Reincarnated And Became My Little Sister!!?

Chapter 53: 50. Misaki In Hospital?!

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In a world that only darkness appear, Misaki found herself huddled alone. She can't feel anyone in there and made her scare.

It's dark.......... Everything is too dark......

She was so scared. Darkness is one of the things she fears the most after reincarnating, because before returning to the past and becoming Misaki, she was trapped in a world of endless darkness.

As like the darkness itself was her world, where there was no one around and only herself there, Misaki continued to cower in fear.

Dark... Dark... Dark... Dark... Dark... Dark... Dark... Dark... Dark... Dark...

Somebody........ Help me...

Misaki screams to seeking for help, but no one responded to her voice.

She wanted to get help, but no one was there. There were only her sobs echoing in the endless darkness.

Time passed so slowly there, dhe didn't know how long she had been there. Her vocal cords are already hoarse, the sound she makes will only hurt herself. Misaki was so desperate that she thought she might be here forever.


"No, it's not time for you to come through here. Not now."

That mysterious voice, which came from nowhere, dispelled all the darkness around her and brightened Misaki's vision until she narrowed her eyes without knowing what was happening.

And slowly after that....


"Mmh.... Where..."

Misaki slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes stared at the unfamiliar room. She was finally able to see something again after being trapped in that dark world.

She had no recollection of what had happened to bring her here.


Misaki looked to the side when she realized that someone was beside her.

It's Kazuto.

She looked at Kazuto who was sitting beside her bed with his head resting on his arm which was used as a pillow.

He fell asleep.

All the fears that had occurred in her subconscious seemed to be forgotten when she saw him comfortably sleeping beside her.

But his sleeping style is unhealthy. If he continued like this, he will probably have hunchback before he grew old. Misaki thought as she looked at him.

Kazuto must have been so worried about her that made he had to stay here. Misaki felt guilty for having to make him like that. She saw her hand being held tightly as like he would never be let it go.


A familiar animal voice sounded in her ears from the other side. Misaki then looked at the source and it turned out to be Natsu, who was sitting on his stomach on a chair and looking at her.

"... Natsu. You're worried about me too, aren't you. Sorry."

The cat stood up and jumped onto the bed and stroked Misaki's cheek with its front paw instead of answering. If he could talk like a human, he would probably say, "Take care of yourself first and stay lying down, little girl." Unfortunately, he is a cat now.

"...Are we in the hospital?"

At her question, Natsu nodded.

Misaki had guessed that when she saw her left hand in the IV.

If it's like this, then my situation might be bad. Misaki thought.

She glanced out the window and saw the sky already dark.

The clock on the wall showed 11:30 pm. Which means it's past dinner time. Misaki wanted to know if Kazuto had eaten something.

She was about to stand up, but when she tried...


A headache immediately came over her with a feeling of dizziness until her body fell down weakly. Her head felt like it was being stabbed with needles, causing her to groan in pain.

"Nyaa, nyaa..."

Natsu became worried and seemed to say, "Don't move yet." to her.


Hearing that voice, Kazuto finally woke up from his sleep.

"Are you awake?"

Kazuto rubbed his sleepy eyes before looking at Misaki again with wide eyes.

"How are you? You suddenly had a nosebleed and then you fainted, so I took you to the hospital. I was really worried, you know."

Kazuto looked worried while holding her hand tightly. Misaki who suddenly had a nosebleed and fainted clearly made him very panicked at that time. He could barely think straight as he took her on the way to the hospital.

Misaki understood his anxiety by seeing how his face was filled with a worried expression. He even still wears his school uniform which shows he doesn't pay attention to himself.

"Sorry, my head suddenly got really hurt and everything went black. So I don't know what happened. It must be troublesome for Onii-chan to carry me."

Kazuto shook her head to refute Misaki's words.

"What do you mean? It's my responsibility to take care of you as your brother. Just because you're sick doesn't mean you're a burden."

"Say that when you regularly clean the house to help me."

Misaki chose to joke around a bit to remove this ugly atmosphere. She couldn't keep making him feel worried.

Hearing that, Kazuto laughed awkwardly so Misaki made a wry smile. After all, he was indeed just do a little help when he think about the past.

