Reincarnated as a mana core

Chapter 25: Chapter 23

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Argul woke up lying on something soft and comfortable. Not being one to think everything had been a dream she cracked open an eyelid and got a glance of white fur. She closed her eye again and hugged her daughter a bit tighter. She made a good body pillow in Argul’s opinion. There was no way Argul would leave something this comfortable for boring work.

Alyra turned her head and eyed her mother, who was using her as a glorified body pillow after drooling on her for half a night. Alyra would fight back! She began to nuzzle Argul’s large ears, which made her mother really comfortable. It was time, Alyra thought solemnly and then dragged her wet tongue over Argul’s naked back.


Argul’s heaven was destroyed in less than a second as something slimy and wet touched her back. She shrieked in surprise and jumped up, promptly falling over herself. Argul landed in an awkward position and looked up, into the face of Arthur. She blushed into the awkward silence, which did not help her.


Arthur, known for his incredible people skills, took one of their wooden cups and handed it over to Argul. She took it expecting it to already be filled, but discovered the cup to be empty. Argul looked at Arthur who was obviously expecting her to do something. She grumbled a bit about unappreciative daughters and stupid men and filled the cup. Satisfied Arthur took the now full cup. “Thank you.”


Argul, origin of mana, water dispenser and former man looked at Arthur unbelieving. That’s not how you treat a lady that had gotten surprise-slobbered by a giant fox a moment ago. She had no idea how to treat a lady herself, but that was not the point right now.


5 minutes later Arthur was forgiven as Argul happily munched on some meat. She took Mia with her and searched for a person who knew how to craft clothes. It took them a bit of time until someone pointed them in the direction of the forest to look for a person called Viola.


Argul spotted a group of three women and waved to them. “Hello! Is there a person called Viola with you?” The three looked up and one of them with fiery red hair raised her hand. “That would be me. Good day to you. You must be Argul and Mia, right?”

“Yup, that’s us!” Mia hid herself behind Argul and Argul took her hand reassuring. “We were told you know how to make clothes, so I wanted to ask a few things.”


Viola did indeed know how to make clothes and told Argul she needed flax to produce linen, but they had not been able to discover anything similar till now.

Argul then got a description of flax and took off to the river. It was time to get the people some clothes. Those that had been from the town were already better off, but they still had nothing like linen clothes.


On the way to the river Mia constantly needled Argul and asked about what they were going to do. Argul always found ways around answering the question, much to the displeasure of Mia. 


Once they were at the river she told Mia to be silent for a minute and got to work creating some flax. It was a lot more difficult for Argul as she couldn’t just use ribm outside of her domain. She had to use something already there and modify it, which she now did with the grass near the river. Mia looked in awe as the plant the red haired lady had described grew in front of her.


“Can you also make blueberries?” Mia had to ask, she loved blueberries. Argul looked at her in thought. “If you let Viola know that there is something like flax near the river, without telling anybody that I created it I will make you some.” Mia looked at Argul for another second and then took off to complete her mission.


Argul got herself an axe and continued to work on her woodcutting. She was not really good, but her strength and agility helped her a lot.



Half of the wooden palisade was finished and people started to lay foundations for their homes. Someone had found something similar to flax, but there was not a lot of the plant and it looked like it grew there randomly. This caused people to watch it like hawks, making sure that they could cultivate them to have some real clothes.


People were still sent out as scouts and it came to a few battles with monsters. One scout group had discovered mountains far to the south and there were some more hills to the east. The forest the group was in was connected to the mountains, but otherwise mostly surrounded by grassland. They had not found any more survivors.



Argul watched as the last tree inside the palisade fell. It had been two days since she created flax and blueberries. People had started constructing their own homes and she wanted to do that too. Not construct her home mind you. Argul had magic, so what other option was there than to live wood elf style?


Alyra had saved them a plot of land and Fia got to choose the kind of tree they would live in. The tree would have to be very big as Argul wanted to be able to walk around as a fox inside her home. She already had ideas for windows, as Argul had already created crystallin plants on her 4th floor. The kitchen would be fireproof.


Mia had created a plan and there would be a living room and a kitchen on the first floor. On the second floor there were rooms for every one of them and a second smaller and more cozy living room. Argul added a bathroom to the second floor. The living room on the first floor was going to be huge.


