke up.

"There's no grandma here Sakura-chan."

Shinomiya said to Sakura with a straight face.

"Ahh, I must have had a dream then. I had a dream of meeting my grandmother on a boat with a strange person in a black robe whose face couldn't be seen because it was too dark."

Sakura was clear about her dream.

"Ohh, congratulations. You almost reached the afterlife again then."

And Shinomiya's reply was still flat.

"Ehh? Really?"


"Wait, wait, wait! Wasn't that dangerous!?"

Misaki who had been overhearing their absurd conversation was clearly doing stukkomi.

Do they usually start the morning this way!!? Someone could die!!

Shinomiya averted her gaze when her eyes met Misaki's.

Wait, could this be her way to revenge!!?

"Hmm? What's this? Are you guys talking about something nice?"

Meanwhile, Sakura who had an innocent face looked curious about their conversation.

"Hahh, it's nothing. Let's go out and have breakfast. I'm sure mom has it prepared in downstairs."

Misaki said with a sigh.

On Sundays where some people can take a vacation, starting the morning late is not a problem.

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"Ahh, good morning kids. Did you guys sleep well?"

They were greeted by Misaki's mother and father who were preparing breakfast.

"Yeah, I slept really well, thanks to absorbing Saki-chan's energy!"

"I'm not an alternative energy creator, so stop hugging me. I can't move!"

They started breakfast with such a comedy show.

"Ahh, today we are going somewhere. I haven't had time to tell you including Misaki yet. Are you wondering where we are going?"

Misaki's mother said with a mysterious smile.

"Ahh, are we going somewhere fun!? I'm getting impatient!"

Sakura became excited to hear that.

"Where are we going?"

Shinomiya asked curiously.

"Hmm, hmm, good that you two are getting enthusiastic. Today we are going to Ibaraki Prefecture!"

exclaimed her mother. She looked like a child who would be taken to an amusement park by her parents, then bragged about it to her friends, even though she was already so old that her husband sighed with a wry smile.


If it's Ibaraki, then her mother's main goal must be to Hitachi Seaside Park to see the flowers there. She's sure, because in the past their family had been there.


Memories of her past with Misaki flashed back into her mind while on the way there which made her chest tighten again.

Why does it hurt now.....?

Now, every time he remembers being together with her sister, for some reason there is a tightness in her chest. Does this stem from her guilt, or is she haunted by her past? She didn't know, but she was overcome with grief when this happened.

It was like she was cursed to possess those memories, which now bind her to pain and guilt.

"Misaki, are you all right? Your face is turning pale."

Her mother who saw that there was something wrong with Misaki immediately asked worriedly. Everyone looked at her anxiously after that.

Seeing that made her feel bad.

"It's okay, I seem to have choked while eating just now. But it's fine now."

Obviously Misaki while trying her best to smile. She couldn't just change this already good atmosphere.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Shinomiya looked at her with eyes that looked very dark, as if she wanted to know the truth.

"Yeah, I told you it's fine."

Obviously Misaki with a smile.

Hearing that made Shinomiya's expression flat again.


"If this all happened because of Sakura, then I'll tie that girl up here while we have fun outside."

"Wait, why am I the one to blame!? I haven't even done anything yet!"

"You say 'yet', that means you intend to do something to her, right?"

Shinomiya narrowed her eyes at Sakura, while she shifted her attention nervously.

And after not being able to stand the stare she finally gave up.

"I-I just meant to tease her with all her dolls again..."

"Yosh, let's keep you here then."


Shinomiya quickly dragged Sakura upstairs after that, no one knew what was going on there, but Sakura's screams explained everything.

Seeing this made Misaki forget her past memories a little bit and laugh. Their relationship seemed like Endou and Kazuto.

Shinomiya tried to let them have some time, obviously this was their private time. However, none of that is necessary because the same questions are repeated.

"Misaki, are you sure you're all right? We can cancel this trip and go next week if you want."

