Reincarnated as a mana core

Reincarnated as a mana core

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Reincarnated as a mana core

Review: 9/10 from 20 ratings

Before Carl woke up as a mana core he had lost his will to live. He got banished from his old universe for his ability to produce mana and his new one imprisoned him in his own dungeon upon his arrival.
Now with a new name and somehow even a daughter he got a second chance in life as the only being known in existence that produces mana. With a meaning in life and a daughter to entertain Argul wants to make the most out of this second chance. Where will the journey take him? Well, we will see!

This is the first time that I write anything on the scale of a book/novel and I am not a native english speaker, so the tense might be a bit wobbly and some things might just sound really odd for you. I can take some critic on my writing though, as I am aware that I'm not that good at it. I know where I want to go with my story, but as I have no script I have a lot of freedom.

I write this story for fun, but now I will have somewhat of a schedule! Ha! I will change between writing this story and my other story depending on how I feel like and on what I want to work more, but I will upload at least one chapter for each of them every 4 days. Thanks for reading!

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