"You just thought of something impolite, didn't you."

"Not really."

Misaki replied with a slight giggle when she saw Kazuto's slightly irritated expression. His intuition was still pretty good even at a pointless thing.

"Has Onii-chan told our parents about this?"

Misaki asked nervously while biting her lip. She didn't want them to worry about her being in the hospital.

"No, I haven't had a chance to call them because of some procedures to made you have to stay a few days in the hospital for a while. Do you want me to call them?"

"No, please keep this as a secret. I don't want them to worry and interfere their work."

They might as well go straight to home when they hear it and it will interfere their job. But this matter might soon be discovered when seeing Kazuto's odd use of money. But at least it will be when they have free time. Misaki thought.

Kazuto sighed seeing her worrying about unnecessary things. But he heard her request.

"Okay. But please rest more and don't push yourself. And call me when you need something, understand?"


Misaki smiled faintly as she answered.

He's too chatty. Misaki said in her heart.

But she felt happy because it showed how worried Kazuto was.

"And how are you now, is anyone sick?"

"When I tried to stand up earlier my head was throbbing and my eyes were a bit dizzy too. It seems that it was because I didn't follow Onii-chan's advice that made it got worse."

Misaki laughed bitterly at her state. This probably wouldn't have happened if she had checked herself into the hospital earlier.

"I'll tell the nurse about this later."

Kazuto replied as he gently stroked Misaki's head, afraid that it might add to his headache if he put too much pressure on her. It gave Misaki some comfort with hhee half-closed eyes as evidence.

The think of herself dying in the dreamland earlier seemed to strain her nerves.

"Onii-chan, how important do you think I am to you?"

The question slipped out of her mouth without her even realizing it.

Maybe this is the dream effect too. She thought.

Kazuto had a momentarily confused expression upon hearing Misaki's sudden question.

"What's that question for, of course you're very important to me. If you weren't around, it's like I lost my rib, you know."

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That's not a line you should say to your own sister... Misaki wanted to say it, but stopped.

"I see... Relieved to hear that."

Misaki lifted her arm and caressed Kazuto's cheek then started to pinch him a little. A feeling of heat and slightly fatty skin was transmitted from her hands.

"What are you doing?"

Kazuto tilted his head in confusion at hier actions.

"Nothing. Just... To think that what's going on here isn't real for a while."

The dream she had just now made her feel that this was an illusion. She thought that she had experienced death considering what had happened to her in the past after being struck by lightning. She was relieved that this was reality.

"What do you mean, then at least pinch yourself instead of me."

Kazuto looked at her with an amused face because he thought her actions were unreasonable.

"I don't want to feel pain."

"So I have to be your victim for that?"

"That's how it is."

Misaki replied with a small laugh.

Then she stopped pinching him and folded her arms across her chest. Somehow she felt tired and wanted to sleep again. Even though she just woke up.

"Are you sleepy?"

Misaki nodded. She couldn't maintain her consciousness any longer.

And so far she didn't dare to get out of bed because her headache became a nuisance and will added to Kazuto's anxiety.

"Then go to sleep. I'll sit here and watch you."

Kazuto said as he continued to gently rub her head. It gave Misaki a feeling of relaxation as she slowly closed her eyes.

"Won't leave me...?"

Misaki asked in a hoarse voice. She was too afraid to be alone because of her nightmare. She felt like she would be swallowed up by the darkness if sje was alone here.

Sensing the anxiety in her trembling voice, Kazuto answered softly.

"No, I will stay with you here."

I actually feel bad for being a bit spoiled. But it's okay! After all I'm a child at an age that still needs to be looked after…… Yes, a child who is at least 30 years old! Misaki exclaimed and mocked herself inwardly while calculating her own age if counting the past.

"Thank you... I'll sleep first then."

Her eyes were perfectly closed as Kazuto's image disappeared from her sight.

Misaki finally fell back asleep.

A faint exhalation came out with the same rhythm as her peaceful face. But a slight frown could be seen between her eyebrows.

Staring at her like that, Kazuto sighed heavily. He was clearly very worried about Misaki's condition.

Especially considering the conversation he had with the doctor earlier.


Back to the time where Kazuto had arrived at the hospital and handed Misaki over to be treated.