Her parents looked a little worried. Misaki smiled bitterly at how worried they were.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I told you I was just choking on food."

She explained while trying to smile innocently. She didn't want to let this trip go down just because of her. After all, she really wasn't sick at all.

Seeing their daugther insist on making them give up to asking.

"Hahh, alright then. Take a shower first and get ready, we'll be leaving after that. Kazuto and Endou might also be here soon."

Of course Kazuto was also on this trip, and she took Endou along because there was no way he would feel comfortable alone with Misaki's friends.


Then she went back upstairs to get a towel and see how her friends were.

"Ahh, it's done? That's fast."

When she opened the door to hee room, she saw Sakura sitting with her knees touching the floor with her straight legs as the base, or rather she was in seiza position with teary eyes while Shinomiya was standing in front of her and looked fiercing. It seemed like she was trying to discipline her after getting a little out of control, plus Shinomiya's annoyance only increased.

"Not really necessary, but thanks for the time."

Misaki replied.

"I didn't do anything."

"Now let's hurry up and take a shower, because the sooner we leave is more better."


Hearing the word bath made Sakura excited, but Shinomiya immediately glared at her which made her agree and look weak.

There seemed to be a pact that Misaki didn't know about between them, as she stared in confusion.

But, ignoring what she didn't know, they showered together after that.

Misaki had to feel embarrassed again when she saw the innocent bodies of her friends, but she also didn't expect that Sakura wouldn't tease her here. Although she was confused, but she was grateful for it, because she was not in a good mood.

After bathing, they changed clothes. Misaki wore a dress that was sewn in the form of a long-sleeved shirt with the bottom area touching the knees, dyed in brown on the area around her stomach and chest, while the rest was plain white. She was also wearing semi-transparent stockings, she missed the feeling of wearing pants so she wore this because it felt like it, and it felt quite comfortable too.

Shinomiya on the other hand was wearing a dark blue dress that reflected her calm nature, and suited her very well.

Meanwhile, Sakura was wearing a pink t-shirt with a bear on her chest, and shorts. The same color as her hair looks really good, and emphasizes her cuteness.

After changing, they were told to wait outside and there it turned out that the ones waiting were Endou and Kazuto.

"Yo, Misaki. You look beautiful in that outfit. That also includes you ladies."

Endou greeted with a bright smile upon seeing her.

"Tch, playboy."

Misaki replied while hitting his stomach. Of course Endou didn't feel any pain since it was only a light blow.

"When did you guys get here?"

"It's been quite a while. Maybe since you guys showered. After that I waited outside while Kazuto also changed his clothes. Hey, why were you dumbfounded earlier, are you in a trance, dude?"

Endou pointed at Kazuto who had been silent for a while while looking at Misaki.

Misaki became confused until she asked.

"What's wrong Onii-chan, is something wrong?"

"It's nothing. It's just, is something wrong with you?"

Kazuto said as he continued to stare at her.

She was slightly surprised when she heard Kazuto ask her which made her speechless. Does he know something?

Actually she was still haunted by her past thoughts until now, even though she tried to dispel them in a corner, but they couldn't disappear no matter how hard she tried, so she felt like she would go crazy if it continued like this. But ignoring the chaos going on in her head, she did her best to maintain her expression.

Kazuto narrowed his eyes slightly at Misaki that still silent, but immediately stopped and shook her head.

"No, just ignore my question."

He said while stroking Misaki's head.

She was confused by Kazuto's behavior, but feeling Kazuto's hand on her head made her feel a little comfortable.

For a while, she managed to forget the things that worried her.

"Nee, Shino-Chan. Have we been just a background since then? We haven't said anything since we left here."

Sakura whispered from behind.

"Psst, just shut up. Let's just say we're shooting a movie and in the script we don't have any dialogue, so just shut up."

“Ugh, why is my existence so easily forgotten.”

On the other hand, Endou also became a side character seeing the siblings in front of him.


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