Reincarnated And Became My Little Sister!!?

Chapter 51: 48. Let’s Change Our Junior’s Future!

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"I see, so you took the kid to look for her family. Hahah, at least wait for me to come out and do it together. That way I won't be the one to worry and look for you like a crazy zombie. I even almost got caught by the security, you know? "



Misaki finally found Kazuto after searching for him. However, instead of getting a heartwarming meeting scene, she gets a lecture from him during lunch. And it continued for 2 hours which made Misaki's ears throb from listening to it for too long.


Misaki said with a regretful face. If she looked back, it was indeed her fault for not waiting for Kazuto. Trouble wouldn't have happened had she not went alone.

Hearing her sincere apology and regretful face, Kazuto couldn't keep scolding her.

"Well..Alright, I'll forgive you this time. But next time, please don't do it again because I'm also worried about you. If someone takes advantage of the situation to kidnap you or something bad, then I can't help but blame myself."

Kazuto then patted his head to forget about it.

"..By the way, isn't Onii-chan mad at me for giving the doll you gave to that child?"

Misaki asked doubtfully. The previous doll was the doll he had given her, so she thought she would be scolded for not taking care of it.

Seeing her worry, Kazuto couldn't help but smile wryly as he lightly pinched her cheeks.

"Why would I be angry? As long as my sister is okay it's not a valuable item, and it's completely yours. We can buy it again later if we want, anyway."

Misaki then looked at him.


"Yes. I'm not angry."

Misaki became relieved after that.

"Okay. my lecture is over. I'm sure your ears hurt to hear that."

"Ohh, Onii-chan know about it?"

Misaki asked in surprise because he knew her ears were hot.


Kazuto couldn't help but be silent because what he said earlier was just a joke, but it seemed that Misaki's answer was completely honest.

Am I that boring person? The question only could he keep to himself.

"Alright, let's go home then."

"Ehh? Are we going home already?"

Misaki seemed to mind a bit because there were still many places they hadn't visited here. Moreover, she wasn't the type to go out a lot, so she wanted to enjoy her time to the best as she can.

"The sun it's getting set, if we stay here we'll probably be home late."

Kazuto replied who could only shrug.

Misaki then looked out the window and saw that the sun was about to set. She didn't realize that time had passed this far. It was apparently because she was still shocked by her encounter with Shirogane.

"I see..."

Misaki was a little gloomy because she hadn't fully seen the place.

"Well, we can visit another time. For now, let's go home."

Kazuto could only comfort her like that as he lightly tapped Misaki's forehead.

They then went out and headed for the train station and boarded after that.

There, Misaki continued to stare at the keychain Shirogane had given her. Her encounter with him still surprised her quite a bit. The future seems to have changed somewhat. But she was sure it wouldn't have much of an effect.

After all, I just met and became friends.

But she was still confused where he got this item from. She visited the gift shop one more time but couldn't find it for sale there.

"Ohh, where did you get that keychain?"

Kazuto asked who was also attracted by the beauty of the snow crystal shape.

"Ohh, nothing. Just a gift from a friend I just met."

Misaki replied with a faint smile.

"Was it a boy, or a girl?"

He asked again as he narrowed his eyes.

"Why should Onii-chan know that?"

Misaki smirked at him as if teasing him as they stared into each other's eyes.

"No, just a little curious."

He answered flatly.

Kazuto then averted his gaze as if not interested.

"Ohh, yeah. By the way, about the girl I've been dating a lot..."

Misaki's ears twitched when she heard that. She then secretly glanced at Kazuto as if waiting for his answer. Her gaze was so intense that if any concrete was thrown at her it would probably split in two.

Kazuto laughed at her reaction.

"she's not what you think she is."

"...Then who is it?"

Quickly tell me who it is!! If she doesn't suit you, I will cut her off!!!

Misaki couldn't wait to hear the person's name.

Kazuto once again chuckled as he ruffled her hair.

"Hahaha, alright, stop looking at me like that. The answer is you."

To that answer, Misaki responded in confusion while frowning.

"But I'm your sister."

"Is there a prohibition that says you can't date your own sister?"


After thinking about it..


"Then that's fine, right?"

At those words, Misaki hit Kazuto's head until it was swollen.


Kazuto could only scratch his lumpy head with watery eyes.

"You worry me for nothing."

Misaki said as she exhaled tiredly.

"Onii-chan, if you are looking for someone to date, Onii-chan should choose a woman with a good conscience, understand? Otherwise, you will never be happy."

If that kind of thing happened, then there's no meaning for me to be here.

'I have to make him happy so he's not the same as I used to be'. He certainly still remembered that promise, so if Kazuto got the wrong life partner, then it would be the same as making him unhappy. Because of that Misaki became too selective in Kazuto's relationship with other girls. Even though they were still in middle school, Misaki had to prepare for it from now on. As the saying goes, today's preparation determines tomorrow's outcome. She needed to do a lot of things so that Kazuto could be 'happy'.

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"Gosh, my sister is worrying about unnecessary things like that. Then what if I won't date or marry anyone?"

Misaki smiled faintly at the question

"Then I will continue to take care of Onii-chan until that day."

I'm not planning on getting married anyway. Misaki said in her heart.

"Then I will not marry, because being with my little sister has given me great happiness!"

Kazuto said cheerfully.

"Hehh, I'm sure Onii-chan will go back on his words when he grows up."

"No, I won't. Haha."