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Argul then spent all her time growing their tree home. She adjusted it here and there and would later be able to change things as she could just make the tree grow the way she wanted. Still as the tree was massive it was really slow going.


People also caught on where the flax had likely come from. You couldn’t hide a gigantic tree growing in a few days, especially not one with grown in glas windows you could open. The group did not hide it anymore either, but denied any requests for vegetables and such.


Once the Tree was fully grown Argul told people that if somebody made her and Fia some clothes, she would create a few vegetables for the village. The tree though was truly massive. It had a few big branches Argul had made accessible that you could use like a balcony. She had even managed to tone the grow the glas in a way that made one unable to look inside from the outside. Argul was really proud of her creation and Mia was super excited.


The next thing Argul did was grow furniture for them and then cut them off the tree so you could move them. Fia wanted to be responsible for the garden and Argul had promised her to complete one reasonable request a day until it was finished. Maintenance Fia would then have to do herself.


Argul’s and Alyra’s room stayed basically bare for now, except for a few furs on the floor. Fia had a bed and a simple desk in her chair for now. There just weren’t any luxury products available. Mia went all out with her room and besides her bed and a desk there were a lot of places for her to climb and sit on. She really enjoyed climbing, much like a squirrel would. Argul found it cute, so she obliged.


She had also continued creating more things on her two lowest floors and added 6 more coral plants and 4 variants of fish on the sixth floor. The seventh floor got 2 different kinds of shells added and some kind of sea cucumber. The sea cucumber was an embarrassment for Argul, as it would actually shoot a white sticky substance if you stroked it. Alyra teased her a lot with that thing and Argul just couldn’t ignore it and always blushed. Aina always came and comforted her when it happened, which Argul found really nice. Aina also always slept with Argul in her room...


Argul woke up with a sense of excitement. She had always slept in her fox body in their house, but until now she had not shown this form to Mia. That would change today! She stood up and walked to her not door. She had grown vines as doors, so it was more of a curtain. It was still dark outside, so Mia likely wasn’t awake yet.


Alyra looked out of her room and grinned at her mother. Argul slowly and silently prowled towards Mia’s room. Then she sneaked inside, seeing Mia still sleeping deep and sound. Argul walked up to Mia and looked down on her, then she bared her teeth and growled. That was going to be funny!



Mia woke up looking at the teeth of a monstrous silver fox that was growling down at her. The last time something like this happened she had been locked by fear, but this time her flight instinct took hold and she climbed up to the highest possible point inside her room in a split second. She had no idea what was going on and hoped Argul would come and save her.


“Has someone been a naughty girl lately?” The fox growled in a deep feminine voice. “I’m sorry, all the kids know that Argul has created blueberries because I told them! Please don’t eat me!!” Mia blurted out, not even thinking about all the leads that pointed to the fox being Argul.



Argul looked at Mia for a second and then began to laugh, not trying to hide her identity anymore. Alyra laughed as well, but Mia did not. She just stared for a while and then started crying. That had been mean!


Argul somehow managed to get Mia down to her and apologized profusely to Mia, who was then allowed to ride on and cuddle Argul for the rest of the day as long as they were inside their house. Playing that prank on Mia had truly not been very mature of Argul, not that she was acting all that mature all the time.


They had a nice breakfast and then Mia had a lot of fun using Argul as a playground. Afterwards Argul in turn got a nice massage as Mia tried to make her purr. The purring in her fox form had a lot more power and made the whole area around Argul vibrate. Aina noticed this and promptly joined Mia in caressing Argul’s fur. Argul and Aina were in heaven and Mia had a lot of fun making long sounds with her mouth while her whole body vibrated.


Sometime around noon Argul grew a hedge around their plot of land, making it even harder to get a view of the group from the outside. Growing the hedge took a few hours. The hedge elated Fia immensely. The Vulpirin had had similar plants, but they had never been as perfect as the thing Argul had grown.


That night Mia slept on Argul. She had argued that the day wasn’t over yet and she was still allowed to spend time on Argul. Argul had never said no and wouldn’t have said no if Mia had just asked, but Mia hadn’t given her any time to answer before presenting her argument. Argul was just super comfortable and fluffy, so Mia had to take the opportunity.


This is not the whole of planet Erod, just a rather small part.


For the poll:

We want a large snail that goes to the sixth floor, clears a medium-sized island by eating everything and then returns to the deep sea to procreate!

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