Reincarnated And Became My Little Sister!!?

Chapter 52: 49. Unexpected things

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In the morning at school.

"Saki-chan, are you okay? Your face looks bad."

"What Sakura said is true, could it be that you are sick?"

At the question of her two friends who sounded worried, Misaki stared at them while holding her aching head.

"No, I'm fine."

She answered in a tone that sounded good.

Last night she has drained hee brain to search into her memories about the serial killer case that occurred and she managed to get some information. But because it was too extorting her mind, her head became so sore that she had to stop it, and even with it, she still had a headache that put her to sleep in the middle of the night.

"Are you sure?"

Shinomiya asked worriedly.

"Yeah. Never mind. I just have a headache."

Misaki replied while smiling cheerfully to stop their worries.

This morning she had done it again, and she had found all the information needed to carry out her plan. Even though she had to have another headache because of that, but for her, this was a cheap price to know the future. Kazuto who also saw her having a headache asked her not to go to school and stay at home. However Misaki vehemently refused because to her it was only a small matter.

"Okay then....But if you feel something or anything bad please let us know, okay?"

Even though they still looked worried, they did their best not to show it because Misaki looked stubborn.

"Yes, I understand."

She replied with a wry smile. Seeing her friends so caring made her happy.

"Ohh, by the way Saki-chan. Where did you buy that keychain? It looks so beautiful. I want to buy it too!"

Sakura said when she saw the bag that Misaki used had accessories in the form of snow crystals with sparkling eyes.

"This? This was a gift from someone yesterday. I also looked for where this was sold around but couldn't find it."

She held the keychain and was still wondering where Shirogane bought it from.

"Heehhh, too bad..."

Sakura was a little disappointed when she heard that.

"...By the way, who gave it to you? Let's say it, let's say it!"

But her eyes sparkled again when asked curiously.

That overwhelmed Misaki, especially since she felt that she would be drawn into a conversation she didn't want. However, she couldn't lie when she looked into those eyes that wanted to hear everything.

"Yesterday Onii-chan and I went out to see the newly opened aquarium in the Tokyo area, and..."

Misaki recounted her experience yesterday. Starting from going to the aquarium, find and carried a stray child, a surprising meeting between herself and Shirogane, until she was given the keychain.

Hearing all that, Sakura continued to make a smirk as she looked at Misaki which made her uncomfortable.

And when the story is over.

"Hee....So, finally Saki-chan is interested in someone!!"

That's what she said.

Misaki actually wanted to scream to deny it, but that would surely make her misunderstand even more, and again, Misaki still had a headache that made her just smile wryly in response.

"Definitely not like that. We've just met and have become friends, that's all."

But Sakura insisted on denying it.

"No, that's impossible! After all, Saki-chan has always rarely interacted with strangers, and this is the first time I've heard of you seeming quite close to a boy other than your brother and Endou-senpai."

"...And Saki-chan also seems happy when talking about someone! So I'm sure you're interested in him, right?!"

"I-Is that so?"

Hearing Sakura's explanation filled with enthusiasm made her not know what to say.

Besides, I was able to get close to him because we used to interact in the past, and I'm also glad that his personality hasn't darkened yet.

On the other hand, she couldn't answer those two reasons to them because they were related to her past life.

"It's true, right?! Right?!"

So, she could only turn to deaf to Sakura's question who was so eager to hear the answer.


"Misaki, why did we come all the way here? Is there anything you want to buy?"

Kazuto asked with a curious look on his face while walking together.

After all, he was suddenly asked by Misaki to accompany her somewhere. And they arrived at the residential district after taking the train 2 times in a row, and taking the bus once.

"Eh... I guess?"

Misaki who couldn't give an answer had an unconvincing look. She actually came here with the intention of investigating this area to do some mapping in her head because this place was the starting place for the person who killed the Shirogane family to commit murder, or that it was reported in the past. Actually it was still quite a long, but she needed to prepare her plan to run smoothly.

And because of that problem, she couldn't tell Kazuto about it.

"What's with that answer?"