Kazuto then ruffled Misaki's hair again with both hands.

"Gosh, stop messing with my hair!"

Kazuto got hit on the head again so he was deterred from bothering Misaki like that after that.


"I am home."


Misaki finally came home and opened the door when suddenly she was greeted by Natsu.

"Ohh, Natsu. Yeah, that place is fun. Sorry for leaving you here alone. Next time I'll take you somewhere fun too, okay?"


"Hehe, smart cat..."

Misaki said while stroking his head. Natsu rarely moves and only always sleeps in the shade, he also occasionally annoys Kazuto in one way or another which makes Misaki giggle with their fights. On the other hand, Natsu is also more gentle with Misaki and the children her age around the house, as if he were their guardian. Misaki sometimes think that Natsu does look like someone older than him, but that must be just a fantasy.

"Kuh....When will NASA reply to my message about plans to fly a cat into space."

Meanwhile, the jealous Kazuto was still trying to continue his ridiculous plan that was doomed to fail.

They reach home in the evening. Since Misaki was exhausted passing the time for today, she had no interest in cooking, so they ordered food. After that, she took a shower and headed to her room.

"Okay, how are we going to do it?"

Misaki asked as she stared at the keychain with the snow crystal decoration as she put it on the table.

After that, Misaki took the paper and divided it into 12 parts and then wrote the month in the calendar on each paper.

She did this strange thing not without reason.

"Now, let's look for every possible case connected to the murder of the Shirogane family."

The reason Misaki did this was to investigate the matter of the murder that caused her junior's family to die. She wanted to stop the incident, but she didn't have a clue, so she had to search for the shards bit by bit using her memory. With her strong memory ability to be able to know every detail from hee perspective was a blessing that she had long ago. Therefore, she is always the smartest in the class. And now she will take advantage of her ability to change the future, where she has to know the chain killer incident acted.

She didn't need to know the identity of the culprit, she just needed to know when it happened. It was much easier for her to do that.

"It might give me a headache, but it's a good bet."

It's possible that she didn't find anything because she rarely saw the news or read magazines and other information portals in the past. But we have to keep trying, right?

"Let's Begin...."

Misaki slowly closed her eyes until she reached her subconscious. Inside her own head, Misaki could see a lot of light like stars gathering together like creating a universe by it's own, and all of them were part of her memories throughout her life, both past and present. Slowly, her memories began to flow towards her as she began to search through every crack of the memory of past life. Starting from her childhood life, where it was a fun time before her sister started not getting along with him. Then in middle school where she first became friends with Endou, until her meeting with Shirogane. Misaki swam through it all, but the memories floating in her mind also sometimes made her reminisce about the past without realizing it.

Misaki then stopped in the middle of it all when she felt that it would take her a long time to search if it continued like this. Even with her being here it was quite a headache, she didn't have much time.

It won't work if I search randomly. It will take a long time. She thought.

She decided to focus on the year that might be when it happened in order to speed up the search process.

Shirogane once said that the murder incident was around 2 years back then, so it must be around this time of year. Is this some kind of coincidence?

Misaki continued her search when she was in 3rd grade of middle school. The time at that time was the most likely if her guess was correct.

Landslide....suicide...Earthquake...hurricane.....a popular sushi shop......murder...

Misaki opened one of her eyelids and began to write on a sheet of paper according to the date when the incident occurred. She would just write a story about a murder so she wouldn't feel bother.


The process of quickly replaying all of her memories in one time made Misaki's head hurt, but she had to do it because even if she did it slowly, it only slowed her down, and took 10 times longer. That's why she kept going. Her brain's inability to process the incoming information made her have to feel more headaches.

......New animals at the zoo......Animation studio fire....

Misaki kept looking and looking. Accompanied by her headache, she continued to dig deeper into his memories.

Accident...Tree fell down in the street......

She thought it would take a long time to keep looking for it. But that soon stopped at the moment she looked into one of her memories.

Murder.....victim... with slashes...

Misaki frowned. She suspects that the case is connected due to the traits of the same victim being told, and starts looking for more of the news she's been watching around that time, and sure enough.

"I think this one..."

Just as Misaki was about to check the memory fragments...


Her inner thoughts were cut off and all her consciousness returned.

"Aw! Aw! ...N-Natsu? What's wrong?"

Natsu comes through the door and calls out to her so Misaki's concentration breaks. She felt a throb of pain from her temples as she massaged with her arm due to the side effect of trying to quickly unlock all of her memories.

"What's wrong Natsu?"

She came to Natsu who was standing in front of the door with a smile.


"What, am I sick? No. As you can see, I'm fine."


"No, I'm just a little dizzy. So there's no need to worry. Well, now please don't bother me anymore because I'm studying, okay."

Misaki then gently picked him up and put Natsu outside.

"Have a good night's sleep."

She closed the door after that.

Her smile then turned into an uncomfortable expression as she held her head.

"Ugh... It turns out that trying to remember everything at once has a bigger effect than I thought."

The throbbing in her head became more painful the longer she quickly recalled the past. She needed to take note of that so she wouldn't be careless when tried to do it again. She needs boundaries.

"I actually wanted to continue it because it has come to light, we'll just do it tomorrow. My head might explode if I continue."

She said as she staggering towards bed.

She then positioned herself as comfortably as possible, but thanks to a headache she had trouble sleeping.

"So painful......"

In the end, she was able to sleep after 12 o'clock at night accompanied by discomfort from her head.

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