"What about my sister's condition, Doctor."

Kazuto asked frantically. It had been several hours since he had taken her to the hospital. And as time passed, his anxiety grew so much that he circled around the corridor. And the doctor who examined Misaki came out which made him impatient to find out how his sister condition.

"...I'm not sure how to explain this."

The person Kazuto asked had a strange and confused expression on her face when she was about to speak.

He felt that the worst situation had occurred that despair filled his heart.

"Don't tell....."

But the doctor's next words gave him hope.

"I didn't say your sister was dead, so you can rest easy. She's in good condition. There were no injuries or illnesses that we could find on her. But..."


Kazuto was getting more and more curious since the doctor always held back her words when she wanted to explain something. She seemed to have a hard time pronouncing it.

"This is unprecedented in the medical world, but your sister was already brain dead when you brought her here."

Kazuto didn't really know what it mean.

"In other words?"

"Sorry for being rude, but your sister should have died if that happened."

Said her with a straight face.

Kazuto couldn't help but be surprised to hear that. Misaki's situation is much worse than he thought!

You mean Misaki is almost on the red line? Even though so far she has shown no other symptoms of illness other than the headache she's been experiencing since this morning.

"With her brain dead, her internal organs should also stop functioning, and that's been the case since you brought her here."

"We were about to declare that your sister has died after many attempts to save her life. However, a miracle happened."

"The brain that was supposed to be dead has come back to life and is starting to work, her internal organs are also working again as like nothing had happened which surprised us greatly. This is the first time someone has been able to resurrect from a dead brain."

The doctor had a dumbfounded expression on her face as she continued to tell the story as like she had seen a miracle for the first time.

But Kazuto didn't really care about that when he asked how is Misaki's condition now.

"Sorry, I'm a little excited. You can visit her now. But please don't be too loud or disturb her because she's still unconscious. We'll also be moving her to a more comfortable room soon."

Kazuto felt very relieved to hear that. He felt that the weight in his heart had been lifted. As long as she's okay, that's enough.

He thanked to het and was about to walk towards Misaki's room, but the doctor stopped him when she grabbed his shoulder. A serious expression radiated from her when Kazuto glanced.

"This may blow your hopes up a bit, but as a doctor I can't hide it."

"What she's going through today might happen in the future. We don't know the cause ourselves, but if a dead brain suddenly comes back to happen, it will cause a jolt to his head that will weigh on her as well. And it could impair memory, or even the motor nerves. So watch that girl closely. That's all from me."

The doctor then removed his shoulder and left him there alone. The sound of footsteps echoed in the silent and deserted corridor due to the late night, adding weight to Kazuto's mind with each step............


Kazuto looked back at Misaki as he stopped remembering the diagnosis from the previous doctor.

"What exactly happened to you, Misaki."

No one answered his question other than he heard Misaki's steady breathing and the clock on the wall ticking every second.

"By the way Cat, stop staring at my face with that expression like someone who's mentally ill."

Kazuto said to Natsu who had a straight face as he looked at him. Kazuto somehow felt he was being ridiculed because the cat looked annoying.

Natsu just yawned at him as he returned to his seat from Misaki's bed. He didn't really care about his words as he still stared at Kazuto dryly.

"You are...."

Kazuto didn't know what to do in front of this impudent cat. Apart from being nice to Misaki and her girl friends, he always looked at him and Endou flatly. It's obvious this cat is a lolicon!

If Natsu heard this, he would probably protest because he was only taking care of the children, and he didn't think Kazuto was someone who needed his care.

"I wonder when the next rocket launch mission for space life for animals will be. This cat should have passed if I registered him."

He still hasn't given up on throwing Natsu into space.

He will never know that his plan will never work because the animals that sent to space are just monkeys, not cats that have the same shape from it legs.

Therefore, Natsu can relax to sleep. Leaving Kazuto alone with his mind wandering wildly.

Come to think of it, how could he come and infiltrate here. Didn't I leave him at home while retrieving things in a hurry while saying Misaki was in hospital to him? When and how was he here?

Kazuto wondered in confusion. But he stopped caring because he thought he was only thinking pointless things.

The night dragged on as Kazuto kept worrying about Misaki's state in his mind.

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