Kazuto was getting more and more confused by that answer. But immediately ignored it as he asked her another question.

"By the way, how about your headache. Has it subsided?"

"Y-Well, a little."

Misaki answered while averting her gaze.

Honestly, that's a lie. The headache still hadn't subsided at all, and was only getting worse. Even walked it felt like the earth was experiencing a natural disaster with every step she took accompanied by a throbbing in her head. Because of that, she didn't dare to let go of her hold hand on Kazuto's arms, thinking she could fall at any moment.

"Stop lying. Your skin color looks bad, your steps are wobbly too."

To Kazuto who was looking at her dubiously, Misaki continued to lie to him by making the best smile as possible. She couldn't make hin worry too much.

"It's fine, I told you my head isn't so dizzy anymore."

"...If that's the case. But please, don't push yourslelf."

Kazuto stopped chasing the matter so easily that Misaki heaved a sigh of relief.

They continued walking after that, until a surprising meeting happened.


"Eh? Shirogane!"

Misaki screamed in surprise when she met Shirogane at an intersection. It was unexpected for her to meet here.

"What a surprise to see you here again. What are you doing? By the way is this your brother?"

She asked with a natural smile.

Kazuto looked at her as like to ask, "Do you know him?".

"Uhh, yes. Introducing this is my brother, Kazuto Tomoe."

Kazuto looked back at him with a friendly smile as he nodded lightly.


"And Onii-chan, he was the one who escorted me back when we parted ways at the aquarium the previous day. His name is Shirogane Hisashi."

Shirogane then bowed to him.

"Nice to meet you, Senior. My name is Shirogane Hisashi. Call me by any name."


Kazuto wondered why he was called that.

"Are we in the same school?"

Shirogane shook his head.

"No, but it's because you're older than me that I called you that. Could it be bothering you?"

He asked with a troubled smile.

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"Uhh, no. Call me in a way that makes you comfortable. By the way, thanks for helping my sister earlier, she's an awkward kid so it's hard to interact with strangers. But she seems quite comfortable with you."

For some reason the last note contained jealousy when Kazuto glanced at Misaki, so she looked at him with a questioning look.

Is there something on my face?

Kazuto's gaze silently returned to the mysterious child in front of him.

Who is this kid, how can he be close to Misaki? Besides, that strange smile seemed to be hiding something.

Kazuto felt suspicious, but he stopped caring for now because he didn't sense any malicious intent from him.

"Haha, no need to thank me. After all, she also helped my sister earlier so it's even worth it. By the way Misaki, are you sick? You look pale."

Shirogane asked in a worried tone.

"N-No, I'm fine. But what about you? Do you have some sort of business here?"

Misaki became curious because after thinking about it, the direction of Shirogane's house with this place was completely reversed.

"Ahh, I used to buy a cake every few days. I did it because my sister really likes it, and it's really popular around here."

Shirogane replied with a happy smile as he raised one of his hands that was carrying a plastic bag filled with boxes.

Kuh, that smile again... How could I not help him if that smile had to disappear due to the loss of his family. Misaki thought who was slightly fixated on his smile.

"Ahh, could it be that you came here because you wanted to buy the cake? If you want just take some of mine."

"A-Ah, y-yes. We did come to buy it. And I must decline your offer, after all we have other things to do there."

Misaki stuttered. After all, that wasn't her original purpose, but she needed a reason to come here so no one would suspect.

"Hey, is that so?"

"Yes. Then see you Shirogane. Let's go, Onii-chan!"

"Okay, okay."

Misaki then hastily grabbed Kazuto's arm who had been silent for a long time and had only been staring at Shirogane since earlier.

"See you Misaki, see you too Senior!"

Shirogane watched them leave as he continued to make a faint smile.

"Hmm, strange."

However that expression disappeared followed by his eyes turning sharp as they vanished from his sight.

"Misaki sure is lying, but why are they here too? I was a little surprised when I felt the bead signal nearby."

He was silent for a moment while trying to think.

"I also never heard information from Senior that he was here, because otherwise he might already know about 'that' information with his memory skills."

He narrowed his eyes at Misaki and Kazuto disappeared.

"Misaki who has a different personality as well as Senior who has a brighter mood...... Could it be that the future is changing in a way I don't know or......"

Several fallen leaves fell from their stems and were about to fall on Shirogane's head. But before that happened, the leaves froze and split into thousands of pieces and then evaporated like smoke as like they didn't exist in the first place.

"...One of them is a reincarnator."


No one replied to his words because he was alone. But he had reached a conclusion in his mind.

He then turned around and his expression changed to normal where he flashed a friendly smile that made anyone who saw him comfortable with it.

"Whatever. It's not like they're going to be a variable in my plans."


"Is he the one who helped you yesterday?"

Kazuto asked Misaki.

"Hmm? Yes. But what's with that pout of yours?"

"It is nothing."

Kazuto replied curtly.

Ehh.... He's really sulking. Wait, what's the reason he's like that? Misaki asked in her heart with a feeling of surprise. She felt that she had done nothing wrong to him.

But before Misaki could figure something out, Kazuto spoke to her.

"So that's why you came here. To steal the cookie recipe, huh."

"Y-Yes— Who are you talking about stealing the recipe from?!"

It was a lie that she came here to buy cake. It's just that it came to mind because of her meeting with Shirogane earlier.

"Pfft. I can't believe it. You'll be making it at home soon after this is over."

Kazuto replied with a slight laugh. It seems the mood has returned a little by teasing Misaki.

“Th-That, I was just trying to see if I could come up with such a thing or not!”

Now it was Misaki's turn to frown. Her annoyed expression accompanied by puffing out her cheeks made Kazuto want to poke the red dot on his face. Now the mood has completely returned.

For some reason his meeting with the child earlier made him a little uneasy. He felt an inexplicable dangerous feeling from him. But that might just be his imagination. Besides, he's just Misaki's friend. Although he also felt that there was something odd about it, because Misaki somehow got along easily with him.

He actually wanted to keep the boy away from Misaki, but it wasn't his style to do something like that. Moreover, Misaki would probably hate him if he found out.

"Hmph. Just watch out if you ask for it later when I make it at home."

Despite saying those words, Misaki was glad that Kazuto's mood was back to normal.

“Hahaha, alright, alright, forgive me for that. As an apology, let me pay for the cake this time then.”

"Well, that's my Onii-chan."

Misaki said with a big smile. She became happier because there was no need for her to pay.

Let's squeeze Kazuto's wallet! She cried in her heart.

But it didn't last long when her headache suddenly got worse.

"Kughh... My head...."

Misaki's head suddenly felt heavy as if there were tens of kilograms of iron piled on top of it. And his eyes became dizzy followed by a darkening of her vision.

.....Why is this suddenly like this?

Misaki who didn't understand the situation couldn't figure out anything.

Her nose also felt hot, like something was coming out of it, so she checked with her hand.


What came out of her nose is blood as she watched her hands dyed red.

How…… Can….. My nose…… Kugh! My head feels like it's going to explode....

"Hmm? Misaki, why are you slowing down?"

Her steps had become so slow that she couldn't keep up with Kazuto's steps, her consciousness also felt like she was about to disappear due to the excruciating headache she was experiencing.

Her body started to wobble and couldn't keep her balance until she finally fell towards Kazuto.

Just what happened.... How.... Why....

What really happened to me? She herself didn't know how or why this had arisen, but what was clear was that her body was in a very bad state right now.

She then looked at Kazuto who had become extremely panicked because he had learned of the situation. She seemed to be in his arms at the moment.

"— Misa—ki!"

His voice faltered, Misaki couldn't hear clearly. But she was sure that Kazuto was really worried about her.

"Onii..... Chan...... No.. Need..."

Before she could convey her words, Misaki's vision had already darkened completely followed by her consciousness being cut off.

She wanted to say there was no need to worry about her, because she didn't want to see the person she wanted to see happy be sad. But her words was not conveyed properly.

Now only darkness surrounds her. Something she feared and hated the most.

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